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Ask Me, the Spazz!


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Quote from: FlipperBoidSkua,Feb 8 2011 on  11:42 PM
Yes, I have two old drawings for both of them!! They aren't inked or colored though. I can probably submit them later to my Future is Wild fanart thread if your interested! :D
I'd love to see them! :DD

Speaking of future creatures, have you ever seen the book After Man: A Zoology of the Future by Dougal Dixon? It was sort of a precursor to The Future Is Wild (which Dixon was also a part of), speculating on what animals might evolve 50 million years after humans go extinct.

There are over 100 future species described and illustrated in the book, although disappointingly for the biodiversity enthusiast, most of them are mammals, with a couple of dozen birds, four reptiles, and a single amphibian. (A single insect and fishóvirtually indistinguishable from a modern butterfly and pufferfishóappear in an evolutionary timeline chart in the introduction.) Annoyingly the author handwaves his near-exemption of the other 99% of life on Earth with the statement that the most profound evolutionary changes have taken place in the “higher” animals. :rolleyes Nonetheless, it’s a great book, and I highly recommend it if you haven’t seen it yet. :yes It contains what is quite possibly my favorite future creature of all time…

Meet the nightstalker, Manambulus perhorridus. It's a giant flightless predatory bat that evolved on an island chain that was colonized by bats before any birds got there. It walks on its front limbs, with its hind legs functioning as hands (the logic being that modern bats chiefly use their wings to haul themselves around when climbing and crawling, and their feet for grasping). Completely blind, it hunts exclusively by echolocation, running through the forest at night in packs and tearing apart prey with claws and teeth. Basically a fusion of nightmare fuel and concentrated chiropteran awesomeness. :smile

Turns out somebody uploaded all the pages of the book here, so you can check it out for yourself. :D

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I've seen the book once or twice, but never really looked through it.

Annoyingly the author handwaves his near-exemption of the other 99% of life on Earth with the statement that the most profound evolutionary changes have taken place in the “higher” animals.

Why do I have the feeling this is going to be one egotistical book :lol ?

 :blink:  :blink:  :blink: It looks awesome!! The torso reminds me of a kiwi bird and the group attack reminds me of raptors!! :D  And the animal they're attacking looks like a cross between a deer and a bunny!!

I'm very curious about something: Flightlessness is very possible as there are many flightless birds, but why isn't it quadrapedal like the deathgleaner or the present-day vampire bat, the latter of which is known for being extremely agile on the ground? Surely they can still kill prey effectively with it's claws and teeth, perhaps by leaping on it. :)


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All right. If you had your own little universe, what would it be like? Who would be in it? Would you bring anyone back form the dead? And what would your house look like?


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Why do I have the feeling this is going to be one egotistical book :lol ?
Maybe not so much egotistical as mammalocentric. :p I should mention that the book is 30 years old, and the author has some kind of old-fashioned ideas about the natural world.

It looks awesome!! The torso reminds me of a kiwi bird and the group attack reminds me of raptors!! :D And the animal they're attacking looks like a cross between a deer and a bunny!!
That's because that's basically what it is. :p It's a rabbuck, a descendant of rabbits that evolved to replace deer and other hoofed mammals.

And I never noticed the night stalker's resemblance to a kiwi. :wow Given how much I love kiwi birds, I find that very cool. :DD That reminds me: did you ever get to see the pictures I took of a kiwi in my Washington, D.C. vacation photo thread? (That in turn reminds me: did you see the new pictures of sleepy mohawked pigs in my Twin Cities photo thread? :smile)

