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Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier

Nick22 · 5640 · 350334


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"indeed, it sure is." Sara said, next to Tarrax.   "I wonder if it took long or was hard to build.


Future Jason's group were keeping to themselves since the others were not interested in them.

To not disturb the ongoing conversation his group talked quietly to themselves, in low whispers.  



Present day Jason and his group (still in ponyville had been working on taking care of some of the ponies injured in the fight.  Jason had secretly given most of them a dose of Artron energy to help speed their recovery, an easy thing for him to do since his tissues of both his bodies were near oversatuarated).

"I wonder where he went to." Brooklyn said quietly to Jason's group.

"There are a few places he could have gone to, based on his trajectory." Jason said.

"Do we have any information on those worlds.  To narrow down the possible landing areas he may have headed to." Velma asked.

"I can ask my animated counterpart.   He or the animated gallifrey he's from may." Jason said.  

"I still find it odd that there are 2 versions of you and you can meet." Gnash said.

"Not same person." Guilmon said.

"Indeed, We may be the same versions of the same time lord but we're not the same exact time lord.  1 is animated 1 is not.  So the first rule of time doesn't apply." Jason said.  

"And he has no Guilmon, but another digimon." Guilmon said.

"It looks like we are done here." Jason said.  "Let's quietly slip away."

"They can get back to their normal lives." Velma said.

"Yes, they may not even remember us."  Jason said shrugging as they went back to his tardis to rest.  Then head off.  

"I do hate missing the party at the palace." Gnash said.  

"We don't have to miss it.  At some point in our future we can attend it.  As long as we, don't go anywhere near Canterlot till the party is over we'll be fine and wont' violate any rules of time." Jason said as he unlocked the door to his tardis, disguised as a tree, and went inside with the others, the concealed door locking once everyone was inside.


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Fluttershy too nodded in order to agree, though seemingly a bit more reluctantly "Oh well, I would say so, that is um, only if uh, the aliens want the help..."

Pinkie Pie on the other hand, wasn't even paying attention by the looks of things as she was instead, just looking around the palace, going from one place to another, with an ooh and a aaah.

Luna looked to her sister and nodded to her "I do have to agree too, if what the aliens are now telling us and after this war is over, then perhaps using their help if need be will be of some help?"


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"Perhaps the various interested parties could meet to discuss a trade agreement or something similar." Sara said.


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Celestia nodded. "Then it is settled." She then turned to Captain Carson and Stripetail. "I trust you will keep the Elements of Harmony and any of my subjects who wish to volunteer safe?"

"You have my word, your Majesty," Captain Carson said with a bow.

"Yeah! Now I get to go kick some flank!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

"Rainbow Dash! Such brash behavior is not befitting when in front of the princesses!" Rarity scolded.

"All right, so are there any other preparations we need to undergo?" Captain Carson asked as she looked at everyone present.

"Well, ah do need to say goodbye to mah family," Applejack said.

"I need to see if Spike's willing to come along as well," Twilight said.

Celestia smiled. "Very well. But before you leave, why don't you watch the airshow today? I heard the Wonderbolts have a few guest stars you might enjoy."

The Spirarians (crewmembers/inhabitants of the Spire of Winter) all nodded knowingly.

Celestia telekinetically opened a door leading to the courtyard.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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You do not need to worry your highness, I have a very good track record at keepuing my charges safe. it when they wander off and do unwise things that harm befalls them.." stripetail replied " how many will you send with us? say 15-20?"
this place is huge ratchet grinned its as big as the deathdrome i got stuck in..
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"As many as those who volunteer," Celestia replied.

She then peeked out the window. "And I believe the airshow is getting ready."


Rainbow, Lt. Martin and Major Lockie were being kitted out for the airshow by some technicians and ordnancemen from the starship.

The other Wonderbolts were waiting to prepare.

"Hey, you all ready?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Almost," Rainbow replied as a technician clipped a fresh flare dispenser to her belly.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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 Nick sighed with relief as the last of the cannisters were loaded. Waternoose was the owner, and had let them in, kerzach evidently had provided a convincing cover story.. but for now Nick just wanted to get out before security caught them
 thank you your highness ' Stripetail said sipping his gdrink.. " Any help you can provide will be appreciated. Since the crusaders seem to joined us, our business is almost complete, and we will be leabving once this is completed.
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(ooc: Don't forget Trixie too, who's also on the ship....trying to build a nuke XD)

"You ready to show of your talen there Dashie?" Spitfire asked Rainbow Dash with a smile, giving her a small nuzzle too.


