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Biggest Failures on YouTube


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The Hardcore Kid takes on the BIGGEST Failures on YouTube.

Part 1

Part 2

Perhaps suspending them will help them understand how much they FAIL!

EDIT: Oh, and the one at #1 deserves the spot WAY more than he or his fans will ever understand.


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I've got a feeling who's on number 1.. Watching vids now.

F-14 Ace

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These people are so effing annoying.  I wanted to shoot that redheaded retard who kept blabbering about how "cool" he was.  What a little idiot!  Do mommy and daddy realize he is doing that crap?


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It's too bad he's bashing those kids. They're kids for godsake, rather talk about the adults who are messed up.

In any case, I don't think his video is very funny. I do agree that youtube has a lot of idiots on it, that's the internet after all :p But yeah, I don't like this kind of 'critique', no matter how crappy the video.

Oh btw: yeah, I was right about #1 :p Never liked him.


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What does The Hardcore Kid have to gain from bashing kids anyway? That seems rather childish. And isn't it odd that he is bashing them for pretty much the way they act when he himself is not acting really mature himself (bashing kids is not a mature thing to do)? That sounds rather hypocritical in my opinion.


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You guys talk as if he's bashing grade schoolers. I seriously doubt Nuttymadam is a kid in grade school. I doubt that annoying weeaboo chick is in grade school. You think what he's doing is mean? Go to Encyclopedia Dramatica and then come back and say he's being mean.

Like I said in another topic, if you post stuff on the Internet, be it photographs, drawings, videos or whatever, you're opening yourself up to criticism, good or bad. The Internet is not a friendly place. You make yourself look foolish online, people will swarm all over your one foolish act like ants at a picnic. Look at Christian2tuber. Kid makes a video getting pissed off at people for calling him a homo and that one video sparks a whole meme.

I'm sorry but I've no sympathy for some of these people. I don't feel bad for Nuttymadam. I don't feel bad for the weeaboo girl and I don't feel bad for that guy that stole that T-somethingUK guy's idea. You make yourself look like an idiot, you get treated like an idiot. Believe me, I've learned that the hard way.


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Maybe I should have said that I don't see anything to be gained from bashing anyone. Bashing anyone is an immature thing to do. You don't like someone, fine. You don't like what they do, fine. But don't make such a big deal out of it. If what they do is illegal, then just report them and that should be it.

In my opinion, bashing someone (who is simply being a jerk or just plain arrogant) is just as immature as acting like a jerk or being arrogant. I'm sorry if I offended anyone. I'm just not particularly interested in videos devoted into bashing people who are simply annoying, and not directly hurting anyone.


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No, I'm not saying he's mean. I agree that these people are annoying in a way (and not all of them are children, just the redhead and the believers), but he doesn't seem to realize that he's just as annoying himself by thinking he's funny and trying to criticize this videos. Just as well he could have showed them, stated why they were annoying and moved on to the next which would have been just as affective... (Goal: Showing the 10 most annoying youtubers.. not attacking them)


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I think he made it perfectly clear why they were annoying. Example: The weeaboo girl was annoying because she honestly believed she was Japanese despite the fact that she quite clearly is not. Yeah, knowing what "kawaii" means and watching every episode of Lucky Star and Haruhi Suzumiya does not a Japanese make you(did that even make sense?).

I don't really feel bad for the kids in this video either. The ginger kid was an obnoxious little turd. "Do YOUUUU Know why I'm KEWWWWWWLLLL!!!??! BECKAWWWWSEEE AH LIEK KOLOA BEARS!!!" And as for the 2tuber Trio, again, not feeling sad for them. I have no sympathy for anyone who attacks someone else's lifestyle or sexual preference. Not to mention they don't even have anything to back up their claims, just a bunch of crap their child molesting priests told them. I happen to be a metalhead and found the BS that one kid was saying about metal to be absolutely laughable. Heavy metal music isn't about devil worshipping. Judas Priest don't worship the devil, AC DC don't worship the devil so what the hell kind of a claim is that? The backlash these kids got was, in my opinion, well deserved. Taken to extreme levels, yes, but it's like they say: watch what you say. It can come back to bite you in the butt.


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I think Hardcore Kid is trying to make a point here. At the begining of the video he does talk about how our generation today is SO relyant on technology that we dismiss constructive activities such as playing outside or reading etc... This in my opinion serves as a message to just how bad our generation has become with the internet.

I agree with both Kacie and Animeboy on this. Yes, bashing people is lame and really shouldn't be done. However, like Animeboy said, if you post something on the internet, especially websites like Youtube, you are inviting people to comment and or criticize it. If these people didn't want anybody criticizing their videos, they shouldn't have uploaded them in the first place. In my opinion, these people deserve to be criticized, but in that case I will go along with Kacie. Maybe if bashing was done more respectfully, then it wouldn't be so bad. It wouldn't even be called bashing at all, just respectful criticism.

Having said that, I think what pissed me off the most was the girl who told Stephen King to **** off. Clearly she is dillusioned with her Twilight fettish to understand just how amazing of an author and critic Stephen King really is. Now I'm not going to bash the Twilight series, but Stephen King will always have more success even in his sleep than Stephanie Meyer will. Ok, she has written four very popular books which have spawned a series of movies and other merchandise. Stephen King has written dozens and dozens of masterpiece novels that are directed towards more than just teenage girls. Most of these books have spawned their own movies as well. I'm sorry, but that girl needs to get a life and do some research before bashing one of the most influential people of all time.


