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Should Universal Bring Back LBT?


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Simple question, should Universal bring back The Land Before Time?

I think they should, to be honest.  I've been getting so many requests to upload the movies onto YouTube.  Unlike last time, I'm NEVER giving in.  The only problem I'm having is finding a way to tell them "Quit asking, the answer will always be NO!" without sounding so harsh.

As you can tell, yeah, it's still loved and deserves to be re-aired after all this time.  Maybe they should do something special for the series when the 25 years old point hits.

Then again, there is that little problem of the animation studio being closed.  Reopening it alone would be an expensive thing to begin with, and looking at how Universal is doing, (ie A Good Movie of theirs flopping.) it's probably not a safe bet.  Still, doesn't mean they can't do something for it.  Pretty much anything would satisfy me right now.

Not to mention some of the voice actors probably can't do the voices we know and love anymore. (We all know how difficult it can be to find a new voice actor for Littlefoot practically every movie.)

Here's what I purpose they do if they actually bring it back.

Basically, they put in all new characters and give references to the old movies overtime.  In fact, how about we one-up this idea by making the new characters be the decedents of the gang we know and love?  I mean, it would give the writers that work on it a perfect excuse to start over and keep the name of the series alive and well.  I mean, a new generation for the next generation of fans sounds good to me.  Why not do that?

Now, I understand this means the writers at hand going through the history of the series to ensure they give as much reference to it as possible, but it would be worth it, right?

So yeah, my idea is to start fresh with new characters that are the decedents of the old characters and give reference to the old stories to show that it's within the same universe.

Still, that's just my idea.  What's yours?

f-22 "raptor" ace

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Make fanfilms of the series we all know and love with people from this forum in charge.


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or simply have the characters with new voice actors and have new advaentures. being Ali and Bron back on long term basis, and give back story to chomper and Ruby..
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I personally believe they should. I really think they should give a backstory about Ruby and Chomper.


  • The Circle
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John, this is the kind of question which is unlikely to be answered with a "no" by any member of the GOF whatsoever. Of course everyone here wants them to bring back LBT. I daresay if done right it could even be commercially practical for them simply because of the general overall popularity of dinosaurs.
With an opinion based "should they do that?" kind of question you are not likely to get any nos in a land before time fan forum. But I'm afraid that it is very unlikely for them to do that unless some kind of event sparked a specific interest in the land before time rather than just dinosaurs among the general public rather than a relatively small group of limited and likely insufficient economical value.


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Of course I would like to have LBT back, but I think a new dinosaur series is far more likely than more LBT. A single person could revive the series, if he ends up on the right position in Universal. But let's also look at things from Unviersal's perspective. Of course, we could argue that Unversal's verkhushka is interested only in profit, but if they weren't doing so, there's no way Universal could survive for a 100 years. It would be closed long before the original LBT was made.

We have to realise that the same economic laws that brought LBT forward also meant its demise. Of course, for us fans the movies have entertaining, emotional and even artistic values, as likely the movies have these values for at least some of the people who made them. But no one can live without money. And the times of real communism are still far in the future, if we ever reach that level of development.

The series could be revived, but only if some important person in Universal has a strike of inspiration. Or if we hand them over a petition with a hefty amount of signatures from real people. This would likely have to count in tens or hundreds of thousands.


  • Petrie
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Simple question, should Universal bring back The Land Before Time?

No. I'd bring back LBT in my own fan comic, but I wouldn't get payed for it. I don't see a reason why a huge company like Universal Studios should bring them back after there last movie and unit sales was an epic fail. Its all about the money and LBT could not rake in enough money for their employer Universal Studios.


  • Ducky
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Yes and no. I think they should make one more movie to give the series a decent conclusion and then close up shop.


  • Cera
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Yes and no. Obviously as a fan I would love to see another LBT movie, but at the same time I wouldn't want to see a rushed LBT movie like LBT XIII. I would only want to see another movie if I knew that the developers were going to take the time and really think about what the fans want instead of what can make a quick buck, because that method backfired on them for a LONG time.


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Okay, I know this is a little late but I should probably give a better reason for this question.

Now that I really think about it, my answer is yes and no. Yes, because I, and most other fans, would love for this series to continue. And no, because what more idea's can they come up with? I mean, they've basically covered most of the idea's you can have with the tv series and the movies. They've brought back most of the popular characters from the movies and put them in an episode. But, they haven't used all. Characters like Pterano, Ozzy and Strut, Dil and Ichy, and Rinkus and Seirra haven't come back. I know most of these are villians, but I think it would be nice if we could see at least one of these characters come back.

I wouldn't like to see a really lazy  one like  13, just one, like the first movie.


  • Petrie
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Yes, Universal should bring it back.

LBTFan13 and LBTDiclonius have made good points.

LBT XIII was crap (haven't actually seen that one, but have seen clips from it) It would be terrible for the movie series to go out with the yellowbellies. Come on.

And "Diclonius" also made a good point that I liked about having past characters return.

Personally I really reallly want to see Pterano again. He is much more popular of a character than Rinkus & Sierra are (I REALLY love him so much, and most of you guys do, too!) after all... Pterano is not a true villain, but more of an anti-hero.... he started out bad but then he became good at the end of "cold fire". :yes

Now, Rinkus & Sierra were bad all the way through. (especially Sierra). Rinkus was really funny, but then he turned mean starting where Pterano was singing "Very Important Creature"  And the "little gnat slap" he gave to Petrie, sending him crashing down into the water was mean, too.

