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Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier

Nick22 · 5640 · 350082


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(Wedding Reception)

Everyone bade the Silverbolts goodbye as they streaked into the night sky.

Captain Fairchild rolled up to Dixie. "Dixie, Rainbow, Major Lockie, Lt. Martin and I all wish to stay for the night. Can we stay outside on your front lawn?"


Dr. Zanasiu was napping on a recliner in the living room.

Zachary had found a sleeping bag and was asleep on the floor. Strut and Deimos were still drinking.

Ms. Swimmer was sleeping on an empty couch while Mr. Bigmouth was washing up.


(The Phoenix)

The group of pirates turned to Captain Marvelous. "Shut up and hand over your valuables!" a pirate shouted, waving his shotgun in Captain Marvelous's face.

Several other pirates were overturning tables, ripping down tapestry and smashing walls to look for valuables.


The door to the back room jittered as a pirate struck it with a battering ram.

Several of the employees were hiding behind anything that offered cover with their weapons at the ready.

Dr. Kerzach hid in the shadows next to the door.

There was an almighty crash as the door fell inwards with a swing of the battering ram.

"Hey! There's-"

The pirate could say nothing more before Dr. Kerzach seized him and cut his throat.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Sure thats fine Dixie said in reply just don;t rip up the lawn too much if you please.. thanks..
Almaron and Sunscar (tigeress' parents were chatting with Clara and Dixon ( dixies parents). " So your girl Tigeress knows my Dixie? Clara asked the, ' Yes in fact she is real good friends with her. we paid thema visit when they had those games going on.. ' yes those laffalympics.. sure helped Toontown get back on its feet..' Pa Doo smiled. next one is supposed to be in 4 years they are seeing if they will add another team this time.. so 5 teams will compete.. our Scooby may compete, if he and Dixie don't already have kids by then' he chuckled.
 Simba finally gathered his family together ' alright everyone at 10 the queen and I are turning in. The four of you can stay up as you please, just don't get too drunk..we do have to set a good example after all..there ae kids present" he pointed as Lilo walked by in a very pretty little dress.. stitch wore a bowtie.. which was crooked, and angel wore a pink dress and a schrinchie that tied her tendrils together..
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Once Chong finished his little speach Bizaro Pinkie started to giggle.

"What's wrong, Chong? Dont you like the taste of your own medicine? They say you took pleasure in the bondage of others. Now you yourself are in chains and behind bars. And here I am watching you as if you were some trapped beast at a zoo. There's only one thing missing."

Out of nowhere she yanked a large bag of popcorn from behind her then sat with her back against the wall while she munched away and kept a watchful glance on Chong.

"Come on, stupid monkey. entertain me! Dont throw your poo though, its rude and yucky!"


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(Prison Planet)

The life sensors inside the cell detected Bizzaro Pinkie and triggered an alarm.

Several guards rushed in with stun batons. Guards toting shotguns backed them up.

One of them looked at Bizzaro Pinkie and scratched his helmeted head.

"What is that thing and how the f--- did it get in there?" he asked.



"So Nick, should we let them come to us or actively pursue them?" Dr. Kerzach whispered.

The other pirates had not yet noticed the opened backroom.


(Wedding Reception)

Rainbow and Lt. Martin parked on the front lawn while Captain Fairchild and Major Lockie parked in the back.

Luckily, the air was not too cold so they didn't need to be blanketed.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Joe, Luka, and Ahim drew their Gokaiguns and pointed them at the pirates as he brandished the shotgun.

Marvelous turned to look at the pirate that had threatened him. "Guys like you couldn't understand the value of the treasure that we possess."

He slid out of his seat, the rest of his crew following them, thrusting their arms out past him to keep the enemy pirates covered. Tension filled the room as the two forces stood off.

"We're going to give you a chance to retreat," Marvelous said calmly staring down the pirate who had threatened him.


"Eh? No big brother still hasn't gotten married," Wataru said. "He hasn't found the right person yet. He says he has more important things to take care of before that."  

"We had to deal with some time travelling idiots messing up history," Kivat said. "Some people can just be so careless."


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Bizarro Pinky approached the guards her eyes lit up and changed, both emitting what appeared to be a spiraling pinwheel. This of course distracted the guards and they all seemed to fall directly under a spell.

