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Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier

Nick22 · 5642 · 353563


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"Here's the recipe for that one, prepare it for her," Nick said to Kiyo, knowing that this hippo could probably drink a lot.


"Gummy candies for me, too," Oliver remembered to say, "They're nice and chewy." He looked at the wolf girls. "We did a good job together."


"It was indeed, magically delicious," Kiara nodded as she finished off her share of the meat.


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(Spire of Winter, in orbit around Weyard )

"Roger that. I will be sending Mr. Bigmouth along with some of my scientists over to the library. Captain Carson out."

As she responded to Stripetail's message, she rubbed her forehead. She had already learned about the animosity between Tonfon and Kaochao from Emperor Unan and the Tonfonese Royal Family. Adding King Wo's volatile personality and extreme narcissism could lead to a shipwide riot.


Some of the Tonfonese refugees had decided to prepare their traditional rice liquor as a way of passing the time...and as a break from the monotony aboard the ship.

Zachary entered the tavern with a ceramic jug with Tonfonese characters (which looked exactly like Chinese writing) on it. "Anyone seen Nick?" He then noticed a Fox with the name tag of "Nick Wilde" behind the counter. "The Human one." the Clydesdale quickly clarified.


(Tonfon, Weyard)

The game between the two miners was quite...interesting given that both of them were complete amateurs at the game.

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Stripetail sent Carson a second message " when he arrives, keep King Wo separate from the other monarchs and people as much as possible. There is a long history of animosity between him and the other kingdoms.  Extend him as much courtesy as we can muster, give him the best lodgings we have, and give him the food and drinks he requests, I will create them if we don't have the exact types onboard. We will send him to  safety as quickly as we can, as much for his well being, as for peace aboard the Spire. My opinion of him, as such is, that he is stubborn and proud, and it is a mark of his desperation that he agreed to help us in this matter in the first place. But  we will take what we can get, the point is getting all residents away safely, this isn't about winning popularity contests, or bringing about regime change. I believe the revolt of his people has shaken him to his core, revolts are not something he is familiar with. whether he truly changes after this, is something for his people to determine. All the kingdoms of Weynard will be busy rebuilding for a long time to come. I'm at the Library now, I'll be back aboard the Spire in roughly 20 minutes, be ready to receive the incoming guests. Once I get back, we can compare notes on how to come up with a way to devise protective gear to protect travelers to the sanctum. Stripetail out" Stripetail broke off the communication.
 Nick raised his hand at a nearby table and motioned.. " over here Zachary" He called out " What do you got in that jug?" he asked. As long as its drinkable, I'll drink it."
  Tigeress began walking towards the Temple exit, carving a hole in the snowdrifts with lightning from her horns ' I don't know about the rest of you, but We need to keep going. We've been in here for nearly 6 hours, and i think its time to press on again." Skylands and Warfang followed her through the hole, which was made bigger from Old Spyro using his fire breath. Agumon Wardigivolved  to Wargreymon and carved a second larger hole though his  Terra Force Spin.  he broke through and stopped at the edge of the mount on which the temple sat. a bright, blinding light reflected off the sides of the mountain. the blizzard had petered out and had left the Ascent cloaked in mounds of white snow. " Well, we can move now' the Mega digimon said" But we are truly up against it now.' He pointed up to the approaching planet, which  was now less than 3 days from  impacting Weynard." We cannot dally any longer, any other blizzards blow up. we must trudge through. ' he said as Tigeress and the others made it through, and took in the sight, which would have been breathtakingly scenic under normal circumstances.
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(Spire of Winter, Weyard orbit)

Captain Carson had taken Stripetail's orders to heart and as it were, the starship was even busier than it usually was. A set of storage rooms were being cleared out and cleaned to serve as "Royal Quarters" for King Wo. The hotel and Winterville itself was out of the question as the other refugees were housed there. Housing the Kaochaoan king there could lead to a full out battle thanks to the history between Tonfon and Kaochao.

Needless to say, there was a lot of rather negative gossip amongst the crew. Indeed, a few were worried that the royal would take offense at his living quarters being located inside a storeroom


Zachary approached Nick and placed the jug on the table. Its contents audibly sloshed about as he did so. "Tonfonese rice liquor. Some of the refugees decided to take up brewing to break up the monotony. Apparently, some of them were complaining about the alcohol served here wasn't to their taste."

He carefully pulled out the cork, releasing a pungent odor that was simultaneously fruity, sweet and solvent-like.