Pinkie Pie on the other hand, was off elsewhere in the castle, away from the other ponies for now....but doing what, no one else really knew.


Jackson, Riley and Darwin however, were back outside again, taking a walk through Canterlot.

Aimee on the other hand, was in the palace, still with Celestia and Luna, eyes gazed out the window at the airshow that was going to begin shortly*


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"I'm sure things will turn out for the best by the end." Sara said.  "Especially with so many and considering everyone that is involved. " She then looked at Tarrax, "Don't you think so dear?" She asked him.


Spike nodded, "Of course I want to.  I've come this far.  How do you think it would be being left behind when I had seen this much.  Quite a bit of it has been cool.  Not all of it.  And who knows what sorts fo new things we may all see."


"Indeed, who knows." Future Jason said from where he was.  


Present day Jason and his group were cleaning themselves up from the day's activities and were going to eat a bit then rest, or go to the hot tub to soak there, as each individual wanted to do.  Then later they would decided if they wanted to attend the party in Canterlot or wait a bit before doing so.


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(Canterlot Palace Courtyard)

Rainbow Dash nodded as two ordnancemen helped her into her flight suit. All around the, ponies and Spire of Winter crewmen were preparing for the airshow.

"Ready as I'll ever be!" she exclaimed.

Rainbow moved her control surfaces and ran some diagnostics. "Ready for take off.

Lt. Martin bobbed her head. "All systems go."

Major Lockie requested one last inspection of his flare dispensers. After that, he spoke. "Ready to fly."


Twilight nodded. "I know Spike but please remember that you're still a baby dragon."

"Really, he seems pretty damn mature to me," Dr. Zanasiu said.

"All right let's enjoy the show." Captain Carson helped herself to a basket of sweet potato fries from the buffet table.

Mr. Bigmouth, taking advantage of his herbivorous nature, was munching on some hay fries.

Ms. Swimmer was chatting with Rarity about fashion and other such items.

"This oughta be good. Y'all got some cool moves," Applejack said.

"Shh. It's starting!" Rarity said.

As soon as she spoke, a driving hard rock piece blared out from the speakers that the ordnancemen had gotten from the starship.

"And now presenting Equestria's finest Pegasi squad, the Wonderbolts and their special guests!" the announcer boomed.


Rainbow Dash looked at Spitfire and Rainbow. "You know the plan? Low flyover then we split off and climb."

Rainbow nodded and lit her engines in preparation for takeoff.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Stripetail got up from his seat "' if there is nothing further to discuss your hughness , we will be returning to our ship and preparing for our departure Thank you Princess Celestia and Princess Luna for your hospitality and giving us some assistance in our hour of need. We thank you greatly for it."
_ Scooby had helped himself to five helping of food, and patted his stomach conjtentedly  Kopa was amazd at how much Scooby could eat ' I bet he could give Pummba a challenge in an eating contest..
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"It was a great party." Gnash said.

"Yes, we are honored to have been here." Brooklyn said.

"We should be going soon too."  Jason said, pausing before he continued, doubting either Princess, or many others would understand.  "As the doctor once said, a very very long time ago though I have to include we instead of I.  "Technically we should not really be here at all.  We are not exactly breaking the laws of time, as bending them a little." Jason said.  "But I'm sure you don't want to hear about ancient galfrayan history."

"Great food.  I do hope we can come again." Gulmon said, rubbing his stomach with how much he ate.  Not as much as Scooby since he had eaten a meal a while before they had exited the tardis.

"Indeed.  I would like to look over some of your books.  I bet they are as interesting as the scrolls in the Alexandrian library." Velma said.


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Pinkie Pie once again, appeared what seemed to be, out of nowhere right next to Scooby and before the dog could grab another sandwich, the pink pony put her entire mouth around it and swallowed it whole before doing the same to a chocolate cake and in turn, licking her lips rather happily.


Princess Luna looked to her sister for a moment, then back to Stripetail again before watching him leave.  Her eyes gazed to Aimee for a moment, then to her sister again, yet, she said nothing right now.


Spitfire nodded, her wings extendinng "Yeah, I know the plan as you guys ready?"