I'm very curious about something: Flightlessness is very possible as there are many flightless birds, but why isn't it quadrapedal like the deathgleaner or the present-day vampire bat, the latter of which is known for being extremely agile on the ground? Surely they can still kill prey effectively with it's claws and teeth, perhaps by leaping on it. :)
Well, the thing with bats is that their hind legs aren't much good for walking. They're actually rotated so that the knees and feet face backwards, making it easier for them to get into a hanging position. Even vampire bats and other bats that are adept on the ground mainly use their wings to support themselves and power their movements. For example, when one of these bats takes flight, it catapults itself into the air with its wings, rather than pushing off with its legs like a bird. Even when a bat falls into water, it swims using its wings (most bats are actually fairly good swimmers; the book even has a bat that has evolved into a seal-like creature whose wings have become flippers). When birds evolve flightlessness, the pattern tends to be that their legs grow larger and stronger so that they can run quickly on the ground, while their wings, having no grasping function and no longer needed for propulsion, become smaller and weaker. (The kiwi is an excellent example of this.) So if a bat were to become flightless, it's likely that it would continue to support itself on its strongest set of limbs. The hind legs, however, are still capable of performing nonlocomotory functions such as grasping, and since they aren't as important for supporting the bat's weight, it is fairly “convenient” in evolutionary terms for the bat to become bipedal, supporting itself exclusively on its front limbs so that the hind limbs are free for other purposes. Even today, bats use their feet for several functions besides hanging: they groom themselves with their foot claws; insect-eating bats use their leg and tail membranes to scoop insects out of the air; bats that catch fish do so by “trawling” the water with their feet; female bats even use their leg and tail membranes as a sort of safety net for their pups when giving birth. A quadrupedal flightless bat would have a much harder time doing any of these things. Even the more I think about it, the more it makes sense that a flightless bat's wings would become legs and its feet would become hands.

Oo-kee…here's a question I've been meaning to ask you for a while: What do you imagine the personalities of the LBT V Giganotosaurus and the LBT XII Spinosaurus to be?

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All right. If you had your own little universe, what would it be like? Who would be in it? Would you bring anyone back form the dead? And what would your house look like?

That's a difficult one........

It would rain chocolate whenever I want!! At night, when you look up at the sky, you can see lots of stars and galaxies and even planets, and sometimes the Aurora Borealis (spelling?) will flicker across. I would bring back all my lost pets so we can live happily once more!! And all the animals that's been thoughtlessly wiped out by human-kind will be alive again (why stop there? Why not bring back creatures like dinosaurs!! :^.^: )!! My family would be nicer to me and actually show that they love me just as much as they love my little sister. And all the really great people would be there, the ones that I care for and the ones who care for me, like my long-lost best friend and my RP e-mail pal!! And my universe would include you, Pangaea, Rat_lady7, The Friendly Sharptooth, and the other people who's been nice to me on here and all the things needed to make every one of you happy in turn!! And my fanfics and original stories will be published and I'll have my dream of working with animals! And......everything I've every been obsessed with would be real!!! Oi....Just imagine the chaos with that idea!  :lol

That's because that's basically what it is.  It's a rabbuck, a descendant of rabbits that evolved to replace deer and other hoofed mammals.

Wow!! I never thought my comment would be so accurate! Awesome!!!!  :D

Reading everything about the evidence supporting future evolution of bats, it makes perfect sense now. :yes I guess I just found it weird to have a creature who walks with its front legs as I don't recall anything evolving to have such a unige way of transportation. But now that you've explained it, it's very clear to me. Thanks!!

And I never noticed the night stalker's resemblance to a kiwi.  Given how much I love kiwi birds, I find that very cool.  That reminds me: did you ever get to see the pictures I took of a kiwi in my Washington, D.C. vacation photo thread? (That in turn reminds me: did you see the new pictures of sleepy mohawked pigs in my Twin Cities photo thread? )

Kiwi's are awesome and adorable with their long beaks and almost non-existant wings!!  :DD You ever seen this cute little video regarding a Kiwi?

Kiwi photos!!! I must go see!!!  :lol Mohawked piggies! I just have to see that!!

Oo-kee…here's a question I've been meaning to ask you for a while: What do you imagine the personalities of the LBT V Giganotosaurus and the LBT XII Spinosaurus to be?