(Endless Wall, Weyard)

Ms. Swimmer used her staff as a hiking pole to help her trudge through the snowdrift.

Tyrell spotted the light of Apollo Sanctum, gleaming like a beacon. "All right! We're almost there! I can taste victory!" As he pushed his way through the snowbank, it melted as he did so thanks to his inherent mastery of the element of fire.

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"I'll take this one," Nick said to Kiyo, going over a book of intergalactic alcohol recipes until he found the one for Tonfonese rice liquor. "Great, we have just what we need," he said, pulling out the bottle to fill up the jug.


"Should we ask the seer for a dessert?" Kiara asked Kovu with a smirk.


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i'm sure he'll provide some' Kovu said as he sat back on his pew._
 Ember, dulcy and samia were  playing a game of dragon lands cards, a form of go fish, , as there was a large pile of cards  in the middle.
Lead the way ' Spyroo said to tyrell as the group continued climbing the mountainside
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"Hey Luca," Tiger the cat said to the lady wolf, "Looks like you've been on a shopping spree. What did you get?" he asked, seeing the special magical belt she had purchased.


Kiara began to gently massage Kovu's back. "To ease the tension," she purred warmly.


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(Spire of Winter)

Zachary poured out a shotglass for Nick. He then passed the jug over to Wilde.


(Endless Wall, Weyard)

The group had finally made their way to the start of the Apollo Ascent. Despite the wind and snow, they could see the imposing gates that barred the way forward.

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just a few things ' Luca said ' showing Tiger a few books she had bought ' just heading to  the movies to pick up my daughter. have a god night Tiger " She said as she headed back into the  screenming room where Mona and the others were.
 Spyro stopped before the gatesm which bore 4 different symbols on it, each connecting to a quarter of an inner circle. ' It looks like we need certain powers to get past this gate." he said, shaking odd snow that had accumulated on his armor. " anyone know what these symbols mean?
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"They represent the four elements of Weyard," Karis said as the examined the gate. "Mercury for water. Venus for earth. Jupiter for air. And--"

"Mars for fire!" Tyrell exclaimed.

Ms. Swimmer noticed several stone tracks that each led to one of the four indentations on the gate itself. She followed the tracks to a large stone disc with an emblem corresponding to the element: raindrops for Mercury, a gust of wind for Jupiter, a boulder for Venus and a fireball for Mars. "Looks like we'll have to get those discs into the indentations."

"Exactly," Karis asked. "However, I do not believe we have any Mercury adepts."

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Vushu and Sima entered a large bookstore in the mawashii sector of the town. ' Ah the Mawashiians here have a nice selection of local books ' ' vushu said with a smile as she entered ' ah, look Sima, theres' citizens of the underearth" for your religion, its a new copy too, from the looks of it. " ah, theres cleaning the tower, which refers to clearing the mind of blasphemous thought" Vushu said  as she picked up a copy of "Cleaning the Tower" as well well ' Masters of mawshii' which had Ozai's face on it, but whicch wasnt actually about him. Vushu preferred books that were not about Ozai, as she had plenty of religious texts about him. She also grabbed books about cooking, proper mawashii wear and cleaning, as well varieties of dance . the pantheress alsop bought ' accepting the Faith " for her two " converts", Kopa and Vitani.
Outside Weynard

 A ship entered the space  surrounding Weynard via hyperspace '  This was the Phoenix II captained by Sasha Phyronix, daughter to the former President of Polaris, and a long time friend of Ratchet and Clank. Qwark had sent her, and the Q force , out to fetch Ratchet and Clank, as well as any friends they might have picked up along the way.  Sasha was at the controls when she spotted the Spire of winter" This is the Phoenix II, ' She radioed ' I wish to speak to your captain. this is Captain Sasha. We are here to help with any evacuation of this planet that may be necessary."
 We could melt some of the snow, and turn it into water that way ' Skylands pointed out. "that should be enough to move that Mercury stone into position.' he pointed out. " or we could simply fly over the gate ' Agumon pointed " we could carry those who cant fly on our backs..
 Stripetail finished his  breif studies in the Kaocho library, taking the books that he had gatherec along with him ' You may return to your posts, gentlemen. I suspect the king needs you to guard him. " He said to the guards, who quickly left the library,  He then magicked himself into the middle of the square, where he found all  the guards and residents with their supplies, families and pets gathered around a large statue of King Wo " thank you all for your punctuality' Stripetail said calmly. ' the ship I will be sending you to, is called the Spire of Winter, we have food, supplies and sleeping quarters readied for you.  You will stay aboard until we can find a sanctuary world for you, whatever religious practices or customs you might have, a space will be provided for you to observe them, we all must honor the divines, by whatever name we know them. Enjpy your stay . teleportius!' Stripetail commanded, and a blinding light filled the  square, it vanished, quickly revealing the square was now empty.
 Stripetail reappeared in the corner of the palace, and found that more repairs had gone on during his absence. the rauin was no longer reaching in, and the cracks had been sealed. the magical feast had swiytched a varoety of sweet desserts including apple, and siome of the miners, along with his team,were taking large apple pies from the food table.
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(Spire of Winter, in orbit around Weyard)

