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Your Online Video Length Limit


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YouTube is known for having "Good Standing" Accounts to have unlimited length. (Meaning you could make a freaking movie if you wanted and easily present it.) However, despite this, there are people online who can only stand a video being a certain length before they want to stop for whatever reason.

I, myself, have a limit of which I can handle a video being a certain length, unless it's a freaking movie or something.

My current limit is up to 30 minutes.  Otherwise, it mainly has to do with the limit of time I have to watch something before I have to do something in real life.

To be honest, when something is an hour long, I prefer it to be in parts.  It's rather convenient for me.

What about you guys?  What's your video length limit for watching online videos?


  • Cera
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I'm with you on that. I like stuff in parts so it seems less long. Maybe between ten to fifteen minutes is my time limit.


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Just so long as it's not so long that I have to get up and go to the bathroom, I'm alright.


  • Spike
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Ha? I thought only "YouTube Partners" get these benefits and advantages and money and so on...:rolleyes:

Videos can be...

High Definition
Up to 15 minutes in length.
A wide variety of formats

That's what they say when I click on "Upload". However, I never upload videos longer than 15 minutes.


  • Ducky
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I prefer longer videos with movies so they are one video instead of a in parts (I've seen movies in 16 parts). With music videos, I prefer 3:25 to 6:00 in length.

I haven't uploaded anything to my account (and probably won't) but my upload limit is currently 15 minutes.


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20-25 minutes for me, usually. This has more to do with my internet connection though. It doesn't always load up all the way. This isn't a problem on YT where I could just skip ahead. But places like don't let you skip ahead until it's fully loaded. One time, I was watching a countdown by JesuOtaku, a rare vid I watch that was over an hour long, and I was almost done (it was on number 2) when I accidentally closed the window. So I had to sit there for about an hour waiting for it to load up before I could finish. Okay so maybe it wasn't an hour. Still it was long.

And about the "good standing" thing, that's not entirely true. YT lets users who haven't had a copyright strike upload unlimited vids. I have 1 copyright strike. I know this because I accidentally uploaded a vid passed the 15 minute and it was rejected.


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The best time for me would be around 15 minutes. I do watch shaytard videos of 30 minutes and Jory Caron Opens Mail of 60 minutes, as both those shows stay enjoyable even after a while of watching them. Most videos however do not have this high an entertainment rate and therefore are best to be cut into shorter parts.

For example one of my youtube subscriptions uploaded a 1.5hour video of him editing their show. As interested as I am in video editing, watching and listening to his voice cannot interest me for 1.5 hours. It would have been watchable for me if he had done it in parts of 15-20 mins.


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I don't get why you people can't just pause it when you want to do something else and come back to it later.  The tab will always be there.  I find parts highly annoying.  Why should I have to go through five times as much work for the same end result?  It's not such a big deal with YT because going to the next video is easy, but that's just not so with most online videos.


  • Ducky
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^Another thing someone could do is download the video(s) with one of these sites (100 MBs or less) (Any file size for links, 100 MBs for upload)

I'd reccomend the second link for videos over 10 minutes. Those are normally over 100 MBs. Neither will work for full movies, it always says there is an IP restriction with youtube that won't allow you, and it suggests a program to download to do the same thing these websites do.


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Quote from: landbeforetimelover,Jun 13 2011 on  04:41 PM
I don't get why you people can't just pause it when you want to do something else and come back to it later. The tab will always be there. I find parts highly annoying. Why should I have to go through five times as much work for the same end result? It's not such a big deal with YT because going to the next video is easy, but that's just not so with most online videos.
I don't leave the computer running all night. I shut the computer down sometimes, plus leaving it on sleep mode is sometimes disastrous for me because the comp won't wake up, so I have to reboot and lose the tab anyway. And there's also the chance the computer could freeze up, which would result in the loss of the video anyway.

I don't really find one long video to be all that convenient. It takes much longer to load up, increasing the chances of my internet getting disconnected momentarily.


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Well I suppose if you've got a computer with a lot of problems that makes sense.  As for the browser freezing and crashing, yeah that's always a possibility if you're doing a lot of things and/or don't have a decent amount of ram.  But that's why you should use FF for the important stuff.  If it crashes, it restores everything to exactly the way it was before - even if you have to turn off and restart the computer!  As for turning the computer off, I wouldn't recommend it.  Don't put it into sleep mode or have a screensaver either.  Just turn off the monitor when you're not using it.  I currently run about 10 computers in my house 24/7.  I'm talking about desktops of course.  If it's a laptop, I'd recommend putting it to sleep and/or shutting it down.  Laptops aren't suited for anything but travel.  People trying to replace their desktops with laptops really need to look at their situation more objectively.


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Quote from: landbeforetimelover,Jun 13 2011 on  11:41 PM
I don't get why you people can't just pause it when you want to do something else and come back to it later.  The tab will always be there.  I find parts highly annoying.  Why should I have to go through five times as much work for the same end result?  It's not such a big deal with YT because going to the next video is easy, but that's just not so with most online videos.
Remember my computer? Yeah, keeping more than 3 tabs open isn't recommended... Especially not one with a flash player in it. I always close down tabs.

Sometimes I write down the time I paused the video, but to do that constantly is really quite a lot of work.


  • Ducky
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^I've had 20 tabs open at two different times and my computer hasn't frozen, and it was fast as it normally is. It was all stuff I was using at the time.


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My computer is pretty good with having many tabs open. I wasn't saying it freezes a lot. I was just bringing it up because it is a possibility. If I had a faster connection I wouldn't mind longer vids so much. Or if not that, I just wish that video hosting sites give the ability to skip ahead instead of having to wait for the vid to load up. As I said, longer vids don't bother me as much if I can skip to a certain point in case I lost the tab in some way. used to be good with this, but lately they've been really picky about it for some reason.