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Tell Your Story About LBT

Petrie. · 172 · 61496


  • Ruby
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So, after quite a few years of not seeing any of LBT movies, I've rewatched the original and it didn't dissapoint. It is without a doubt one of best children movies ever made. It was innocent and light hearted in spite of dealing with hard themes and quite dark/sick looking enviroments.
Land Before Time clearly is a unique children movie and I give it 10/10

On the other side, I haven't watched too many children movies so my review may not be good  :lol:
I'll continue watching LBT sequels and although I'm quite sceptical about them being half as good as original, I'll give them a chance


  • Ducky
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I rented LBT for the first time on VHS for years ago, and for some years ago I stumbled upon the Network 54 forum.


  • Spike
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I'm not sure, but I believe I first saw the original Land Before Time film on video when I was three. I remember wanting to watch a film and searching through the videos my family had and seeing it there. As far as I recall, I'd never seen the film before, so I decided to put it on to see what it was like. Apart from the obvious trauma of Littlefoot's Mother dying, I liked the film.

I don't remember much about the other films coming out, but I know I saw LBT 2 at some point, because I remembered Chomper when I watched 5 (come to think of it, it might have been broadcast on the telly, and I saw the end of it). But I remember watching 4 and loving it because it gave Littlefoot an obvious love interest.

I was never really into Dinosaurs when I was young, but I still watched the odd show along with any other animated thing. Eventually, around the year 2000, I saw an advert in a magazine talking about winning a guest role in Balto 2 (at that point unnamed) and getting LBT 7 on VHS. I had no idea that there were now six sequels, and so I spent the next three weeks renting out the ones I hadn't seen from the video store. I remember liking 2 but not 3 (the bullies annoyed me, and I thought the ending was weak), and liking 5 but getting bored with the story of 6. 7 I thought was great.

The next year, 8 came out. I checked it out from the video store, but there were several things that disappointed me about it. I don't actually remember what, but I believe it was mainly the story. One other thing I remember thinking at this point was that time must be running out for the LBT cast, because they've had a meteor in the last film and now an ice age?

After that, I lost interest. I remember the odd advert for 9, and Cartoon Network furiously advertising 10 when it came out. When 11 came out, my Dad bought it because it included the original film, which we wanted. At this point, I started looking up LBT on the internet, mostly ignoring the scorn on imdb, and I learnt that Littlefoot's father appeared in the 10th film. Around this time, I also started reading Dinotopia*. I don't remember which one started it, but I know I became interested in either LBT or Dinotopia after watching/reading the other, and looking for more things involving Dinosaurs. Eventually, I gained a vague knowledge of Dinosaurs in general, and attempted to make a chart to simplify all the species into various groups, so that anybody could remember them (Herbivores were easy, but Carnivores...that's where it fell apart). I later used this knowledge as part of a theory that the LBT had to take place in a fictional Mid-Cretaceous time, and that it must be located in North America (both due to fossil records of different dinosaur species).

Because I wanted to see them again (and I hated the fact that the numbering system on my shelf meant that XI was the only number), I decided to track down the rest. I got 5, 6 & 10 first, I believe. Funnily enough, this time round I preferred 6 to 5, but as time went on and I got the rest, they remained amongst my favourite sequels. 10, however, annoyed me. Littlefoot's actor just sounded wrong to me, plus it seemed like his character had become several years younger and more immature compared to the other films. I also got the first four films on video (part of a second hand set of LBT videos), which were fun to leave on in the background while doing something else on the computer. Oddly, most of the time, I "watched" a LBT movie by playing some video game and listening to the film. I suppose it provided a sort of soundtrack to whatever game I was playing.

I got the first three films as part of a DVD Multipack, and enjoyed 3 a lot better this time. My Dad soon found 12, which I really enjoyed (good characters and music, for one thing). Eventually, I got 4, 7, 8 & 9 at a Whitcoulls Xmas sale (annoyingly, they got WAY cheaper the next year. D'oh). 4 wasn't as good as I'd remembered, 7 was still good, 8 I liked better, but I thought that Ducky's voice actor no longer sounded right for the part, and 9 was alright.

Some point during all that, I found the GOF Message Board (I think it was Christmastime; I remember a holiday-themed banner with Chomper and Littlefoot), but I didn't join for a while. I did have good fun reading several of the fics that had been written (Out Of The Shadows, A Sharptooth's Heart, Time Gate X and the one by Threehorn involving a wish on a star are ones I mostly recall), and I eventually decided to try and make a map of the world of LBT (And I did...sort of. I added a page to this Message Board with some of my findings; there are plenty of pages covered with sketches and notes regarding sun placement, mountain ranges, rivers and the like crammed in a box somewhere). I also bought the game Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis, and many attempts were made to create a Great Valley of sorts.

At some point, I tracked down the LBT Soundtrack via Ebay (woohoo!). After a while, I listened to the film and made my list of how the soundtrack differed from the film, and thus listed where missing scenes were (well, I started doing that. Originally, I made various notes listing the obvious cuts, then later I made a quick note of what music made up the large gap (something I never actually posted on the net), and then even later I got around to typing it all up). My Dad later found the Sing-A-Long cd, which was cool (although it was annoying having each song being preceded by a bunch of kids saying stupid crap).