"Phoenix II, this is Captain Sharon Carson of, RIMCS Spire of Winter we have currently taken aboard refugees from Kaochao. I will be greeting them and briefing them to the situation. Captain Carson, out." Captain Carson sent the message out and quickly headed to the elevator to meet the new arrivals.


The Winterville Square had a large contingent of Spirarian troops ready in the event that hostilities broke out. Emperor Unan himself had pleaded for his people to remain calm and treat the Kaochoans with respect. Fortunately, it seemed to have worked.

King Wo and a contingent of his guards were the first to arrive. He scowled as he saw the numerous guards surrounding him. He fumed. "That damnable Beastman!" he growled.

It was then that Captain Carson arrived to meet him. She was dressed in her full captain's uniform, including the hat. "Greetings, Your Majesty," she said. "I am Captain Sharon Carson of the RIMCS Spire of Winter. I welcome you aboard this fine vessel."

King Wo had a distinct scowl on his face. "How dare you not show proper obesience in my presence! Kneel!"

Captain Carson remained standing. Protocols dictated that she greet monarchs however they wanted but they also stated that as captain of the ship, she herself was equivalent to a queen. Normally, she'd accomodate the monarchs' style of greeting but they had to treat her with respect first. That and she did not want to appear weak to King Wo.

"King Wo," she said, her voice calm but firm. "I am the captain of this ship and its town, making me equivalent to a queen. I am under no obligation to show any form of obesience to you."

King Wo ignored her. "Such...insolence! Where is Lord Stripetail!? I shall have him punish you for this!"


(Apollo Sanctum Entrance, Weyard)

Karis shook her head. "It doesn't work like that. It reacts to Psyenergy with the element of Mercury. Mere water will not affect it."

Ms. Swimmer sighed and turned to Spyro. "Looks like we have to find some other way."


(Tonfon, Weyard)

Mr. Bigmouth and his team of researchers met with the Seer at the judge's bench.

"Well," Mr. Bigmouth said. "It looks like the key to making the Umbra Gear work is a magical substance on Weyard known as 'dark matter'. Not to be confused with the astrophysics term." He chuckled a bit at his joke. "Anyways, this material absorbs light like a sponge."

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with all due respect, King Wo, you must treat the Captain with respect " Nani said coming up to him, wearing her standard issue armor. 'she is the captain of this ship. as for his Lordship.. he is.. er.. very busy dealing with the lava golems that are currently harassing Tonfon. I'm sure once they are dealt with, he will be available to meet with you.. In the meantime, Your Majesty, if you would please follow me? I'm to escort you to your quarters.' Nani said, bowing as respectfully to Wo as she could. ' A meal is being prepared for you upon your arrival, Is there any particular food or drink you want? I am under orders to provide you any food or drink you want, well within reason or availability' She said.
 Yes, we are going to need quite a bit of it, in order for the gear to protect me enough to operate the lens. there are 4 pieces to the armor and at least 3 pieces of this dark matter will be needed per piece, or 12 in all. problem is they are carried by things called Minos knights, which are only found, at leasdt according to the records i read, on a place called Crossbone Ilse. We have 1 day, 23 hours, and 43 minutes left before vaalbara collides with Weynard. i will be able to move Vaalbara into a safe orbit, but it will tax me greatly, any help to lessen the load will be greatly appreciated.
Kovu pulled Kiara into a warm passionate kiss in their row. kovu pinned Kiara to bench, running his paws underneath her before finally caressing and squeezing  her ample rear ' you know you are a gift from the great ancestors, right?" he purred to his wife " i'm  a very very lucky prince."
_ sima grabbed a book and record of bellydancing. ' going to get my hips in the right positions. hips dont lie, and all that' she s,irked at her friend. " I want Kovu's jaw on the floor after i dance for him.'" and his eyes out of his sockets?' Vushu said.
Understood captain. we are on approach. we will be in sending range in about 20 minutes"  Sasha replied ' Sasha out' Sasha said.  she turned to her crew ' Get ready to receive refugees, and make the  guest quarters ready and available. have the cooks bring in more fish and turtle for soups!' " yes captain! said a armed robot.
 Excuse me?"a voice asked near Stripetail's table.  Stripetail turned and saw a small tan owl sitting on his table " Are you Master Stripetail? My friend Skylar and I are looking for work. Plux's the name. Plux Owley. at your service ' Plux bowed,  the goggles he wore on his head, reflecting the light from the fire. ' I was told you were the one to see for work" "What sort of work did you have in mind, Master Plux?' Stripetail said " well we're sorta in the hero business. we saved a place called Clover Island from bad guys.' Plux said. " Well, unfortunately , young Plux, I've got plenty of heroes on my payroll already. "Stripetail said,  the owl's face grew solemn. "Please give us a chance sir? Skylar's got this  really powerful robot arm..'' Very well, have her come here" Stripetail said , with a sigh.

