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Flyers of the Mysterious Beyond

Jrd89 · 820 · 88567


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Flying up to join Roger in the air, Luke followed his gaze as the crack stretched on into the distance. "Sure, if by interesting you mean terrifying..." he panted. "We should regroup with the others back at the cave. It should be a safer place to wait this out."


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Roger just nodded, still looking at the crack. "Yer right, mate. Make sure they're alright" he said before flying off in the direction of the cave. When he got there he saw that the cave entrance was blocked by rocks. "Oh no..." he landed next to them and got up close. "Anyone in there?! 'Ello! Speak up!" he shouted and then laid the side of his head against the rock wall to try an listen for any noises.


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Jared recognized that voice anywhere! It was Roger! Jared ran up to the wall of rocks blocking the cave entrance and yelled back.

"ROGER!!...ROGER!!...I HEAR YOU!!! It's me, Jared, the tan longtail, Rinkus's son!!!! I CAN HEAR YOU!! I'M TRAPPED inside with Pterano, Devon, Artie, Fury, Joe and the others! WE'RE ALL OK EXCEPT FOR DEVON... HE'S TRAPPED IN THE PILE OF ROCKS, AND WE CAN'T GET HIM OUT!! The rocks are TOO heavy for us to lift!!  :blink:

We're ALL stuck in here, Roger! A HUGE pile of rocks have blocked the entrance!! We need help getting out, or we're ALL GONNA DIE IN HERE!!!"

"PLEASE ROGER, WE NEED YOUR HELP!! YOU'RE OUR ONLY HOPE!!!" asked Jared in a very loud, scared and panicked a few tears rolled down his beak as he though of his father Rinkus and that if Roger couldn't help them get out of the cave, Jared would NEVER see him, Luke, OR Rinkus again!   :cry  :cry

"ROGER? I FORGOT TO ASK YOU... ARE MY DAD AND LUKE WITH YOU? MAYBE THEY CAN HELP, TOO!" shouted the tan rhamphorhynchus loudly, making sure that Roger heard every word he said.


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"We're all here, Jared!" Luke called through the blockage. "Out of all the places there could've been a rock slide, it's just our luck it had to be here, huh? Keep trying to help Devon - we'll clear these rocks in no time!" He lowered his voice. "I hope."

Wrapping his hands around one of the rocks, he heaved and tried to pull it down. It wouldn't shift. After a few moments he gave up, leaning over with his hands on his knees, gasping with exhaustion. "Those are... really... heavy..." he panted. "I don't know... if we can do this by hand..."


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"We're alright! I'll find a way to 'ave you out!" Roger called back and then looked at the boulders. Clearly they were too heavy to lift. "Oh dear...only one way out of this" Roger said rubbing his hands together. "Say Luke, do you believe in magic?"


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"Magic? As in, abra kadabra?" Luke cocked an eye at Roger. "Can't say it's ever worked for me." He folded his wings skeptically. "What did you have in mind? Are you gonna turn the boulders into flowers?" he snickered provocatively.


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Devon groaned, opening his light blue eyes. "Uggghhhh my head..." he managed to mutter out, sitting up against the rocks. "What happened?" It only took him a second to figure that out. "Oh...son of a tarpit." He stood up on his feet, despite the pain it sent to his chest. He took a few steps back, not even noticing that he was stepping towards the edge. Luckily for him, he was able to catch himself before he fell, letting out a "HOLY SHOOT!!!!"

He then noticed the rocks...the big pile of rocks all surrounding him, he gasped at the sight. "Oh no..." He rushed to the rocks, removing as many rocks as he could. "DAD!!! DAD!!!! GUYS!?!?!? ARE YOU IN THERE??" He shouted at the top of his lungs, having no idea that Roger and Luke were on the other side of the rock pile, doing the same thing he was.


Pterano preached his head up as he could have swarn he heard his son's voice. "Devon?"

Artie and Joe listened to the worry in Fury's voice. "Ehhh I'm not sure if I can do that, kid. I'm pretty tired." Joe told the young glider, yawning.

Artie would not let that happen. "No, you stay with us, Joe. You hear? We're gonna get out of here, and we're gonna get help. Just hang on!" She said, removing the last two rocks off of the spiketail. "Just hang on..."
Petra is a variant of the Greek name "Petros" meaning "strong" or "rock." Andi is a variant of the Greek name "Andy" meaning "masculine" or "brave." Therefore, I am tremendously brave and strong! :lol


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"Not exactly" Roger said and then sighed before muttering something with the words 'forgive me' in them. He then began to look around at the rocks on the bottom of the pile before stopping at one. "Yes, perfect" he then placed his hands on them, humming lightly as his claws gave a faint blue glow for s second.

