The Gang of Five
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My Fanart

Cancerian Tiger

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Hey, everybody :)!  I'm happy to be able to finally show my fanart here.  Since I have not had time to draw any of the Gang for so long, I've gotten a bit rusty with their details.  However, I'm quite happy with these most recent drawings.

The first one is, of course, Cera :angel.  She's happy 'cuz she found a yellow flower and the weather is perfect :yes.  I do notice a couple of errors, but I'm happy with the outcome, considering how long it's been since I've drawn her:

The next and final one for now is of Ducky and Petrie.  I have not drawn these two as dinosaurs for NINE years :wow, so I'm rather pleased with how they turned out.  In this drawing, Petrie's bein' a good friend and surprising Ducky with some treesweets (cherries in our world ;)).  I think it turned out cute :DD:

I'm not too pleased with how the coloring of the mountains turned out :confused.  That's an area for improvement right there :idea.

I'll try to come up with some more soon.  Any constructive criticism and compliments are welcome, but more importantly, I hope y'all enjoy these :)!


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That's really cute CT ! :) I'm not very good with constructive criticism, so I shall let the profs do that. Are you planning to do more ? :D

Cancerian Tiger

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Quote from: Mumbling,Jul 1 2010 on  01:39 PM
That's really cute CT ! :) I'm not very good with constructive criticism, so I shall let the profs do that. Are you planning to do more ? :D
Thanks :smile!  I'm definitely planning on doing more.  I'm not sure yet how often I'll be posting fanart since I stay busy, but I know more will be coming in the future :yes.


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  • Ruby
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Nice CT. better than anything that i could draw.


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Nice drawings.  Glad to hear you plan on drawing more in the future.  Hope to see more from you.


  • Chomper
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The one with Cera is nice. I tried drawing Cera some weeks ago, with a video tutorial made by Don Bluth himself. The result: the ugliest thing i have ever see. A 3 years old child could drawing better than me... anyway.

My english is not enough good for give a detailed analysis of your drawings. But i will try to get to the essential:

For Cera: The upper part of her leg are a little bit too long, without the head and the color it could be littlefoot's body. The horn should be grey with 2 black vertical lines at the base for giving a 3d and bone impression. I would like to say something about the fat thing under her eyes, but even in my native language i cant say exactly why i dont like it :/

For Petrie and Ducky: Petrie's head is suposed to be the same color than the outside part of his wings. The spiral form of his wing give the impression that he fall ( or maybe he do because the cherries are too heavy). They should form an arch. The dark point in his eyes are too big, as if he had taken drugs or something. Ducky's feet float on the top of the grass like it was a nail carpet, they should be on the floor like in Cera's picture. And her body, it's as if she was ... anorexic. The lower part of his body is suposed to be more big, her legs are too long and slim, the end of her tail is too sharp and the start of her tail is too slim.

Cancerian Tiger

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Thanks for the comments :)!

Yeah, I do feel that Ducky looks too thin.  Geez, I think I should've given her a box of cookies to eat :blink:.

Considering I haven't drawn her or Petrie in nine years, I don't think this was too bad of a start though ;).


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Oy…another thread that took me forever to get to. :rolleyes Sorry. :oops

Considering that, as you said, it’s been so long since you’ve drawn these characters, these are very good. :yes Did you use references? (Certain details are so accurate that I’d be surprised to learn that you didn’t. :!)

The detail on Cera’s frill is very impressive; possibly my favorite part of the drawing. :yes I like the colors as well. Her nostrils and ears look good, too, although the latter shouldn’t be so close to the edge of her mouth. They look fine in relation to the frill; the problem seems to be that Cera should have an orange area representing the lower part of her cheek/the corner of her jaw between her ear and her mouth.

I concur with Vek about the horn, which I also believe should be a little sharper, and maybe lightly shaded so it’s not quite so paper-white. Also, the corner of her mouth should connect to her cheek; as it is, she doesn’t really look like she’s smiling.

One thing that jumped out at me early on was Cera’s eyes, which look a little too big (even if she IS excited about the flower :p). In addition, her head is noticeably oversized compared to her body. Furthermore, her torso looks disproportionately short (look at the distance between her front and hind legs), and her front legs shouldn’t be quite so narrow at the top. However, details such as the outline of her body, the little line on her side, and the ridge on her back are very well drawn. You seem to be extremely good at drawing smooth lines. :yes

As for Petrie, his head should be brown, and the undersides of his wings should be a sort of light grayish color. His wing claws are also much too close to the ends of his wings, and his wing membranes should extend all the way down to his hips. His neck is a little thick and straight, while his upper beak looks a bit crooked towards the base. However, the front half of his upper beak looks pretty good, his proportions aren’t bad, and overall he’s quite cute. :DD

While I agree that she could definitely use some extra tree sweets (and maybe some dried-sweet-bubble cookies :p), I really like how you drew Ducky here. I like her colors the best of the three, and think she turned out very cute. Her crest and legs are very well drawn, though the latter are longer and more slender than they should be (probably a large reason for the “anorexic” look). The pupils and irises of her eyes may be a bit big, and her upper arms are thinner than her forearms. She also looks to have four (rather small) toes on her feet instead of three. Her tail should be thickest towards the base, and tapered towards the tip.

