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Animals of Farthing Wood fanart

Adder · 163 · 30942


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Faschia after the events of chapter 23 in Pass of the Torch. She got violently attacked and injured by the blue foxes.


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Stranger is a fan-character that only appeared in Elder's Lead.

He was one of the many sons of Queen, he had a relationship that was similiar to the one of Charmer and Ranger with Friendly and Faschia's daughter Scarlet.

Him and Scarlet were both injuried by Queen, Scarlet suffered the worst injuries.

Stranger and Scarlet eventually mated without Queen, Friendly or Faschia knowing, and she had the cubs shortly after the deaths of Queen and her brother Bold.

Neither Stranger or Scarlet have had any major appearances after Elder's Lead, and their cubs were never scene.

He may appear once again in my fifth fanfiction, Farthing Wood: A New Beginning along with his mate Scarlet and their cubs if I feel like writing any scenes for them.


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A picture of my fan character Swift from A Bold Journey.

Swift is a character from my fanfiction, 'A Bold Journey'. She first appears near the end of the second chapter, and in every chapter that follows.

She was love at first sight for Bold, and after the two are nearly killed by a hunter in chapter 4, they become mates, and decide to stay in the safety of the copse when the hunters are hunting, and only hunt outside the copse when the hunters aren't.

I'll post more infromation about her as I continue the story. This is up to the fifth chapter only.


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Thanks. Yes I am, but that's now why i'm a good drawer, lots of practice is all I can say. ;)
A picture of my fan character Swift from A Bold Journey.

Swift is a character from my fanfiction, 'A Bold Journey'. She first appears near the end of the second chapter, and in every chapter that follows.

She was love at first sight for Bold, and after the two are nearly killed by a hunter in chapter 4, they become mates, and decide to stay in the safety of the copse when the hunters are hunting, and only hunt outside the copse when the hunters aren't.

I'll post more infromation about her as I continue the story. This is up to the fifth chapter only.

Charmer watching over Plucky shortly after her death in Farthing Wood: A New Beginnng.

Adult Plucky:

Plucky chewing on a chicken leg.

[Looking at this makes me hungry :D ]

Charmer's cubs; Roamer and Rusty.

Roamer (right):

He appears in the stories 'Elder's Lead' (as a cub) and 'Elder's Charge' (as an adult). He has a few minor appearances in Elder's Lead, and has a large role in the sequel, but he has his throat ripped out by Ki-era and dies from blood loss in one of the later chapters. Unlike his brother Rusty, Roamer had met a vixen that he liked, but they just had a one night stand, and seperated the next morning once the storm cleared up. He was killed before she had the cubs, and Charmer found the vixen who is called "Storm" with her lower half crushed under a tree with four cubs, and she died and Charmer had to raise the cubs herself.

Rusty (left):

He only appears in Elder's Lead (as a cub), in a few chapters before he is slaughtered by Queen, having his heart ripped out. He didn't have much role in the one story that he was in, he had no mate before his death.

Another adult picture of Plucky. This is how I picture he would look if AOFW continued onto season 7 (and in Farthing Wood: A New Beginning [a fanfiction, link is in my signature).


Adult Plucky (again :bounce: )

Good Lord, Viper ate a rat. :lol:


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I think you've improved over a short period of time, basing on the comparision to your first post on this thread to now.  Awesome.:D


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Faschia's death in Pass of the Torch.
If any body is wondering, she got confused with all the screaming during a fire in white deer park, and got seperated from Plucky, and caught in the fire, and she died just outside of the park before him and all the others.

Viper failing to catch the rat she was chasing in the earlier picture.

I was bored, so I drew what I think friend would look like as vixen {I like this better than my previous two tries}.


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Kelly in Farthing Wood: A New Beginning.
She is getting yelled at by Plucky for doing something she wasn't supposed to.