Giganotosaurus- I imagined him being a highly-confident predator, proud of his skills and size. Vengeful, of course, and he can be quite nasty in that respect. Determined and clever, always finding a solution to all sorts of problems that are presented to him. Maybe a bit impulsive with his attacks, which can lead to accidents (eating flowers or biting his own tail, for instance :lol ). That's what I can pick up from the movie, and will probably flesh him out a bit more when he comes into the RP.

Spinosaurus- I gave this character to Redtooth101, but I had his personality planned out before that. He would've been a proud and relatively-calm carnivore, but his determination occasionally outweighs his common sense. A bit single-minded in the pursuit of a target, he will never give up easily and will continue the chase until physically incapable of doing so though fatigue or through getting his sail caught between two rocks :p . He's not as aggressive or clever as the Giganoto, but his persistence alone's enough to get him through the tough life of the Mysterious Beyond.


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Quote from: FlipperBoidSkua,Feb 10 2011 on  02:57 AM
Reading everything about the evidence supporting future evolution of bats, it makes perfect sense now. :yes I guess I just found it weird to have a creature who walks with its front legs as I don't recall anything evolving to have such a unige way of transportation. But now that you've explained it, it's very clear to me. Thanks!!
You're welcome. Yep, I've been obsessed with the idea of flightless bats (especially giant predatory flightless bats :p) ever since I first found out about the night stalker. Interestingly, there's a species of bat in New Zealand (the lesser short-tailed bat, Mystacina tuberculata; there used to be a greater short-tailed bat as well, but it's extinct now :cry) that, while capable of flight, spends most of its time on the ground, eating fruit, nectar, carrion, and invertebrates. (Here are two videos.) My favorite episode of the documentary series The Life Of Mammals had an entire segment at the end devoted to these bats, showing a group of them ganging up on a weta (a sort of giant flightless cricket that a lone bat would normally have difficulty tackling), tearing it apart, and squabbling over the remains. (Sound familiar? *shifts eyes a few posts up*) I should mention that they appear to be completely quadrupedal, so the body plan of the night stalker isn't necessarily the one that flightless batsóif they ever evolveówill adopt as my post might have suggested, but it's nonetheless plausible.

Kiwi's are awesome and adorable with their long beaks and almost non-existant wings!!  :DD You ever seen this cute little video regarding a Kiwi?
Yeah, I’ve seen that video before, though I find it sad. Poor kiwi. :cry

I have my own kiwi video to share: a kiwi on a treadmill. :lol He’s not trying to lose weight; :p what happened was that both his legs were broken, so wildlife rehabilitators gave him treadmill therapy to help rebuild his leg muscles. Yes, it's as cute as it sounds. :D

Giganotosaurus- I imagined him being a highly-confident predator, proud of his skills and size. Vengeful, of course, and he can be quite nasty in that respect. Determined and clever, always finding a solution to all sorts of problems that are presented to him. Maybe a bit impulsive with his attacks, which can lead to accidents (eating flowers or biting his own tail, for instance :lol ). That's what I can pick up from the movie, and will probably flesh him out a bit more when he comes into the RP.

Spinosaurus- I gave this character to Redtooth101, but I had his personality planned out before that. He would've been a proud and relatively-calm carnivore, but his determination occasionally outweighs his common sense. A bit single-minded in the pursuit of a target, he will never give up easily and will continue the chase until physically incapable of doing so though fatigue or through getting his sail caught between two rocks :p . He's not as aggressive or clever as the Giganoto, but his persistence alone's enough to get him through the tough life of the Mysterious Beyond.
Wow. I like those bios. :smile I'm eager to see how you handle the Giganotosaurus in the RP.

Speaking of which, how large do you imagine your Therizinosaurus dinosona as being? (8-foot arms with 3-foot claws are the only reference we have for the real dinosaur's size, but it's estimated to have been at least 30 feet long, and I wouldn't be surprised if it was more than that.) I ask because I think it would help in the RP scenes where my characters are interacting with yours (which are likely to be quite frequent :lol) to have an idea of how they compare in terms of scale. If both our dinosonas were the same size as their real-life counterparts, my character would be about as long as one of your character's claws, which might be a bit too much of a size difference, depending on what kind of interactions you were planning on. (Shaking hands is probably out of the question in any case. :p)

P.S. You've seen my dinosona picture and profile, right? For reference, I see him as being about as tall as Chomper (maybe taller when standing upright), or half again as large as Guido.

