The Gang of Five
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The Continuing Saga

Pterano · 535 · 60634


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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"Goodnight Littlefoot!" Chomper called out.

"Yes, good night to everyone, my friends!" Rubdy added in, before she turned towards the Secret caves to take Chomper, her little foster brother home.


"Well, I'm only asking because."

Mr. Threehorn paused again. He didn't know how he was going to get this next bit out.

"Do you remember your mother? Not Tria, but I mean your REAL mother, and your sisters? I...told you a long time ago that they got lost in the Mysterious Beyond before we found this valley. But...that's not what really happened."

Mr. Threehorn stopped talking now, unable to come up with the words. A tear appeared in his eye, which was a very rare occurrence for someone who always seemed so tough and strong-willed.
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Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


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((Ack! How did this get so far ahead!? :blink: Sorry guys!))

Spike smiled as the older Spike Tail walked off. It wasn't that often that he met his own kind, with the exception of Tippy and his mother coming into the Valley for various visits to him.

He then nodded at Ducky's response to Pterano. The young Spike Tail liked Pterano for the fact that he saved ducky from certain doom, but also because, after five Cold Times in the Mysterious Beyond, he seemed to have really changed, and Spike felt like he could trust the old Flyer this time.


  • The Fabulous Fearsome Flyer
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"Bye Chomper! By everyone!" Littlefoot shouted back as he kept going.

Pterano caught the look his sister was giving him, and it caused him to smile. He knew she approved, and he began walking off with Ducky and Spike as his family departed. "Goodbye Harper! Goodbye Petrie! I'll see you soon!" he called back as they both began heading in different directions.

"Let's see... your nest isn't too far away from Petrie's, as I recall it doesn't take long to travel between the two." Pterano stated. "We'll have you home in no time... and oh yes, I suppose I should be quiet, just in case your family is already sleeping... though I'm sure your mother will still be awake. The Bright Circle only recently vanished after all." the flyer explained.

It didn't take them very long to traverse the distance to Ducky and Spike's home. A few minutes at most, though Pterano rather enjoyed walking after the sun had gone down and the valley started to cool. "Here we are. Well goodnight you two. I hope you sleep well, and I'm sure I'll see you tomorrow." he said, flapping his wings in order to take to the sky. He had stopped when they were drawing close, about fifty paces or so, due to not wishing to disturb anyone in the nest. "Come on, Devon. Let's go back to my sister's." he said, and began flapping off in the direction of his family's home.

It was all coming back to him, as he had familiarized himself with several nesting locations in the Great Valley for future reference. He most certainly knew where his sister lived. It was an indentation in the rock face, a convenient place for a flyer nest, in all honesty.

As they neared the nest, Pterano thought he could see something perched above it, on top of the rock formation. He squinted. "Sis?" he asked, though he was probably a bit too far to be heard at the moment. But oddly enough, a quick shift of his eyes downward revealed his sister to be in the nest. So who was that?

Directing his gaze upward again, the figure was initially silhouetted in the backdrop of the still rising smoke from the flying rock. But the moonlight was shining down as well, and all of a sudden he stopped short. He felt his breath catch in his throat as he simply flew in place.

For atop that rock was a flyer of the most peerless beauty he had ever seen. She was simply sitting there, looking out over everything below her. It was very hard to tell her coloration from the distance and lack of good light source, but seeing her there simply made the flyer's heart stop. He gulped a little, watching as she seemed to notice both he and Devon.

With a great flap, she spread her wings and took to the sky, heading away from them. Pterano could only watch her, fixated, until she disappeared behind the rock wall that held his sister's nest. "Who... was that?" he asked no one in particular. Coming out of his daze with a shake of his head, Pterano looked at the nest, and resumed his flight over to it and landed as quietly as he could down below (as he doubted there was room up there for him) and simply stared at the ground for a moment, thinking of what he had just seen.