They arrive at the mouth of Plucky's earth, which is says sharply in a commanding tone, "Now I'm not going to give you the punishment that I gave you yesterday, your butt is probably sore enough as it is. So I'll just say this..." he pauses, and when he continues, he is shouting, and shout loud: "Why on earth do you keep trying to take The Warden's food?! I've told you I don't know how many times to stay away from that stuff! Your a FOX! You eat animals like shrews, mice, voles, birds and snakes not steaks, cheeseburgers, pizzas, and sandwiches! Your supposed to drink the water from the ponds and streams in this copse! Not the pops and wines that the Warden brings! They are meant for HUMANS, not FOXES! Can't you get that you through your head! I can hardly tell that you are a cub of Friendly's! You act so much like Shi-era did! I won't be surprised you get with some male and have cubs that you don't want! That happened to Friendly! That is the only resemblance between you two that I see! Now if I ever catch you trying to eat the Warden's food again, other foxes will think your a red fox when they look at your backside! Am I clear?!"

"Y-ye-ye-yes," she replies very nervously as she moves her tail over her backside, not wanting what Plucky said to happen to her, she is still sore from when he did it yesterday. Kelly is going to try to avoid doing it for now, and is going to have to tell Cleo and Viper that she is done doing it, and it isn't worth getting a meal only not be able to set for a year. And she is expecting that neither of them will listen when she tries to tell them what Plucky told her.

Asp, a fan character, and the mate of Viper, the son in law of Adder and Sinuous. He is bascially Sinuous without the mustache.

Viper had his offpsring, but he never got to see them as he was attacked by Ki-era and brutally ripped apart by her. Then Viper killed Ki-era in the second to last chapter, but not before she had managed to kill Dash, Leveret, Roamer (Charmer's second son) and fatally injured Friendly [who dies in the same chapter from his injuries].


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A picture of Rusty

He appeared in one of my fanfictions, Elder's Lead. In only two chapters, chapter 1 briefly where he was seen with Charmer and Roamer.
He didn't appear again until chaper 10 when he ran off and encountered Queen. He wouldn't stop barking at her for being on their land and she tore his heart out. Then Friendly heard his screams, but was too late.

(This is how I'd picture him as adult, he didn't live past a year in Elder's Lead)

Kelly and Plucky


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This is a sketch of Friendly that I recently did. It originally was a normal sketch like previous ones I've uploaded, but I edited the sketch with a website, and now it looks like of one those production drawings.

I've got more, but I'm only uploading this one for now to see what people think of this style.

I'm going to have to do this to my older sketches and other pictures later to see how they come out.


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A picture of Friendly as a vixen. Now he wishes that he was a male fox again.


Kelly in The Battle for the Woods. This is shortly after she kills Bully's niece in chapter 8 of the story.
This is the only other one so far. Now my fanart thread is up-to-date.



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Dreamer is carrying her mate's cubs in this picture. This is how I picture her looking as an adult. I wish she lived to be an adult. :cry

Younger Rusty:


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Stout Vixen is the supporting character in Farthing Wood: The Adventure Begins.

Fox’s mother, she isn’t Stout Fox’s mate at first, but eventually becomes his mate, and carries his cubs. She is much like the Farthing Wood Vixen, being very caring and loyal to her friends, especially Quick Weasel and Sly Stoat. But when it comes to the Otter Clan, she is rather aggressive and defensive, especially when it comes to them being on her land or trying to steal her kills for themselves. She has black ears-tips and is a bright-scarlet like Whisper, and is rather thick in size for a vixen. She is one of the many animals in Farthing Wood that is infected with the disease from the voles, and it threatens the life of the cubs that are developing in her womb.

She has a great skill in hunting while going undetected, which draws Stout Fox’s attention to her commonly, one time, she was able to sneak up on a rabbit undetected and kill it with ease. She could kill any of the otters with her stealth if she wanted to, but she is one of the few animals [along with Stout Fox, Sly Stoat, Hunter, Justine, Lean Fox and Vixen] that knows [despite them being a pest], the Otter Clan are the only reason the construction companies don’t come into the woods, and make it into a place for humans to live. As much as she hates the otters, she also wants to ensure that as many of them as possible survive, but she may make an exception to Smooth Otter.

