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My Little Pony: Elements of Friendship


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"Ooh, Canterlot!" Daliya said excitedly. Then, she furrowed her brow in a thinking way. "Hm, I think I've been there before. It's really nice! I'd sure like to go there again," she said to them, reminiscing at her days spent at the well-known city in Equestria. She then turned to Princess Luna and nodded graciously, thanking the upper-class Pony.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Twilight grimaced for a single moment thinking back to the Grand Galloping Gala. "Yeah... not our best night. But at least it ended on a happy note." she said with a light chuckle. She then gave a quizzical look to Jin as she stepped close and asked, "What do you mean old acquaintances? You're being awfully cryptic!"

Rainrunner then asked, "So Daliya. If you've visited Canterlot before where exactly have to visited?"

Thunderclap gave a low laugh as he playfully shoved Haru and replied, "Good. I tend to make trouble for myself on a daily basis. I just get bored and cause trouble, so when we do go to Canterlot, you should stay on your hooves. Just a thought." he then smiled and asked, "So Jin. how is it defending the royal castle?"


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Luna giggled at Spike's comment.
"Oh, no.  If you want someone to show you around the castle, it'd have to be Celly, and not me.   I still get lost in there sometimes."
She said, looking embarrassed.  Jin chuckled a little.
"Oh.  Well, in your case, the old acquaintance is a certain 'Great and Powerful' Trixie.  And Dash, your old friend Gilda is with us, too."
He said with a nod, then looked over to Thunderclap.
"Actually, guarding the palace is remarkably uninteresting.  Usually, the most we've had to deal with are the occasional angry pony that needs to be dragged out of the Great Halls.  And occasionally, we help with cleaning and such.  Other than that, it's a lot of standing and looking formal.  Bo-ring."
He laughed.  Haru smiled at Thunderclap and playfully pushed back.
"Trouble, huh...?  Well, maybe that'd be kind of fun...I mean, Canterlot is really so boring and stuffy all the time."
He said teasingly...


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"That Gilda, a real party pooper.  You should have seen her at the party that Pinkie threw for her.  Wow." Spike said, remembering the party in particular.  "And as for the "great and powerful Trixie", spike said sarcastically, "Twilight could wrap her around her hoof.  Trixie lies and has barely more magic then I do, and all I have is cool fire breath." Spike said, demonstrating his fire breath.

"I remember Trixie," Myrdinn said, joining the conversation, "She came to where we lived, but her magic seemed to backfire for some reason and she quickly left with her wagon." He said, hiding and leaving out that it was him & his relatives that were secretly behind that, since she was boastful and likely lying about doing stuff she had not done and some of then had decided she needed a lesson taught.  It had been their decision and he had gone along with it since he was younger then and was following what his parents and other adult relatives said to do.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Twilight looked down at the floor upset, almost hurt. "I know Trixie wasn't the best mare around, but I still feel bad about how things happened here in Ponyvillie for her." She then looked confused and asked a question. "Wait Jin... why ARE Trixie and Gilda at the royal castle in Canterlot?! Certainly both Princess Luna and Celestia know what happened when those two came through here respectively." She then glared at Spike. "Spike you know how I feel about using my magic like that. And Trixie is a unicorn, but her talent is for doing shows... not fighting."

Rainrunner thought back on her time at home and thought about something. "Yeah, I remember Trixie coming to our town too! She did put on one heck of a show thought... despite her lies. The mayor of our home did invite her back if she was nearby again. So all in all not such a bad pony."

Thunderclap grinned as he glanced at Haru. "Please.. don't tempt me... if we did get to Canterlot, and started trouble... I'm fairly certain I'd would be banished from Canterlot for the rest of my life." he then began to laugh at the thought.


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Jin shrugged.
"As far as I know, Trixie came on her own, after the incident with that Ursa Minor.  Said she wanted to do something with herself, other than just be a showmare.  As for Gilda, we found her sprawled out in an alleyway in Canterlot after that, apologizing to everypony.  So we brought her back to the castle to get some medical attention, and she decided to join us as a guard so that she could put her temper and strength to good use."
He said, smiling a little.  
"Honestly, those two are actually a big help."
He added, as Haru chuckled.
"Oh.  That much trouble, Thunderclap?  I guess I'll have to keep you under some control then, huh?"
He said with a grin...


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Spike shrugged, "I'd not have a problem with her if she would stop lieing and boasting about stuff she never did.  I bet a lot more ponies would like her and she may even have some friends if she tried being honest.  Instead of, "I defeated an ursa major," Spike said, doing on imitation of her voice, "but instead said something like, "Come seem my amazing show, come to my show to see amazing wonders, something like that." He said, then he looked in the direction of where Pinkie was, "I bet some ponies may even have a regular party if she were to do that and to come by on a regular bases.  And she'd have friends or at least aquantinces in the places she regularly went to."  

Spike then looked at Thunderclap, shaking his head, "nah, she'd not do that.  She'd likely do something like ask you to apologize, fix any mess you made, that sort of thing.  I don't think she banishes folks much."


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The dark Pony turned to Rain Runner. "Oh, just, around. I can't exactly remember where, it's been so long. See, I have connections with the Princess so, I've visited Canterlot a few times, but, very, very rarely. But, I do know that it's a pretty nice place," she answered. She then remembered what Jin said about Trixie and Gilda in Canterlot.

