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The My Little Pony - Friendship is Magic Thread


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However "This Day Aria" remains my favorite MLP song so far. And a Canterlot Wedding is my favorite episode.

It reminds me of how Disney used to be.


  • Cera
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Yeah not anymore. Now Disney is all about what makes them a quick buck. I liked all the songs equally. They where all good to me.


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You used to get things like The Lion King now we get Dog With A Blog.

I plan to due a full review on Equestria Girls (a video not written) but does anyone really wanna listen to me talk for an hour? :lol


  • Cera
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Yeah but sometimes they show there classic stuff and movies. And it's up to you if you wanna make a video review for the movie.


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Hopefully I don't get hiccups like when I reviewed an online then of all times.

Anyone got news on season 4?


  • Ducky
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I wouldn't say Disney's all bad. I've heard great things about Tangled and Wreck it Ralph was the best animated movie last year in my opinion. And from what I've seen of Phineas and Ferb, that seems like a pretty good show too(I love Perry and Doof).

Someone on here mentioned that season four will apparently start in December. Other than that, I don't think there's been an official date given.


  • Cera
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Yeah I loved Phineas And Ferb. I've seen every single episode. That is me is Disney only good show they have left in my opinion. Yeah I herd that as well. Or sometime in 2014 it will begin.


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That's what I heard, was winter of 2013, December.  NOt sure if it means around or during December.


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Quote from: Petrie85,Jul 7 2013 on  07:20 AM
Yeah I loved Phineas And Ferb. I've seen every single episode. That is me is Disney only good show they have left in my opinion. Yeah I herd that as well. Or sometime in 2014 it will begin.
You should seriously watch Gravity Falls, then. It's incredible!


  • Cera
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Ah I've herd about that show but never seen any need to watch Gravity Falls. I may need to catch a episode.


  • Cera
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Tangled is a great movie, animeboye. You should really watch it. Disney's still got the magic. Don't bash 'em when they've been getting a lot better since Eisner was booted out.
"All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you." -Gandalf


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So, I finally told my parents about my fandom for this show, and they were actually quite accepting of it.  In fact, they even thought that the name alone seems like a good reason to watch it. (I'm guessing it mainly has to do with the "Friendship is Magic" part.)

I even told them the reasons I hid this, mainly being of how some parents are not accepting of their thirty-something son liking such a show.  Of course when you look at the reasons for not being accepting of such a thing as being nothing more than just "old ways that NEED to be let go", said reasons are just silly in the end.

I even told them of my embarrassment about the fandom itself.  Mainly of how some tend to act worse than babies.

In all truth, it only came up because I had asked for this upcoming Saturday off and they would want to know why.

I have yet to go into greater detail of the show, but it'll at least be the start of them knowing about something I like and getting to know it as I get more comfortable talking about it.

It's a very touchy subject for me at this point, but for the time being, I'm just glad they accept the fact that I'm a fan of the show.  I shall reveal how they feel about it as I start sharing it with them as time goes.

For now, see ya later! :wave


  • Cera
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Tangled was a good movie with a not so good ending. Where she sheds a tear to bring her dead loved one back to life. What a horrible thing to teach kids. That is basically saying if you cry your dead loved one will come back to life. Bite me that is a message a company life Disney shouldn't send to kids. What a load that was. And Poke my family is accepting of me liking the show as well. They pick on me but they don't care that I love this show and the meaning behind it.


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:rolleyes  I have to roll my eyes whenever I see someone criticize a fantasy film for bringing back the dead. The same thing happened in the original fairy tale, because...fairy tale. Don't blame the movie. Also, that isn't the message that got sent out and you know it. Give me a freaking break! I'd seen a dozen movies when I was little that had dead people come back and I never once thought it was possible. You give kids too little credit. If anyone is to blame for any kid who might think that they can bring someone back to life by crying on them, then it's THEIR PARENTS for not telling them that movies aren't real. This movie is not responsible for how strong a grip on reality its audience has. If you're going to get upset with this, then you might as well get upset with Aladdin for performing dangerous stunts constantly throughout his movie. After all, the kiddies might try to mimic him by your logic.