Grandpa Longneck smiled back at Tero, and gave him a nod. "Very well. I'll take that as a yes. You're very quiet for a flyer, but that's OK. We're very welcoming of every kind of creature that stays here, if we can help it."

"Grandpa!" Littlefoot was hurrying up to his elder now, and the older longneck looked down at his approaching grandson with a smile.

"Did you see that flying rock? Didn't it look amazing? It was just like the one I saw the last time Pterano was here!" Littlefoot huffed as he came to a stop.

"Why yes... I most certainly did, Littlefoot. I believe you now, of course. It seems our world does have mysteries such as that." he stated. "I must admit... I was very surprised to see it, myself. Oh yes..." he said, reminded of Tero's presence on his back. "This is is my grandson, Littlefoot." He explained to the flyer.

"Oh... well hello." Littlefoot said, just noticing the flyer perched there. "And who are you?"

"Well, he seems very quiet. Now that I think about it, I don't believe I got your name." the older longneck asked, and looked behind him to the flyer.

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Spike smiled as Pterano left their nest with Devon and began flying away into the ditance.


Cira smirked as she saw the unknown Sharptooth notice she was there.

"Hey! What are you doing here!" she called out, not letting her guard down as she walked up to him, being careful to keep her distance. Now that she was closer, she could see that he had a large yellow sail on his back and he was red in color. Also, he was covered in black weeds.

"That's strange...what could he be doing covered in weeds?" she thought to herself.


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Tero waved down at Littlefoot. Excellent, he thought. They trust me.

He felt awkward as he heard the older longneck asking his name. Without Redback to interpret for him, things could be difficult. But he tried his best to get accross the message that he couldn't speak. He tapped his beak with a claw, and then shook his head. He did this several times, until the longnecks appeared to understand.
He still felt it would be bad form to not give them his name, though. Fluttering down to the ground, he landed near Littlefoot and began scratching into the ground with a finger. He spelt out his name in the characters he had learnt as a child:


(Heheh, just a bit of creative liberties there with the syllabic writing)

Meanwhile, outside the valley, Redback peered up over the rock at the fast-biter nearby. She is a fast biter, he thought. If she was gonna attack him wouldn't she have done it by now?

"Hey there! Get over here, they'll see you!"

Mama's Girl

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At the first mention of her mother...her real mother, and her sisters, Cera felt her stomach tighten. "Y-yeah..." she said, sounding pretty unsure herself for once too. She still remembered running over to her father in utter joy when they finally did reach the Great Valley and she remembered asking where mom and the others were. That's when he'd had to tell her. Lost, it had always had a sort of hope attatched to it, hope that they could be ok and come back someday.

Her first clue that maybe this wasn't completely true had been when her father had taken another mate in the first place, with Tria, but she thought he was just losing hope himself. Now, she started to feel a bad feeling creep up. Especially as she saw the tears in her father's eyes.

"D-Daddy..." she walked up, nudging him. She frowned, not wanting to ask what was coming next, but asking all the same because now she had to know, "What...what happened?".


Ducky knew how Pterano knew the distances from the two nests so well, figuring of her own wandering that night she'd been discovered listening in on his and his ex-henchmen's conversation and all sort of helped with figuring it out, but she didn't really think on this. Besides, like Spike felt, Ptearno had saved her and he seemed very much changed now.

She thanked him as well for seeing her and Spike home safe once they did reach their nest. "Come on Spike" she whispered walking towards his and her normal sleeping spot.


  • The Fabulous Fearsome Flyer
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((Yeah, that's fine, Allicloud.))

Both of the longnecks got the message that he couldn't speak and both looked at each other, wondering how to circumvent this. As it turned out, the flyer had his own idea, and began scratching in the dirt to spell out his name.

"Te... ro." Littlefoot read. "So your name is Tero then?" he asked. He wondered what had happened to the flyer to make it so he couldn't speak. Spike had been silent as well when they'd first met him, but even he made the occasional noise every now and then. Tero seemed to have lost all ability to vocalize sounds.

