The Gang of Five
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The Continuing Saga

Pterano · 535 · 61525

Mama's Girl

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Mrs. Flyer smiled sadly at the young one, "Well, I can stand here and try to tell you that you shouldn't feel bad, and it wasn't your fault, just one of those things that happens, but I know it would probably not help much; just..." she sighed, "I don't know child, that one as young as you would have to carry such guilt is sad but from what I've already seen of how willing you are to be there for your friends I know you're a good kid. You'll make the right decisions, a heart like yours can't help but do good".

Hearing Grandpa Longneck's words she nodded. "He's right, Longtail, you should get some sleep now though" she smiled.


Harper sighed, amidst her own confusion and worry, one worry was at least alleviated. Cera wasn't going to pin her uncle to the wall for his snap out to her. As he walked off, she felt bad that she'd let his outburst jarr her, but really she didn't even know what she could or should say to him to help with that. She just turned her attention over to Cutter as Littlefoot introduced him; nodding her own greeting that she could say herself without need of translating.

"Exactly" Ridge said, "if he's a friend of Chomper's than that says a lot for him". He nodded to Cutter, "Hey Cutter, welcome" even if he knew Chomper would have to translate.

Ducky actually thought to say he was kind of cute, being at her height if not a bit shorter, but figured that would just insult him and not come out right. "Oh yes, if you are a friend of Chomper's then we are happy to have you" she said.

Neither one of either Harper or Ducky understood Chomper's words to Cutter telling him to go introduce himself, but they caught on as the little sharptooth walked over towards the flyer. Harper was finally able to find a smile as everything seemed to calm down, though she was still in a pretty quiet mood of sorts.

Ridge meanwhile was captivated by the scene going on over near Hyp. The spiketail wasn't sure how he expected Hyp to react to Redclaw's charging over and challenging him, in a way, but he waited to hear it, while of course looking like he wasn't.

Ducky walked over nearer but still stood a pace off as Chomper explained about Cutter. "Yes, he is Chomper's friend and apparently just as nice as Chomper" the swimmer said with a smile.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Ceras' emotions after the argument were mixed. After all she'd been through, and everything she'd learned in the last few days shouting about it felt good, but the look on Pterano's face, and the small bout of shame she felt for putting that look upon the flyers face made her think about how things, and more importantly others change for reasons they may not know. At that moment she stepped over to Petrie and asked in a whispered tone. "You should sit with him. You are his favorite, and it might make him smile." she said with the truest convictoin she had.

Ruby was glad to see the issue was resolved for the moment and she simply settled down next and tried to rest.


Cyrix smiled at Grandpa Longnecks statement, and yawned as he too realized ti was getting late in the evening. The rainbow face strecthed his arms and walked over to the base of a nearby tree and settle down on his belly to try and rest. But before he could, he realized with a sudden start, that Longtail was still talking to one of the other grownups. he must be worried for his friends. thought Cyrix with a sigh.

Longtail for his part gave a grim smile and nodded his head. He was feeling exceptionally tired and sleep was the one thing he knew he wanted to do right then. He looked up at Mrs. Flyer and spoke. "Thank you... you've helped me more than you know." He then began to walk towards where his uncle was seated, but stopped for a moment and spoke to her again. "You are right... I do need to sleep. But... you are wrong too..." It was at that moment he turnred to face her and his right eye changed color from quartz pink to sunburst yellow as he finished his sentence. "But I've done enough evil to last me a lifetime."


  • Petra (He/They)
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(Actually, dude, Petrie was actually in the cave, resting after the wounds that Red Claw gave him, but I'll let it slide. It is time I'd let Petrie come back into the story after all)

Petrie had just woken up and at first, he thought the whole Red Claw attack was just a dream, but it all came back to him when he realized that he was covered in mud. He was in a lot less pain, so he could walk. But he was still limping none the less. He walked out of the cave, only to see Pterano and Cera arguing. He was shocked and he would've jumped in to defend his only and favorite uncle if he could fly. He listened as Cera told him to go sit next to his uncle. He smiled back. "Okay, me do just that then." So he flew over to the red flyer.