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Yeah, I’ve seen that video before, though I find it sad. Poor kiwi.

Yes, but at least he had his dream, so it wasn't in vain! :(

(Here are two videos.)


I have my own kiwi video to share: a kiwi on a treadmill.  He’s not trying to lose weight;  what happened was that both his legs were broken, so wildlife rehabilitators gave him treadmill therapy to help rebuild his leg muscles. Yes, it's as cute as it sounds.

AWWWWWW, both the batties and the kiwi was sooooooo cute!! The batties are so fuzzy; they're walking balls of fluff!!! I love the one that's eating what looks like a large beetle larva. That's quite a mouthful for the little fella!!

And the kiwi!! Piwi the kiwi, what an adorable name! He's probably thinking 'Why is the ground moving?! :blink: ' And the story about him was also cute! I hope he's done okay with his recovery and has returned to the wild!!

Wow. I like those bios.  I'm eager to see how you handle the Giganotosaurus in the RP.

Aww, thank you!! Bios are so much fun to write!! And I'm eager to bring him in as well!! Must be part of the reason I was bugging Rat_lady7 about it :D !!

Speaking of which, how large do you imagine your Therizinosaurus dinosona as being? (8-foot arms with 3-foot claws are the only reference we have for the real dinosaur's size, but it's estimated to have been at least 30 feet long, and I wouldn't be surprised if it was more than that.) I ask because I think it would help in the RP scenes where my characters are interacting with yours (which are likely to be quite frequent ) to have an idea of how they compare in terms of scale. If both our dinosonas were the same size as their real-life counterparts, my character would be about as long as one of your character's claws, which might be a bit too much of a size difference, depending on what kind of interactions you were planning on. (Shaking hands is probably out of the question in any case. )

Based on IsisMasshiro's pic which I got my dinosona design from, an adult male LBT Therizinosaurus looks to be the same size as an adult T-Rex (the same character, which I named Zin, is equal in size with Red Claw in my future fanfic :D ). Myself being a young adult female, I imagine being a bit smaller. Though how much smaller, I'm not all too sure as sexual dimorphism in this dinosaur is a bit unclear to me.... :smile

And ironically, earlier when we first met in the RP, I was thinking about offering a claw to shake, but realized that that'll probably freak Guido out. So now it's a deleted scene  :lol: .

P.S. You've seen my dinosona picture and profile, right? For reference, I see him as being about as tall as Chomper (maybe taller when standing upright), or half again as large as Guido.

Yup! I've seen it and I love your red coloring!! The combo with the yellow is very nice!! Your physical form's awesome, you certainly do look more adult! And I love your bio as well!! Reading it, I see yet more things in common, it's awesome!!


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Why do you like Shenzi, Banzai and Ed (from TLK)?
Also, out of curiosity, why do you dub yourself the 'Spaz(z)' of the forum?  
What is the most interesting pet that you wish you could have?
How do you feel about Sharks?  Do you have a favourite type of shark?  Do you believe/feel that the stigma that is attached to the sharks (I refer to fear), is completely illogical in the sense that humans are the ones who are killing more numbers of sharks than they 'kill' humans?


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Why do you like Shenzi, Banzai and Ed (from TLK)?

Besides the fact that I found them hilarious, spotted hyenas are one of my fav critters in Africa, so it's really not a surprise that I would favor those three over the other characters. :D

Also, out of curiosity, why do you dub yourself the 'Spaz(z)' of the forum?

Cuz it's fun and random!! :DD But I'm certainly not the only spazz on the forum!!

What is the most interesting pet that you wish you could have?

That list would be very long, but I'll shorten it considerably to the most desired ones...... I wanna pair of fennec foxes and a large parrot (probably a Scarlet macaw or an African grey); on the more common end, I'm fond of siamese cats and want some of my own. I also want a whole number of bugs and other arthropods, but most'll prove to be impossible to contain.