Grandpa nodded as he read off the name, and looked down at the black weed-clad flyer. "Well, as said, you can spend the night here. Speaking of which, I think you need to head to bed, Littlefoot."

"Yeah... OK Grandpa." Littlefoot said, walking over to the small pit where he slept. "By the way... did you know Pterano returned with the farwalkers?" Littlefoot asked.

"Yes... I did. We'll probably be holding a meeting about it tomorrow."

"Well he can stay, right?" Littlefoot asked, wondering his grandfather knew already about the flyer's return.

"I don't see why not... but I know he still tends to rub some of us the wrong way... and I suppose we all need to discuss his return and what it means for the valley."

Littlefoot nodded, and curled up in his sleeping spot. "Alright... well goodnight Grandpa. Goodnight Tero." He said, and shut his eyes.


Pterano looked up to where his sister's nest was. He doubted there was room up there for him, but he was fine with perching on the rock that lay at the base of the eyrie; the same rock he'd perched on to tell the young ones his stories during his previous sojourn here.

"Sis?" he called softly, wondering if she was still awake. "Are you awake? Could I have a brief word with you?" he dared not raise his voice above what he was currently using. If he received no response, he'd simply try and get some shut eye and talk to her in the morning.

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Devon laid himself next to Pterano on the rock he was sleeping on, only falling half asleep as he could hear Pterano whisper to his sister.
Petra is a variant of the Greek name "Petros" meaning "strong" or "rock." Andi is a variant of the Greek name "Andy" meaning "masculine" or "brave." Therefore, I am tremendously brave and strong! :lol

Mama's Girl

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After making sure Petrie and Harper were both settled in, their mother had settled herself near all her children again and was just dozing off when she heard Pterano's voice.

"Hmm..." she came more awake, wondering whatever could be so important at this time of night, ok it wasn't late late yet, but still. Although with Pterano's exile and now return he no doubt had much on his mind.

"Yes, Pterano, what is it?" she asked, sitting up and then walking further out of the nest so as not to distrub her hatchlings.


  • The Fabulous Fearsome Flyer
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((This is entirely up to you if she did or not, Mama's Girl :)))

"I'm sorry to disturb you." he said, seeing his sister appear at the rim of her nest. "I was just wondering before I headed off to sleep... did you happen to see a flyer sitting up above your nest when you came back?" he asked, pointing upward with a claw.

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Tero almost smiled at the old longneck. He seemed so kind, so trusting. Redback would like him.

He watched as Littlefoot lay down to sleep. It was a little early for him, and after all, he never slept anymore anyways. So, he simply returned to Grandpa Longneck's side and stood with him.


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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Mr. Threehorn continued.

"Well...while you were lost in the Mysterious Beyond, Our herds had begun to come together, since we saw the need for it. Pterano was should I put it?...Full of hot air back then. He was selfish, and wanted to lead the herd. I, of course, didn't listen to that old flyer, but your mother did, and she took the siblings with her one night when I was fast asleep, to be a part of Pterano's growing following."

He paused yet again, having just said a rather large mouthful.

"They...they all trusted Pterano, but..." More tears streamed down his face as he roared out this next part in anger. "...He led them all to their deaths!"


Chomper and Ruby made it back to the Secret Caves, and laid down for a nights rest. Chomper slept close to the entrance of the caves, as always, while Ruby chose to snooze a bit deeper in the cave.
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Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!

Mama's Girl

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Pterano's sister frowned. Of anything she'd told herself her brother could be asking her, this was not one of them. "A flyer...above the nest". Even if she knew she couldn't see, she craned her neck upward to look before looking to Pterano again.

"No..." she shook her head, she hadn't noticed anyone, "What did this flyer look like?" she was curious if it was anyone she knew from the Valley, especially if her brother was to be believed (and she didn't have reason to think otherwise on this example) and they'd been just above her nest.