To complete my collection, my Dad found LBT 13. I wasn't as put off by it as most people (probably because I was more listening to it then watching). After that, things sort of died down. The TV series didn't come out here for quite a while, and when it did, I always managed to miss the episode for some reason or another. The DVDs have finally been released, but I'm in no hurry to get them; there's plenty of others things that have my interest at the mo.

And...I think that's everything. Apart from that, the only other thing is that I generally check this forum every day, and usually only add a post if it's to do with some sort of theory regarding the films.

*Dinotopia happens to be where my user name comes from. When I was joining this message board, I wanted an original user name (something with no numbers on the end). So I quickly looked through my books, and found Almaron, a dinotopian orator. Since I planned to jabber on about various theories, I figured that made an ideal user name.


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  • Ducky
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    • View Profile there's a good question. I don't really know what made me watch it. Now the origanal movie rcame out long before I could walk and talk and actually enjoy movies. When I started watching them, number 6 was already out. so I had a lot to chose from. :D But I think the one thing that really caught my eye would probably be dinosaurs. And who doesn't like dinosaurs? I still love them. I think my mom got it for me and made me watch it. Since I had no refusals I sat down and looked at the screen. When it came to the part when Littlefoot's mother dies I remember gasping and crying, crying, crying, crying. And more crying! Lot's and lot's of crying. But I got over the shock. Thank goodness I know there's gonna be a happy ending now. :) As of right now I own two VHS tapes and still are able to watch them because I own a tape player and are able to watch them when ever I want. Yay me! ;)  
For the sequals, I watched 2 and 3 recently but haven't really made contact with any of the others lately.  For number 4 I still like it. Possible love interest for Littlefoot? 5 is one of my favorites because Chomper's back. 6? Bored easily. That's about it. 7 was okay. I love Pterano. He's so funny. :DD 8 was fine some songs were...a little off with me. Coughthelessoncoughcough. 9 fine I liked it. 10 weird...I'm actually suprised Littlefoot didn't run away crying after Bron said, "then I heard about...about you mom and a sharptooth." He just looked up. What the heck? If it were me, you can be sure I would run away screaming. 11 bored easily, but good lesson there. 12 I liked. 13 ARGGGGGGG!!!!!!!. Nuff said. And for the tv series, it was okay I guess. Lot of unnecessary characters though.
Well, that's my LBT excperiance.


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  • Petrie
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Ah, I have quite a story about this:

First time I watched this series was back in Primary school...year 1 or 2, I think, so I was between 6 and 8. For some reason, our year was having a Dinosaur-themed week, when they themed every lesson around Dinosaurs. I can't remember exactly what kinds of stuff we did, but I do remember that in maths, we'd get out tape-measures and use them to see for ourselves exactly how big they were. That was kinda fun.
But the part everyone liked the most was the afternoon, when everybody would sit down in one room, they'd wheel out the Tv, and put on a VHS of The Land Before Time. Of course, back then, I wasn't exactly the film-geek I am now, I was just a kid, but there was something about the series that just hooked me in. Also, as I recall, we didn't watch them in the correct order. I think we actually watched the first one last! But I definitely remember watching the original, 2nd, 3rd and 5th ones, because I could very vividly remember scenes from those ones (Heck, I've had Big Water and Eggs stuck in my head ever since those days!)
After that, they kinda vanished from my life, till my teenage years. Being a huge fan of cartoons, I was also a fan of Don Bluth especially. Just the unique was he animates really got to me. So, I was working my way through his best films, like Secret of Nimh, American Tail, Dragon's Lair, and then I discovered to my delight that he made the original Land Before Time! So, I looked around on the net and found a Megavideo link to the first one and watched it. It was like I was 8 yrs old again.
So, after watching the original, I remembered the sequels. I knew they wer all direct-to-video affairs with no help from Bluth himself, but II had to check them out anyway.  It was hilarious how certain scenes just kept popping up that I remembered, and how I found myself singing along to quite a few songs.
So, I was pretty much hooked on the series by then, watching every Megavideo of the films there were, and buying as many of the DVDs as I could find. Luckily for me, my local HMV sells the movies for anything between £3-18, and so far, I have every one except for numbers 4, 5, 6 (Which I can get cheap as a collection), 11 (which I can watch on Youtube for free), 12 (which I can't find at HMV) and 13 (which I never intend to watch). I also found number 8 by pure luck, as a VHS in a Durham charity shop for 50p!
Just yesterday, I bought numbers 8 and 10, and I've pretty much decided that my favourite sequels are definitely 8 and 7.

The rest is (pre)history.