"Oh boy, Trixie. I remember her," she groaned, not exactly thrilled about having that show-off in Canterlot. As for Gilda, she didn't know her exactly, but she had heard about her, and realised the Gryffon (no idea how to spell it!) wasn't exactly the type of person she'd like to hang around with, but she set that aside for now.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Twilight shook her head as if she'd been struck. "W-wait... Jin you just said both Trixie and Gilda have joined the Royal Guards?! IN the palace?! Wow... well I suppose that just goes to show what the power of a single good natured pony can do to change anothers' perspective on what is really important." she said with a laugh. She then asked as she turned to Luna, "Have you seen them working with the Royal Guards yet Luna?"

Rainrunner gave a small smile towards Daliya and replied, "Don't worry, when we visit Canterlot I'm sure you'll remember where you've been before. Something about that town just... stays with you. Like a long lost memory that keeps coming back when you least expect it."

Rainrunner gave a gentle nod to Spikes words. "That's... good to know. And I would clean up any mess that I would make." It was then that he glared at Haru and replied, "Oh you can try buddy... you can try. Of course if there was any mess to clean up I'd have to drag  you along. No sense in me getting all the fun now right?"


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Jin shook his head.  
"I'd honestly say that it was you guys who changed them for the better.  It just takes time to accept that you were wrong, and to make that change.  I know that lesson all too well."
He said with a half-smile at Haru.  Luna nodded vigorously at Twilight.
"Oh, yes.  In fact, Jin and the rest of the Second Division are my personal guard!"
She said brightly.

Haru smiled at Thunderclap.
"Well, that shouldn't be too hard.  And I suppose you having all wouldn't be fair, would it?"
He joked happily...


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Spike scratched his head, "I still find it hard to believe that they have changed." He said with a look of mild disbelief on his face.

"People do change over time.  Though usually not quickly." Myrdinn said.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Twilight was stunned silent. She could think immediately of several things to say after hearing what Luna had said. She simply couldn't believe it... but she knew it was the truth as Luna didn't lie. After several more moments of silence Twilight finally found her voice and asked quickly and loudly. "We HAVE to go to Canterlot! This is something I have got to see!"

Rainrunner was surprised as well. "Wow Luna. It sounds like you have a pretty tough royal guard protecting ya! You must be pretty happy with your guards!"

Thunderclap nodded his head at Haru and stepped past him and stepped over to Jin and began to poke and prod his armor. "Fine craftsmanship. Did Princess Celestia make the armor herself?" he asked aloud hoping either Jin or Luna might be able to answer.


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Jin nodded.
"Well, if you feel like going tonight, we can."
He said, then smiled at Thunderclap.  
"Actually, yep.  She personally makes each suit using Sunfire and some sort of Meteor metal.  Supposed to be unbreakable.  Completely so."
He chuckled.

Luna grinned at Rainrunner.
"Yep!  They're the toughest I've ever seen!"
She said, beaming proudly.

Haru smiled, watching Thunderclap's flank appreciatively as he walked past...


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"But can those of us who don't have wings all fit in a balloon. " Spike said.  

"The unicorn ponies maybe can teleport there." Myrdinn said, thinking of a solution to the problem Spike pointed out.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Twilight looked back at the other ponies present and asked aloud, "Would anyone else care to travel back to Canterlot? I would of course love to go, but only if it is okay with all my friends." She then looked down at Spike and smiled."Don't worry. I can use my magic to expand the basket so it will hold all of us!" However she shook her head at the idea of teleporting. "I don't think that will be a very good idea. Teleportation spells are usually only meant for small distances. Even the Princesses magic can only take them so far before running low. It would be best for everyone to travel together."

Thunderclap grinned. "Well, I wouldn't mind wearing armor like this. Well only mine would be like... 20% cooler than the Royal Guards of course." He said with a laugh. He then caught a glance of Haru staring. "Is there something wrong with my cutie mark, or is my flank just that interesting.?

Rainrunner giggled. "I wouldn't mind going tonight. It could be fun! And truth be told, I'd like to see you lower the moon Princess Luna. It promises to be a wonderful event!" she said with a giddy grin.


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Haru blushed and immediately looked away.
"E-Erm...yea...N-no!  Sorry, just spacing out!  I wasn't...staring."
He stammered, blushing bright red.  Jin chuckled and grinned.
"Oh, really?  Interesting."
He said, grinning a challenge...

Luna smiled at Rainrunner, blushing softly
"I-it's really not that impressive...but...I'm glad you think it will be interesting..."
She said shyly, then nodding to Twilight.
"Actually, Celly sent us a set of carriages, if everyone's okay with riding in them..."
She added...


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"Great, I've not been in one in a while.  Those are fun to ride in." Spike said as he shoot one fist emphatically in his happiness.  "although they may be a bit crowded."

"Would there be enough room for everyone?" Myrdinn asked.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Thunderclap stepped closer to Haru with a glint in his eyes. "Tell me. Are you stammering because you're nervous, or because you got caught? Either way... only I know how this conversation is going to end!" he whispered to his friend.

Rainrunner grinned. "Well I am sure they will be big enough Spike. After all Luna did say she sent two so we'll be alright."

Twilight nodded her head.
"Rainrunner is right. Although I am still kinda nervous. Its been so long since I've seen Princess Celestia."


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Spike went over to where a scroll and quill with some ink was.  "That's ok Twilight, I"ll just send a note to Princess Celestria saying you feel nervous and have not seen her in a while would like to have her and maybe your parents there to meet us.  Then you can spend some time with them." Spike said as he dipped the quill into the ink pot.


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Haru immediately blushed and began stammering inarticulately, trying to come up with an answer and failing miserably.  Jin simply laughed a little, then turned to the others.
"Well, then.  Shall we?"
He said, starting to step outside to the chariots.