"You might want to stand back" he told Luke before letting go of the rock, panting as if he'd been doing something physically demanding. He then tapped the rock and stood back as it seemed to crack, more and more. Soon the rock had crumbled and just that one missing rock was enough to make the wall on the outside tumble down in a Jenga Block effect.

Now they could see Luke, but they could also see the SECOND wall that blocked him from Pterano and the others. "...oh cripes" Roger muttered seeing another wall in the way.


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After Jared heard the loud tumbling of the rocks.. he shouted out to Roger to find out what just happened.

"HEY ROGER!! IT'S JARED AGAIN! WHAT JUST HAPPENED OUT THERE? Did you get some of the rocks moved out of the way?."  Jared asked in a loud and scared voice, as he nervously played with his tail. The tan rhamphorhynchus was VERY worried and scared that he may be stuck in the cave with Pterano and the others forever!  :blink:

"Roger, PLEASE don't give up! I KNOW YOU CAN DO IT! YOU'RE A VERY SMART LONGTAIL... YOU CAN DO THIS!.. I HAVE FAITH IN YOU!"  :)  shouted Jared with encouragement from inside the cave with a small smile on his beak.


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Luke's superior laugh caught in his throat as he saw Roger's hand glow blue. He continued to watch, mouth hanging open, as the rocks then crumbled under the flyer's touch.

"What was.. this is... how did you do that?!" Luke spluttered. He started to continue, but then he heard Jared's voice echoing from the other side of the boulder pile. "Never mind - whatever you did, do it again! I think we're almost through."


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Usually words like the ones he heard from Jared would have cheered Roger up, but in this situation it seemed to do the opposite as the brown flyer just sighed and looked down at his hands. He didn't even have enough energy to shout loud enough for Jared and the other trapped to hear him. "I don't know if I can do this, kid" he said to Luke. "I'm not the flyer I used to by, looks like I let you all down again" he said slowly shaking his head, then slowly looking up to Devon trying to move the rocks out of the way. "I'm sorry"


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Devon heard Roger's comment, but he couldn't bring himself to give the attention because he was so busy removing the rocks. "DAD!!! DAAAAAAAAAAAD!!!!! CAN YOU HEAR ME????"

Pterano's confused face turned into a smile. "Devon? DEVON!!! I HEAR YOU, SON!!!!!"

Devon let out a sigh of relief. "DON'T WORRY DAD!!! WE'LL GET YOU OUT!!! I'LL GO GET HELP!!!!!" With that, Devon took off into the air to find some land creature of some sort. Little did he know...he was in for a surprise.

"Be careful, son..." Pterano drifted off, before sitting down on his tail against the rocks. "I'm not as young as I used to be," he muttered sadly.
Petra is a variant of the Greek name "Petros" meaning "strong" or "rock." Andi is a variant of the Greek name "Andy" meaning "masculine" or "brave." Therefore, I am tremendously brave and strong! :lol

Mama's Girl

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Petrie hoped over to where Pterano sat as Devon went off to find help and the others outside tried to help. That seemed all that could be done for the moment. "Aw, you not old, uncle" he said, "and we make it out".

Harper didn't want to shoot down her brother's try at encouragement, but somehow she wasn't as sure as he was and frowned up at the huge wall in front of them. She heard a slight noise like crumbling rock from the other side and listened. "I...I think they're breaking through!"


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Jared shouted for Devon and Roger.. "ROGER? DEVON? ARE YOU THERE?"  shouted Jared to both of the flyers that were outside the rock wall.

"PLEASE guys! I DON'T want to die in here along with the others.. but that won't happen if you guys can get us all out of here!!  :)  I have faith in both of you! I KNOW you guys can think of a way to get us out of the cave! Don't give up, guys! You can do it. You both are VERY smart flyers!"

Added Jared with lots of encouragement in his voice. The tan rhamphorhynchus had faith in both Devon and Roger. He thought they were both wonderful and smart flyers and knew that they could figure out a way to get him, Pterano, Artie, Fury and the others out of the cave.


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Before Devon could hear any of Jared's comments, he flew out of there. But he did manage to hear the words, "I have faith in the both of you!" which had him smiling. So he soared over the land, scanning the trees to find any sign of creature there is. Luckily he didn't have to wait very long, for he spotted a brown crested flyer perched on the treetops. He soared down away from the altitude to get to this brown flyer.

He landed on the ground, behind a tree. Right up above him he saw the brown flyer, up on the tree branch staring back down at him. He jumped out of his spot and turned himself around so he could face the flyer. "Hehe, hi there!" he sputtered out nervously.