Cera tried to keep up and take in all the information. Most of it wasn't new, being what she already knew of the adults forming a herd as well and coming to the Great Valley together much like she and Littlefoot had with Ducky, Spike and Petrie. What paused her was when her father said that her mother had believed Pterano. Cera couldn't imagine why someone as smart as she'd remembered her mother being in her bias opinion would fall for the lies of someone like Pterano.

The other implications didn't hit until her father spoke on how her mother had taken the others and followed Pterano. Cera backed up as her father cried out, not that similar feelings weren't going through her from shock to grief and anger.

She...she hadn't known it had been this personal. That her mother, her sisters...the threehorn shook her head as her own tears fell. Well, she thought, glancing down, then she didn't feel bad one bit for telling on him being back and so what if it got him in trouble!


  • The Fabulous Fearsome Flyer
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"Um... well..." Pterano hesitated here, wondering how he could possibly describe what he'd seen. Besides, what would she think of it all? "It was a female... I'm fairly certain. It was very difficult to tell her coloration from the distance and darkness. A sort of blue maybe... but much lighter than you." he explained. "She was... I..." He scratched the back of his head. "Well she was rather nice looking." he confessed, flinching a bit as he hoped his sister wouldn't think him odd. "I was just wondering if you perhaps knew who it was... or if you were aware that she was just sitting up there." he explained.

He rubbed the back of his head again, shifting his eyes from his sister up to the empty rocks above her. Nope... nothing there. Was it just a hallucination? But unless he was having a very vivid sleep story (and they were usually bad sleep stories), he could recall no time where he'd ever imagined something like this.


Grandpa Longneck bent his legs and laid himself down on the ground next to his grandson. "This is a very peaceful place, Tero. A place where many come to stay, though still others prefer their life of migration, and stop here for a few months at a time before moving on. If this is your first time here, you'll probably like it." the elderly longneck said with a smile as he gazed up at the stars.

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  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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Mr. Threehorn was about to say something more, but decided not to. He looked over to his daughter, who had backed up and sobbing. She was obviously taking this even harder than he was.'

He simply walked over, laid down next to Cera, and started to nuzzle her silently. He didn't know what else to do. He didn't have the words.


In his sleep, Chomper began to have a sleep story. Him and the Gang were in a cave...somewhere. He couldn't really tell where. They were lost in that cave.
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Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


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Cira nodded slightly at the Sharptooth's call and walked a little closer to him. She kept her guard up and kept her eyes locked on his. Though, if he wanted to attack her, wouldn't he have done it when he was this close to her? Maybe this Sharptooth had something else in mind.

"So, who are you?" she asked once again.


Spike walked towards his nest next to his adoptive mothers and sisters and curled himself up. He listened for the sound of Ducky's footsteps as she also walked to the nest.

Mama's Girl

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As she listened to Pterano go on, it slowly became clear to his sister that there was no worry of this flyer having been a threat, in his mind, so that was not why Pterano mentioned it. Instead he seemed...just curious. She was just trying to piece together why when Pterano described this "definately female" flyer as "nice looking".

She didn't know anyone of such a coloring description off hand, but through her circle of talking to friends that included Grandma Longneck that some would consider just girl gossip, it wouldn't be hard for her to figure out about this flyer.

Both an odd sense and amusement fell upon Pterano's sister. Great night lights above was her brother possibly...attracted to...someone.

"Well...I suppose I could ask around..." she said, giving her brother an odd look, "if you're that...interested". There was almost a question on the word "interested".


Cera did feel a bit better, or more comforted, as her father settled in beside her, but still her harsh feelings towards Pterano grew with this new knowledge. Her tears lessened after a bit, "I...I guess I get why you couldn't tell me this at first" she said, "but...thanks for finally...letting me know" she sighed. Laying her head down, Cera drifted off into a dreamless sleep.


Ducky settled in beside Spike, "Good night Spike" she smiled to him before drifting off.