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Quote from: LBTFan13,Jun 24 2010 on  10:25 AM
Having said that, I think what pissed me off the most was the girl who told Stephen King to **** off. Clearly she is dillusioned with her Twilight fettish to understand just how amazing of an author and critic Stephen King really is. Now I'm not going to bash the Twilight series, but Stephen King will always have more success even in his sleep than Stephanie Meyer will. Ok, she has written four very popular books which have spawned a series of movies and other merchandise. Stephen King has written dozens and dozens of masterpiece novels that are directed towards more than just teenage girls. Most of these books have spawned their own movies as well. I'm sorry, but that girl needs to get a life and do some research before bashing one of the most influential people of all time.
I didn't like the way she was criticizing Stephen King either!  He is amazing, bottom line!  I've read a few of his books and seen the movie adaptations for them, and they are just unbelievable.  I even bet if we got some statistics of how much each of the movies made in comparison, that being between Twilight and ANY of Stephen King's movies, Stephen King would be the clear winner.

Heck, I bet the books would be a better comparison.  I bet Stephen King would cream them easily.

That girl deserved EVERY bashing coming to her.

Cancerian Tiger

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Quote from: pokeplayer984,Jun 24 2010 on  11:43 AM
Quote from: LBTFan13,Jun 24 2010 on  10:25 AM
Having said that, I think what pissed me off the most was the girl who told Stephen King to **** off. Clearly she is dillusioned with her Twilight fettish to understand just how amazing of an author and critic Stephen King really is. Now I'm not going to bash the Twilight series, but Stephen King will always have more success even in his sleep than Stephanie Meyer will. Ok, she has written four very popular books which have spawned a series of movies and other merchandise. Stephen King has written dozens and dozens of masterpiece novels that are directed towards more than just teenage girls. Most of these books have spawned their own movies as well. I'm sorry, but that girl needs to get a life and do some research before bashing one of the most influential people of all time.
I didn't like the way she was criticizing Stephen King either!  He is amazing, bottom line!  I've read a few of his books and seen the movie adaptations for them, and they are just unbelievable.  I even bet if we got some statistics of how much each of the movies made in comparison, that being between Twilight and ANY of Stephen King's movies, Stephen King would be the clear winner.

Heck, I bet the books would be a better comparison.  I bet Stephen King would cream them easily.

That girl deserved EVERY bashing coming to her.
Stephen King is THE master of horror, and this idiot has the nerve to say Stephanie Meyer is better :huh:?  What a joke :bang!  Well, I guess that anybody who supports a book that supports and glamorizes sexism, stalking, and giving everything up for a guy who's the stalker would say such a thing.

Let's face it, Twilight fans.  Stephanie Meyer will NEVER be Stephen King, and because I don't support anything she writes about, I will never read her books <_<.

BTW, my aunt who likes to follow the crowd thinks the Twilight books are the best and seems to think that I'm strange or "out of the loop" for not liking the series.  I'm sorry, but if bein' anti-stalker, anti-sexist means I'm strange, then so be it.  I'd rather be strange than be a follower of a fad :rolleyes.

Okay, enough with that.  I'm not intending to bash anybody here, but as others have said, anything ya put on the Internet is open to criticism, and some folks like this Twilight Fangirl I mentioned are askin' for it by putting this BS online.


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Sorry for the bump but I just found someone on Youtube who seriously deserves to be on this list

And to prove my point as to why he should be on this list

This freak makes me ashamed to be a Kingdom Hearts, Banjo-Kazooie, and anime fan.


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For the best lulzcow imaginable, check out chris-chan.

Also, I like Encyclopedia Dramatica but they should tone down the ridiculous adspace so I can actually read their freaking articles without my browser crashing. (Like how it used to be)

also Animeboye that guy seems to be delusional lol.

F-14 Ace

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For those of you complaining about him tearing these people a new one, I think the people in these freaks deserve to be torn a new one.  Anyone who gets his lawyer mommy to remove someone youtube account just for disagreeing with him deserves to be publicly ridiculed.  Don't even get me started on the fat gorgon Twitard.  I think Twilight sucks.  Harry Potter is infinitely better.


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For the best lulzcow imaginable, check out chris-chan.

Oh, please don't bring him up. Chris-Chan makes me sick to my stomach.

Also, I like Encyclopedia Dramatica but they should tone down the ridiculous adspace so I can actually read their freaking articles without my browser crashing. (Like how it used to be)

I like Encyclopedia Dramatica as well. It's funnier than Uncyclopedia at least(Note: Constant Oscar Wilde quotes get old after awhile).

also Animeboye that guy seems to be delusional lol.

I think he's a loony. I watched three more of his videos last night and from what I've picked up, it seems he honestly believes he's Demyx from Kingdom Hearts. Seriously, "Happy Luxord"? "Nobodymas"? Dude, get a friggin' boyfriend(since it seems you don't like girls).

Y'know, users like Chad Warden and the U2uber Trio may be idiots but they're the funny kind of idiots. The ones who can give you a good laugh when you've had a terrible day. ChibiNekoDemyx is just...I can't even explain. His stupidity is otherworldly. He thinks he's a character from a video game and believes that a dog collar, which apparently was "given to him by his grandpa" (Yeah, how believeable is that?) protects him from some dark evil force that wants to control his body. Anyone know the number of the nearest asylum?


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I didn't know there were such users on youtube, but knowing how humans are I'm not surprised at all.  I guess those videos can be entertaining to watch.


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Animeboye: ChAD Wardenn is a troll. lol like moldytoaster or whoever that was


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No offense but...what are talking about?

Also I think you mean Chad Warden.  :D


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lol I fixed it.

I remember a fat dude who made a video talking negatively about all 3 systems. Was in 2006 I think.