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Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier

Nick22 · 5640 · 350753


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(Spire of Winter)

When the raiding crew boarded onto the Arkeyan Show Cruiser, it ignited its engines and silently headed out into the vacuum of space. They were traveling slowly to imitate the slower speed of a chartered space craft and not arouse suspicion. Luckily, the pilot had been given the rough location of the Phoenix.

Mr. Bigmouth cleared his throat. "Everyone, we'll be arriving there in a few hours. I suggest we all rest up a bit so we can get in and get out as fast as possible."

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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it wont be easy or quick' Nick pointed out." tourists will spend at least a few hours sightseeing on the ship So we'll need to do that if we want to avoid suspicion' We'll also need to either split up, or act as a group doing sightseeing stuff together' nick said. Spyro yawned and snuggled up to Cynder, they would be going under the names Ember and Flora, ember was a dragoness they both knew and liked in Warfang, and flora was the name of a mole who worked in the house opposite the one Cynder and Spyro lived in with sparx.Nick was going by the name of Madison, and his gig would be that of a writer. The trio settled into their seats and tried to get as much sleep as they could.

We recieved your distress call, and have come to help' Ratchet said simply."Your planet is heading straight for another planet called Weynard in less less than 11 days you will impact Weynard and rip it to shreads. Now, we could put  you into a new orbit but we will need to stop  the planet from hitting Weynard first. any ideas on how we can do that?
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Spike wrote quickly, keeping up with Twilight Sparkle as best as he can.  The words he didn't know how to spell he did his best.  Once he was done he looked up from his letter.   He put the quill away, rolled up the letter then used his dragon fire to send the letter to Princess Celestia.    He was hoping it would get to her while she wasn't to busy.


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"We do not have the technology to move planets. With enough warning, we can move asteroids or outright destroy them with antimatter charges. Unfortunately, the meteor bombardment that struck us targeted our spaceports and industrial areas. We cannot leave the surface of the planet yet."

Another Vaalbaran spoke up. "We are trying to restore enough of our industrial capacity to get a spacecraft into orbit but it seems unlikely that we can do so in the time available."


(Spire of Winter)
The scroll reappeared in front of the two with a flash of green fire. Twilight sighed. "We cannot contact Princess Celestia in this manner." She nervously trotted in place. "What can we do?"



"Phoenix, this is Golden Star, we request permission to board. We are chartered vessel carrying tourists. Our ETA is four hours." The captain looked at the raiding party. All of them were asleep in their seats, trying to catch some sleep before their mission.


Dawn broke in Belinsk to the sound of shuttlecraft landing as the evacuation efforts continued.

Sveta's ears twitched as she heard another craft land in the town square.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Oliver had come back to the tub with a new glass for Sneed to drink from. "Master, where are you?" he asked. He didn't see that Sneed had settled into the tub, so when the cat crawled onto the side, he accidentally stepped on the bear's face. "Sorry master," he apologized.