Plux flew off and soon returned on the shoulder of a blue female lynx, wearing a blue suit of armor. she had one normal arm, her right, but her left ended in a large red hand which was connected to her shoulder. 'Skylar Lynxe, sir' Plux said motioning to her " she.. er doesnt talk much. She got experimented on.. long story , sir."' Stripetail ;pressed his paws together and gave the duo a look . ' he then gestured and three floating targets appeared behind him ' destroy these targets. Destroy all of them in less than 5 seconds, and I'll give you guys a job" A smile spread across Skylars face, and  she fired off three blue bolts, which hit the targets smack in the center smashing all 3 into rubble."Well, well, less than 2 seconds. " stripetail said, his eyes twinkling with amusement. " You're hired. we'll discuss  regular pay later , but for now, take this . ' he brought forth two medium-sized bags of gold and pushed them to the pair, whose mouths both dropped open as they looked at the  sheer number of coins. " I'll also  fix that left arm of yours Skylar, and convert that robotic arm into something.. more like a piece of armor." Skylar started' Y-You can.. fix my arm? " She asked in a soft, hoarse voice. 'Of course, dear. I'm a wizard" Stripetail said. "thats child;s play.  But for now, i'll have you meet the rest of the group, in the conference room.Here' he motioned with his right paw, and in a twinkling, both Plux and Skylar were wearing sets of Armor,  which were both bright green. " something to wear to the meeting.  there's pockets for your money on the right sides of your suits.
Plux and Skylar quickly put their money away, then spent a fw minutes examining their new attire." this is awesome. thanks " Plux beamed , waving his wing.Skylar beamed at the seer " thank you" she said." Y're welcome my dear. I'll see you later " Stripetail gestured and teleported the pair onto the Spire of Winter
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"Of course," Kiara purred between kisses with Kovu, "And I'm one very lucky princess to have you." She wrapped her paws around her husband and held him tight and warm.


"Any one else want something to drink?" Nick Wilde asked those who had entered his bar.


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(Spire of Winter, in orbit around Weyard)

King Wo glared at Captain Carson. He was sorely tempted to have his guards teach both this "queen" and her impudent servant a lesson but given the large contingent of guards present...and seeing as she had the favor of Lord Stripetail, he decided discretion was the better part of valor. "Very well," he said. "Take me to my quarters. I could use a respite from the commoners around here."

He then turned to Nani. "Turtle soup makes for a good tonic. A neccessity given all that I have been through." He then followed her as she led him to his quarters.


(Tonfon, Weyard)

Mr. Bignouth nodded. "I'd welcome a chance for a scientific expedition," he said upon hearing Stripetail comment on where dark matter could be found.

"Excuse us," a Vaalbaran said. It was one of the ones that helped defend Tonfon. "We may be able to harvest antihydrogen using the evacuation ship's magnetic ramscoops. This can then be sealed into magnetically shielded capsules along with some hydrogen to make antimatter charges. One gram is as powerful as a nuclear bomb."

