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Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier

Nick22 · 5640 · 350441


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And in that system, there was one planet that was rather prominent. A planet called Khan, named after it's current ruler.

Shere Khan was a mighty tiger, dressed in fine red, orange, and black robes. And let's just say his biggest love in his life......was himself.

Indeed, quite possibly everywhere you looked on planet Khan, you could see the tiger's image somewhere. The royal emblem or his face could be found on all the clothes, silverware, buildings, you name it.

"A fine day," the tiger grinned smugly.

"Your greatness, some ship is approaching," one of the royal scientists explained.


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bagherra brought out the khan telescope ' we are viewing the ship now , your grace' bagherra said. ' it appearing to be some kind of mining transport, possibly headed for mining operations in this sector.. should we contact it? ' he asked, bowing.
_ Skylands
 nick ran after spyro was fast as he could, gill grunt moving past him. the portal should be nearby ' Grunt said.
_ Spire of winter
 Dixie ran after Cynder , who flew on ahead of her. ' Hey! Dixie!" came a familiar voice. It was Tigeress who ran up to her. ' where are you going? she asked as she kept pace with the Great Dane. " going on a walk with Cynder. Tiger is looking for you.. he says he has something for you,. Where were you? ' well I was having a swim in the water' Tigeress said, water dripping from her fur on the ground behind her as she ran. " mind if I tag along? " well, alright, I don't mind. just try and keep up' Dixie said motioning to the dragoness above them.. the pair chased after Cynder as the town gave way to the large park in the middle.
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"Why yes," Khan nodded to Bagheera, "Since it's a foreign vessel, it has yet to be filled with the glorious image of me," the tiger smiled, full of himself.

Baloo and Kaa brought their king some slabs of meat to eat.


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Vertigo followed Nick and the skylanders, careful not to crush any of them. Little did they know what she had in mind.



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The Phantom pulled out a pair of scimitars and charged at Haruto. The wizard fired two shots at Naga, but he deflected them with his swords. Haruto flipped the barrel of his gun up, popping out the blade concealed inside to transform it into sword mode. He blocked the Naga Phantom's first overhead strike, only to be slashed across the chest by the second sword. Sparks exploded from his chest armor and he stumbled to the side, another slash struck his back, knocking him forward.

He stumbled into the cavern wall and leaned against it, catching his breath.

"Die!" Naga exclaimed, leaping at him and thrusting out his pair of weapons. Wizard jumped aside and the blades slammed against the wall. Spinning around, Haruto slashed Naga across the shoulder. The creature's scaley hide sparked as the blow struck. A follow-up slash knocked the scimitar from Naga's numb arm. He tried swinging his remaining sword, but Haruto knocked it aside and layed into the Phatom with several rapid slashes, finishing up with a kick to the gut that sent him flying into the wall.

"Now, the finale!" Haruto exclaimed, opening the hand design on the Wizard Swordgun by pressing on the thumb.

"Come on and slash! Shake hands!" the sword chanted, until Wizard waved his left hand ring over the scanner. "Flame! Slash strike!"

Flames and red runes swirled up the swordgun's blade as Haruto raised it overhead and dropped into a battle pose. He swung his weapon down, sending a cresecent wave of fire flying at Naga.  

The Phantom recovered from his daze just in time to spot the blade of fire bearing down on him. He pushed off the wall, flinging himself out of the attack's way. The Flame struck hit the rocky wall, leaving a glowing hot scar over the purple runes.

"Oops!" Haruto exclaimed as the rune circle's glow began pulsing and a loud humming noise filled the cavern.

(The Silo)

The team gathered in the shuttle's cockpit. While the rocket had been built from a corn silo, the shutle itself was cobbled together from the Engineer's RV and the Sniper's camper van.

None of the team were wearing spacesuits, instead wearing their work clothes. The Heavy had asked their supplier, Saxton Hale, about buying some suits, but Hale explained that only wussy astronauts needed them and real men just needed to hold their breath in space to survive. The Heavy found this odd, but didn't want to be called a wussy, so he didn't argue.

"Let's get this wagon train rolling," the Engineer exclaimed, flicking several switches on the console he'd attached to the sun visor. He shifted the stick into drive and stepped on the gas. The rocket began rumbling.

Outside, flames and smoke began pouring from the bottom of the Silo. The entire structure shook violently and at first didn't seem to be doing much else until it finally started lifting off. As it rose into the sky, it left behind a trail of fire, smoke, and popped corn kernels. A panel on the Silo rumbled and broke off, creating a loud clatter that could be heard inside the cockpit.