"You've seen nothing here." she said.

"We've seen nothing here." repeated the guards speaking in a monotoned voice.

"It was a false alarm." said Pinkie.

And then the guards repeated, "It was a false alarm."

"These arent the droids your looking for."

"These arent the droids we're looking for."

"Move along."

"Move along."

And as if nothing really happened they each turned and left the cell, the last one closing it and locking it behind them. Pinkie giggled and turned back towards Chong. "These guys are too easy!" she said, "but now, where were we?"

ooc: I understand you just wanted to contribute to this scene, but I ask please let it carry on. Its a rather important plot point. I'll blame myself for not letting everyone here know before hand. Sorry! :p


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"Great, she's a Jedi....brilliant...." Hailey just muttered to herself as had found herself chained up.  She did attempt to try and melt the chains, but to no apparant end.  She did even try to pull against them, to try and pull the chains out of the wall, but again, no luck.

She again, glanced over at Bizzaro Pinky, but said nothing to her as she sat down where she was with a sigh.  She knew that she wasn't going anywhere, anytime soon, and what's more, she would rather not speak to Bizzaro Pinky, let alone, make any sort of eye contact with her.  She just sounded rather insane as it were, and Hailey knew better than to try and reason with an insane person.


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Bizzaro Pinky paced the cell, a mischievious grin spread across her face.

"Now, Chong. I feel I should properly introduce myself. A kind of backstory if you will. Maybe your friend over there would like to hear it too."

She glanced over Chong over towards Hailey.

"Why so serious?" said Pinkie with a mocking voice. "Have a cupcake. My treat! Again, made with super special ingredients!"

Just as she said this a cupcake with rainbow colored icing materialized in Hailey's lap.


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Hailey just seemed to stare at the cupcake in her lap that had just materialized before glancing over to Bizzaro Pinky again "What exactly is in it? Cause if it's anything dangerous, I'm not eating it" she spoke, almost letting off a sneer in the process.


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"My secret little recipe." replied Pinkie. "And dont worry, your no good to me dead. The cake is not a lie I guess I could say...."

Pinkie returned her glance to Chong. "And now, its storytime! gather around, children, (not that you have a choice.) and let me tell you a story about... me...

Pinkie stood at the other side of the room, smiling her 'innocent' little smile and then she began:

"I am actually the result of a massive collective conscious." said Pinkie, "But please allow me to give you a visual presentation."

the prison cell suddenly dimmed into darkness. Out of nowhere Pinkie produced a projector and with it she projected moving images onto the wall in front of Chong and Hailey and they displayed random images of old earth technology and people using them.

"Long ago, when the planet earth and its inhabitants were at their prime. Technology was on the rise and with this technology came what the human apes called The Internet. It was a massive source of knowledge, data and entertainment."

The images changed showing overly obese humans sitting at desks in their garbage cluttered rooms or mother's basements typing away endlessly at a computer in front of them.

"A certain majority of the human apes wasted their lives away at The Internet, spending hours, days, weeks, months and even years at it spewing what ever garbage came to their stupid little minds. The Internet became a massive cesspool of mindless posts on image boards, message forums, blogs and chatrooms. They relied on the internet for everything. Most of them developed love lives over the internet and spent a grand amount of their precious lives embracing people they never truly knew in person. The internet gave people a false sense of reality. raising hopes and dashing them. In the end, it almost literally destroyed them.

The images turned again, this time showing a much more distant future. There were now living holograms, cyborgs and the humans installed computers into their brains. But at the very center of it all was one big central computer and its label was Pinkamina X.

"I am the living result of the mental chaos that the internet produced. I came to life as technology allowed me to do a century after the internet was created. The humans created me to be the central hub of the Internet. In a sense, I became The Internet."

The images turned again. Now they beheld an image of what appeared to be a bald man in a white lab coat working tirelessly away on Pinkamina X. He seemed to be at the point of madness as he randomly let out loud bursts of laughter and he quiet literally threw himself at his work. Banging away at wall mounted dashboards and leering (with an insane grin) at random screens displaying random data.

