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I've been thinking about this for a bit. I've finally admitted to someone I was envious of them after us bickering all the time, so I'm just waiting for their response on my pm because they wanted to talk.

(It's no one here in case you guys were wondering.)

So, do you usually find yourself to be a very envious person, or are you pretty grateful for what you have?

Cancerian Tiger

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No, I don't get jealous easily :p.  Once in a great while, I tend to become envious of very wealthy folks who seem to be always traveling somewhere cool, but when I think about how much debt they're probably in and the superficiality that comes with wealth (obsessed about aging, reputation, keepin' up with the Jones', etc.), I'd rather not have that lifestyle.

Okay, I sometimes become jealous of girls who are skinny (but not anorexic skinny!), but these jealousies only last but for a few moments when I remind myself I'm not fat and that I'm probably healthier on the inside 'cuz I'm very active, so aside from these occasional fleeting jealousies, I don't tend to be the jealous type :lol.


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I voted depends and almost voted yes. I'm jealous of the people that do not have to redo the year, even though they seem extremely not-smart compared to some people that have to redo the year. I'm jealous of people that do have money to see the one they love. I'm jealous of people that somehow follow no education but make huge amounts of money.

I can't help it! Things that seem unfair in my eyes (even though they might be really fair) often get me jealous. However I would not get jealous of someone's new dress or car, just to give an example. Not quite materialistic like that.


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Same as with the forgiveness question it very much depends on circumstances and what we define as envy. One can feel envy as wishing to experience the same kind of luck or success which others experience without begrudging others for theirs. Of that kind of envy I must plead "guilty". But is there any guilt in a form of envy that seeks not to destroy the luck of others?


  • Hatchling
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Depends....its not hard to be envious of those who are younger than you and yet seem to get whatever they want, but at the same time those can be envious of me for I have things that they don't in the same breath.  

Specific example--the teens with wires coming out of every other gadget in their pants, hoodies etc.  I don't want to know where they get the money to get these things, but I sure as heck can't. :p  Then again, things don't make the life happier.  I'm quite content without the latest and greatest, but it is enviable that they receive before they truly earn is what I'm getting at.


  • Ducky
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I surprisingly voted "no" in spite of the fact that I consider myself a very greedy person. Yes, I would like to have resources enough to prevent me from worrying about the future, but I don't get jealous of rich people. (Instead I tend to depress myself by reflecting on how pathetic and lazy I am.  :bang )


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^I've been told that I can get greedy too, and I suppose that's true, but I just have expensive taste. :p I like luxury and comfort, but does this make me a bad person? No, because I also like being in the outdoors and getting down in the dirt when I need to.

Anyway, I tend to get envious myself. Especially when someone YEARS younger then me is good at something then me and I don't know squat about it. :rolleyes It makes me embarrassed when a kid asks me about something or someone asks my expertise on something and I have no idea what they are talking about and I don't know the subject they are saying. I always feel less credible as a person. :(

And I voted "Yes".


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I'm jealous of people that somehow follow no education but make huge amounts of money.

LOL.  *Points at self*  I have absolutely no formal education and I do all right.  Of course I received education in other ways.....  Then again I'm getting into Internet Marketing and being an IMer is a pretty easy life once you've got it set up.  But you've sill got to know what to do in order to get there of course.  In a way, everything requires education of some sort.

As for the poll question, I voted "no."  Why?  Because when I see someone with something I want I don't begrudge them for it.  I say "dang I want that.  I guess I'm gonna work my butt off and get it!" if it is something that I truly want.


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I said "depends". I don't usually get envious of people coz I don't tend to weigh up my personal possessions, achievements and experiences against other people. I might say it in jest like my little brother is currently in Japan and I joked "I'm so jealous right now". But I know that I plan on getting out there and seeing Japan for myself when the time is right (and there is enough money in the bank  :lol) I adopt the mentality that I can have anything and everything that I want if I work and strive for it. To that end, I am rarely envious of anyone coz I know that with enough money (or enough practice) I can do just as good as anyone else. :D  :smile I won't deny that I haven't been jealous at a few points in my life but I soon got around to achieving what I was jealous about which helped snub it out. There's enough pain and suffering in the world without my selfishness adding to it (not implying that anyone who DOES get envious is contributing to the world's problems...I'm gonna stop talking now :p  :oops)


  • Ducky
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It depends on the circumstances.  Although I do think that everyone can have a form of envy..even if they do not think they do.

Dash The Longneck

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Unfortunately I am always getting jealous of someone about something. Money, girlfriend, job, etc.etc.etc.etc.etc.