"What was noise?" Heavy asked nervously.

"Probably nothing," Engineer replied.

(Spire of Winter)

Cynder waited for the girls at the edge of the wood. A chill ran up her spine and she glanced around. No breeze blew through the area and she couldn't find anothe logical explanation for her sudden coldness.

She looked up when she heard the pair's footsteps draw closer. "Hello, Tigress. Are you coming with us?"


Spyro lead the group over a rocky hill. He swooped down into a large depression in the ground, where a Portal sat, glowing bright white. Ancient Portal Master symbols decorated the side of the stone platform.

He waited until the non-flying members of the party caught up before leaping unto the Portal and vanishing in a flash of light.

The purple dragon reappeared in front of the Core of Light. A large complicated machine made from components of all eight different elemental types found in the Skylands. A white dragon with a crystal covered body stood nearby and glanced up at his arrival. A giant tree stood a few feet away, lifting up a support beam for what would one day be their new castle.

"Hello, Spyro," Flashwing, the crystal dragoness greeted. "I thought you were taking a break today?"

"Something's come up," Spyro replied.


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hi cynder' tigeress said giving her a friendly nuzzle, as Dixie came up. ' yeah I decided to  hang out with you  girls.. I was enjoying a nice sqwim at the beach then I was headed back to the hotel area when I saw Dixie over here and decided to tag along.. so where are we headed?
- that's up to Cynder, its her choice' Dixie said as she stopped to get a quick breather ' you're pretty darn fast tigress, slow down next time..' sorry girl, didn't realize I was running too fast for you.. i'll slow down next time. Tigeress smirked.-
 (tHe Hotel)
 kopa was getting an update from his father and Zazu through the crystal, vitani  kiasra and kovu were sleeping in their beds, taking an afternoon nap..
Ratchet was fiddling with his constro pistol while angela was meeting with lilo angel and stitch and explaining to them what a 'lombax' was' so theres only 2 of you in the whole world? lilo asked ' no, theres a whole bunch of us, they're .. just in a different part of the universe and we haven't found them yet' Angela said. " so is ratchet your boyfriend or something, like stitch is to Angel? " well, no, not really, I mean we are the same species.. lets just say we are friends ;' Angela said. clank was listening to the latest Courtney gears holovid.. that robot has had work done ' he muttered.
_ Skylands
Nick followed spyro and gill grunt into the portal and gazed around at the surroundings.. he waved friendly at the others in the area ' er hi.. i'm Nick.. sorry to disturb you guys but kerzach and I are in a bit of a pickle here and help would be appreciated.
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Terrafin swam through the ground after Spyro as Skyburn flew through the air, keeping behind Nick and the others in case any danger should pop up behind them.


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Dr. Kerzach shut off his sled and dismounted. He gazed around the crystal castle. He remained silent and decided to let Nick do the talking.


(Spire of Winter)

Captain Carson pored over her holographic star chart. The Jungleton system was fully mapped and in fact, there were some mines located on a few of the barren planets and asteroids in the system.

She took a sip of her coffee as she tapped a planet named "Khan". There was little data available on it.

The woman swore as she realized that there was not much fuel left. She radioed Stripetail. "Stripetail, we are running low on fuel. I am deploying robot ramscoops to gather fuel from the nearest gas giant - Prexis."

She pressed the "refuel" button, sending a veritable armada of the automated ships towards the nearest gas giant.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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how are we on supplies of food? Stripetail replied " if we are low on that we may need to restock in this system. What is the nearest inhabited planet?' Stripetail asked.
 this is kerzach' nick said ' we re trying to find a way to communicate wtyh the wizard stripetail, and to let him know where we are..
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Shere Khan and members of his royal guard stepped out onto the landing pad for ships.

The Khan-themed landing pad of course.

"We haven't had visitors for a while," the almighty tiger smirked to everyone around him as the ship could be made out in the distance.


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Spire of Winter

"We have onsite greenhouses that provide food as well as oxygen and raw materials for the oil refinery," Captain Carson said.

She examined her star chart. "The only planet that's Earth-like is Khan. I do not know if there's a native population. The other asteroids and planets are barren and have mines on them. The mines are mostly automated but there are live crews present."

