The Gang of Five
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Long ago, when the nation of Mordrivale was at war with the Roman empire, its king summoned a wizard similar to that of Merlin and said to him "we cannot stay here much longer, as we are being hunted like vermin by the Romans,we ask ye to create a gate out of this place", the wizard then formed a tome, that contained a spell, if one uttered said spell it would take them away to another world, and it has been said that those who are taken are never seen again. The king and queen each were taken to this place as the Roman empire overtook and destroyed their city, the wizard and the tome, disappeared,never to be seen again...

                           Until Now.


It was a hot summer day,as John AKA Belmont2500 walked, trying to clear his head of all things, then he stopped in his tracks because what lay ahead of him, was what seemed to be an old library. This was usually something that John would glance at once and then walk passed, but something about caught his interest so he went in.

The main enterance was missing a door and some of the walls seemed crumbled
in one area a pipe was broken and it sprayed water over onto a what seemed like a desk, John then walked to some book shelves before he looked upon a large book laying on a table. John tried to read its title but it was in a language that he could not understand,regardless, he opened the book and saw that what was written on the inside was in english "this tome is a passage to Eymreil, only those who wish to leave there world completely should come as they may never return" John read, below the writing were strange words that seemed like a spell: "Ulna  Nuana Cynia".

Out of curiousity John whispered it, immediately after the tome began to glow and John suddenly felt as if he was being pulled towards the book, suddenly he vanished without a trace.



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A Short while later, Nick, on vacation from his job, stopped at the lights we\hile jogging. the old library caught his eye, and being a history buff and lover of anything old and odd, he decided to invesitigate. He crept inside the building, avoiding the pools of water on the floor and wiping away the cobwebs that hung oin the air. it was then he noticed footprints leading into another room: Someone had been here recently.. "Hello?' He called out, somewhat foolishly, you never knew what sort of person might use such a ruin as a hideout, like a gang or drug dealers or even the mob. still nick, being the curious type went side, and found himself in a room full of dusty bookshelves it was while perusing these books that he noticed one lying on the floor, it was written in a strange language and oddly, felt warm to the touch.. Nick opened the book, and looked inside, it to his surprise he could read it! "This book is a passage to EYMREIL, only those who wish to leave their world behind completely, should come, as those who come may never return..below this was more strange writing
ULNA NUANA CYNIA! Nick read allowed Suddenly the boom glowed bright, and room seemed to spin and Nick was lifted his feet and thrust forwards towards a door of light. in an instant he vanished.
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"Are you you awake,young lad" a voice spoke, John slowly opened his eyes and found that he was not in the old library but in what seemed like a small town, "young lad" the voice spoke again, "I'm awake" John said as he got up and saw that the one who spoke to him was a middle aged man in medivel-syle clothing. "You don't look like you're from around here,outlander" he said "you could say that,where am I anyway" John replied "that would be Lascivia" the man replied,looking a bit confused.

"I see, the name's John"

"Aylwin be my name"

"Well I believe I should be going now, goodbye" John said as he walked off...



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Nick was flung forward and landed in a pile of straw. Where the heck am i? he myuttered
 Where are you? you're in prison, simpleton! came a harsh voice nearby
 Pr-prison nick said But I haven't done anything wrong! he said noticing there were thick bars spread across a door. a tall thin guard stood there learing at him. "You haven't done anything wrong? he mocked " then why are you in prison..
Um.. i forget to pay my last months rent? Nick said..
Debtors.. the guard sighed..  well you're in here until you can pay up.. the guard said..
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Noma, an argonian, sighed once she was back outside. She had been out gathering some plant parts to make potions with.  Then she'd go to the merchant to sell some there and some others to the mage guild.  She was a member of both the mage and fighter guilds.  She had finished selling the potions and was thinking what to do next.