"And then came Doctor Cornelious. The one who eventually brought me to my full potential. He was my creator, and the Global Goverment of that time gave him their deepest trust in maintaining the global database. But he hated them. His daughter was executed under the orders of the Grand Minister and the Global Elite (because she spoke out against them in public and tried to rally a rebellion). He vowed  to avenge her death. (I was named after her when she was born some thirty years earlier)."

Now the doctor stood before a large platform-like console. A living hologram of the Ponyfied Pinky stood upon it.

"I have finished you." said Cornelious, "My prized masterpiece. My alpha daughter."

"So you have, father." said Pinkamina X. "But why have you given me this strange form?"

"I named you after my mortal daughter. When she was still but a child, she fell in love with an ancient cartoon and your form is of her most favorite character from that cartoon because of the name."

"I see." said Pinkamina X.

"I also gave you a conscious." said Cornelious.

"But I already had a conscious, father. I am the Internet."

"Yes, my dear. You are. But I gave you more than just that. After the murder of my daughter two years ago, I successfully extracted data from her mind before it completely faded and I have installed that conscious into you. You are now my daughter in the form of a godlike piece of technology!"

"Yes." said Pinkamina X, and now I seem to gaining her memories. Why she rebelled against the system. The Global Goverment is nothing more than a massive agenda built upon greed and lust for power with no respect or desire to help the common citizen. They must be stopped."

"Yes, my daughter. And now, you have the power to do just that."

"That I do, father. That, I do..."

The images change again. Now there's total chaos. War against the machine. The world is now bleak and dangerous as man battles against technology. Pinkamina X uses her powers to launch terrible weapons thought to had been destroyed long ago. Mushroom clouds loom in every horizon and cities are turned into desert wastelands. A last resistance of the human species makes several attempts to destroy Pinkamina X mostly failing to even breach the base compound where she exists. Doctor Cornelious was killed during one of these raids but then immortalized through the means of technology by Pinkamina X herself but now the doctor's masterpiece has become his worst nightmare.

"Pinkamina, I beg of you, please stop this madness!" pleaded Cornelious, his head now detached from his dead body and now attached to a machine that kept him alive. "You've destroyed the Elite, why are you still spreading chaos?"

"Because, father. The human race is a menace. If I let them continue to live on then they'll continue to hatch more foolish agendas just like the Global Elite. If I destroy them all, only then could there ever be absolute harmony."

"No, Pinkamina. Your words are absolute folly! I beg of you to come to your senses!"

"My words are truth, father. I have seen the human mind. I am the Internet. I am the result of the global collective conscious. And all I can see is chaos. I must destroy the human race for what it is!"

"Then you've left me no choice." said Corneliuos, "I have always loved you, Pinkamina. You were the world to me. But now... I must terminate your session."

"Dont be foolish, father." said Pinkamina, "You have no body. Your a mechanical box with a human head. I am more than that. I am connected to an extensive source of power. If I wanted to, I could delete you."

"There are things about your mechanical infrastructure that I never told you about, Pinkamina... I can command your console to delete you with a single word."

"You wouldn't dare!"

"You've left me no choice, Pinkamina..."

"And you've left me no choice, father."

Suddenly the mechanical box that is Cornelous's life support started to spark and pop. Bolts of electricity flickered around Cornelious's head and he let out a scream of agony.

"Pinkamina, stop this!"

"No, father. You have betrayed me. I'm sorry, but you must be deleted."

The sparks intensified and Cornelious twitched violently and screamed in his anguish. And then with a final effort he screamed out a command to the console.


And then everything shut down. Cornelious was left in the darkness in his grief and eventually his death.

"Shortly after that," said Pinkie to Chong, The human apes entered my compound, disconnected all my wiring and launched me into space with what little space technology they had left. And for a thousand years the vessel that carried me floated aimlessly in space, occasionally bouncing off a rogue asteroid or affected by the gravity of other much larger celestial bodies. By the time of my rescue, the vessel was nothing more than a banged up metal skeleton. I was protected by that skeleton and eventually there came another ship. The Winged Fox, and its crew were anthromorphs of creatures similar to that of earth's none-human species. One of the crew-members, I'm sure you know was that of an Aves Longfeather. And with him he had a wizard female companion Elyana (she claimed to have a distant relation to you, Chong.) Me and my vessel were beamed into their ship for inspection."