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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we will have to land on Khan, we don't have a choice" stripetail replied ' it will do us good to stretch and explore for a bit. we should be close to khan's  location by now.. tell everyone once we we reach it, so everyone can prepare to get off.."
- stitch and angel were walking with nani and lilo along the sandy beach..
Arlene and kitty were planning ways to surprise tiger with a gift, as it was closing in on their anniversary..
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The tiger ruler stood by the runway as the ship was nearing the base of his planet.

"Servants," he told Bagheera and Baloo, "Since we'll be having guests soon, could you prepare for them some gifts so they can fit in with the environment better?"


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"I do wonder what he'll be like." Gnash said from where he was looking.

"Every version of Kahn I've heard of is always the same basically.  From what the animated Jason said about him." Jason said.  

"I hope things don't go bad."  Gnash said.

"If it does there are options, many options." Jason said, without elaborating.


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Dixie and tigeress continued following after cynder. tigeress grinned as they walked down the pasth. ' its good to get some alone time..she said ' tiger likes his guy time, I prefer my girl time..' have you talked with Agumina much? Dixie asked " no, we haven't.. hasvent really had time.. tigerss admitted. ' tiger had something for you, when we saw him last ' Dixie said. ' oh, really, well i'll have to see what he got after this hoike.. I still need to drop a few pounds after having Flash..  hopefully I can work them off here..
 dulcy and samia landed and headed back to their hotel room..
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"Let's just head deeper into the park," Cynder suggested, wanting to get lost in the trees. She spent a lot of time at home in the forest outside the dragon city, since the buildings made her feel clastrophobic.

(Elsewhere on the Spire)

Spyro trekked towards the bridge. He'd spent the morning sleeping outside and caught a bite to eat at a diner, even though he'd found it hard to enjoy. He wanted to talk to Cynder, but couldn't figure out what to say. He thought about asking Scooby, but since the quarrel involved Dixie he thought it might be too personal for the canine, so he decided to ask Stripetail for advice.

He asked a soldier for directions and they pointed him towards the bridge, so that's where the dragon headed. He trekked through the shiny metal halls, looking around at the alien enviroment and feeling out of place. He felt sure he'd gotten lost on top of that.


"We'll do everything we can," Spyro promised. "Eon should be able to help."

(OoC: Do we want Eon to be able to contact Stripetail?)


Cracks spread over the rock surface, an errie glow shining through the breaks. Haruto and Naga each took a cautious step back, raising their weapons to protect themselves. An angry wail sounded from the wall, growing in volume as the stone shattered.

The wall exploded outwards releasing a shockwave of dark purple magic and flying stone. The wave knocked the two of them off their feet. Haruto rolled over to face the wall.

An armored figure stood where the rune symbol had been drawn. An indention had been blown in the rock wall behind him and still glowed hot with purple magic. The back lighting cast the figure in shadows, except for the two glowing red points on his head. A flickering violet mist seeped from his armor.


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(Sure that will work)

 Dixie and Tigeress followed Cynder as they moved on further into the more forested region of the park. it was quiet and peaceful here, the girls  walked on further, both taking in the beauty of their surroundings...
 Stripetail was  working on  organizing his  inventory when his magical bracelet began to glow purple ' Must mean Spyro wants to contact me' He said "    he touched the bracelet creating an image of Spyro. '  Hello Spyro. What seems to be the problem? The wizard asked sagely.
 Skylanfs ' thanks " nick said " we are.. not here, by our own free will' he admitted ' cghong is holding us prisoner.. and if we can reach Stripetail, we will be safe with him."
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"Prepare for orbital insertion!" Captain Carson said as she took her seat in the bridge.

The great starship slowed and fell into orbit around Khan.

She then hailed the spaceport. "Khan Spaceport, this is RICMS Spire of Winter, we are too large to land. We will be sending down shuttlecraft."

She then pressed the intercom. "Attention, Stripetail's group and their associated personnel, report to the hangars immediately!"

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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"Understood," Haithi replied to the message.

The elephant informed Shere Khan about the situation.

"Just prepare accommodations for when they arrive," the self-loving tiger told his servants


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"Are we going down by their ship?" Gnash asked looking at Jason.  

"If we take the tardis there'll be more room in their ships, besides we're not under Stripetail's command.  I"ll tell Velma & the others to meet us at the tardis, let's go." Jason said as he and the others headed to his tardis, he used his wrist computer to communicate to the others.  


"Gosh, I guess some are going down to the planet.  I wonder what it's like and what sorts of gems they may have." Spike said.