Unlike all the others [with the exception of her mate and Lady Blue] she actually shows compassion towards Long Whiskers and Lame Otter and sticks up with them when Hunter and Soldier wanted to make them their lunch. Despite being infected with the plague that wiped out more than half of the Farthing Wood Otter population, she has shown signs of being rather healthy, unlike Lame Otter.


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Stout Fox, the main character of Farthing Wood: The Adventure Begins.

Fox’s father, and the leader of the Farthing Wood Animals. He is annoyed very easily by other animals such as the otters, namely Smooth Otter. Like his great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather ëGambler’ [who established it], he greatly honors The Oath of Mutual Protection and protects his friends Stout Vixen, Quick Weasel, Sly Stoat, Lean Fox and Vixen, Hunter, Justine, Sage Hedgehog and Badger. He is much like his son, the Farthing Wood Fox, very loyal to all the other animals in the wood, even Hunter and Justine.

Just like Stout Vixen, Hunter, Justine, Quick Weasel, Sly Stoat, Soldier, Lean Fox and Vixen, Jade and Brave, he has a great dislike of the otters that are invading their land on Farthing Wood. He is the only reason there is any order in the wood as he re-established The Oath of Mutual Protection with the spike of otters, so all the animals would help each other with any troubles caused by the Otter Clan, which all of them follow [excluding the otters]. He has a big interest in Stout Vixen, mostly the way she hunters and kills her prey.

When a group of foxes [himself, Soldier, Stout Vixen, Lean Fox and Vixen, Hunter, Justine, Lady Blue and Brave] have to leave Farthing Wood so they can survive, he assumes the role as leader, and makes sure that they would all make it to where ever it is they were going to go to. But when Brave when missing after slaughtering Sleek Otter, he had to convince Hunter, Justine and Soldier to continue on with out Brave, who from that moment on becomes known as Scarface.

He is one of the three foxes that does trust Long Whiskers and her mate, the other two being Stout Vixen and Lady Blue. Brave, Hunter, Justine and Soldier would rather have killed the two of them then have them travel with them, but Stout Fox made sure that they didn't. He sometimes has to convince or make the others continue the journey, normally after the death of a friend or one of them has gone missing.


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Long Whiskers, an otter from The Adventure Begins.

She is one of the female ëleaders’ of the Otter Clan. She had several pups but they were killed by the disease that the voles of Farthing Wood carried. She is the only otter of the who clan that actually cared for Stout Fox and Vixen and Lean Fox and Vixen [other than her mate of course]. She is one of the nicest and most caring of the Otter Clan. When the other otters would be stealing food from the foxes in Farthing Wood, she would most likely try to get it back, or find more food for them to eat. But Long Whiskers always knew to watch her step around Lean Vixen anyway.

She used to be carefree like the rest of the Otter Clan, but after the disease killed her offspring, she become much more serious about life and wanted to find a cure to the disease that claimed her pups’ lives. Even thought she was nice to the foxes, Lean Vixen never had cared for her very much at all, even when she told the other otters to leave her alone at the pond. While Lean Vixen hadn’t minded Long Whisker’s company, she always kept a close eye on her no matter what.

She eventually becomes an ally of the Farthing Wood foxes, and she leads decides to lead them to a copse called "Farthing-Hurst". Her and Lame Otter are the only surviving otters that trust the Farthing Foxes, but she is rather leery about traveling with them as Hunter and his family hates her and Lame Otter. But she doesn't hate them no matter how many signs of hate they show her.


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Very colourful.
I just have one question...what has happened to the otter's eyes?  Is she supposed to be showing her whole back body to the viewer or is she supposed to be turning her head?  Just that, there is no facial area...when there should be.  Also, it is a little flat with the lower proportions under water.


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She's supposed to be from the back, and the only reference for her I had was a picture of the prequel book cover. She looked exactly like that on the book cover.

Justine is the mother of Scarface, and the mate of Hunter, she is carrying several cubs from the beginning of the story, she is one of the few blue foxes that lives in Farthing Wood. She is also good friends of Stout Fox and Vixen and Lean Fox and Vixen, and becomes much more caring with the birth of only one cub, Brave [Scarface]. She also had a son from another litter who goes by the name ëSoldier’ for being a fighter.