How do you feel about Sharks? Do you have a favourite type of shark? Do you believe/feel that the stigma that is attached to the sharks (I refer to fear), is completely illogical in the sense that humans are the ones who are killing more numbers of sharks than they 'kill' humans?

I love sharks and my favorite will have to be the thresher shark, though the mako and the blue is tied a close second, and the whale shark and black-tipped reef shark a third. And yes, I do think it's unnecessary to be frightened of sharks. You're much more likely to be killed by a falling coconut than you are at being killed by a shark. I blame hollywood, as they're almost always responsible for giving all sorts of misunderstood critters a bad reputation. If anything, sharks have a lot more reason to be more scared of humans than vice versa.


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Quote from: FlipperBoidSkua,Feb 10 2011 on  02:10 PM
AWWWWWW, both the batties and the kiwi was sooooooo cute!! The batties are so fuzzy; they're walking balls of fluff!!! I love the one that's eating what looks like a large beetle larva. That's quite a mouthful for the little fella!!
My thoughts exactly. :smile Walking balls of fluff with big appetites. :lol (That description could also apply to the kiwi, actually.)

Based on IsisMasshiro's pic which I got my dinosona design from, an adult male LBT Therizinosaurus looks to be the same size as an adult T-Rex (the same character, which I named Zin, is equal in size with Red Claw in my future fanfic :D ). Myself being a young adult female, I imagine being a bit smaller. Though how much smaller, I'm not all too sure as sexual dimorphism in this dinosaur is a bit unclear to me.... :smile
That's what I was thinking, too. And I don't know if anyone knows about sexual dimorphism in therizinosaurs. :unsure: (Therizinosaurus itself, as far as I know, is only known from a single specimen.) You can probably be flexible with your character's size, though, since many dinosaurs are known to have reached maturity long before they were full-sized.

And ironically, earlier when we first met in the RP, I was thinking about offering a claw to shake, but realized that that'll probably freak Guido out. So now it's a deleted scene :lol: .
To add to the irony, I was considering having my character almost extend a hand to shake when he first met your dinosona, but decide against it. :lol So…it's a “never-created” scene. :p (Not that we couldn't still use a Therizinosaurus hand-shaking gag at some point in the RP… :smile)

P.S. You've seen my dinosona picture and profile, right? For reference, I see him as being about as tall as Chomper (maybe taller when standing upright), or half again as large as Guido.
Yup! I've seen it and I love your red coloring!! The combo with the yellow is very nice!! Your physical form's awesome, you certainly do look more adult! And I love your bio as well!! Reading it, I see yet more things in common, it's awesome!!
Thank you very much! :DD I think the same of the picture and profile of your dinosona. :smile

That reminds me…have you seen my art thread yet? (I'd love it if you posted some comments. :yes)

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You can probably be flexible with your character's size, though, since many dinosaurs are known to have reached maturity long before they were full-sized.

Yeah, maybe I'm like 2/3 his size or something.

To add to the irony, I was considering having my character almost extend a hand to shake when he first met your dinosona, but decide against it.  So…it's a “never-created” scene.  (Not that we couldn't still use a Therizinosaurus hand-shaking gag at some point in the RP… )

We both had the same idea and we both decided against it....Stop being my clone :lol

Ooooooo, I love gags!!

That reminds me…have you seen my art thread yet? (I'd love it if you posted some comments. )

I'll be right on it fast than a spazz on chocolate!! Whoooooo!!!


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Quote from: FlipperBoidSkua,Feb 11 2011 on  03:38 PM
You can probably be flexible with your character's size, though, since many dinosaurs are known to have reached maturity long before they were full-sized.
Yeah, maybe I'm like 2/3 his size or something.
I'm still not sure how that would compare to my character, but it sounds reasonable to me.

