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The forum will have some maintenance done in the next couple of months. We have also made a decision concerning AI art in the art section.

Please see this post for more details.

So what can I do about it?


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Hey all!

Of lately I've been getting more and more critique on my writing style, youtube videos and drawings than I would like to. I sadly enough cannot handle critique at all and it tends to make me feel quite sad in the end.

So my question to you is... How do you handle critique? How do you respond, or make yourself feel better..?


  • Hatchling
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Well, not everyone on youtube is worth listening to, number one.  Number two, you choose to listen to what critique you feel will make you better at the craft and ignore the rest.  You can never please everyone, remember that before you get too down on yourself. ;)


  • Chomper
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I don't
When Malte written about how much he dislikes Stone of Cold Fire I just left forum for very long time.


  • Chomper
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If you can take by critique-obscene messages like"You stupid russian.stop downloading lbt songs on russian-it's sucks"-so i just ignore it.At first time-it hurts,but now i I don't pay attention to it.
I think the main is "what" you think about it...


  • The Circle
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It is important to differentiate between real critique and bashing. The later may hurt, but it is really nothing that one ought to worry too much about (unless if oneself is a basher in which case one would be deserving of very harsh criticism indeed). Sometimes it may be difficult to differentiate the two, but usually the most distinct mark of helpful, constructive criticism is that it is precise about what exactly it is that people dislike rather than vague, general statements. Sometimes constructive criticism even comes with outright suggestions about how the critique thinks something could be improved.
Even in case of such constructive criticism however it may well be that the critique just has a different taste than the artist / writer whose work is the subject. In such a case the author should really stick to the personal preferences. Criticism is rarely just "right" or "wrong" as very often it is about matters of taste rather than facts. Constructive criticism usually signals the interest of the reader / viewer in the work of the writer / author which in itself is kind of a praise.

When Malte written about how much he dislikes Stone of Cold Fire I just left forum for very long time.
I think this is very sad as really the last thing I want to is for anyone to leave the forum for not sharing my opinion about a given movie and everyone is entitled to their own views on them.
I have been specific about what it is that I did not like about LBT 7 and I also pointed out the points which I did like.
I cannot with absolute certainty promise that I have never been guilty of bashing myself, but I do think one would have to dig really deep to find a case where I ever said I disliked something without giving my reasons to think so.

On a side note, it is because of the matter of different tastes that I rarely ever read fanfiction and consequently never give feedback on what I didn't read. The truth is that there are but extremely few purely LBT fanfictions out there. My criticism on crossing overs or stories that mix LBT with science fiction elements, warfare for the sake of the entertainment provided by violence and the like would be so basic that it could not be of any help to the authors so I am usually not reading fanfiction.
This opinion of mine on the contents of LBT fanfiction doesn't say anything about the quality. I've read a good part of Jason's "Battle of the Sacret Essences" which is includes elements from LBT, Zelda, and Resident Evil. This mixture really isn't my cup of tea, but seriously his style of writing, of creating suspension, of making great dialogue, and just telling in such a manner that one has a hard time trying to lay aside the story for whatever interruption are way beyond what I have ever managed to come up with and likely ever will come up with.


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When I'm criticized, I take the collective opinions and suggestions (if any) and then try to change my work for the better.  I've never had a lot of people outright bash my work, but then again I give my work my all.  Most people are decent and only criticize when necessary and to help the people.


  • Spike
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I ignore critique the most time. About 70% of the comments on my YouTube Videos contains negative critique (and/or bashing, especially from German users), so I just don't allow to post comments on my videos: " Adding comments has been disabled for this video."

If someone post negative critique like "shitty video", I just delete this comment and ban this user.

If it's negative critique which doesn't contain bashing or swearing (this is really seldom), then I'll try to make things better the next time.


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Yes well I mean actual critique over bashing, I've seen that happen a lot on my youtube videos and can't say I care too much. I wish I could give a clear example of what I mean with critique but I can't seem to find anything right now.


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Peopled don't usually bash my Youtube videos.  Though I only have one video up right now.  You can read some of the comments:


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Personally, I LOVE being critiqued constructively. After such critique, I look back at the art and say "Golly, they're right!" and if I can, I fix it. I find it very helpful when it comes to developing my skills. If it's done in a nice way, it's a perfect way of other people helping you to improve your skills :) .