Her and Hunter had only two [living] cubs, Soldier from their first litter and Brave [Scarface] from their second litter. The other six were still-born, they apparently had died inside Justine’s womb half way through her gestation period. She is much like her mate [Hunter] when it comes to what she thinks of the otters, only she’d rather feed them to Brave after making them suffer than chasing them in front of a semi like Hunter would do.

Quick Weasel is the mother of Weasel, she is carrying Weasel at this time, but her mate, Lightening Weasel, was killed in an accident shortly before the story begins, leaving her to have to worry about her children by herself. Unlike her daughter, she is much more serious and well behaved, not smarting off during the worst situations, especially after the accident that claimed her mate’s life, she is commonly seen with talking with Sly Stoat.

Her mate was much like Measly, only he never would make smart remarks at all, during funny or serious times. Shortly after Quick Weasel found out she was pregnant with his offspring, he accidently wandered into a road just outside of Farthing Land and was ran over by a semi, the only witness to the death was Lame Otter, who told her about it, and she took the news very terribly. After that, she was always seen with Sly Stoat, she must be trying to use him as a replacement for her deceased mate, who died under the wheels of a semi thanks to Smooth Otter.

He is a good friend of Stout Fox and Vixen, but he is not related to them in any way. He is sometimes ëover-protective’ of his mate during her pregnancy and tells her to stay within the woods most of the time, and to stay away from the otters when she is alone, as they are ësmarter than she thinks some times’. He said that as he knows that they will often go for the stomachs with their claws and teeth if they suspect an animal is pregnant just to kill the unborn animals.

He was responsible for the deaths of Smooth Otter’s parents when they had tried hurting Soldier as a cub, he didn’t leave much remains or evidence of who did it, but Smooth and Sleek Otter knew that Lean Fox had killed them. But they never found out why he did it, they just said that he was a murderer because he was a Farthing Fox, and the fact that his mate has a grudge on Smooth Otter.

He stayed with Stout Fox and Vixen and the blue foxes of Farthing Wood when they had to leave the woods if they wanted to survive, he also was unsure about Long Whiskers and Lame Otter being with them considering the chance of them also carrying the disease, and the fact that Stout Fox caught it from something otters had been eating that she had eaten herself. He didn't want her offspring to become infected themselves and end up dying inside her or being stillborn.

The father of the stoat, he has a mate, but it is unknown if they have any children together. He gets rather snippy whenever he even hears mention of the otters, and is willing to fight them off if it means killing them if they come to close to his den, and the otters are known for stealing his kills [Shrews, Vole and Mice usually], which lead to his hate for the Otter Clan. He also says that Smooth Otter was the reason that Quick Weasel's mate was killed.

He is very protective of his good friend Quick Weasel, more so with the otters and after her mate’s death. From past events, he has proven that he would risk his life as long as she survives to have her offspring. She described Sly Stoat once as ëbeing like her second mate.’ His mate's name is Wily Stoat.

This is Jade:

She is the mother of the Farthing Wood Adder, and she had a mate, but he is was slaughtered brutally by Smooth Otter in cold blood shortly after she found out she pregnant with his snakelings. She was loving and care free before her mate’s murder, but became literally cold-blooded after his murder, killing Smooth Otter’s new born pups and his mate out of revenge. She behaves much like her daughter, being hard to get along with, and has more pride in herself than common sense, but she is also willing to save her friends when need be.

During her attack on Smoot Otter’s family, she nearly killed Smooth and Sleek Otter also, but they escaped when Smooth Otter’s mate jumped in the way of her bite, and they ran off before Jade could get them too. After that, her fate remains completely unknown to all the animals as she disappears after that...


He is a son of Hunter and Justine, he was born in their first litter, the only cub, his parents have a second litter, but only one cub is born to them [alive anyway], they name him ëBrave’ [Scarface] for his behavior around the otters of not showing any fear towards them. He is rather violent and hateful towards the otters, fighting and killing several pups as a cub, and that is how he earned the name ëSoldier’, he also kills many otters throughout the story for trying to steal his kills. Unlike his younger brother Brave, he’ll kill for any reason, defense, food, territory or just our of pure spite, which is what Hunter [but not Justine] likes about Soldier.