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We read you Golden Star. Docking bay 5 will be opened for you, once you reach us" came the reply.
 Dixiue Stirred from her sleep as landing craft landed outside the inn. Gabuna slept on to her left, while Tigress slept on to her right. Dulcy slept at the foot of the bed, covered by a blanket. The girls had spent most of the previous day running around the city, trying to convince people to evacuate. And while that was going smoothly- thanks to Sveta_ the girls had been absolutely exhausted and had gone to bed almost immediately.
 Gabuna stirred shortly after Dixie and wiped the sleep out of her eyes " what time is it?"She yawned. " 8:52, First turn " Dixie said. On weynard, a day was made up of 3 12 hour "turns', and this took the girls some getting used to, as they were used to 24 hour days." The digiworld, a day is 24 hours" Gabuna said " not 36." well we;re going to have to get used to it Gabuna " Dixie said ' we';ll just grab some granola bars or something, because we have to go right back to getting everyone out of Belinsk that we can>" Dixie said as she went over to her backpack and got out a coffeemaker scooby had gotten her on Mawashii. as with everything Mawashii, it was huge, and produced enough coffee in one cup to match 15 cups on earth.  Dixie turned it on and waited for the machine to start making the coffee, and Gabuna put a  cup next To Dixie's" should we wake the others?' Gabuna asked , sitting next to the Great Dane." We'll give them a few more minutes" Dixie said, putting her arm around Gabuna." you Sleep Ok?' Well, Considering that a personal bed wasnt an option. I slept ok, all things considered. Thanks for asking. How about you? Gabuna asked " I slept well, I'm used to sleeping with company so this was nothing new.' Dixie said. I gave you as much personal space as I could." Thanks< i appreciate that." Gabuna smiled.
_ Sauna
 Sneed grabbed Oliver by the Scruff of the neck and threw him in the pool, and before the kitten even had a chance to react, The large bear sat on him, face first. " Don't ever step on me Suitcase. For that you get 5 turns with the bottom pin"  Given his size, Olivers small size and depths pf the pool, Sneed knew that the kitten would not last very long underneath him without an oxygen mask. Which.. the bear was in no mood to supply. Assumne the footstool position, Cook " sneed said to Other Oliver.
 Flash watched the bear punishing Oliver, and turned to Luca " miss Luca, shouldnt we do something? Oliver just made a tiny mistake, and hes getting punished real hard for it..' Honey " luca said to the young pup. " there's nothing you, Mona or I can do. Sneed is his boss, and considers Oliver his property, Literally. We try anything, and it will only make things worse for your friend. It took a LOT of pushing for Sneed to pay him and give him breaks, he wont tolerate further meddlingby me ." What about the wizard, mom? Mona piped up ' mr Stripetail?' His lordship has a lot more important things on his plate than the fate of one small kitten, even if the kitten is the child of one of his friends, and a friend to the children of other friends' Luca said. " Millions of lives are at stake, as two planets are about to collide head on.Compared to that, one small kitten getting sat on my a bear that employed to, doesnt even register. i know its hard to watch girls, so I suggest we try and take our minds off of it .  This Tv gets Monas favorite show " luca said and Mona squealed in delight " My Awesome House! they get that out here?" she said grabbing the remote from Flash. " Yes dear, and I already have the Tv on the channel its on.' Luca said as the image of a huge  dollhouse appeared." this show is awesome" mona said to Flash.
 Kitty and Tiger were sitting in the sauna next to the three wolves, and were busy watching a Old West show on Tv." reminds me of home" kitty smiled to her husband, who was munching on some popcorn." Except thees more gunfights on the show than thee are ion Green River." she added as the bubble feature of the bath turned on.

_ Sneed watched the bubbles bubbling up periodically from the pool he was in. If he was of a crueler bent. he would have turned the bubble feature on, but Sneed knew that young Oliver only had a few seconds left of oxygen. finally he moved away and a couple seconds later Oliver broke the surface  gasping loudly for breath. SNeed Grabbed him again and pushed him back down, pinning him, again, to the bottom with his rear" you;re not getting off that easily , property' He said firmly, yet there was a smirk on his face, when he said it.' cook, pass me the remote' he said to Other Oliver, who was bearing the weight of the bears huge feet." i want to watch the snooze channel. Do it now' He commanded. While he waited for his servant to get him the remote, Sneed watched the air bubbles from below , judging how much air Oliver had left. He moved over again and let the young kitten grab about 5 seconds of air, before pinning him down a third time. Each turn, he would grant Oliver less and less time to grab air. He Turned towards Luca, pointed down to where Oliver was, and made a face at her, Sticking his tongue out at her.  Sneed knew full well, that there was nothing the Wolfess could do to him, in fact the only one who could intervene was the seer, and the wizard had bigger fish to fry on his plate than to deal with one kitten under forced contract. And snmeed was going to enjoy himself in inflicting punishment as much as possible
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Oliver's eyes were widened as the cat felt the weight of the huge bear's behind pin him down. He tried holding his breath as long as he could and took in quick breaths when Sneed let him back up.

On the 4th cycle of the madness, Oliver felt Sneed wiggle above him. "Oh great!" he thought sarcastically as he was pinned under the tremendous weight.


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Sneed finally let Oliver up after the 5th pinning, and stared at him ' I"m letting you off easy Suitcase, Next time, it will be 10 pins, and you'll get even less air between pins. Remember, the only one who did anything wrong, was you, slave. First you spilled my drink, next you step on me> If you dont shape up. i may add you to my diet" sneed said with a big grin. " Just like Cook over there. Two kittens, one meal' he laughed.
Mona pointed out to Flash her favorite rooms on the Show "i love  the study, " she grinned " it has so many books on the shelves" She beamed." if I locked you in a library, you'd be fine with it' flash teased" Just give me food to eat while I read , and I'd be good to go. Oh, and you'd have to be there too. Need someone to talk to, between books" mona said.
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"I'm so sorry master," Oliver apologized profusely, coughing a bit to get some oxygen after that nightmarish experience. "What do you wish me to do now, to make it up to you?"