That, and I find a long critique MUCH better than a simple one-to-three sentences about my art.


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I would agree with you there Ptyra, if they bring it in a nice way and give details I would like it better too.

However I cannot stand it when people only have to say negative things.

Cancerian Tiger

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As for me, I appreciate constructive criticism and take it well.  However, downright bashing and plain negativity are things I find annoying and just ignore.  Or, I might fire back :p.  

I like to post reviews on, and unless it's a LBT hatefic or parody, I keep my reviews as constructive.  I don't believe in things like "You're not cut out for writing."  Anybody, with quality instruction, can learn how to write decently.  To me, it's not how the individual writes, but rather what they decide to write about.  I'll be honest when I say that I have no problem flaming LBT hatefics and parodies.  They're stupid, pointless, usually poorly-constructed and formatted, and only serve to hurt fans.  I try to keep 'em at least somewhat nice, though, 'cuz I don't want to get banned.  Here are two examples of my flames:  

Okay, I hate flaming, but I must be blunt with ya. This was downright stupid! A good parody is very difficult, and this particular one failed miserably to be counted in the "good" parodies. This is not comedy. This is the result of not having anything better to do than post hate material on a site that is for fans only. Oh, yeah. Did I mention the grammar sucks majorly? Seriously, does the word "proofreader" sound familiar? Or "Hooked on Phonics"? And for the record, Spike's not disabled. If ya did your homework and watched the TV series, then you'd understand that he just does not feel like talking but is sharp as a tack indeed. This is absurd in a negative fashion. My final verdict: FAIL!

Uhh... I think you're seriously disturbed. I would not want to be your neighbor. This was terrible, the characters were extremely profane and out of character, the violence was far worse than "Saw," and the murders are impossible 'cuz they go far beyond the laws of physics and nature. Humans are the most complexly designed creatures, and even they cannot do at least half these things with their bare hands. You're sick for writing this, and I hope ya do us all a favor and never post another hatefic on this site again.

Good thing I was not in a bad mood when I posted these :p.


  • Ducky
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Hmm...I'm not sure if I can hande criticism. Yet, at the same time I would rather have someone tell me the truth about something and give helpful tips to improve than have someone lie and inform me that something is great.  

There is a difference between constructive criticism and flames.  On the TLKFAA, I do get constructive crit and I've seen people who flame others.  Flaming isn't remotely helpful and makes the person feel really upset to the extent that they don't want to continue anymore.  


  • Petrie
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I know exactly what you mean Mumbling, a little secrete of mine is I hate being criticized in any way.  It always feels like a hit to the gut and when I post chapters to TEB I actually avoid reading any of the comments for about a day, since it takes about that long to work up the courage to do so.  Eventually I find the only thing I can do is to suck it up, read it, let the embarrassment and hurt pass, then work to make sure I don't have to experience that criticism again.  Its really all I can do.


  • The Circle
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Everyone is a critic in their own right. Everyone always has an opinion on something and everyone's entitled to one. As already stated, there is a difference between critiquing something and just flaming/bashing it needlessly. A critic should at least have a loose understanding on the background of whatever they're ranting about (i.e. experienced the medium in some way). Bashing isn't cool coz it's just a hateful expression of malice that is normally based on nothing more than prejudice or inexperience. To which, I can easily ignore such actions and never break stride coz comments like that are worth less than nothing.

As for me, I've been a subject always open to critique (again as long as it is to point out something that evidently needs improving). Of course, it's always nice to hear a little nice praise every now and again (a "good job" or pat on the back always boosts confidence) but I can take the good with the bad. I've constantly been critiqued on my fanfic writing (most of which I will admit has been positive) but others have helped me by offering points of view that could improve areas and generate a more effective impact. I take it all with a pinch of salt and bear in mind what is said but at the end of the day, it's down to you as the creator to decide where your creative piece goes. As long as you can sort the meaningful critics from the flamers then I'd say you are on to a winner. That's what you put your pieces on display for. For viewers to have an opinion on it.