After Lean Vixen was attacked by the otters [including Smooth and Sleek Otter], he went on a killing spree, he killed at least seven of the Otter Clan before Hunter managed to stop him. None of the victims of Soldier were identifiable after his slaughter though, but it was believed that they were all a few of the ones that assaulted Lean Vixen. He tells Lean Vixen what he had done to them, and she thanks him for it.

She is a fan character, none of these other characters are. They are book characters or characters mentioned on the timelines of the book and tv series.

This is the younger Scarface (Brave).

The only son that was born alive to the second little of Hunter and Justine. He is named ëBrave’ for not showing any signs of fear towards the otters even when they surround him once, he kills two of them, which causes them to leave him alone after that. He rarely has outbursts of violence unlike his older brother Soldier does, having only killed two otters in his life, and he normally only kills for food or defense, not out of spite.

He slaughters Sleek Otter and ends up with a nasty scar and being mentally scared after he realizes what he has done, and decides that it is best if he leaves his family and friends to live alone, thinking that they won't want to see him again and he becomes know as Scarface after murdering Sleek Otter. He also wishes the most brutal deaths on Lady Blue and Lean Fox and Vixen.

He is the father of Scarface, and the leader of the blue foxes that live in Farthing Wood. He is nowhere near as bloodthirsty as Scarface was, and is actually friends to Stout Fox and Vixen and Lean Fox and Vixen. He got the name ëHunter’ from being one of the most skilled hunters in all of Farthing Wood. He could catch animals that were nearly impossible to catch such as rabbits, hares and otters. He only kills for food and self defense, not for sport or pleasure unlike is son Soldier.

Him and Justine had only two [living] cubs, Soldier from their first litter and Brave [Scarface] from their second litter. The other six were still-born, they apparently had died inside Justine’s womb half way through her gestation period. He was also friends with Sly Stoat, Quick Weasel, Lean Fox and Vixen, Jade and Timber. He never had much care at all for the Farthing Wood Otters, and he would rather have them all meet their end under the wheels of a semi, then having to share the woods with them.

When his son Brave goes missing after killing Sleek Otter, him, Soldier and Justine didn't want to leave the field they were at until he returned to them, but was soon convinced by Stout Fox to move on without Brave, who becomes know as Scarface from then on for a nasty scar that he received from Sleek Otter's claws.


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Wily Stoat, the mate of Sly Stoat.

Below is Jade (the mother of Adder) and Quick Weasel (the mother of Weasel).


Sleek Otter is the right-hand otter of Smooth Otter, she is always seen following him around, the reason why is unknown, most likely she is a daughter or niece of Smooth Otter, and is afraid of being disowned, so she just listens to Smooth Otter as if she has too. She may have been nicer than Smooth Otter, but she can be aggressive when she wants to be, and she enjoyed watching Smooth Otter slaughter Jade’s mate.

She is attacked by Brave [who was out hunting without his family knowing] and had her throat torn out by him. Brave become mentally scarred by the sight of Sleek Otter's remains and scarred on his eye by Sleek Otter's claws, hence the change of name to Scarface.


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Gambler is one of the earliest foxes in Farthing Wood to become a leader of the Wood itself. He was born in a litter of originally four cubs, but his three sisters were stillborn, and his parents left him for dead. He lived from 1920 to 1946, being known as one of the longest living foxes ever to set foot in Farthing Wood.

Gambler is a fox from Farthing Wood. He was born in 1920, there is no mention of his parents after his birth. His parents originally thought that he was going to die like his siblings - who were stillborn - so they left him behind and went to live in a new earth. But he lived and after the death of his father, he became the leader of the foxes in Farthing Wood in 1926. Though it is unkown who is mate was, Gambler did have several cubs, at least two litters of them.