  • Chomper
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It's hard to say when I first saw the Land before time, probably around the time I turned 3.  It was my favorite movie at the time along with Jurassic Park.  I watched the original LBT with my parents over and over again, I even took the movie to pre-k so I could show it to all of my friends.  The series stuck with me then because I loved dinosaurs(and I still do.)  I stuck with the series watching all the sequels ending on the fifth movie.  After the fifth movie I hit a stage in my life where I grew out of 'kiddie' movies, I felt that I had to be more mature and stop watching these kinds of movies.  So my parents sold all of the movies at a garage sale and LBT was just a distant memory waiting to get pushed out of my head for good.  Fast forward to nearly 14 years later I was logging into my netflix account and I scrolled down the front page until something caught my eye.  Sitting dead center in my recommendations was none other than the original LBT.  At that moment I had a nostalgia shock and watched the movie, then watched it again the day after along with the sequel.  I continued to look up the soundtrack on youtube wondering what had possessed me to ever leave this series.  While searching for the soundtrack on youtube I also decided I wanted to see if there were any forums devoted to LBT and I stumbled upon GOF.  So here I am, a long time LBT fan who forgot about the series for 14 years only to rediscover it after a chance nostalgia shock. I will always love this series, especially the first movie!


  • The Fabulous Fearsome Flyer
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  • Ducky
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I do have distinct memories of seeing it in the theater, during its release. I really don't remember much though of that time, except specifically the earthquake scene and the conversation with Rooter. That I do remember, though of course I saw the film plenty of times after that. That was my first experience with it though, seeing it when I was two years old.

My dad was pretty awesome, because I'm sure this was totally illegal at the time, but he was a media professor and just made our family copies whenever he rented them from the video store. XD That's how I ended up with all the subsequent films on VHS, though later, once the price in VHS plummeted, we just bought them if I recall. Or rented them. I think after the seventh one we didn't buy anymore, for whatever reason. Just rented them.

I do not own any of the films currently (or any copies of them for that matter), but I just bought the seventh one two days ago, and it shipped yesterday, so I'm sure it'll be here this coming week. I intend to use it as a starting point, and build up my collection from there. I'll probably pick and choose though, as I like some of the films better than others.

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Poster of the Gang of Five's 400,000th post

Salvatore Blackheart

  • Chomper
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I was very young when i saw the film for first time, i can't remeber the day or details, but i saw the film in 1992 with my cousins while we were take the breakfast.

Im little green glyder :J

  • Chomper
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At the beginning (recently) thought about the five dinosaurs, he does not know where this idea came up. I meditated on what it might be, could the inspiration for the art project. years later, I saw LBT TV series, I realized that he has something to do, and I knew that those idea came from viewing an old part of the LBT which I watched long ago I watched a young age.
Of course, I do not remember it, and it does not allow me to live.
I would like to see all of the LBT. :cry


  • Petrie
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I was like 5 years old.

When I was in my preschool, the teacher put on the movie.  I really had nothing to do, but to watch it.  I hated it.  I wanted to watch something a little more childish like Dink the Little Dinosaur.

Later, I watched it again in my car (we had a small 15in. television in the car.) and I watched it while going to Colorado.  I somehow changed my opinions and decided to watch it twice.

After that instance, I started watching sequels from it.  Like when number 3 (or 4) just came out.  I watched it.

I watched every sequel that came out and enjoyed ALMOST every minute of it.  By the time I was 13, however, I stopped watching, thinking it was to much.   When I turned 17, I was thinking about the film for some odd reason and began watching the TV Series.  I really missed.  Now, I am a freak about it, posters, GoF member, fanfic writer, youtube, etc.


  • Cera
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I was three years old when it came out in theaters. I don't remember if I saw it in theaters back than. I highly doubt it. I remember watching it at preschool or my parents rented the movie for me and I loved it and I remember crying my eyes out as a kid when I saw thew movie. I liked how dark it was even tho it was ment for kid. I liked the background music and so on in this movie. Don Bluth did a fantastic job making this movie. And as I heard about the sequels I remember my parents rented a handful of the sequels and I remember liking them a lot as a kid. Than went I watched them as a got older I was thinking eh I saw a lot of things I hated about them but some where still very enjoyable. But a lot of them did really suck and I mean really suck. I hated 13 when a passion. It was god awful. And I hated movie  eleven that was god awful as well. Everything about that movie sucked. But the others where okay and decent.


  • Ruby
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When I was in Kindergarden I loved sharks. I read books about sharks, watched documentaries, and watched movies about them. So one day, I was sitting on my couch watching some kids channel( I can't remember what it was) and Land Before Time V: The Mysterious Island was playing. It was the first time I ever set eyes on dinosaurs so it caught my attention. Then the swimming sharptooth scene came up and I loved that scene! Although, I wanted atleest one of them to get eaten since I didn't really pay attention to the characters. Ever since then I loved that movie, then I found out that there were other movies around so I went around collecting them and finally I have the whole collection. Thank goodness for LBT or I wouldn't have know anything about dinosaurs until the second or third grade!

Bruton the Iguanodon

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Alright, here goes...

When I was about 2 or 3, in 1996 and 1997, I was disapointed by the lack of good dinosaur shows on TV. Sure, there was the Disney live action "Dinosaurs", but that just didn't do it for me. I wanted to see dinosaurs  portrayed a little more realistically. And then, one day on the disney channel, I think it was probably in 1997, this awesome show was on about dinosaurs. I'm pretty sure it was "The Great Valley adventure". Anyways, I immediately loved it---this was how I thought a dinosaur show should be done!