"Hello Uncle. You okay?" Petrie asked in concern, placing a hand in Pterano's giant one.
Petra is a variant of the Greek name "Petros" meaning "strong" or "rock." Andi is a variant of the Greek name "Andy" meaning "masculine" or "brave." Therefore, I am tremendously brave and strong! :lol


  • The Fabulous Fearsome Flyer
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Hyp shuddered as the large sharptooth came up to him, jaw trembling as he shouted right in his face. He was inwardly terrified for his life, and only hoped Littlefoot wouldn't allow him to be attacked if push came to shove. But what to do? He'd lose face if he backed down now, but... what else could he do? Redback was towering over him... he couldn't do a thing.

"Errrr... yeah... fine." he said, scowling. He realized he was probably shaking, but did his best not to show it. "If you're friendly, you're friendly... I just don't know if I trust sharpteeh as much as the others. You guys gotta eat, after all." he said, folding his arms over his chest.

Pterano was regarding Cutter with curiosity. He was very small... and hardly seemed a threat, though sharpteeth still made him uneasy. "Well uh... tell him I'm saying hello back, and that it's nice to meet him..." I hope, he didn't add as he added in a way to that.

It was then that Petrie came over, and sat beside him. "Ohhhhh." Pterano sighed. "Not... particularly." His nephew seemed to be feeling better now... which was encouraging.

Norton hopped over, tentatively looking in his father's direction. "Um... mind if I sit by you? That feet soaking looks rather good." the flyer asked, and Pterano gave him a quizzical look, but assented with a nod. Norton slid in next to Petrie, dipping his feet into the water.

"You see..." Pterano went on. "I feel like it should have been anyone but me that you children winded up getting stranded with. Heh... I almost wish... I hadn't broken my self-imposed exile in fact."

Norton stared at his own distorted reflection in the water as he listened to his father speak. Such conflicted anguish he seemed to be in. Maybe he did have his faults... but he also had his regrets and pain as well. He started twirling his foot around in the water, distracting himself as he tried to gather up the courage to tell Pterano the truth.


Grandpa Longneck was a bit surprised by Mr. Threehorn's apology, but gave him an understanding nod. "You have every right to be angry with him. He can't ever give you your family back... and I understand that." the longneck replied. "All I'm asking for now is that you give him the chance to return our children to us. It's not like we'd fare very well out there... looking for them after all." he explained sadly. "We must trust that he didn't abandon them... and that he'll bring them home again. I accept your apology... but at the same time you don't have to apologize for being angry with Pterano... I myself... got upset whenever he was mentioned... as you recall. So I DO understand your feelings." the longneck told the threehorn.

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"It ok, Uncle...need a hug?" Petrie offered, knowing Pterano wasn't in his happy state...and it pained him to see his uncle so down. So he opened his arms just in case.
Petra is a variant of the Greek name "Petros" meaning "strong" or "rock." Andi is a variant of the Greek name "Andy" meaning "masculine" or "brave." Therefore, I am tremendously brave and strong! :lol


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Not too far away from them where two young Sharpteeth, a Spinosaurus and a Giganotosaurs. The Spino had his nose to the ground with a rather determined look while to Giga looked almost annoyed.

<Fang, come on we've been walking for the longest while, can't we rest?> the Giga said.

<No way Nat, I smell little Leaf Lickers and that's a rare sight out here, dinner is served> he said as he continued to follow the scent trails of the group, closing in on them.


  • The Fabulous Fearsome Flyer
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"Ahhh yes.. it'll do me some good I'm sure." Pterano said, and spread his wings for Petrie to move over to him, and brought him up into a hug. "Ahhhh there you are. That's my good nephew." he said.

He looked over at Norton, as he couldn't help but notice the flyer. "You... said something to me when you landed. What was it?" he asked. "I didn't quite catch it but... it almost sounded like you said..."

"Oh!" Norton said, quickly cutting him off. "Ummmm... I COULD tell you... but I'd rather do it in private." The stars were starting to appear overhead now, as dusk was giving way to night. "Do you have a minute?" he asked.

"Of course... we can fly to the top of the ridge here and speak. By private... you mean just us?"

"Maybe... maybe Petrie should come too... and Harper." he said, looking over at her. "If she wants to, that is. A convention of flyers. Devon too... but he already knows what I'm going to say." he looked over at the blue flyer, giving him a smile that Pterano couldn't see.