You also went a little crazy with the scallops or indentations on the edges of her beak. :p She really has only four of those total (two on either side of her bill); one on either side of each of the two rounded bulges along the edges of her bill. To explain it in a different way, the tip of Ducky’s beak is very slightly bulbous and downturned; the first pair of indentations are on either side of that. Behind that, the edges of Ducky’s beak flare outwards to form the semicircular bulges I mentioned before. These extend about two-thirds-to-three-quarters of the way from the tip of her beak to the corners of her mouth; the other set of indentations are located at the point where they curve inwards to meet the straight-edged part of Ducky’s beak (which makes up the rest of her mouth). You can see these features this production drawing of Ducky (from Flathead’s LBT production cels thread).

Backgrounds are tough, especially when you’re working with paper and colored pencils, so I’m not going to bother you too much about those for now. However, your pictures might be improved if you drew the grass behind the characters’ feet, rather than underneath them. It looks more realistic, and allows for details of the feet to be visible. Also, try to give the grass blades slightly different shapes and/or lengths, to avoid the uniform “bed of nails” look Vek described.

Whew! What a review! :blink: I hope I wasn’t too harsh. :unsure:

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.

Cancerian Tiger

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No, not at all!  I found your input to be very helpful :yes.

To answer your question, I did not use a reference for drawing Cera ;).


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^ Wow, then. :wow That's a heck of a lot better than I bet I could do without a reference. :yes

What about the other two? Did you use references for Petrie and Ducky?

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.

Cancerian Tiger

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For Petrie and Ducky, I only glanced at some cover art of them.

Geez, now that I think of it, I think I gave Ducky more of my body shape, aside from stature: Straight and boyish, typical female runner figure :blink:.

Cancerian Tiger

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Sorry 'bout the long wait.  Here's my newest one.  It's inspired by the "In The Land Before Time" RP.  It took me almost four hours to complete: two to draw, at least one and a half to color in :wow.  

This one has my dinosona and Ducky in it.  I think I made her the right size this time.  More plump, that is :lol.  Must be from treesweets, as evidenced by me giving her one in this picture :angel.  Anyhoo, here it is:


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I am so sorry for not responding to this right away! :bang Darn me, I’ve been either forgetting or procrastinating on (or both) everything I need to so much as pay attention to these days! :slap

Anyway, glad to see some new artwork. :yes

Even though Ducky is much smaller in this picture, I see a definite improvement from before. Not only is she healthier-looking, :p but her posture and proportions look better, especially her tail.

The legs and feet (what we can see of them) of both characters are smoothly drawn and look very good. One thing I’d suggest is putting a little semi-diagonal wrinkle or two on either side of the top of the leg (looking at just about any screenshot of a LBT dinosaur should show you what I mean). Good job on the shoulder “socket” of your dinosona, too. It has more detail and looks improved from Ducky’s shoulder in the last picture.

One issue I do see with your dinosona is that she looks a lot like just an enlarged version of Ducky. While I can recognize adult-looking features like the ridge on the back, the “lips” of the beak, and the longer, more pointed crest, there’s still something about her that makes her look too young. I think it mainly has to do with the eyes, as well as certain aspects of the head and neck. After looking at a few screenshots of Ducky’s mother, I’ve observed that her eyes are comparatively smaller, her nostrils are closer to the front of her snout, her snout has an almost trapezoidal outline in profile (for about the first half of its length it’s horizontal, then it slopes down diagonally to the tip of her beak), her neck is more curved, and the back of her neck connects to her head with a rather smooth, uninterrupted slope; there is not a distinct “corner” where the neck ends and the head begins, and the cranium thus does not look so bulbous.

By the way, CT, what kind of colored pencils do you use? A few months ago I found a brand called Prismacolor Premier, which I have come to like very much because the pencils give very smooth and very solid colors. They’re kind of expensive, but you can get them here and here for a pretty good price ($0.88 a pencil; a lot better than the $1.99 I spent on the individual pencils I bought). Just thought you might be interested. ;)

Hope to see more artwork soon! :D

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.