Since his father, he was the leader of the foxes longer than any previous leaders and he was entrusted by the other animals in the Wood to ensure that nothing would happen to them. And he did for quite some time, there weren't any deaths of Farthing Wood animals of any kind during his time as leader, at least from 1926 to 1939. He was still around during the time of World War II, and things were starting to get worse in Farthing Wood, and that is when he re-established the ëOath of Mutual Protection’ so that all the animals in the Wood would protect each other.

But one day in 1939, Farthing Wood ended up in the paths of bombings by Japan and he lead as many animals as he could to safety, in an old Badger’s set, many yards under the ground. Among those he wasn’t able to save were his mate, one of his sons, several stoats and weasels, half the otter population, a family of owls and three fourths of the badger population. The bombings continued for several years and during the night, he lead the remaining animals to a cave in Farthing Wood that offered better protection than a badger’s set. But on the journey, he witnessed the deaths of three of his closet friends when they were spotted by soldiers and shot at.

For the next six years, Gambler and all the other animals lived off of any animals in the cave, and quite a few of them parished over those six years from starvation, including three of his sons. And he suffered a great loss of his own health trying to keep as many of the other animals alive, he would only eat during the six years in hiding when he had too, he would save almost anything that he caught for the smaller animals and his offspring and the larger animals even when they were able to get enough food for themselves.

Finally, in 1945, World War II ended and Farthing Wood was safe again for the animals to leave the cave. But by then, Gambler was weaker than when he lead them in in 1939, and it takes him about half a year for him to rebuild his strength. But on November 26, 1946, Gambler dies at the age of 26, and he died known as a hero, and the reason that animals in Farthing Wood weren’t all killed. And his legacy wasn’t forgotten by his sons and daughters offspring and their offspring.

Gambler was born to two red foxes, who had left him for dead. And he was the decendant of a fox know as ëBrave Fox’, who was the establisher of the ëOath of Mutual Protection’ in 1500. And the fox fox to settle in Farthing Wood, he was also the first fox to become the leader of the Farthing Wood foxes and the Wood. He also had at least two litters of cubs with his mate, and he is the great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather of Stout Fox, who isn’t born until at least twenty-three years after his death, in about 1969.

Stout Fox was the next fox to become a leader, then his son Fox, who was the only to survive in his and Stout Vixen’s litter become leader. Then Fox’s son, Friendly, was leader briefly, but he suffered injuries and died, and was replaced by Plucky, who is the leader of the Farthing Wood foxes from 1999 on to currently 2003. But after Plucky and his friends get the rats out of Farthing Wood, he steps down from being the leader and he appoints Scout, who is the mate of one of Plucky’s cousins, Kelly, as the new leader because he is getting too old to be the leader anymore. His family still continues as of 2003 thanks to Plucky having cubs with Kara and Scout having cubs with Kelly.

Role in the Oath of Mutual Protection
While most of Farthing Wood had been destroyed in the bombings from 1939 to 1945, he played a major role in the ëOath of Mutual Protection’ being re-established. For if he didn’t, Farthing Wood would have been made into a town far before the extinction of the Farthing Wood otters in 1988, and he, unlike quite a few of his decendants such as Stout and Lean Fox, cared for and protected the otters from other foxes and they were among the animals that he had lead into the badger set and cave when the bombing began.

Gambler only appears in the first book of The Beginnings of Farthing Wood, which is around ten chapters. He dies shortly after the end of the first book, which begins in 1939 and ends in 1946. But the story itself doesn’t begin in 1939, the prologue shows how the ëOath of Mutual Protection’ was established in 1500 by Brave Fox.

Physical Apperance
He has orange fur like most of the red foxes from Farthing Wood. He also shares a great resemblance to fox, only with a slightly darker shade of fur than him. He also rather stout and muscular when it comes to most foxes in Farthing Wood. He is able to run faster than than most foxes in the Wood, and kill nearly any animal in the Wood. Which is a skill that helps him survive the first bombing in England and make it to the badger set. He has amber colored eyes and orange patches around his eyes. He has a bannana-yellow underbelly, which is odd for most foxes, him having different colored patches around his eyes than his underbelly.


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I've never heard of Beginnings Of Farthing Wood is it something Colin Dann wrote or fanfiction? Great job on Gambler's history by the way.