"If it's something you wish to confide to me... I'm fairly good at keeping secrets." the old flyer stated. "I'll do my best to simply listen."

"Oh... I think you'll want to do more than listen... but we'll see." Norton said with a chuckle.

"Well, what do you say, Petrie? Harper? Feel like coming along?" Pterano asked his nephew and niece.

Norton secretly hoped he wouldn't freeze up and choke. There was only so much courage he had after all... and revealing himself to his father would take every last ounce he had.

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Mama's Girl

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Petrie's mother smiled, giving Longtail a nod back to his thanks. She was just about to flap off and go check that the hatchlings she did have with her were bedded down properly when Longtail turning back to her paused her. He spoke so...eloquently for a child, and his words, not to mention slight change of the light or such to come over his face. Mr. Threehorn would call it odd and suspicious even, but Petrie's mother just sighed as she let him walk off.

Turning back, she noticed Mrs. Spiketail had yet to leave, and just been listening and thinking as the conversation went on. "We should head off ourselves" Mrs. Flyer said. The spiketail nodded and her companion suddenly recalled how in returning to her sleep spot she returned to a mate, but no other hatchling. She smiled sympathetic of understanding she didn't understand what that was like.

Ridge's mother caught and returned the smile, "It's a special worry, yes, but I'd never say it means I love Ridge any more than you do Petrie and Harper" she commented softly as they moved off.


Ridge had to reluctantly admit he was impressed that even now Hyp was holding to his gumption, even if it was all false bravado in a way. He walked over closer, "What he means is...well probably exactly what he said" the spiketail grinned, "but I'm sure he'll cut out the insensitivity". He was meaning all of this to try and back Hyp up actually, even if it didn't seem to be sounding like it.

Harper gave a small smile seeing Petrie both well enough to now come out of the cave and also moving over towards Pterano. If anyone could help their uncle, she knew it was him. Smiling, Ducky skipped over nearer where Littlefoot stood and Harper was about to follow when her uncle's address and the conversation she'd been listening too even while telling herself not to exactly ease drop paused her. She couldn't help instantly smiling wider though and flapping over. "Yeah, sure!" she said.

"So, Littlefoot,, did it go...ok, out there for you and Chomper?" Ducky asked, though hesitating as she knew how perhaps uncomfortable of a conversation she could be breaching; but she also wanted to be supportive of Chomper and help him where any of them could.


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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Cutter stood their while Pterano examined him and spoke up. <Looks like he's fine with you, Cutter.> Chomper said.

<Yeah, That's good to know.> He noticed that Pterano didn't pay attention to him for long, and other flyers came to talk to him. <Hmm, must be busy. Hey, did anyone else say something about me, Chomper?>

<Let's see...> Chomper started to tell Cutter. <Ridge, that kind of big spiketail over there said hello and welcome, and Ducky, that little swimmer said if your my friend, then your their friend too.>

Cutter went over to the spring to get a drink of water. Chomper laid himself down off of Redback, about to fall asleep, when he overheard Ducky asking Littlefoot about their trip. He walked over to sit next to Littlefoot, but didn't speak up, as he was going to see what Littlefoot would say first.
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


  • Spike
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<There they are Nat, our 3 course meal> Fang said and chuckled as he watched the group from afar, he seemed so obsessed with then young ones he didn't notice any of the others. Nat however did notice the others.

<No way Fang, I'm way to young to die. Plus looks like we're late, there are already sharpteeth there> Nat pointed out which caused Fang to growl.

<Maybe if I charge 'em it'll scare off the sharpteeth...> Fang said to himself looking closely at them all, not even thinking whether or not they could see him from this distance too.


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A sudden change came over Tero and Redback. Almost simultaneously, both froze, then began to sniff the air.
However their reactions were different. Tero perched on Redback's sail cautiously, while the sharptooth snarled gently.

"We got company..." He muttered no nobody in particular.


  • The Fabulous Fearsome Flyer
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"Um... well." Littlefoot said, unsure how to really begin. "It was... it went OK." he said, still deciding to keep Chomper's secret. "You know... just found him some insects... a nest actually... and he was able to get full on that." the longneck lied, smiling down at Ducky, but feeling his innards twist and turn as he did so. How could he keep this up? He'd break down eventually.