Well, at some point shortly afterwards, we got movie 4 on VHS. I loved it! I loved the whole "Journeying into the land of mists" storyline, loved the characters, particularly the new one, Alley, although I wasn't a fan of the "fdingin a flower to cure grandpa" storylin, "Grandma's lullaby", the mouse Tickles, and didn't really like the song "Who needs you". Overall, though, I loved it! It was just pure brilliance, was so magical and mysterious...oh yeah! I would watch it from time to time; for example, me, my sister and my cousin watched three episodes of "the little twins" and then Land Before Time 4 on the 4th of July, 1999. We watched it while waiting for the big fireworks show and after we came home from the show I think we finished it! It must have been the latest I ever stayed up! For a while it was pretty much the only one I knew. I had a story book of lbt, but the only pictures i remember was one of Cera's dad, cera and littlefoot, with Cera's dad telling her "Threehorns don't play w/ longnecks!" and one of Littlefoot, Ducky, Spike and petrie covered in tar and laughing at Cera. I saw part of 5 at my cousin's house in the summer of 1999, I think; from what I saw of it that day I didn't think it was as good as movie 4. I remember seeing them jump into the water and then spit it out, and three songs---one about the big water (i which the gang got grabbed by a bunch of seacreatures, with Littlefoot being grabbed by an octopus---which I thought fitting that our hero gets grabbed by the coolest creature there), and then a pretty one they were singing at night, and a rather bad "friends for dinner" one which took place in this grass and had this annoying "Chomper" and used "telephone" graphics. There's also another time I vividly remember watching 4. We'd only watch it occasionally, which was what made it so special. It was in sometime in 2000 and a few babysitters were over, and I remember complaining about Grandma's Lullaby, that it lacked a beat, and one of my babysitters humored me by tapping her knee. Well, we didn't finish watching it that night. My dad said we would in the morning, although we didn't end up doing it. I also saw a commercial for Stone of cold fire during Christmas of 2000 since it was on the Chicken Run VHS I got. I saw the scene with Cera having a halo and Petrie landing on her head.

It was in January 2001 that i saw it again. Ah, it was a grey sunday morning and my sister and I were watching cartoons as usual, I think we watched "Rolie Polie Ollie" that morning. And then my dad changed it to cartoon network. Now usually I didn't watch too much of cartoon network but guess what was on? Movie 5!It was at the pont where they were trying the green food on the island. So this time I knew what was coming, unlike the last where I don't think i even stayed to the end. And it did---they started singing "Big Water"! I loved it so much this time---espicially the climatic moment where they all became sea creatures!! Then there was the awesome scene where they were on the log being chased by the shark, and then, where they're singing on the beach at night...oh, my 6-year-old heart melted that day. Hardly any show was as special as LBT at that point in my life. Anyways, I left the room after that---I didn't want to ruin this perfect image--but came back upstairs to see they'd met up with Chomper and Ducky got kidnapped by a pteradactly. I really hated friends for dinner this time. As you all know, there was the huge Sharptooth fight, and Elsie taking them back to the mainland and their families. It was really great to see it that morning. The concluding shot of them returning to the great valley, along with the beautiful credits score, truly touched my heart. We later went out to the coast on that cold day.

It wasn't until spring 2002 that I really got into it though. On Easter we went to my cousin's house and guess what what I saw in the TV guide, which would be on that night on Cartoon network? "The Land Before Time V: The Mysterious Island". But we were watching The Little Mermaid 2 that night. Then the next morning, on Easter Sunday,  I read in the TV guide that it would come on again! But I didn't get to see it. Well, it was a few weeks after that that Dad rented stone of cold fire and i enjoyed it. It was then i realized how frustrated i was that i didn't watch more LBT. (I remembered seeing the preview for stone of cold fire on the video for chicken run when I got it for Christmas 2000 and thinking the same thing. Part of the preview that stood out was a halo appearing above Cera's head and Petrie knocking it off. I was glad to see that was on this film.) So from may to July I watched a lot of LBT.  Right after we rented 7 we rewatched 4, Dad soon rented 3 on a sunday, and me and my sister watched it on that sunny morning and i really liked it. As I watched it I couldn't help thinking about 5...ah, 5. I was gonna save renting 5, which i remembered fondly, for last. So we then got 6, which i thought at the time was good, but deep down knew it...was more kiddish then I wanted and wasn't quite LBT that I loved. At least it still had an interesting plot.  8 followed soon, and i didn't like it that much. It was bland and the formula was showing. It wasn't even that exiting. So much for an amazing, near-flawless series. Then it was 1. Geez, I did not see what happened in this one coming! Littlefoot's mom? I'd never even heard of her! The death was...really sad! And Littlefoot crying like that...but I didn't dwell on it or anything. But it's weird, it felt like a long lost LBT film to me, since the animation was so old and it was so much darker! So then we finally rented 5 (as well as 2, which I still had yet to see), which i hadn't even seen from he beginning. I waited all day for it in anticipation and exitement, savoring each moment building up to it. As a result it was a really fun day. Mom was in a run that morning, and me, my sister and my dad walked, disscusiing LBT and which ones we hadn't seen. We went home afterwards and me and my sister watched TV, and all that afternoon we had fun outside. A babysitter came that night and watched it with us. I finally got to see it from the beginning, with the leaf gobblers, everyone leaving the great valley, them getting to the island. In the end it was okay, but i realized it was mostly the first half I liked, and most stuff after the song "Always there" sucked. Once again I walked out after that song and I barely watched any of the 2nd half. I wasn't as touched by it as I was the last time. Well, what I'd been anticipating had come, so there wasn't much to look forward to. We watched 2 the next day but I wasn't really in an LBT watching mood, walking out during songs and not even staying for the last 15 or so minutes.