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The Arkeyan Show Cruiser gently settled into docking bay five. As Chong was attempting to keep Phoenix as a spacegoing mall, he had kept the weaponry and other ordnance out of sight. As it were, there were some smaller vessels in the same docking bay. Indeed, there was a man loading some items he had purchased into his personal ship and heading out.

"All right, we're here," Mr. Bigmouth said upon the ship landing. "Now remember, we need to act touristy. Shop, buy food, whatever. And remember, no use of weapons or spells until it is time. Everyone got it?"

Tyrell and Ms. Swimmer nodded. Ms. Swimmer's dual sticks had been swapped out for her enchanted hardwood club, seeing as it was easily disguised as a nice cane.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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just join cook as my footstool' Sneed sighed.
Gabuna rested her head on Dixie's shoulder as they watched the coffee pour out of the coffee maker" I hope I'm doing a good job' she said softly " You guys have been doing this sort of thing for awhile now, or so Tigress has told me."Well,it's a high paying job, with its a share of perks.Dangers too, no such thing as an easy job, not with Stripetail calling the shots' Dixie said. ""While you are new, so far, you are doing a fine job." Gabuna smiled" thank you for the compliment.
 So Tigeress tells me that you sing?" Dixie said and Gabuna laughed" Heavens no! I stink" come on, lets hear a few bars' Dixie smiled' Surely Tigeress has told you i stink. i sang for her, and a few other girlsand it didnt go well" gabuna demurred" Dixie pulled out a music sheet for "Cry Me a river" and she sang the first few bars, and Gabuna' s mouth fell open. Dixie was a very gifted singer, easily the best Gabuna had ever heard." Wow, Tigress said you were really good. and she wasnt kidding, you're awesome!Think you could teach me how to sing?"Gabuna said : well, lets hear you sing first.' Dixie said showing her the song" Gabuna sang the first few lines in a thin reedy voice that wavered on and off key.' Ok, not the worst I've ever heard' Dixie said' "It will take training and lessons, when we have time for them."So what will I have to pay for them? I mean these lessons wont be cheap.'Gabuna figured "I'm not going to charge you a penny Gabuna, my only asking price is a kiss on the lips at the beginning and at the end of each singing lesson." Really? Just a kiss? Gabuna smiled"You're not going to charge me  money for it? That's very generous of you.I mean, this is going to take a lot of work, to make me even an ok singer.You got a deal." "well, not everyone can sing solo, but I can teach you harmony and how to blend your voice into a group. that way, you dont stand out, but are part of an team effort.I got this good through years of training and practice and being born with a good set of pipes' Dixie said. So, why dont we start your lessons after this Weynard matter is dealt with? Dixie said.

Gabuna nodded her head in agreement, and Dixie leaned in and kissed Gabuna on the lips, their dark red lips locking together in a warm affectionate kiss.Gabuna held on to Dixie during the kiss, which lasted a full minute, before finally pulling away. "wow.. um that was really something Dixie' Gabuna blushed"Glad you liked it, lets go get Tigress and Dulcy up' Dixie said, going over and getting her coffee' we've got some 400 thousand people left to evacuate." GAbuna grabbed her cup as well. " ALright, This time. I 'll go with you, and keep you company" Alright, girl. its a date" dixie said.
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We got it "Spyro/Ember and cynder/Flora said.' We can get stuff for the rest of the group, while we are here' Cynder said ' i'll get stuff fior Skylands, Dixie and Tigeress, thats personal. and For Agumina Gabuna and the others as a thoughtful gift.' Young spyro wants a signed picture of Crash Bandicoot" Ember said. And i should get Scooby Tiger and agumon something too. hmm' the pink dragoness scratched her chin." Fresh steak always works, these guys love steak as much as I do>' theres always showing them around Warfang. We've never actually shown them where we live."
 Nick looked at the others carefully ' Just Blend in guys" dont do anything that might cause suspicion
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(Spire of Winter)

Spike thought, "Hmm, maybe that wizard guy, whatshisname, Stripesomething, can poof the scroll to her."