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One by one the team headed out of the palace to watch rainbow and the others perform, before leavinbg the planet.. " So wheres Flash? Tiogeress asked ' Shes staying at the Inglorious hotel with her grandparents. briggins radioed me with the news. Shes having a blast with grandma and grandpa apparently. So yu need not worry Tiger and Tigeress " she is fine " Striupetail smirked as they walked out. ' that was a really big place ' Vitani said as she fokllloewed the others outside " i'm guressing we'll see moire like that huh..
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Jason and his group got up and went outside to also watch the air show.  

"Going to record this?" Brooklyn asked Jason as they walked outside.  

"The air show, sure, holographic." Jason said holding up his left arm, where his wrist computer was.  

"I bet Hudson will like watching all this on tv when we get back." Gnash said.


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"Hay yeah!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

She and Rainbow followed Spitfire into the air.

Lt. Martin and Major Lockie were undergoing some brief checks. In a few minutes, those two would be next.


All of sudden, a loud roar split the air as Rainbow, Spitfire and Dash flew five hundred feet off the ground and over the crowd.

The crowd watched in awe as the trio split off into three separate flights. At the speeds they were going, the three performers left a trail behind them - Spitfire left a glowing trail of orange fire, Dash left a brilliant multichromatic trail and Rainbow left a trail of brilliant apple-green fire (thanks to injectors that pumped a non-toxic boron containing mixture downstream of her jet engines).

Dash performed her Buccaneer Blaze, bathing everything in an intense rainbow colored light. Rainbow activated the smoke dispensers on her wing tips as she continued flying and to everypony's amazement, reared up in one of her signature tricks - Pugachev's Cobra. Everypony gasped as the living F-22 hung in the air for a brief moment before she returned to level flight and then resumed her position alongside Dash.

"So Dash, is Lt. Martin ready?" Rainbow asked.

Dash nodded.


Lt. Martin lit her engines and soared into the sky with Major Lockie following.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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ratchet clank and angela took seats and gazed up at the flying planes ' i bet i could do that Ratchet braghged '; Ratchet those are living planes, they have no pilot inside them Clank pointed out " those manuevers could not be performed by a pilot, the height they are reaching is too great the descents and climbs too steeps..

 yeah ratchet , just watch the show Angela said, as Stitch pulled out some snacks and beganm munching them, and ioffering them to the others
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Rainbow did a few more loops and rolls to the crowd's awe.

Then as soon as Rainbow Dash finished her Fantastic Filly Flash, Major Lockie flew into the arena through the blinding white flash. Two smoke generators mounted on his tail produced billowing clouds of white smoke. Lt. Martin flew above him while two Wonderbolts were standing on his wings.

As the intense cold white light died down, the Wonderbolts jumped from his wings and flew off to the side, trailing a thunderstorm behind them. Lt. Martin pulled into a near vertical climb on full afterburners. Thanks to an a system that injected various pyrotechnic colorants downstream of her afterburners, she climbed high into the sky with a trail of purple fire behind her.

Major Lockie then released his flares, the burning projectiles bathing everypony in an intense golden-white light. Thanks to how the flare dispensers were mounted on his body, the burning orbs took the rough form of an angel.

Everypony gasped in awe as he repeated the trick several times before he flew out of sight.

"And now for the grand finale!" the announcer boomed.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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"They are good.  I'm enjoying this show, are you?" Sara asked.


Jason and his group watched the show, cheering and clapping.  

"Great show." Gnash said.  "Reminds me of the Arlus 4 cloud show."


"whohoo." Derpy said, hovering in the air, waving her front legs and sending a great deal of her drink flying out.  Luckily the mare under her had a saddle with an umbrella, so the soda hit that and not the mare herself, going onto the ground.  

"oops, sorry about that." Derpy said.  

"Quite all right."The mare said.  She was glad she had thought to wear the saddle umbrella.  She had worn it to keep the sun off her, but was even more glad that she had due to the accident.  She could imagine how much trouble it would be washing out of one's mane and how sticky it could get if she had not had the umbrella.


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Those  guys are quite the showmen' Kiara said watching the show with interest. Nothing comprable to this ever happened in the Pridelands. She would have quite the story to tell Simba once the next report came in..
 Stripetail's radio went off ' Hey wizard its Briggins again. Flash here wants me to send a message to her mom and dad." there was cackling on the other end and a much younger voice came on " Hi Mom ! Hi dad! Is this thing working?
 We hear you honey Tigeress said coming over to listen..
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