Besides, the movie goes out of its way to show that Rapunzel is a special case and not the norm at all, because of the magical energies in her body. I suppose you also hate The Lord of the Rings for bringing Gandalf back because his task wasn't finished and Narnia for bringing Aslan back because he took the punishment for someone else. I also find it hilarious that you actually seem to think that a Disney movie was really going to kill Flynn/Eugene.  :lol

Bite me you're just deliberately nitpicking so you can have something to hold against Disney whether it's fair to or not. You can take your Disney-hating attitude elsewhere, pal. At least when I criticized Equestria Girls, it was legit.
The fact of the matter is Tangled is a good movie, beginning, middle AND end.

The Beast in Beaty and the Beast ALSO came back to life because Belle said she loved him. I suppose that also sent out a bad message to children.  :rolleyes
And I suppose The Little Mermaid is bad for children, too. Like I said, you're just looking for reasons to hate on a Disney film.
"All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you." -Gandalf


  • Cera
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The Little Mermaid had a few parts in the movie that shouldn't have been there. In there kingdom you seen a male body part in one of the pillars the priest get's aroused when she turned into a human you can see her upper body area. Other than that it was a great movie with great songs and a good story line. The sequel sucked I hated it. Beauty And The Beast good movie with good music story and it had a lot of good drama. One of my personal favorites. Saw it in theaters back in 1991 and loved it. Princess And The Frog Loved the movie. I loved how parts where dark and the villain was good. James Cumming played the lighting bug and the music was good. So I love Disney but I also like pointing out all of Disney's Flaws they made.


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That was the Priest's knee. Yeah, I'm not buying your claim. It's so obvious you were just gunning for a recent Disney film.

Oh, by the way, I went onto the IMDb board for Tangled and asked what others thought of your claim that Tangled sucks because Eugene was revived by a tear. Here are their responses:

This is from a guy called FilmFreak94:

That's the sole reason it sucks? Really? Because her tear healing Eugene and bringing him back from the dead was unrealistic? And the hair wasn't? And what about the 'bad message to kids' bull. What, is crying bad? I guess I can see how you could interpret it into kids believing that if they cry hard enough their loved one will come back to life but that's just insulting to their intelligence. I don't know a single kid who actually believes or believed that by crying or doing any other magical notion that they could bring back a loved one or dead pet or something.
Give kids some credit at least. They can handle a little fiction without thinking it's reality. Yeah that guy is full of it.

This is from a guy called The-Reb:

The exact same thing happened in 'Snow White' (though with a kiss instead of a tear, of course). Ask buddy if he has a problem with that too, or with any of the other bajillion stories where a dead character is brought back to life via magic.

I will relay your responses back to IMDb.
"All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you." -Gandalf


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The stuff with the Little Mermaid stuff actually aren't
aren't true

And you'd be hard pressed to find a show that DOESN'T teach kids "bad messages". It's not going to happen. Parents have to be responsible and explain that those things don't happen and that it's just a story.

Rapunzel's tear recovering Eugene was actually a shout-out to the original fairy tale. I'll fast forward to the ending.

So the witch found out that Rapunzel (who was named after a type of lettuce that her mother was craving) had a lover that was visiting her. So she cut her hair and took her away. She used the hair to lure her lover in. When he got to the top, he found the witch and she stabbed out his eyes (or she shoved him out the window and thorns destroyed his eyes.)
For years he wandered around blind until Rapunzel discovered him a few years later, with their twin children. She wept when she found him and her tears healed his vison.

The idea behind the tear healing him is that they were vestigial remnants of the healing powers of her hair.


  • Cera
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I said it was a good movie except that one part. other than that it was great. And those points in the little mermaid are true and you need to look at the facts like I did and know those claims are true. Other people have seen that male body part in  the pillar in the kingdom trust me the guy got fired right afterward. God I'm tired of being right!!!!.


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Except you're not. Those are just rumors, and no, you're not right on any front. And actually, the part where Rapunzel heals Eugene is also just as good as the rest of the movie. Sorry, but you're just wrong. The part where Rapunzel healed Eugene is in the original fairy tale and has been for hundreds of years. The fact that you think little kids would actually think that they can cry their back to life shows that you have too little respect for their intellligence.

I just love how you didn't bother replying to that guy's point about Snow White. It's because you know you're wrong. You have no argument. You just want to be bitter towards New Century Disney works.

I love being right.
"All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you." -Gandalf