The strange flyer landed next to Devon so he could get a better look at him. He stood at least a good one and a half feet above him. He was huge too! He had the biggest muscles Devon would ever see. And Devon could tell for a fact that this flyer was in Pterano's species and the strange thing is, he noticed a resemblence between this flyer and Pterano.

"So you need help removing those rocks, huh?" he told the blue flyer cooly in a raspy voice.

"How'd you know?" Devon asked, eyes going wide.

"Well first of all, I saw it happen. I'm a flyer too, you know. And second of all, I saw you searching for help," the flyer replied.

"Oh." Devon chuckled nervously.

"And you came to the right place, my good man! I didn't work out for these muscles for nothing!" He flexed his muscles. "I may be old, but I have the energy of someone your age! I can fix anything! Just lead me there and I'll do my thing."

Devon chuckled. "Okay then! The cave is just above these trees."

"But first of all, let's introduce ourselves shall we? I'm Zaine. What's your name, son?"

"The names Devon."

"Devon..." he gasped. "Oh yes! Devoooon. I think I met up with your father once."

"You did? You mean Sierra?"

"If you mean that brown flyer with a Texan accent then yes." Zaine stroked his beak. "Huh, you look like him, but you don't sound like him."

"What do you mean?"

"You just don't have the same accent."

"Oh." Devon chuckled again. "Hehe, you can thank Pterano for that. He's the one who adopted me."

Zaine preached his head up. Just the name "Pterano" had his head spinning. He smirked evilly and turned to Devon. "That's nice. Now lets get goin shall we? I'm sure your Pterano wouldn't wanna be stuck in that cave forever, ya know."

"Hehe, yeah." With that, the two flyers took off into the air. Little did Devon know, he was in for a mess.

(Whew! I thought I'd NEVER get this post done! :p  :lol I was wrong before. I think THIS is my longest rp post ever!)
Petra is a variant of the Greek name "Petros" meaning "strong" or "rock." Andi is a variant of the Greek name "Andy" meaning "masculine" or "brave." Therefore, I am tremendously brave and strong! :lol


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Roger took a deep breath and then walked over to the wall of rocks, even his walk seemed to show how tired he was. He placed his claws on a stone and they began to glow once more. Unlike last time though, the stone didn't shatter, all it did was crack, it was clear that he'd either need quite some time or some strong help to get through this wall.


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Jared though to himself, and told the other flyers who were trapped with him:

"Ohhhhh, I hope Roger can find some way to get through the rocks. And if he can't, well, then maybe he'll find someone who can help him out. I know Roger will find some way to get us out guys, I have faith in him. He's our friend and I know he won't give up." said Jared, smiling with confidence, but totally unaware that at the same moment, Devon was on his way back to the cave with Zaine.


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Luke watched as Roger gripped a rock and concentrated. When it just cracked, Luke sighed. "I guess we just have to wait for you to recharge. If that's how you, uh... work." Putting the side of his head against the rock wall, he thought he could just about hear talking and movement on the other side. "This one doesn't seem as thick as the last one. It shouldn't be as hard to break through."

Luke looked up and nodded. "I think I see Devon coming back."


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Devon landed on the cave enterance with Zaine close behind him. "Guys! We've got company!" Devon said.

"Stand back." Zaine warned, Devon being the first to take a few steps back. "This is gonna be messy!" With that, he rammed himself full speed into the wall, creating a few boulders to roll over. He rammed again and again and pretty soon there was a hole. "Don't worry guys, I'll get you out!" Zaine said before he took off into the air, and lunged full speed towards the rocks, causing them to slide over to make a big enough hole for everyone to get out.

Pterano was the first to zoom out of there and he flew to embrace the blue flyer. "Oh Devon...oh thank goodness!" he exclaimed, tightening his arms around Devon's shoulders before pulling back, cupping his cheeks. "Are you alright?" he asked.

"I believe I should be asking YOU that." Devon teased, smiling up at him with his arms still wrapped around his father's waist, he then turned to everyone in the cave. "Is everyone alright?" he asked.
Petra is a variant of the Greek name "Petros" meaning "strong" or "rock." Andi is a variant of the Greek name "Andy" meaning "masculine" or "brave." Therefore, I am tremendously brave and strong! :lol


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Jared quickly answered Devon.

"Yes, Devon. We're all ok!"   :yes

Then, Jared turned to Rinkus, "All right, dad! WOO-HOOOO! !! FINALLY! We're out of that cave! We're going to be all right after all!" Said Jared very happily to the pink rhamphorhynchus as he wrapped him into a great big, warm, hug with a huge smile on his beak.  :D