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First I must start by saying that I'm not a huge fan of the Land Before Time franchise. I thought the original movie was a bit too fast-paced, and most of the sequels were flat, dry, and rather childish. But that's not to say I don't have my favorite moments, songs, and characters. So I might as well start by listing them.

Favorite Characters:
The Rainbowfaces from the Stone of Cold Fire, Sierra, Rinkus, Pterano, and Ducky. As you can see I rather liked movie #7. Now, as to why...
I liked the Rainbowfaces because we know absolutely nothing about them. Currently I'm writing a fan fiction with them as the main characters. Any ideas, however, would be appreciated - my dad suggested it not be a LBT fiction, and for it to be sort of an alternate world where the dinosaurs didn't die out, and it interests me, but then that kind of ruins the Rainbowfaces...being the Rainbowfaces. In any case, the two expressed opposing personalities (the female Rainbowface is a strict rule-enforcer, hates to break the rules, is skeptical, and likes to explain things and express her knowledge, whereas the male is considerate of other's well being to the point where he would break a law to help someone in need, easily excited, creative, perceptive, and encouraging).

The Pterosaurs. Wow. I'll need to watch the movie again (haven't seen it in about a year), but I think Pterano's song told a whole lot about all three of them. Sierra was headstrong and disobedient from the start, but then is when we really realize that he has no qualms about . I'm currently completely blanking out on the movie at the moment. >_< But yeah. Rinkus. The bumbling, easily confused flyer who has a much darker, craftier side...

And, erm, Ducky. Well I have to like one of the main characters, don't I? I don't really know why I like her, to be honest. She's just cute and brave and cool. Cera's a close runner-up, though.

Favorite Songs: not in order
"Kids Like Us"
"Lone Dinosaur"
"Very Important Creature"

Okay. Now that we got that over


  • Ducky
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Welcome to the GoF and have fun.  :DD Yeah, I know I sent you a welcome PM, but still.  :p


  • Spike
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Quote from: Cyberlizard,Aug 23 2006 on  08:01 PM
Welcome to the GoF and have fun.  :DD Yeah, I know I sent you a welcome PM, but still.  :p
It's not a bother. I'm sure I'll stick around for a while. The problem is that I have Asperger's Syndrome, so any sort of social activity - even virtual kinds - is a bit leery to me...I'm really shy, to the point where I have to get a tutor to teach me how to interact with people.


  • Ducky
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Wierd, I have Aspergers too!   :lol


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Okay. Now that we got that over
Hi! :D  :p

The Rainbowfaces from the Stone of Cold Fire, Sierra, Rinkus, Pterano, and Ducky. As you can see I rather liked movie #7.
LBT 7 was quite an interesting movie.  I haven't watched it for quite some time, myself, perhaps 3 or 4 months ago was the last time I watched it.  I enjoyed it, but not as much as some of the other sequels.  I find I can't watch it as often as some of the others.

I'll need to watch the movie again (haven't seen it in about a year), but I think Pterano's song told a whole lot about all three of them. Sierra was headstrong and disobedient from the start, but then is when we really realize that he has no qualms about .
Very Important Creature was one of the more 'necessary' songs, I felt, in the series.  It discussed the characters' details, especially Pterano's, that would have not otherwise been exposed.

And, erm, Ducky. Well I have to like one of the main characters, don't I? I don't really know why I like her, to be honest. She's just cute and brave and cool. Cera's a close runner-up, though.
:D  Cera is probably my favorite overall, but I didn't really like how she changed after LBT 4.  I used to love her threehornish ways, her quirks (saying "Heeee!" at something she was excited or bashful about, for example).  As of LBT 5, she has become a bit more snobby, it seems, and a little less likeable as a character.  I miss our old Cera. :P:

Favorite Songs: not in order
"Kids Like Us"
"Lone Dinosaur"
"Very Important Creature"
That's a fairly unique list of Favorite Songs.  If you're ever wanting to check out the lyrics (and the occasional MIDI file) of all of the LBT songs, just click the link in my signature. B)

Enjoy your time here! :D


  • Spike
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Quote from: Cyberlizard,Aug 23 2006 on  08:08 PM
Wierd, I have Aspergers too!   :lol
Oh! Goodie!