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(Spire of Winter)

Twilight snorted. "It's worth a try."

She turned around and walked to the tavern. Applejack was hauling a cart full of cider to the tavern. It was now "late morning" in Winterville and several of the refugees were eating breakfast.  

"Hey y'all, how's things going?" she said.

"Fine," Twilight said. "Just trying to get in contact with Princess Celestia."


Dr. Kerzach was busy ladling out rice porridge. The pot had been emptied and he quickly switched over to serving pancakes out.

"I need some more rice porridge over here!" he called out.

A Mawashiian cook was using an oar to stir a massive pot of freshly washed rice and water. "Won't be ready for a while!" the cook yelled back.

He placed three pancakes on the plate of a Weyardian refugee and turned to Arlene at the same time. "Do we have any fruit left?"



Ms. Swimmer walked along the concourse of the ship. Aside from the unusual presence of armed guards, it looked and smelled just like any ordinary shopping mall.

Tyrell (who was going by Alan Firth) was moving with far too much energy for a man who appeared to be in his seventies. Indeed, he moved with the powerful and purposeful steps of a seasoned adventurer.

Mr. Bigmouth (who went by Tsallus) and Ms. Swimmer (who went by Thkata) were busy looking at a jewelry shop. They sold the usual Earth jewelry and gems but there were some exotic gems from foreign planets. Indeed, the centerpiece of the store was a brilliant gem the color of wine that glowed softly with its own inner light. A sign on the armored display case indicated that its place of origin was Skylands.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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We're nearly out" arlene said as she gave a plate of pancakes to the next refugee " theres, maybe 2 dozens apples left, we're completely out of grapes, and we only have , i think, 5 bananas and 2 oranges left/ these Weynardians sure like fruit." the pink cat said.
Luca was given a letter by a sauna staff member ' they notice you have requested mam.' he said, and Luca looked at it. then turned to Mona and Flash " stay here girls " She said getting out of the Sauna and heading up to Sneed ' good news Mister sneed ' your lodgings are now ready. Its next to Drawn's Doughnuts. which is Mawashii  in origin, so the portions aere huge." she saiod " room 132" she said handing the letter to Sneed ' Just check in at 7 tonight, and you'll be good to go."
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Oliver and Other Oliver were then handed forms by Sneed labeled "Forms of Freedom."

"What is this master?" Other Oliver asked confused.

A mawashiian cook was serving food just outside the sauna, as Tiger was getting some food for himself and Kitty.


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I am releasing both of you from my service' sneed said " As i have accomodations and all the Food i could want, i no longer need anyone." Sneed pulled out two large wads of cash from his breast pocket,  then produced two large candy bars. ' For both of you ." he said ' just sign them, then go over by LUca. you can do as you please."
 Kitty brought a hot dog with her, and made her way to a nearby sauna which had Luca in it " Do you mind if I use this tub?' She asked politely.' Come on in ' luca said with a smile " I'm Luca. " miss Kitty, at your service >" Kitty smiled as she climbed into the pool, holding on to her hot dog.
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"I'm free Ms Luca," Oliver said as he came over, "I get to have fun again," he mewed happily. He was glad he would no longer be forced to work, and that he wouldn't be in danger like he was before. "Do you know where my mom is?" he asked the wolf, "I'd like to talk to her." He held the money carefully in his paws so to make sure he didn't lose it.

"That's great to hear," Tiger nodded.

"Can I stay with you guys?" Other Oliver asked


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Dr. Kerzach sighed. "Well, can you hold on while I go get some fruit?"

He headed out past the cooks who were preparing meals and hopped aboard the repulsorsled that was being charged.



Mr. Bigmouth took a photo of the gem with his PDA and entered. Ms. Swimmer was busy examining the displays.

Tyrell was sitting down on a bench and resting. He was reading a map of the shopping mall and trying to see where he could buy some goods.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Nick was wandering around and spotted the cafe, and hwaded inside' The place looked only half staffed, and Nick wanted to see how good the food was, now that chong was back running things '  he took an open seat and ordered a burger.

 Cynder had found a set of beautiful bracelets in a range of colors., pink,green, red and purple.' s=he brought the set, spending over 1000 gems worth.
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