After that the LBT spark in my life quietly started to go out---I'd realized this film sries wasn't quite as good as I'd initially thought it was from mainly just seeing 4. 4 had mysterious and special. Maybe not having Ali around made it less so. Or maybe it was seeing a lot of it at once that suddenly made it less special. Anyways the next time I saw it, my sister and i saw a some of "Stone of Cold fire" in a hotel in November 2002, on a saturday late in the afternoon. It was fun to watch it again after a bit. Also, I noticed from the captioning the Sarah's name was spelled..."Cera"? Huh? Then in February of 2003 guess what we got on VHS? "Journey to big water!" I was quite irratable about certain things in LBT at the time and kept leaving at points where i wanted. Such as during that stupid bit with Petrie's imaginary friend.  And I didn't like Mo as much as i wanted to because...I just didn't like the name. Maybe it was cause I was older, maybe it was the CGI, maybe I just had had enough. And in the end though...I felt guilty cause it was a beautiful film overall and I hadn't been loyal to it and was rushing for it to end! But this was a film that shouldn't be rushed! And I should have loved Mo as much as I wanted to cause, well...not since Alley had we had a character in LBT this interesting. Now though, i enjoy it fully, and heck, i've basically associated the name Mo with this wonderful LBT character! Oh, and it's also the name of a pretty girl I know! :)

Well later that week mom got my sister "Time of the great giving" from the library, and she watched it, but i didn't really. And later that June, during a sleepover at my cousin's house, we watched the original land before time. And that pretty much ended my days with LBT. Or did it? I mean, i saw 2 and 7 on cartoon network at some point that year, and on christmas dad rented the new 10. I only poked my head in for a bit. I saw the song "Adventuring", Littlefoot and his grandparents crossing the swamp and meeting Sue, and Cera's nightmare. But we had to stop it and dad had to take it back before my sister could watch it all. I'd seen a bit and was disapointed Cera's dream about littlefoot being honored and covered in flowers wasn't i told her, as dad was tucking her in "That's how it would have ended!" And my sister was like "No, it isn't!" and my dad was like, "Well you don't know that, maybe it was! Maybe littlefoot did get covered in flowers!" And i was happy cause i'd basically won this round. And to this day my sister doesn't know the truth. :)

Anyways, after being disapointed in the little bit of what i'd seen of 10, I wasn't really attracted to LBT at all anymore. I continued to occasionally encounter it---in June 2004 me and my family went to see my aunt and cousins in Montana. They had a VHS collection with all the LBT movies, and I was surprised to see the first one in a clamshell case. Before going to bed, one night, my cousin and I talked about the movies--we talked about the fight scene at the end of 6, which he reminisced about being seriously brutal, and we talked about Pterano, who I still a little confused about---was he bad or good? My cousin explained that he starts out bad, but turns good.  ;)

I saw a trailer for 11 in january 2005---and was just disgusted. Little longnecks? Uh...not for me! I was officially done with LBT! Then, later that year, I woke upm trying to recall the main theme for the LBT movies. And couldn't. It had just been too long. I thought maybe one was the one, but no, that was the theme from "Stranded". Huh. I also discovered this year that Alley's name was spelled...Ali? I didn't like that spelling cause it wasn't what I imagined and I think I lost a little respect for the character.

In late '05 I was at my grandparents house, it was close to new year's ad I saw 10 on tv; I watched the swamp scene and the part with Sue, maybe, and then the dream scene, which I'd forgotte was Cera's not Littlefoot's, oops

Then in February 2006 while waiting for the Narnia movie to start there was the music video for flip flap fly. At this point i never wanted to reutrn to LBT again and was horrified at this and wanted out! I was trapped! Trapped, I tell you, TRAAAAPED!!!

April 2007. While at  a hotel my sister and i saw the shiny stones episode on tv. My sister made me stop to look at it cause Tria was there and she didn't know Cera had a mom. So i now knew there was a tv series with chomper...and, uh, miss pink. Yeah, i really missed Ali from way back in 4. I wanted her as member 7 instead of Ruby and was afraid ruby was gonna be littlefoots new girlfriend. Either way, though I was trying to convince myself at that point I was a big kid and didn't want LBT, I kept thinking about it, due to this and Jordan Sparks singing "If we hold on together" on American Idol, which brought back near tearjerking memories of the gang singing out the beach at night.

In November 2008 I Lwas flipping around on the net and googled "Littlefoot's dad", sice weirdly I remembered the old guy he met after his mom died in movie 1 as a longneck and bee speculatig that this might be his longlost father. Anyways I saw I remembered wrongly and that "Rooter" is...some creepy lookig kind of dinosaur. I also  discovered (again, thanks to the net!) that littlefoot did ended up finding his dad in 10, which I hadn't seen in its etirety.. Who knew he'd show up? And that there was an LBT wiki. Interesting.