Well, 'goodie' meaning just the fact that I found someone else who has it, not that you have Asperger's.

Oh, and action9000, thank you for replying to my topic, too. Wow, suddenly this place seemed to spice up with activity! In any case, I agree with you, on A Very Important Creature being a nessisary song. And from what I remember, yeah, Cera's character does change a little bit. Which is kind of sad. Oh, and I already looked at your site. And downloaded the tribal version of Always There...and the midi of Lone Dinosaur - I quite liked that.


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Oh, and action9000, thank you for replying to my topic, too. Wow, suddenly this place seemed to spice up with activity!
LOL It gets that way around here sometimes.  People occasionally wait like vultures to pounce on a post and respond to it!  I'm bad for that, :lol

And downloaded the tribal version of Always There
Oh, is that still up on my website somewhere?  LOL I'm actually not very proud of that one.  I wrote it in about 1/2 hour, around 2 in the morning, when I couldn't sleep. :P:

and the midi of Lone Dinosaur - I quite liked that.
My Lone Dinosaur MIDI was a little different story though.  That one took me some time to work out. B)


  • Spike
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Quote from: action9000,Aug 23 2006 on  08:17 PM
Oh, and action9000, thank you for replying to my topic, too. Wow, suddenly this place seemed to spice up with activity!
LOL It gets that way around here sometimes.  People occasionally wait like vultures to pounce on a post and respond to it!  I'm bad for that, :lol

And downloaded the tribal version of Always There
Oh, is that still up on my website somewhere?  LOL I'm actually not very proud of that one.  I wrote it in about 1/2 hour, around 2 in the morning, when I couldn't sleep. :P:

and the midi of Lone Dinosaur - I quite liked that.
My Lone Dinosaur MIDI was a little different story though.  That one took me some time to work out. B)
You wrote that song in two hours? Jeez, that's pretty good. I mean, I know I'll never be able to do something like that, especially at two in the morning. Do you plan on doing a MIDI for any other of the Land Before Time songs?

Oh! And the vulture thing is understandable. I'm guilty of doing that myself - I'm usually nervous of making new topics, so I usually wait until someone posts something to go and reply.


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You wrote that song in two hours? Jeez, that's pretty good.
Actually, I wrote it at 2 AM, in about 1/2 hour. :lol  but it actually wasn't that much work.  If you saw the source data for it, it isn't all that complex.  But LoL thank you for the compliment!  I shall keep working on LBT music in the future!

Do you plan on doing a MIDI for any other of the Land Before Time songs?
You bet! B)

So far I've done:
Always There
Bestest Friends
Lone Dinosaur
No One Has To Be Alone
Peaceful Valley

I plan to eventually make MIDIs of all the LBT songs, though this will be a long time before it happens.  I work on my MIDIs very carefully, by ear, all manually.  It takes a lot of time to do well.

The great things about MIDIs is that they're easy to share, and they contain ALL of the data needed to play the song.  A MIDI can be opened up in any MIDI editing program, and all of its contents can be viewed.  A person can then print the MIDI file as sheet music, and learn to play the song at home. B)
Download Noteworthy Player Viewer from this site if you ever want to see the sheet music of MIDI files.  Just load the MIDI into this program and BAM!  It's all there. B)

I mean, I know I'll never be able to do something like that, especially at two in the morning.
If you ever have Any questions on MIDI files or digital audio, feel more than free to ask me about it. B)


  • Spike
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Quote from: action9000,Aug 23 2006 on  08:30 PM
You wrote that song in two hours? Jeez, that's pretty good.
Actually, I wrote it at 2 AM, in about 1/2 hour. :lol  but it actually wasn't that much work.  If you saw the source data for it, it isn't all that complex.  But LoL thank you for the compliment!  I shall keep working on LBT music in the future!