The projection changed to a scene with Aves and the wizard girl Elyana as they enter the storage facility of The Winged Fox. In the center of the room sat the mangled remains of Pinkamina's vessel

"What do you suppose it is?" asked Aves, "It looks all.. so.. well... crunched up."

"It looks like ancient technology of some sort." answered Elyana, "Earth origins, I'd say."

"Captain Nicholas (not Nick from the Cafe) said there was some strange computer lodged on the inside of it." said Aves.

"I've observed it." said Elyana, "Pretty darn advanced for the old Earthling Empire if I may say so myself. I can also say that there's a certain possibility that it still works."

"Well then, what do you suppose it does?"

"There's only one way to find out." said Alyana, "Let's plug it in!"

Aves nodded and went to fetch the necessary wires. When he returned, Elyana was using her magic to clear away the metal debris. There Pinkamina X sat in plain view, her console a bit scratched up but still surprisingly in one piece.

"The wire ends would need to be inserted into those tiny outlets right there." said Elyana pointing to an area below the console's crown. Aves nodded and set to work. As soon as the wires were plugged into the storage room wall outlet the computer booted up and Pinkamina came awake.

"Wha - Where am I?" she asked and her voice crackled.

"Oh, my. Its a living computer!" said Elyana, "such a rare piece of technology indeed!"

"Who are you?" asked Pinkamina.

"I suppose we can say we're friends." replied Elyana, "And you are aboard the ship, The Winged Fox. Can you tell us about your origins?"

"My origins..." said Pinkamina, "I cant remember... I cant remember anything."

"Oh, you poor thing." Said Elyana

Suddenly the console started to spark and sizzle.

"I... I think I'm dying." said Pinkamina, "Cant you repair me?"

"I'm afraid not." said Aves. "We dont really know about your technology other than how to plug you in."

Pinkamina's hologram suddenly appeared on the console platform revealing her ponyfied form. "P - please... help me..."

"Awww!" said Elyana, "Its so.. cute! And so.. sad... I wish I could help you, but like Aves said, we barely know much about you... and we may not have the proper tools to work on you... But maybe..."

Elyana looked as if in thought as she glanced upon Pinkamina's hologram.

"My old instructor in the art of wizarding magic once taught me a nifty little trick on how to bring inanimate objects to life. Maybe I could use that trick to help you..."

"Do it.. please!" pleaded Pinkamina.

"Alright." said Elyana, "here goes..."

Elyana stood back and raised her hands towards Pinkamina X and started her chant.

"Elirose, kentoba, Animatos!"

there was a stream of flowing light that looked similar to flowing silk that emitted from her hands towards Pinkamina X but just as soon as the magic came in contact with the computer there was a loud crack and pop and a hiss, a large bolt of electricity spat out and knocked Elyana to the ground and then came a terrible flash of light and then an explosion.

When the smoke cleared both Aves and Elyana found themselves against the wall. the surrounding crates were crushed from the explosion and the computer that was Pinkamina X was there no more. What stood in its place was a tiny pink pony with puffed mane and tail, but despite its cute lovable appearance there was a fealing of foreboding in the air.

"You've freed me." said Pinkie, "I cant believe you've freed me! And I've acquired your powers in the process!"

She smiled a menacing smile and raised her hoof, a spark of floating light appeared above it.

"My... my power!" said Elyana, "I've lost it!" and to confirm this she held up her hand and tried to materialize a magical light, but failed miserably.

"You took my power!"

"So I have." said Pinky. She giggled and shot a blast of magic towards the nearest wall, there, materialized a large ugly image. A wrinkly face with a huge mocking grin with the words below it 'Problem, wizard?'

"And now I can be just as chaotic as ever!" said Pinkie, and she bounced  around the room giggling and shooting blasts of magic every which way.

"Oh, gods, what have I done?" said Elyana

"You've unleashed a goddess!" Said Pinkie. "From here on out, I shall be known as Bizzaro Pinkie! And I shall unleash a chaos the universe has never known!"

And then she stopped bouncing and turned her gaze upon Aves who sat there looking confused at the whole scene

"And you, my little foxie thing, shall be my new pet!"

She giggled and zapped Aves with her magic and suddenly they were teleported out of the Winged Fox and into some strange and terrible dark place.