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Excellent. get to work on that right away. See how much you can create in the next 24 hours, whatever you have at the point, will have to suffice' He said.  " you'd need a bomb the size of a planet to repel vaalbara. and in detonation, well the planet would be damaged as well, we're dealing with something akin to another planet hitting it. ' stripetail said. " both weynard and Vaalbara would be impacted by it, the explosion could, in theory , rip Weynard off of its own orbit. so  this is a very risky endeavor we are taking. " He turned to Bigmouth  pick out 2 or 3 people to accompany us. get your supplies together.. we are headed out.
_ spyro;s face then appeared on his communicator " excuse me struipetail, i dont mean to interrupt your current business. but we are at  the gates to the Ascent and we are stuck. we dont have the psynergy of the water element with us. to unlock the gate" Fly over it and reach as close to the sanctum as you can. I am bringing the rest of the team back to the ship, for safety.Do what you can in the meantime. the tremors around the planet are getting stronger. in a few hours that gate will likely collapse anyway  if a tremor hits it. I'm headed to a place called Crossbone ilse for research.  i will be bringing you back to the ship in 36 hours, for safety, the countdown is now under 2 days we have 47 hours left. Contact me if you need anything else ' stripetail out.
stripretail tyurned  and noticed Kovu and kiara in the heat of a passionate makeout.' with all due respect, your highnesses, now is not a particularly good time to- what is the euphemism? ah, yes- 'save the species' strtripetail said and kovu stopped  from above kiara and looked up at him ' I'm just getting tender with my wife. thats all ' Kovu said "  i understand that Kovu. But we have more important matters facing us at the moment  than your love life.  I'm sending you back to the ship.  i want you to help keep order and stability, well at least until we can send some of the refugees on their way. Everypone else on the team, save for Tigeress Spyro Cynder and agumon, will be onboard the ship after tonight. once this business with weynard is concluded we will be off again, after chong, who  has managed to sklunk away again, like the skeever he is."
 we're ready to go' tiger the wolf said '  I'll get my daughter, and chaoperone her and her friends for a change.
we'll have a meeting in the conference room at 7' Scooby said "i'm guessing we are all sleeping there' Agumina said. " We dont realky have a choice Gabumon said.
 vitani and kopa came up to the rest of the group, and kovu soon followed from the pew he and Kiara were on' We- we're ready' Kovu said " Teleportius Stripetail commanded and in a flash his team, Dulcy, Korin,  Li'ella, Eris, Laval, Ember  and Samia were magicked back to the ship, reappearing in the middle of the town.
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The urtle soup will be fresh and hot ' Nani said confidently to Wo. "  Your lodging are away from the rest of the city, and we will move you on to the new ship that is coming up to dock, they are helping take in refugees, and if you want a change in accomodatiobn, i'm sure we can move you into a place less crowded' Nani said.
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(Spire of Winter, in orbit around Weyard)

King Wo nodded and dismissed Nani with a wave of his hand. He looked around his room. It was as she said it was, isolated from the other refugees and "commoners". He didn't even care that it was quite obviously a storeroom. The fact that it had an actual bed and tables (laboriously taken from the Winterville Inn and reassembled in the room) while the others had cots or even simple sleeping bags was enough to satisfy him.

"Guards," he said. "Position yourselves outside this room. No one may enter except for the servant who will be bringing me my tonic."


(Palace, Tonfon)

Mr. Bigmouth nodded. "I already have my bag of supplies. Deimos and Dr. Zanasiu will be joining us soon."

"I am also willing to assist," a Vaalbaran said, hefting its freezing laser rifle.

"Excellent! However, I must ask, do you have any additional weapons?"

A roar was heard as a shuttle with some Vaalbaran volunteers took off to the evacuation ship to harvest antihydrogen from the radiation belts.

(OOC - I'll let you control the Vaalbaran.)

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yes, sir' the guards replied, and took up positions outside the door.
 Ember walked along the middle of the town square, taking in the sights." this place is cool' she said to Gabuna who was walking alongside her. as they headed towards the convention center. " Glad to get out of that palace' Dulcy said " place was a bit dumpy, to tell the truth." you didnt mind that while playing with Gabuna here' Samia teased." very funny, Samia" dulcy cracked." says the girl who ate 5 apple pies..' they were good..' ladies ladies, please' gabumon said.
 The Phoenix II stopped in an orbit around weynard, in sight of the the Spire of Winter. Sasha piloted a ship over to the spire, to make contact with the Spire and to begin bringing refugees on to the phoenix.
 an image of briggins appeared in front of Carson "  Hello Captain " A message for you and the Wizard " the innkeeper said.
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"Hello Briggins," Captain Carson said. She had returned to the bridge of the Spire and was monitoring all aspects of the ship. Luckily, what damage that had been sustained by the meteor bombardment was easily repaired and there was plenty of fuel available as well.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.