Do you plan on doing a MIDI for any other of the Land Before Time songs?
You bet! B)

So far I've done:
Always There
Bestest Friends
Lone Dinosaur
No One Has To Be Alone
Peaceful Valley

I plan to eventually make MIDIs of all the LBT songs, though this will be a long time before it happens.  I work on my MIDIs very carefully, by ear, all manually.  It takes a lot of time to do well.

The great things about MIDIs is that they're easy to share, and they contain ALL of the data needed to play the song.  A MIDI can be opened up in any MIDI editing program, and all of its contents can be viewed.  A person can then print the MIDI file as sheet music, and learn to play the song at home. B)
Download Noteworthy Player Viewer from this site if you ever want to see the sheet music of MIDI files.  Just load the MIDI into this program and BAM!  It's all there. B)

I mean, I know I'll never be able to do something like that, especially at two in the morning.
If you ever have Any questions on MIDI files or digital audio, feel more than free to ask me about it. B) HALF an hour...ack, I misread. I'll be sure to download the rest of the MIDIS. And okay. I'll be sure to ask you if I have any questions.


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Quote HALF an hour...ack, I misread.
LOL No worries! B)  :p

F-14 Ace

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Hi!  And welcome to the Gand of Five! :wave  :wave  :wave


  • The Circle
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Welcome with the Gang of Five!  :)
It sure is great to read an introduction message which actually introduces somebody  :yes
The song "Very important Creature" was perhaps the most informative song in the whole series and a really interesting description of Pterano's, but also of Rinkus' and Sierra's personalities.
As for myself, I like LBT 7 generally, but I would have prefered a different kind of departure for the Rainbowfaces. That column of light and everything too much enforced the idea of them being aliens from outer space. It might have been better not to give that decesive clue.
I've heard of quite a couple of LBT fans already who have Aspergers. Several more can be found at the network54 land before time forum too.


  • Spike
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Thank you for gretting me, everybody/everyone. Anyway, in responce to you Malte279, I kind of agree with the Rainbowface departure. But the comet thing suddenly stopping and jerking upwards was really cool for some reason. And, um, I haven't heard of the network54 Land Before Time forum. What's the link?


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I Have Asperger's myself, But i have found that I have been able to subsititute virtual interaction for regular intereaction. In a way, you can be more open when chatting online than you can while in public.  If you wish, you can send me a pm, and I can tell you a little more about myself...
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The Link is at the top of the page where it says "affiliates" The LBT Forum is the one on the right...
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  • Spike
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Quote from: Nick22,Aug 24 2006 on  10:25 AM
I Have Asperger's myself, But i have found that I have been able to subsititute virtual interaction for regular intereaction. In a way, you can be more open when chatting online than you can while in public.  If you wish, you can send me a pm, and I can tell you a little more about myself...
I agree with you, Nick - since the people on the Internet don't have to talk face-to-face, it's a lot easier to be more open. I've always had trouble reading non-verbal ques and interpreting facial expressions.

Quote from: Nick22,Aug 24 2006 on  10:27 AM
The Link is at the top of the page where it says "affiliates" The LBT Forum is the one on the right...
Thank you.


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I don't have problems with that, as far as face reading I do have problems when it comes to reacting in certain hypothetical social situations. I find that my prefered action is not always the best action to take...
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  • Spike
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Quote from: Nick22,Aug 24 2006 on  10:50 AM
I don't have problems with that, as far as face reading I do have problems when it comes to reacting in certain hypothetical social situations. I find that my prefered action is not always the best action to take...
Heh, yeah, I've cut off a lot of conversations for doing the wrong thing in reponse to someone. I have always demonstrated bird-like tendencies (walking on my toes, jerking my head suddenly, turning my head to the side to look at somoene), so I guess I kind of unnerve people. Not that I mind - I don't have much of a drive to be social.


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What has allowed me to compensate for my anti-social tendencies is my intelligence. Asperger's is a disease where the person has high cognitive ability but limited or retarded social interaction.   As I have matured I have become sloghtly more comforytable in social situations, but I am still more comfortable being by myself...
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