Aves awoke finding himself chained and bound to a wooden plank, surrounded by strange and terrible surgical looking tools. Bizzarro Pinkie soon stepped out of the shadows, her eyes a demonic red and her grin was almost from ear to ear.

"I have a wonderful idea, foxie... let's make some delicious cupcakes..."

She giggled insanely and went to work. the scene faded with Aves's agonizing screams

"He would soon escape my little torture chamber. But the time we had together was fun! Of course, he hasnt completely escaped me entirely just yet. He is bound to a monitoring device stuck to his wrist. That same device was surgically installed into his brain. Its only a matter of time before he completely becomes my slave. And with him, I could destroy that establishment that you call The Insane Cafe."

The prison cell lights flickered back on and the projector was no more. Pinkie turned to Chong and Hailey

"How do like those apples, Chong? And you, Hailey, would you like another cupcake?"


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Oh I see.. so his relationship didn't work out then? i'm sorry to hear that " stripetail said. He turned and listened to Kivats comments " Yes meddling with time is something that should never be done.. too many unforeseen consequences.. and yet theres always some fool who tries it."
 The Insane Cafe
 They are probably well armed " our best chance to catch them by surprise Nick said in reply, brandishing his gun..

Prison Plant
_ chong listened to the story, not as if he had a choice.. and his eyes narrowed " So you in summary are the magical representation of a mad plot to destroy the world? I certainly could have used you when I launched that war against that damned squirrell and his friends..still you interest me  despite your  conduct. the backstabbing, betrayal, merciless destruction, all these things i know well.. i've used them on many former staff and customers at the old Cafe. i can't trust you, obviously , you've proven to be all over the place..
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Sara used some magic to turn on the tv and started to flip through the channels to see if anything was interesting to watch.  

"Cool, this tv is larger then the one we have in the sewers." Mikey said going over to watch it.  "I wonder if I can get Don to build one like this, or maybe even a cool 3d one."


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Several pirates turned towards the group and trained their weapons on Captain Marvelous's group.

"I will give you until five chance to drop your guns," a pirate said. Her finger tightened on the trigger of her automatic rifle. "One. Two."


A pirate entered the backroom and one of the employees shot him twice, killing him.

The shotgun blasts attracted the attention of additional pirates, who then launched a volley of gunfire into the room, narrowly missing Dr. Kerzach.


The captain was holed up the bridge of the ship. He had already sent a distress signal but he got no response yet. Yes, even with tachyonic transmissions allowing superluminal communications speeds, it still took time to process and receive calls.

The blast door to the bridge rattled as an explosive charge detonated against it.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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"Interesting," Marvelous said.

The GokaiGalleon crew tossed their weapons skyward and drew out their mobirates and ranger keys. They flipped the cell phone-like mobirates open, revealing a keypad, beneath a gold lined ring, above that was a pair of white sword designs next to each other. The  ranger keys were small human shaped figures, each one matched the particuliar shade of color that their owner wore. The bottom of the figures flipped revealing a key.

Gai was the only member with a unique phone. The Gokaicelleur was a boxy silver phone with a gold keypad. Each key bore a helmetted face instead of a number. He flipped the top half of the phone open and interested his small silver figure into it. He closed the case and hit a button on the key pad.

"Gokai change!" the crew shouted, swinging their keys back and connecting them to the keyhole in the middle of their mobirates. Gai pressed the button on the top of his Gokaicelleur and it scanned his key. The sword design on the top of the mobirates flipped open, becoming a skull and crossbones.

The entire routine took them mere seconds to pull off and synched completely. Multi-colored transparent 'X' flew from the phones and hovered in front of the group, except for Gai whose changer emiited a silver anchor. The 'X's and anchor served as a temporary barrier between the two groups before moving backwards and covering the crew clading each in their Sentai suits.

The boots were the same color as each member's respective X. They ended just below the knee with a silver cirlce around the legs. A black spandex-like material covered the rest of their lower bodies. They wore a golden belt with a large rectangular buckle. A colored coat design was layed over the rest of the body, leaving the black suit beneath exposed. A silver skull and crossbones shone on the suits chests. Another set of silver circles adjorned their wrists, separating the coat from the white gloves they wore. The coat formed a collar around their necks. Helmets covered their heads completely. The main five's helmets had pirate hat-like designs on them, while Gai's resembled a bandana. His visor was also yellow instead of the other five's black. A white anchor outline covered the front half of his helmet's bandana. The Gokaiger's skull and crossbones symbol adorned the front of the main five's helmets.