In August 2009 two little kids were over at my house and they were watching 4, which we owned, but I didn't watch any of it. All I heard from upstairs was a voice yelling, "Where are you...?" and it echoing

In January 2010, in science class, I began thinking of...Petrie. A cute little thing I'd barely thought about in years. Maybe it was partly cause there were these things called "petrie dishes" in science, but I found myself thinking about LBT a lot for a while. Just seeing a lunar halo in the night sky in January made me think of Cera's halo in movie 7. In may, I even looked up somethings  about it online. I finally found out that the second song in LBT 5--where they're singing on the beach at night---was called "Always There". (Also, it was around this time that I got to know Mo, the cute girl I mentioned earlier.)

Then, this year, in February, Dad was wondering what the bird and the crocodile's names from the LBT we owned were. So he pulled it out and found out they were "Dil" and "Ichy". Geez, I didn't remember that! WEll, it was from this that I started to get interested in LBT again, and in late march, i finally got back into it fully. I started listening to the soundtrack for the movie one friday afternoon (March 25) after coming back from a run, and was really moved by it.

Two days later, I ended up finding this awesome new forum site, and a read review of the movies. Over the course of that week, I watched beautiful music videos for them like the "19 years of Land Before Time" video you made, Darkhououmon, read a beautiful fanfic called "Two from the past" (now lost, I'm afraid) and I even found out the names to each of the DVD movie scenes you can skip to. Some were good, although some I might retitle. I even watched the last 15 minutes of LBT 5 late on Friday, April 1st! (Not to mention a bit of the beginning of LBT 2, which was even better than I remembered! To make things even better, I was discovering some awesome music, like Michelle Branch's "Breathe". Life had been going rough for me since early that January, and this, combined with some great songs I'd found that I was gonna put on my mixed CD for my next birthday, was a pure oasis. During spring break in early April, we went on a trip to Disneyworld. It was a wonderful trip, as you can imagine, but this warm, happy, nostalgic feeling LBT had given me only made it better. All the way down to the airport and on the plane that night I dreamily thought about LBT, and continued to as I enjoyed the sun-kissed Florida. It was bittersweet, though, cause I had decided to put off watching it until I got my life back together. And what's really hard is I was seeing it everywhere---on the "Dinosaur" attraction, and in a beautiful picture in our hotel room that reminded me of the great valley. Eventually, a week after our return, I decided to go back to watching it. It was a friday, I'd had a great day at school, and it was grey and rainy---my favorite weather! I went for a nice run and decided to watch movie 2 that night. However, when I asked Mom and Dad, they asked which movie I'd be watching and I reluctantly admitted LBT, and Mom said no. Frustrated, I ended up browsing around on this forum all of Saturday and even watched some of the songs. I planned to watch 2 anyway after mom went to bed; I waited until she and Dad were finished watching a movie ("Black Swan"...very creepy) and was ready to rejoice when my annoying little sister told Mom what my new favorite show was. We had a nasty argument that resulted in me storming upstairs. The next day, however, things went pretty nicely.

I then held off watching it for three painful months. During Easter, we went down to my aunt and uncle's house and I was tempted to look at their copy of the original movie. My parents and aunt and uncle had gone out and my sister and I were alone for the night, and I watched Jeporady and an episode of Malcolm in the Middle. I also read some of "The Hunger Games" and listened to Roxette's "Look Sharp!" album. As the last track, "Listen to Your Heart", was playing, I decided to be a little naughty and showed my sister the copy of the DVD. She was at first like, "Where did u get that?!" and then teased me by saying "I know you like the little dinos, but that t-rex is a little too scary for you." I ran off downstairs (bumping my head) just as the adults came in. I managed to sneak the VHS back into the case without Mom noticing, though.

Anyways, as I said, holding it off, just when I'd gotten back into it, was painful. I was thinking about it all the time.  I made it to the end of the school year (somehow) and started reading a book with a character named "Allie" in it. Eventually, my dad left to go see Grandpa in Florida, and my sister was gone a lot of the time, so it was pretty quiet, being just me and my mom. I occupied my time by reading, running, and going for bike rides; we had a nice 4th of July (my aunt, uncle, cousin and grandparents came for a barbeque the day before, and we watched the fireworks with a friend of my sisters) and  and we even saw the midnight showing of the last Harry Potter movie in Canada, cause my Grandparents had gotten tickets. But I was itching so badly for LBT.

Well, the day before Dad came back I ended up going around on the archive versions of these forums---staying away from LBT related images, but getting relief from hearing something about the franchise. The next day, I finally decided I was going to watch them, and that night, after mom went to bed, I watched the first 30 minutes of movie 6. And I was all "eeeeeeeee!!!" on the inside. The next day I watched the rest of 6, in doses, secretly hiding what I was doing. That evening, I watched 10, and late that night (my mom was on a girl's weekend with my aunt) I watched 8. Later that week, on thursday night, I watched 9, (most of it---I'd started watching it in the morning) and the next day, I watched 5 in the middle of the day. We went to Silverwood park, in eastern WA (GORGEOUS scenery, btw) the next week and on the rollar coaster, I admit I was so exilerated that I scremed the lyrics to "Big Water" and "Bad Luck" at the top of my lungs. Anyways, I started watching MarzGurl's reviews ended up seeing Movie 7  I watched soon after we got back; I started watching it one night and finished it in the morning. I enjoyed it, too. Later, figuring it'd give me something to watch and to say I'd seen them, I watched 11 and 12---in the middle of the day on a friday (although I'd started 11 the previous day).  Fianlly, to cap off the summer, I watched the original in the middle of the day on friday the 26.  