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so.. how am I here? Nick asked.. ' Deopends on how much you owe.. since you say you owe months rent, you're in here a month" the guard said disppearing down a hallway...
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"I haven't seen that lad around" said a townswoman as John walked into the Lascivia tavern, many townsfolk stared and muttered things like "what's with those odd clothes he's wearing" or "he hasn't got a sword or a bow, he's dead already". When John walked up to the counter, the bartender asked "what would you like,outlander", John thought for a moment before  a guard entered the tavern and walked up to where he was standing.

"Are you the one you came into town" the guard asked

"I guess, it depends on what you mean by 'came into town'"

"By order of the king you are here by arrested for disturbing the peace"

John was both shocked and confused, he had only arrived minutes ago and was sure he hadn't done anything to disturb anyone.

"I think you have the wrong guy,I just got here" John remarked

"oh no,I have the person I'm looking for" the guard said as he grabbed John's arm and proceeded to drag him off to the prison.

When they arrived there, John had already decided he didn't want to be there, but knew that it would be worthless to attempt to escape while he was still in the guard's sight, when they went in John was immediately assigned a cell and was taken there by the same guard, as they approached the cell John saw that there were two others in there, another human, and what appeared to be a reptilian humanoid creature, "um...can't we talk this over" John asked the guard only to be thrown into the cell, he landed on the stone floor but quickly got up and ran for the door, only to have the guard shut it in his face.

"Well, it can't get any worse than this" John thought out loud...



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You think so huh? Well, try reading a srtrange book that ends up sending you  to a stranger prison" Nick said looking at the newcomer.. " i have no idea why i'm stuck in this place, but it looks like I'm not getting out.. neither are you aopparently.. well, the names Nick, if you're curious, or bored..
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"So it happened to you too, my name is John but many call me Belmont, after a certain legend" John responded,hoping to start a conversation.



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Belmon, like the Belmon Stakes? Interesting, Nick said.. Say.. i have an idea.. start tapping the walls, I remrmber there was this one videogame where you tapped the walls and a secret door opened up" Nick said..
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It was then that Aylwin had arrived at the prison. He soon arrived at John and Nick's cell after having a conversation with the guard.

"A relief your still alive,that guard would've killed you if given permission" he explained

 "Did you think me dead" John asked

"When word came that you had been arrested,yes, but you are now free to go"

a guard,who held the keys to the cell, unlocked the door "go on or I'll lock you back in" he said.



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John couldn't believe that he had been let off so easily,it wasn't always like that in Medival times.

"You coming" he asked Nick.



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Sure.. thanks for the help' Nick said as he quickly headed out of the cell.. Now where should go next?'
 In the nearby city of Chorral, Dar ma was preparing for her daily chores " I wonder what goods we will sell today' she said to herself as she stood outside Nporthern Goods and Trade... She had once been rescued by a nameless adventurer,  she secretly had hoped to ask him to marry her, but he had disappeared into the Wild shortly afterwards.
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Noma headed to the nearest bar to get a drink and some food to decide what to do with the rest of her day.  Plenty of time to decide, she thought.


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What is the nearest town from hgere? Nick asked the guard. "Chorral camde the harsh reply. " Just stay out of trouble you two, otherwise you both will be back in here before you know it..
Guess we should head to Chorral then.. Nick whispered to Belmont..
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Upon hearing Nick's words, John realised he hadn't prepared for the journey. "Indeed,but I need to find a blacksmith and get a few things before we depart" he explained.



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we will need a few things, certainly, " Nick replied. " I'm sure there will be a blacksmith and places to rest in Chorral.. lets head out, before we get into any more trouble.. the sun shone brightly overhead as the two of them walked towards the gates of the city..
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As John and Nick left Lascivia for Chorral, a female Khadijat,a species of feline-like humanoids, sensed danger but knew not where it would strike, she had heard of their arrival and feared that they would be heading towards their own demise.



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Once at the bar Noma ordered a drink so she could drink it while looking to see what sorts of food was available in the place and which of the food looked and smelled appraising.