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A look back in 2010

oogaboo · 11 · 1511


  • Petrie
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I had more good things than bad for me last year. For the rest of the world, may be not.
So I'll start this topic in a happy note :)

I did not catch a cold the entire year of 2010! I've been eating my fruits and veggies and took my liquid vitamin that cost me $23.99! Hefty price but is 10x better than Centrum. I've progressed very well in school and best of all...I'm still ALIVE! :celebrate

Now for the rest of the world; President Obama is still hangin' in there. Americans donated a record $139 million to the Salvation Army's Red Kettle campaign last Christmas, despite a continued economic slump. Charitable donations in the UK that year similarly rose by £400 million to total of £10.6 billion! Reports of violent crime decreased 6.2 percent, dropping for the fourth straight year and property-crime reports were down 2.8 percent across the United States in the first six months of 2010, compared with the same period a year earlier. This follows a three-year trend of decreasing crime rates, with property crimes hitting a 20-year low.  57 Billionaires and Millionaires Pledge to Give Away Half Their Wealth to Charity including Bill Gates and Warren Buffett. Thankfully, there are still good people in the world. :)  

Now for the bad things; I didn't have that many bad things that happened to me last year so the only thing that was bad for me was I failed a certain test for school. I had 630pts but I needed 700pts to pass.:(  I'm still passing my class, though.

Now for the rest of the world; No doubt 2010 was the worst year for somewhat unusual natural disasters. Chilean 8.8 Earthquake, Russian Heat Wave and Forest Fires, (kinda unusual for a country like Russia to get a heat wave) Iceland Volcano Eruption, Haiti 7.0 Earthquake, and the BP oil spill. Plus the recession still continues.
Despite this, people are still alive and willing to donate to the homeless and the video game business gave us more great video games than bad IMO!

So...what did you love or dislike about 2010 and were their any good or bad things that happened to you last year?


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  • Littlefoot
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I'll just look at myself for what good and bad things happened, as all other events in the world are most likely known to most of us. I may add more as they come up.

Good things:

Meeting up with great friends :)
Getting a job at TheDailyNeopets
Getting a job that actually pays well :p
Still having a sufficient for maths

Bad things:

The money scam
The slippery winter with my delivery job
Doing the same school year as last year over again


  • Hatchling
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The good:

- job has become less stressful due to a classroom relocation that benefits the students
- new car :)
- trip to Virginia to see a good friend :)

The bad:

- probably wasn't in the best of health the first half of the year

Can't think of much else, so 2010 was good to me.


  • Spike
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My goodness...A year gone.

The good
- I made a nice dino family~ aka all of you <3 You're all very sweet
- My fiance proposed to me <3
- We may of found a home!
- Got a dwarf hamster and i adore her
- I graduated! ( So glad Grandma was there <3 )
- My drawing style improved

The bad
- Grandmother passed ;A;
- Sister still causing my mother and I to fight, pushing me out of the family

... Wow where's all the negatives at?


  • Spike
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Good things:
- I am way more appreciated in the school class
- I released 8 music albums
- I apologized my bad behavior to an old friend, and now we are good friends again
- I've got good marks, but it can be even better
- I've got an High-End-PC

Bad things:
- 3-month-school-project (still enduring)
- many flame wars in my Forums, it was very stress provoking
- I had to learn for school all the time, because the school year was so short
- YouTube implemented the new very bad design
- I've got 2 Copyright Strikes on YouTube
- I've lost an 5/6-years-enduring friendship. Yes, I lost my best friend. He doesn't want to have contact with me anymore, for unknown reasons... Saddest thing...
- I hardly had any social contacts
- I still feel hatred for many, many things

As far as I can say, this wasn't a successful year. It probably was the worst year ever. I don't think this will change in 2011.


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  • Petrie
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Good things:
- Got a new PC and still able to use my old HDD on it.
- Moar subscribers on YouTube! :DD
- My first-ever visit to Universal Studios Singapore. ;)
- Team Fortress 2: Double item drop rate from Christmas eve 'til new years. Got a lot of new weapons/items, w00t!

Bad things:
- Nearly failed in my first semester exams... (better study harder)
- YouTube being an a** with their new layout.
- Microsoft's new version of WLM.
- YouTube user "TheGreenTrain", who uploads Dinosaur Train episodes, got a copyright strike from the Jim Henson Co., so he had to remove them. He is, unfortunately, my only source for watching the show. :(
- Gabe Newell ate EP3 (due to the excessive amount of "gabe is fat" jokes on the interwebs).

(p.s. the last one isn't true. ;P)


  • Spike
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Made new friends
Got interested in dinosaurs again
Started making videos again
Joined 2 sim games that are now my favourites (Arctic Lights and Exhibited)
Got some amazing Christmas presents
Surviving through a new school, a new home and a new country
More time with the family
Got a new lil' nephew
Got back into reading books
Got into writing

Had to move away from those I love the most (but good in some ways too)

Whoa! Alot of good did happen... However the one bad thing was very hard on me, so I understand it...


  • Ducky
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Got into college
Got closer to finishing up my webstory(only eight chapters left)
My adorable little niece Ana
Downloaded Speakonia(Oh the fun I've been having with it XD)
Getting some of the highest scores in reading comprehension and English on the Accuplacer.
Enjoying my second year on this site


Failed my permit test twice(Thankfully my dad's going to help me study for it
Animation(My teacher friggin' SUCKED at teaching)


  • The Circle
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My highlights of 2010:

- Became a uncle for the 3rd time (beautiful little niece)
- Became a godfather for the 1st time (cute and cuddly little boy)
- Selected as best man for friend's wedding
- Finally working towards a long term career after 4 years of bumming around
- My 32" TV (my birthday present to me :D)
- Various game and movie releases

- Freaky weather that froze the UK TWICE! (rain we can deal with...but snow?! Nah-uh!)
- Impact of the recession
- Repairs to the car (cold snap killed the battery)
- Seriously buckling my knee slipping over

2010 was a better year for me than 2009 but hey, always looking forward to the future whilst remembering the lessons of the past ;) Here's to 2011! ;)

Cancerian Tiger

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  • Littlefoot
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Well, for me 2010 was quite eventful.  Here's my good and bad:

*I graduated college.
*I got my first taste of the NPS.
*I became an aunt for the first time.
*My biological family was able to make contact with me and continue to do so.
*I drove across the country by myself for the first time.
*I continued to lose weight, and still do.
*None of my pets had serious illnesses or had to be euthanized, though Max gave us a scare at one point.

*My sister and I continue to have our differences.
That's about it.  Good far outweighs the bad :DD.


  • Ducky
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*Got into university and successfully completed first term, which I hope it continues.
*I won an award for Law studies from my previous school (which was such a nice suprise to come home to).
*I'm rather grateful that Mozart hasn't been ill at all.
*My relationship with my Grandad improved from a problem a couple of years ago.
*Mum understands more.
*The possibility of a potential friend (I am unsure about this one but hopefully).

*Mum having her operation and now having the result of that operation for life.
*Family arguements.
*Finding out that my mum is depressed and what's to kill herself from the result of the operation being permanent.  I do not know if this still holds but when she told me it was just before I went to university so I made her promise not to kill herself.
*Finding out that my Grandfather spent his Christmas and met the New Year in on his own with his dog.