The Gang of Five
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Oliver & Company Returns


  • Ducky
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First chapter

New York City in the 1980's

It was the day after Jenny's birthday, and Jenny was saved from Sykes.

Sykes and his two villain dogs was killed, and the gang had nothing to do that day after.

Dodger, Rita, Tito, Einstein, Francis and Oliver they took a walk to Coney Island, and it was a sunny summer day.

Oliver he asked "Now that we saved Jenny, what should we do?"

Dodger he said "Let's have some fun here! Tonight we explore Syke's warehouse as he is gone!"

Then was the dogs and the cat spending some time in Coney Island, as they relaxed by a pier thereafter.

Later on was the heroes going home, but suddenly they felt out of place.

It was not that Coney Island they knew, and it was another timeline.

Dodger he said "Wow! What just happend?"

Rita she said "Hey, somehow we went around a corner and ended up in the 1900's!"

The animals was in another time and place, and it was the time when Luna Park still was around.

Oliver he said "A Trip to the Moon, Wild Animals, Canals of Venice, I haven't heard about that!"

None noticed the animals, and it was just like a dream.

Later did the animals suddenly end up in our time again, as they walked out of Luna Park.

Dodger he said "Strange! It must had been our imagination, or a dream!"

Then was Oliver and his friends going home, and they found some of Fagins book that had a history of Coney Islands history.

Later that evening was the dogs and Oliver exploring Sykes' empty warehouse, and it was all abandoned.

It was a huge warehouse, so the heroes spend hours there before they went home.


  • Administrator
  • The Gang of Five
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if i may critique this Daddytops, very little actually happens in this chapter.. at least if you're going to send them back to the 1900s keep them there and over the course of your story work to get them back to the present You have some good ideas but they need to be fleshed out more. Hoe were they sent back in time? what did they see that revealed there were no longer in the present..? little things like that that make a better story..
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  • Ducky
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Second chapter

New York City Autumn 1988

The dogs they was together in Central Park one autumn day, as Dodger he had a story to tell.

Dodger he said "I was born and raised on Lee Avenue in Yonkers, and it was before I moved to New York City."

Rita she said "Lee Avenue on Yonkers, I heard strange stories from there."

Doder he said "You are right, and that's why I left."


Dodger was born and raised on Lee Avenue, and it was an ordinary city.

The dog he lived with his parents and owners, as nothing really happened.

But one night was something happening, and many chose to move away after that.

Dodger he awoke in his room, while he thought he heard very old songs for kids from inside a closet.

The dog he opened the closet, but none was in there, and no kids lived in the house.

Later on was someone singing from the closet again, and Dodger he could not sleep for many nights while he heard backward talking and saw chairs move and fall by something invisible.

The neighbours heard strange singing too, as nobody was to be found.

Some nights later was Dodger waking up, and he heard the invisible kids again.

The dog he saw names of kids written on the walls everywhere in the house, as there was something in the closets.

Dodger he decided to leave that night, and he rushed to New York City.

New York City

Rita she said "That was crazy! I would do the same!"

Dodger he sid "After those events, was I living on Times Square util I met you."

After Dodger's story, was the dogs and Oliver going to their home on the harbor.