  • Jedi Knight
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Critique for me is divided up into two sections: Factual and Opinion-based. The factual criticism, like misspellings, incorrect grammar, etc. I usually attempt to correct upon being informed, unless it's extremely minor. Opinion-based stuff, on the other hand, is what I have to think about. It all depends on whether or not the suggestion coincides with what you want your work to be like. Sometimes, suggestions can be great things, with reviewers bringing in new ideas you hadn't ever considered. Other times, they're just harmless imaginings sprouting from the mind of one of your readers/viewers.

People can get really opinionated and forceful about their idea of what your work should be like (including myself, on occasion, though I try to keep myself in check), but you have to remember this: it is YOUR work. If they have an idea that you don't feel like using, then that person can go off and create their own work the way they want to. Ultimately, it is your choice.

Paradise Bird

  • Petrie
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You mean criticism that goes like this,.....
you suck
If that is so I may teach you some stuff I know.
1.First go to their channel and thank them for their comment and say you are sorry they don't like the vid
2.Wait for a while 2 outcomes

1 outcome
shut up
Hey lady I'm sorry I was just dissed that day you are great

The Friendly Sharptooth

  • Ducky
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I am rather fond of constructive criticism. While it does at times come with a negative feeling as well, I do value receiving it. When you put everything into a project and people come along pointing out errors, it can be a bit disheartening. Still, I am glad to know what I did wrong/ what I can improve.

You might say criticism is like vitamins. Pop them in your mouth and igh! Your tongue starts wondering why it's being punished. Then the stuff starts working and your body's performance improves, and you are glad you consumed them. While constructive criticism can be awkward at first, it's the results that matter. If I- no, when I- make errors and do not see them, I would much rather being told as soon as possible than have errored work up for a long time.

When people give it, I appreciate that they are taking their time to point things out to me. If my work was nothing them, I doubt they would try to improve it. I read a comic strip a few years ago. A girl painted a horrendous picture and posted it publicly to sell. Her parents knew the picture was bad, so they separately disguised themselves as customers and tried to buy the painting so others wouldn't come along and make fun. Each didn't know the other was, so they ended up fighting over the picture til their disguises came off and the girl found out. Well, the parents wouldn't tell their daughter the picture was bad, so their daughter was led to believe they just really wanted the painting, so she never improved, but felt very happy. You can avoid being hurt in such a way by turning feedback off, but then you are likely to miss out on ways to improve, should there be any.

Constructive criticism is good to get because people are usually biased about their own work. When you put your heart into something, you can be blinded to its flaws. When I was thirteen, I wrote a several chapters of a story, and thought it was amazing. I even thought about getting it published some day. My father read it to the family, as I wanted to see what they thought and hear what it sounded like. While I enjoyed it, every member of my family said it was extremely boring. Though it did not feel good to hear that, I took their words and began anew, and have gotten numerous compliments on round two. If my family had told me they liked it, I would have continued all these years writing a boring story, wasting my time. Criticism is good, sometimes even better from non friends and family because you can get an unbiased opinion.

Some people on youtube are a bit overpicky, I must say. You will found those with the "You missed a spot" attititude everywhere. It is also embarrasing for many when such remarks apear publicly so all can see where one could have improved. That is the risk you are accetping though when allowing feedback. You can get good and bad. I think Ruby coined it nicely in "Escape from the Mysterious Beyond:"
You have to take the good with the bad, or you can't take anything.
When you allow feedback, just take that to heart and ignore bashing. Be glad for the parts that are good. When you buy a bag of fruit, be happy about the fresh ones inside, and try not to be sad about the ones that are rotten because you're likely to find them most everywhere.


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I analyze and see what is said.

If it is complaining about the plot of the story or the style...then it is immediately discarded.

If they are improvements on the plot or style or grammatical corrections or finding plot holes I examine them and determine if they are to be followed.  

If it is pure response.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


  • Ducky
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When I write things I generally try to make something that people will like, so it's very rarely that I've had to deal with negative criticism.  Often, I have to ask for it to improve myself.

Sometimes too the person just doesn't like you personally, as opposed to your work.  A while ago I asked Malte to glance at Far Away Home and tell me what he thought, but he wouldn't even look at it because it didn't 'appear' to be pure enough LBT fiction.  I kind of got the hint that maybe he wasn't interested in my efforts regardless of the contents, or he simply didn't like interact outside his set group of friends within the forum. :cry