He stopped talking once Redback made his announcement. Chomper hadn't managed to detect the incoming dinos? Hyp had stopped as well, and was looking about.

Pterano was just in the process of saying "Grand! Then let's all go to..." but was stopped as well by Redback's announcement.

"Unusual." the female Rainbow Face spoke up. "This place is pretty isolated... sharpteeth almost never come here... but if they do..."

"We'll have a bit of a repeat performance as happened with Redclaw." Royce finished.

"IS it sharpteeth?" Pterano asked, a bit nervously, as they always made him tremble. "If so... there's only one way out." he observed, trying to keep panic from infringing on his voice.

"We have enough flyers to get everyone to safety." the female pointed out. "Just ready yourselves... in case it is."

Norton inwardly sighed. Yet another interruption. Would he ever be able to tell his father about himself? He stood up from the pool, and got in front of the children that had been by Pterano. "I guess our talk will have to wait." he said, some regret and annoyance evident. If it WAS sharpteeth... he wasn't going to hold back this time. Taking to the air, he flew upward to scout ahead. "Yep! It's a pair of sharpteeth!" he called back down to them. "One looks like Redback... the other... different. A plated sharptooth of some kind! Smaller than the Redback one." he relayed. "Still a bit of a ways off!"

"Alright children." Pterano said, knowing he had to step up to the challenge. "If they move any closer, we'll use the flyers to help evacuate. We've got four adult flyers after all... more than enough to go around. Start positioning yourselves near one."

Littlefoot was getting a bit concerned. This is why he hated the Mysterious Beyond. Even relatively secluded areas like this weren't a hundred percent safe it seemed... but he moved next to Tero, all the same, as he was closest.

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The Great Valley Guardian

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Longtail settled down next to his uncle and gave a relaxing sigh of relief almost as if being next to Cyrix took all of his anxiety away. He grinned as he looked up and asked Cyrix a question. "Hey Uncle Cyrix, I heard we might go searching for the others in the morning. Is that true? Can I finally do something to help?" he spoke with an air of optimism in his young voice.

The rainbow face chuckled lightly as he looked down at the glider under his charge and was about to reply when he noticed the color of Longtail's right eye. He gave a startled gasp and held his nephews head still for several moments as he talked quietly. "Longtail! You know you're supposed to come directly to me when this happens! If any of the other elders found out.... about you... they'd send you away, now is that what you want?!" his voice betraying a urgent sense of worry.

Longtail this time thought before he spoke.
"B-but Uncle... you know I can't control it, not really. And... sometimes it happens when I'm alone and it scares me. I... I know what I am, but what if that wandering herd was right... what if I am a... monster?" as he finished his question his right eye returned to original color and the child felt his Uncle let go of his face. Longtail now feeling that any remote form of conversation to be over, laid his head down, closed his eyes and covered his head with his tail attempting to sleep.

Cyrix took a deep breath to calm himself. He knew that Longtail's emotions were always hard to keep in check and that the color of his eye depended deeply on how he felt. He didn't mean to upset the kid but he figured they'd talk more when the bright circle had risen and so he too laid his head down and tired his best to sleep.


Ruby was worried for Littlefoot. Having been close to where they had been when Chomper was eating and knowing that Littlefoot was lying to Ducky made her sad. She stepped over and placed a hand on Littlefoots back and gave the young longneck a smile, before whispering in his ear. "You know, lying to a friend, is almost as bad as lying to yourself. It only makes things that much worse. Ducky is kind and forgiving, and she knows Chompers a sharptooth... she may not like it, but the truth is sometimes better than not telling the truth."

Cera at that moment felt the tension around them and froze. "Wait... MORE sharpteeth! Come on! Don't we ever get a break out here... geez, I'm beginning to think we've all got bad luck again!" she said in an annoyed, but oddly sarcastic tone of voice.


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<Seriously Fang, lets go find something sick and dying or something> Nat tried to reasong with him. Fang just snorted.

<No way, can't remember the last time we ate something fresh. Plus, there's only one way out!> before Nat had a chance to stop him, Fang charged towards them letting out as a big a roar as a juvenile sharptooth could muster up.

Nat just sighed before chasing after Fang. <For the last time you'll get yourself killed!> she shouted at his friend but that didn't stop him.