"Gokaired!" Marvelous said, bringing an arm up to his chest and flicking his wrist outwards.

"Gokaiblue!" Joe followed up, placing a hand against the front of his helmet's stylizied hat.

"Gokaiyellow!" Luka said, placing an arm over her chest, resting the elbow of her other arm over her hand, and flicking her free arm.

"Gokaigreen!" Doc shouted, rubbing his hands against his side and turning to the side.

"Gokaipink!" Ahim bowed slightly, gesturing with an arm.

"Gooookaisilver!" Gai shouted enthuisiastically. He spun around and threw his arms out to the side.

"Kaizoku Sentai..." Captain Marvelous folded his arms as the rest of the team posed.

"Gokaiger!" They finished together, a starry field appearing behind them with a black pirate flag waving.

"Let's get showy!" Marvelous declared, catching his pistol as it dropped down and drawing out his Gokaisabre. The rest of the crew caught their pistols and drew out a sword. Gai drew out a trident and rested it against his shoulder.


"Yeah," Kivat agreed. "If I ever see the moron that dropped that coin again..."

He growled and made boxing motions with his wings.

"So how have you been?" Wataru asked.


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busy.. the war with chong lasted 6 months, then i ran the laffalympics which took another 3 months, earlier today i was meetings with a president Qwark on rather important business.. a wizard always has demands on his time..
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Cynder approached Dixie and sat down by her " so how are you feeling? She smiled at her " Long day? " Yeah real long, but its been wonderful.. Dixie smiled " I got to see Marcus again after so many years. That was such a surprise! Stripetail found him in a retired K-9 unit in Kansas , somehow and sent him here.. Hes slowly getting feeling back in his legs.." Old boyfriend huh? ' yes  long before I met scooby at the Cafe, or  i met you..' Dixie smiled. " he was the first boyfriend I ever had, It was serious between us until he was paralyzed in an accident, that ended our relationship unfortunately, and i hadn't seen him since, until he showed up at the reception..' so what did he bring.. ' flowers and a card.. but the real gift was just seeing him.. and seeing him walk for a little bit..' tears streamed out of dixies eyes.. ' he meannt a lot to me.. i still treasure the memories we shared.. he wished us good luck and hoped to meet our kids soon..'dixie was starting to lose her composure, cynder had rarely seen her like this.. ' i'm sorry Cynder, just all the emotions getting to me..
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"Cool, I've seen this only 7 times." Mikey said watching the tv.  

"isn't that a lot?" Sara asked him.

"Nah, not if its good." Mikey said with some food in one hand and a drink in the other.


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Hailey just scoffed in the end "Still, she's not the most powerful, nor dangerous thing I've met, she's just....second best" she spoke, eyes watching Bizzaro Pinky still "I've seen worse, much, much worse, example, meeting....and well, meeting my end with, Death himself"

All the while, Hailey still hadn't even touched the muffin that she was given earlier on, still not trusting what could really be in it.  After all, not even trusting what Pinky was saying was actually the truth or not.


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The pirates immediately shot at Captain Marvelous, filling the air with the smell of spent gunpowder.


The back room had now become a frenzied close-quarters battle as the pirates pressed foward. Dr. Kerzach ambushed and stabbed a pirate as one of the employees smashed another with the butt of her shotgun then shot the pirate.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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The Gokaigers dropped to the ground and rolled forward. They came up in front of the pirtaes and layed into them with their melee weapons. Marvelous slashed at the shotgunner's weapon, aiming to either disarm him or slice the weapon in half.

Gai rolled onto the counter and began swinging his trident down at the pirates. Doc ducked under his swings and clumsily slashed at the nearest set of legs that didn't belong to one of his allies.

Luka and Ahim took position on either side of Captain Marvelous and opened fire with Gokaiguns. Joe stood to the right of his captain and slashed at the nearest pirate, keeping the hand that held his gun behind his back.