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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Mr. Threehorn heard what his daughter said, but didn't reply. He stayed awake to ponder many different things. He knew the other Valley residents had warmed up to him somewhat. They might still have some uneasiness with Pterano, but they were willing to give him a second chance. He almost thought he was bad for still holding a grudge against him all of these years, but he didn't really care. He didn't think he could EVER forgive that old flyer for what he did, no matter the circumstances.

He noticed at this point that Cera was asleep, so he drifted off to sleep as well.


As Chomper's dream continued, he saw what it was about. In the sleep story, Littlefoot was very worried. "We've been lost in here for days!"

In the dream, Chomper's stomach growled. He didn't want to look at his friends, so he walked off for a bit.

Next, he heard several loud sharptooth roars. "Hmm, Haven't I heard those before?" he thought to himself, when his friends started to scream. He quickly ran through the tunnel to see his parents, who had his friends cornered.

<Come on Chomper. Come to dinner!> was what he heard his father say

Suddenly, his eyes shot open. His sleep story was over, but his stomach was still growling. He got up and walked over to his big sister, Ruby.

"Ruby? Hey Ruby! I need to go out again!"

"Huh? Already? and in the middle of the night?"

"Well, I REALLY have to go!"

"Oh, alright, Chomper. If you really need to go out into the Mysterious Beyond again, I'll go with you again. I mean...I am  still supposed to be looking after you.

Chomper looked down at the ground and replied. "Th...Thanks, Ruby. It really means a lot."

Chomper and Ruby walked off deeper into the Secret Caves, to go out into the Mysterious Beyond.
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


  • The Fabulous Fearsome Flyer
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Pterano averted his eyes from his sister for a moment, looking down at the ground before back up at her. "Well... if it's not too much trouble... perhaps you could." He sort of half asked and half stated that bit. He knew his sister must have suspected how he felt, but he knew she'd understand as well. She was probably amused too, if anything. Her big, proud, haughty brother, suddenly encountering something he didn't feel was below him.

"Thanks again, sis." he said, giving her a wave, and telling her "good night," before he moved over to Devon, putting an arm around the youth and smiling as he closed his eyes. No more bad sleep stories... that was what he was hoping for tonight.


Pterano wasn't sure how long he'd been asleep for. Minutes... hours? His wish had not been granted. He was having another troubling sleep story. For some reason, he was getting them more frequently as of late.

This one was gut wrenching, and he emitted a cry, shouting out as he suddenly came awake. "Agggh!" he cried sitting bolt upright on the rock, a cold sweat having broken out all over his body. Panting and gasping, his chest moving in and out, Pterano jerked his head left to right, looking around him. It was still dark... but wait... what was that?

Squinting, Pterano could see a speck of blue, growing in the distance. It appeared like a falling light in the sky, and then, his ears perceived a crackling, like a fire. As the blue light grew in his field of vision, Pterano gasped. Surely it couldn't be ANOTHER one? But it was... it was yet another "Stone of Cold Fire." Burning in all of its cobalt glory, the flying rock shot across the sky, passing overhead in a great "whoosh" that broke the air around him and caused a breeze to travel over his body as it shot across the mountains.

Like its companion before it, it skipped the Great Valley, and instead impacted somewhere out in the Mysterious Beyond, landing with another flash of blue light and a sound like distant thunder. "Another one?" Pterano asked quietly, looking off in the direction it vanished.

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Devon smiled in his sleep as he felt Pterano's arm pull him closer. He scooted himself closer to the older flyer, cuddling up close to him before losing all five senses...


Later that night, at Pterano's scream, Devon threw himself up. "Pterano! Are you okay?" he asked in clear concern. "Whats wrong?"
Petra is a variant of the Greek name "Petros" meaning "strong" or "rock." Andi is a variant of the Greek name "Andy" meaning "masculine" or "brave." Therefore, I am tremendously brave and strong! :lol