Quote from: FlipperBoidSkua,Feb 11 2011 on  03:38 PM
We both had the same idea and we both decided against it....Stop being my clone :lol
Ah, I'm not spazzy enough to be your clone. :p

Quote from: FlipperBoidSkua,Feb 11 2011 on  03:38 PM
That reminds me…have you seen my art thread yet? (I'd love it if you posted some comments. )
I'll be right on it fast than a spazz on chocolate!! Whoooooo!!!
Thanks! :smile

Have you ever watched Primeval? It's a British TV series about mysteriously appearing space-time portals that allow creatures from the past and future to enter the present day. Most of the creatures are rather scientifically inaccurate, but the show uses some very interesting ones. (One of them is even a giant flightless predatory bat from the future, though it looks nothing like a nightstalker, or a deathgleaner, or any kind of bat, really.)

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I haven't seen the actual show, but I've seen a clip where the future bat thing is fighting some prehistoric creature (and lost :p ). It was a while ago and the clip was unwillingly removed from my youtube favorites, but I remember thinking: "That thing doesn't look remotely like a bat..." But it was an awesome fight regardless of that fact!


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Which bat species that you know of are, in your opinion, the funniest-looking? :p (I imagine the epauletted bat you posted a picture of in the “Caption This!” section would be one of them. :P:)

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I imagine the epauletted bat you posted a picture of in the “Caption This!” section would be one of them.

That's the funniest picture of a batty I've ever seen and it was adorable! :D Chapin's free-tailed bats are funny too with their little rockin' hair-do!!!


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Hi hi!

Alrighty, down to business...this is a rather random one but, what does FTW mean? I'm actually completely in the dark about this. :blink:

And why do you like the Domeheads from the first movie so much? Had to ask this one. Not that there's anything wrong with it, there's just some things you want to know. -_-


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Quote from: FlipperBoidSkua,Feb 12 2011 on  10:19 PM
Chapin's free-tailed bats are funny too with their little rockin' hair-do!!!
Yeah, those guys are adorable. :lol Speaking of creatures with mohawks, did you ever get a chance to see the Visayan warty pig photos in my “Twin Cities” thread?

(Also, I got around to posting in the RP again, just so you know. Sorry about the wait.)

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Alrighty, down to business...this is a rather random one but, what does FTW mean? I'm actually completely in the dark about this.

It means 'For the Win'!! Just another way of saying how awesome something is!!

And why do you like the Domeheads from the first movie so much? Had to ask this one. Not that there's anything wrong with it, there's just some things you want to know.

 :lol I posted my reasoning on the two threads: 10 Fav Characters and 10 Fav LBT Villains in the Character Discussion category! But I'll sum it up here too!! :D They're aggressive, violent, psychopathic (three traits I love in an antagonist), mysterious in their motives, and they left a big impression on my sister and I despite their minor roles. But even with this, for a long time, I've paid little mind to them and now I can't remember what it was that got me to love them as much as I do now.

Yeah, those guys are adorable. Speaking of creatures with mohawks, did you ever get a chance to see the Visayan warty pig photos in my “Twin Cities” thread?

Yes they are!! And yup, yup, yup!! Just left a comment too! Sorry for the wait, in turn!!


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Quote from: FlipperBoidSkua,Feb 13 2011 on  12:21 AM
Yeah, those guys are adorable. Speaking of creatures with mohawks, did you ever get a chance to see the Visayan warty pig photos in my “Twin Cities” thread?
Yes they are!! And yup, yup, yup!! Just left a comment too! Sorry for the wait, in turn!!
Thanks! I just put some new pictures up, by the way. ;)

Are there any movies or episodes in the LBT series that you have not seen?

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Thanks! I just put some new pictures up, by the way.

Must........see.....  :lol

Are there any movies or episodes in the LBT series that you have not seen?

I only never seen the 13th movie. Many people say that's a good thing. I tried watching it on youtube, but the quality annoyed me even before the Yellowbellies showed up (and I usually have a high tolerance for poor quality) and I gave up on it. :( I'm hesitant to actually buy it with all the bad stuff I've been hearing.