Well, after that (I was still holding off watching 2-4 and wasn't going to soil my eyes with 13) the LBT spark in my life was at risk of going out. It just...wasn't really interesting me as much as it had. I even discovered, to my horror, that the beautiful fanfic I'd read last spring was gone.

And then in October I joined you guys.

And really, the rest is history. Joining this site was a decision I feel was really worth it. Suddenly, I could openly talk about LBT, something I'd been kinda alone in prior to. It was espicially great timing seeing as the month after I joined, the Harry Potter site I'd been a member of for no less then three and a half years shut down. So yeah, I'm so glad I'm here and part of the Gang of Five!

P.S.  I ended up watching movie 2 again in December. But I really enjoyed it this time! :DD Also, on a friday in February I watched 4 (before dinner) and 3 later that evening. 4...wasn't as great as it was back on 4th of July 1999, but 3...that one left me really touched. It really is my favorite.  :DD


  • Cera
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Even tho the sequels where a let down they where still somewhat enjoyable to watch. The songs where actually good and the graphics where blinding at times where pretty decent for the sequels. I should someday do a marathon and watch all 13 movies soon.

Dr. Curzon

  • Spike
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After 10 Minutes of thinking...

Well, it all started when I was about 4, and I was staying in my relatives' house. I was eating dinner in the kitchen, and there just so happens to be a TV there. Since the TV is always showing random channels, it was by luck that the channel I was watching was showing the original Land Before Time. I really liked it, and pretty much watched most of it. but that was a long time ago, and I started to forget about LBT. But I remembered one scene that stayed in my mind for many years to come. It was the scene where Littlefoot got the treestar from his mother.

A few years later, my mom bought me a CD with children's songs. I listened to all of them, but the one I loved was the first one, which was If We Hold On Together. For the next years of my life, this would've been my fave song, which I would enjoy laying on my piano.

And just recently, I "rediscovered" LBT. I liked TLK at that time, so it seemed that one thing led to another. I was listening to a TLK song when I saw an LBT song and I liked it. I wondered where it came from. I heard the name Littlefoot, and it rang a bell. Then I knew it was what I watched many years ago.

So I got hooked, and started doing LBT stuff. Listening to songs, reading fanfics, and watching the 13 films my mom got for me. And so a month after rediscovery, I found the GOF (which I could've done sooner if I was more curious) and After another month, well... Here I am.

              The end! (finally!) :smile


  • Spike
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When I was a kid (I don't remember what age am I at that time) I happened to came across the first movie, but as far as what I can remember... I only catched up the last part (when they discovered the Great Valley) and then the credits, the song "If we hold on together" just clung to my mind at that time, because my parents used to play that song. I even sang it at that time. But, as far as I know, I wasn't still quite a fan of LBT back then, I just happened to came across the movie while switching channels. (I actually don't know what channel was that, I can't remember) At that time during the credits were rolling and the song "If We Hold On Together" was playing, I said to my parents "Hey Mom! Dad! It's If We Hold on together, the one you used to play!" They actually went in front of the television and they heard the song. At that time, I remembered the characters (Littlefoot, Cera, Petrie, Ducky and Spike)

After some years, I went into a bookstore just to check some books, then I came across this book about Dinosaurs and something triggered into my mind, but I can't remember what was it at that time. After one year, I used to hear that song more often now, since my dad has this mp3 disc that has that song and he plays it in his car, I often heard it there everytime we went to Manila. But I just said "Hmm... this song kinda reminds me of something..." But then, I didn't know what was that.

Then it came, 2011, around the month of April. I already have the song in my computer, and one time I played it, and then it came... it triggered something in my mind, and I remember what was it, since I recalled the past at that time, I said "That's it! Land Before Time! That's where I've heard this song! It was on the credits if I am not mistaken" Then I searched through the internet for Land Before Time, first I searched in youtube, I watched some clips there, and while I was  watching it, it made me bring back the memories when I was a kid. After that, I suddenly had the urge to be a LBT fan. I searched for pictures and that's when I bumped through Sky's artworks.

May 2011, I researched more and more about LBT and then I tried searching for forums that were still active, from the first search results, the forums were already dead, then I bumped into this site and I tried to look for posts which were just recent, and I found those posts.

May 23, 2011, I suddenly had the urge to join this forum and be one of the LBT fans around the world, that's where I became a member here. :)

June 2011, I looked for links to download 13 LBT movies and I found them in a torrent, I downloaded them one-by-one and trust me, it ain't that easy, since there weren't enough seeders or leechers to make the download fast, it took me weeks to download all 13 movies, plus I also downloaded the sing-along videos.