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Spike froze as he heard the roar of a Sharptooth. He was already freaked out enough when Redback said they weren't alone, and it looked as if he was right! Oh, how he wished that none of all this chaos hadn't happened and that they were all at home in thier Valley, not out here in the Mysterious Beyond with Sharpteeth around every corner. He backed up as the large Sharptooth charged towards them.


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Devon sighed in annoyance. "Ugh! More sharpteeth?" he muttered, flying into the air with Norton. "Okay...what's our match this time."

Petrie however, still in Pterano's embrace shivered. "M-m-m-more sharpteeth?" He couldn't help but clutch to his uncle for support, burying his face into his chest.
Petra is a variant of the Greek name "Petros" meaning "strong" or "rock." Andi is a variant of the Greek name "Andy" meaning "masculine" or "brave." Therefore, I am tremendously brave and strong! :lol


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Redback snarled in the direction of the roar, ready to take on whatever it was. He noticed it was the roar of his own kind, which was unusual in itself. There weren't many sailbacked sharpteeth around nowadays, most had migrated to the East.
But a grin emerged on his face as the sharptooth cleared the foliage, revealing itself. Definitely a sailback, but a small least, smaller than himself.

"This'll be easy." He muttered to himself confidently.

Spreading his legs apart slightly, he stretched his clawed fingers out and reared back.

Tero watched his friends action. He rolled his eyes. He knew exactly what was coming, and as such covered his ears.

Redback, reared back as far as he could without falling over, then lurched forwards, bringing his head close to the floor, and let out a huge, earsplitting roar in the direction of the offending sharptooth!


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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Chomper looked on as Littlefoot lied to Ducky's face. He...wasn't sure what to think at that point. He did want to keep it a secret, because he didn't want to have to leave the Great Valley if he could somehow help it, but it made him feel horrible inside to be keeping the secret away from a close friend. He was going to think on this some more, of whether to let the truth out or not.

Just then, Redback let out the sharptooth warning. He sniffed the air and noticed the smell too. Hmm. must have been too worried about this to notice he thought.

Chomper and Cutter rushed over to where Redback was. As he let out his huge roar, the too little sharpteeth decided to add in theirs, though theirs weren't quite as huge as Redback's.
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


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At first Fang seemed undeterred by a larger sharptooth than himself but when the roar hit his ears he winced from the pain. This caused him to miss a step and trip up due to his running, he landed on his stomach and then slid to a stop just in front of Redback and the others. "By the Great Beyond, that hurt!" he said more time himself, speaking leaf eater by accident. This close it was clear to see he wasn't a threat the older members of the group seeing as he was just a little bigger than Chomper.

Not to long after Nat came running in too but quickly stopped my himself when he saw Fang was down. <Oh no, I warned him> he said as he took a step back, he himself was about Chomper's size, maybe marginally larger but nothing too noticeable.

Mama's Girl

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Ducky nodded, taking the explanation Littlefoot gave. She wondered a bit as Ruby whispering to Littlefoot straight after, but shrugged it off. "Oh well that is good" she smiled from Littlefoot to Chomper. She didn't catch Redback's announcement , but word was spread pretty quickly anyway. "Oh, I do hope they do not come in here" she said as she inched her way back towards where Littlefoot had gone as well.

"Hmm...hate to say it, but you and I may have a better shot running" Ridge muttered to Hyp seen as how being in and near adolescence respectively they were a bit heavier than the other kids, though perhaps, if done right it would be do-able. He glanced to take stock and help with the scattering to flyers as well, "and I'd also point out us four footers should probabaly make sure to be spread so that one flyer doesn't...well I'll cut it on the weight comments but get double load" he was able to find a small smile.

Harper prepared for if quick flight would be necessary all while trying to remain calm herself. One disaster and two sharpteeth attackes? As Cera obsereved out loud, couldn't they catch a break? She flinched a bit as Redback roared, but experienced, for the first time, hope off that sound. Surly that would keep the others away...

"Please let that work..." Ridge muttered in the same thought. Wide eyed, he watched as the sharptooth tripped and then...spoke, well spoke leafeater to be precise. There were at least three gasps at the occurrence from him, Harper and Ducky.