*Although Rob Paulsen would be fairly easy for Universal to get ahold of*... and Paulsen did voice other LBT characters like Spike, Guido, and Strut. I would enjoy seeing Rinkus again, but not as much as Pterano.

Sooo in summary...

I think Pterano's got a great chance of returning (I can only hope they can get Michael York to voice Pterano again) And if they can't, then I really hope they find a very good new actor to voice Pterano.

I can only pray and pray HARD that Pterano DOES return in the next LBT movie if there are going to be any more.

(If there is, there is :DD ....and, well....if there isn't, there isn't :cry ) I'll try not to get too upset about it.

I have a couple of titles I thought of IF the next movie will have Pterano in it.

"The Land Before Time XIV: "Pterano's Return", or maybe

"The Land Before Time XIV: "The Return of Pterano"

And even if the next movie isn't mainly focused on Pterano, but he still appears in it... that would be great, too.  :yes

But just letting LBT go out with a crappy movie with the yellowbellies would be a terrible shame.


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The problem with the last movie (the only things I know about it are comments on GOF) is they made a mistake that cost them millions. Oops eeps. You don't recover from that easily, especially since the earlier sequels didn't create a reserve of money that would cushion the failure, provide enough money for a new shot and still keep the LBT office afloat.  The original movie had the greatest payoff, and even its results weren't impressive for a large company like Universal. After that LBT was always walking on the thin line of bankruptcy.


  • Ducky
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This question poses no truly easy response in answer.  

As a LBT fan, like many have mentioned, I would love for them to have the gang brought back and made anew.  However in reality, which is very harsh and uncomprehending most of the time, what I think (and I'm sorry if this has been mentioned previously) is that the quality of the sequels has dwindled to become completely and utterly terrible and can not compare to the sheer masterpiece that the Original film had to offer.  

Even bringing them back as adults and having their offspring as the 'next generation' probably wouldn't even work either,as again the scenarios and story lines that have been plotted aren't as 'fresh' as they were in the earlier sequels, by which I do refer to 'the gang go on a big adventure, meet a sharptooth, succeed in their quest and return to the great valley-the end!' type view..don't get me wrong, I love LBT and it holds a 'special place in my heart' (as people say) for me, after all, but by just bringing back the series of sequels would just ruin the franchise.  

Another point is that the sequels in particular brought less and less amounts of 'gross' (money) to the studio and unfortuantely when that happens, it gives the studio bosses a clear message that the series while popular with a small proportion of people across the world's distribution of the series, that it isn't what they want, they want more people buying these dvds/videos/other merchadise for them to expand more on the franchise.  And that hasn't been as successful as many people would have hoped, especially since the studio has to compete with other larger and more popular markets like Disney for example.  

I think....and I'm sorry for saying this but if you want to expand on your love of LBT, then express it in a different format (ie: art or fanfiction writing) as it is clear that the studio despite petitions etc for another sequel or another season of the TV series will not happen, as it does not gross enough money.


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Simply put, yes.  I would love to see them make another movie.  I agree that the quality has gone down in recent years, but if it does come back, I think they'll learn from their mistakes and get better writers.  And if they do come out with a new movie, I'll buy a copy for ever member here that wants one to show my support.

EDIT:  I hope they release a new movie soon, because if we have 1,000 members that might be a problem. :p


  • Cera
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My two cents: Just hire a new team to reboot the whole thing from the start and tie-in all the plot details early on.
"All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you." -Gandalf


  • Petrie
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Oh no. I think the chances to squeeze out another LBT movie may have gotten worse.

On Feb. 12th, Kenneth Mars, the voice of grandpa longneck, died at the age of 74.  :cry.

So now if there is another LBT movie in the future, it would either have to have grandpa longneck have no speaking lines through the whole movie, or find a new replacement voice actor for him.

2011 has been a very sad and rough year so far in the LBT world. Last month, Tony Geiss, one of the story writers of the original 1988 LBT died..

And now we've lost a voice actor. Kenneth Mars, the voice for grandpa longneck (From movies II-later, and the t.v. series) is gone.

(grandpa longneck was special because he was perhaps the most important adult character in the LBT series, as he was the leader and decision maker for the adult herd)

So now. I don't know what's going to happen. Just stay positive, guys and hope for the best. It's doubtful, it could take several years, but there still could be an LBT XIV.

It COULD happen. The odds are small, but I can't give up yet.

Salvatore Blackheart

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No. I'd bring back LBT in my own fan comic, but I wouldn't get payed for it. I don't see a reason why a huge company like Universal Studios should bring them back after there last movie and unit sales was an epic fail. Its all about the money and LBT could not rake in enough money for their employer Universal Studios.

Bussines are Bussines


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Quote from: f-22 "raptor" ace,Jan 31 2011 on  11:33 PM
Make fanfilms of the series we all know and love with people from this forum in charge.
A radio drama would be easier, unless you plan on mastering classic animation.



  • Spike
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Let Universal do it? NO

Let The Fans do it? YES

In my heart, I strongly believe that the fans should create it. It doesn't have to be big and fancy. Just a rag-tag group of people who love LBT to death. They create the storyboards, score, and entire plot of the stories, because I strongly believe that there are some FanFiction stories out there BETTER than stories spat out by Universal (although I won't say which stories to cause a lot of hate)

Once the story, score, and characters have been set, the fans could start animating. I don't know how, but it could be done.

Once it is done, we distribute the video via the Internet, because God knows that once it reaches the internet, there is no getting it back!  :lol . People copy it onto their hardware, make backups, and do all sorts of stuff. Universal could never get their hands on it then!

Well, that was just an idea  :p .