And until now, I'm still a big LBT fan and I'm really proud of it. :DD


  • Ruby
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To be honest I'm just a fan of LBT since one year. You see I only have watched the second movie once when i was like  4 or 5 which made me bareley remember anything of it (sadly). I was a massive fan of dinosaurs until i was 8 so I loved the movie back then . later on when i grew older and became seperated from dinosaurs i forgot anything about it...anything except a big blur of 5 dinosaurs living in a valley... I still blame myself of forgetting anything about those five but back then the programming of cartoon network and other child channels in The Netherlands were getting all my attention.

Suddenly carttoon network was canceled on the tv as well as one more which left me only one channel left to see... and it's programming sucked so i was looking for something else to spend my time exept playing outside and making things out of lego's with my friends. I was 9 then and we got soemthing new into our house... a computer. That thing .... that thing was amazing i played games for kids from over 12 quake 2, need for speed, croc and a  dinosaur game Turok
Playing turok made me remember me how much i used to love dinosurs and... a... wait... something about.... uuuh... a big valley bur thing...... damn...
So it began that i wanted to now what that blur thing was again, i soon realised it was a movie so i looked into our VHS collection, wedding movies and disney movies.... that didn't helped... so I soon quit searching. Still that image of the valley blur got though my head... I was like "What was that? what was that thing i just cant get together? ". I got really annoyed of it, i wanted to know what that image i remembered came from. We got internet pretty soon on that computer so back then with my dial internet i searched  and searched but i couldn't find it... i wasn't that good with google back then . So at the age of 12 i stopped searching thinking to never been able to know what that image i remembered came from. Out of frustration I dropped dinosaurs again (why you moron).

Anyway now i'am 21 (nearly 22  :lol  ) and i was just surfing on the web downloading some cartoons from my childhood. I found everything... and then that flash of that valley blur came back. When that flash came i went to google and started the search again i had 13 years ago, but the results never revealed the answer. I guess that blur of tfive dinosaurs in a valley wasnt really helpful until one day I got to ... well to find avain pictures ( was fan of birds just one year ago... but i had a feeling it just wasn't my thing so i was open to something new ). The result returned a picture of what seemd like a pterodactly (petrie ofcourse). I just took one look at the picture and I really liked the style... so I looked who the artist was.. didn't budge but the tags where pretty interresting: avain, pterodactly and Land before time.. what is LBT i thought, never heard of that, soon enough i got on pirate bay downloaded the first movie and started watching.. Really I did know what cam over me.... so much emotions, I loved it! Soon enough i downloaded the rest of the series and began watching the second and.... out of nowhere i remembered what that blur was.. it was The land before time. Still i wasnt completeley sure since when i remembered the blur i only remembered a title: Platvoet en zijn vriendjes... which was is the dutch title of LBT which google gave me as a answer.

So now I'am a fan just out of my endless search for 'a blur of a movie' and ofocurse my perversity of adult art  :oops


  • Professional Veggie-Eater
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  • Ducky
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Well, I've always been a huge dino fan. I was born like four years after the first one came out, so basically two years before Great Valley Adventure came out ;) which is my favorite besides LBT 7.
I don't remember how I got into LBT, it seems like I've always been watching it. (I have the VHS' of 1 - 8, minus 4) So I suppose older siblings had something to do with that ;)
I lost touch with it a few years ago but recently was thrust back into my childhood thanks to a nostalgic feeling I had not two months ago. "I feel like watching LBT 7 again!" XD I'm random like that. And then BOOM!! I was back!
It's been a nice part of my childhood, indeed, I remember pretending I was a dinosaur at age five and thinking: "These plants look tasty..." thanks goodness i didn't swallow :p yuck
And I love the songs, too. They're catchy and fun and I still find myself humming them during the day. I like the lessons the movies teach, as well as the TV series. I think it's awesome that LBT was carried on with a fresh start and new characters :)
About the only think I didn't, stil don't, like in the movies is that the adults barely do anything.... except for Grandpa Longneck, he's the best^^
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


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  • Petrie
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I got into LBT at somewhere around age six. I'd never heard of it until then, and probably never would have if my mom hadn't seen it in the rental store and picked it up for me while I was sick. Watching it was pretty darn intense for me when I was a little guy. The death of Littlefoot's mother hit me pretty hard. However, I loved the movie and started watching the sequels like crazy. Like StrutEggStealer said, my favorite game was pretending I was a dinosaur, and I was always either Littlefoot or Chomper. I'd romp around the back yard, exploring the "Great Valley." Fun times. Eventually, I lost interest, but when my little brother was born and of the age when he could understand movies, I dug through my family's old VHS collection and found the original Land Before Time. He enjoyed it, and I watched it with him. Seeing it again reminded me of just how much of a well thought out and inspiring story it was. To that end, I started doing additional research into LBT, eventually going as far as to make an OC (Fyn, an Amargasaurus). After that, I figured it was my turn to contribute to the LBT community, so I started writing fanfiction, which I do to this day. It never gets old.


  • Ducky
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I been a fan since the 1990s, but I haven't seen any LBT for years.

Back then I was buying the videos, and used to write LBT fics on and the forum by Malte.