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Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier

Nick22 · 5642 · 353556


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Engasged?!? nO1' Po said, in a hakf shout " i'm not getting married! I have a job too do' he said  jumping obver a row ad landing inside the where SPyro-W ember and Cynder_w were sitting ' Hi guys. I'm Po.  You dont mind if i hide here? theeres a crazy guy who wants me to marry his daughter! And i want no part of it. ' Cynder chuckled ' Well, Po , I dont think you're going to have much of a choicein the matter. I'm Cynder, thats my mate spyro and my Girlfriend Ember. " i just came here for the king Fu competition on Orxon.' PO sighed. To show off some of my moves, get some autographs and have fun. With my teammates.' po said ' is there anyway you guys could help me out here. PLease?' Well. we do need guards for patrols around our rooms." Tigress the wolf said. I'm tigeress ' the wolfess smiled at Po. " Are you here for work?" Yes.. arghh..' PO noticed Jing King coming towards him and the Dragon warrior panicked and began to run..
_ Tigeress strode up to Stripetail " Hello Seer , good to see you again.' The tiger said " Stripetail's face broke into a smile ' master tigeress! Good to see  you again. What bring you to Pokitaru? ' Well ' Po and I are going to the Intergalactic Kung Fu competition on orxon' Tigeress said ' Unfortunately, some guy with  wants Po to marry his daughter" She chuckled. " Thats one situation I cant scratch or claw my way out of." Panda King' STripetail said " and her name is Jing King. ' HE added as the Panda King entered the room ' Seer! Kindly produce a dating garment for my daughter and her new fiance! Something to symbolize her innocence, and her husband to be, his protective duties." With due respect Panda King, I have many pressing matters on my plate. 2 of those in our group have been captured, and their rescue must take higher priority at the moment." Hmm, very well. But soon? ' Po and tigeress are.. part of our security detail ' sTripetail said, smiling nonetheless as PO scampered around the room, trying to avoid JiNg King. " Fine, have them guard my daughter then! I will pay them well for that service!" The Panda King said. " as part of their guarding others" stripetail said, gesturing and clothing both Po and tigeress in what appeared to be bright blue armor.
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"Ooh!" Jing grinned excitedly, overhearing the declaration made, "I feel much safer, knowing you'll be protecting me, my darling and handsome future husband!" she chased after Po relentlessly, never letting him catch a breath. "Come here so I can hold you tight in my arms," she smirked, licking her lips and showing off her lipstick. She weaved around chairs and jumped over a railing, never losing track of him. "Sorry," she quickly apologized to some her hips bumped in to.

"No offense taken," Ollie nodded as he kept eating. Jing became more careful in her steps, but her eyes were locked onto the panda of her dreams.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2018, 10:56:20 PM by brekclub85 »


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Po kept stumbling around, weaving between rows and group members. he bumped into Kiara, Luca and Tiger the wolf in turn, apologizing hurriedly as he ran to avoid getting grabbed by Jing King, who was quicker than she looked. "
 PAnda king reached inside his robes and pulled out a couple of drawings and laid them in front of Stripetail ' some ideas for your attire.' He said "for your daughter and her... er, intended' Stripetail said ' I'll put that on the to do list. What I will do is have Po and tigress guard the hallway around your room. ' THank you' the Panda king bowed.' Now, go eat something.' sTripetail motioned with his paw.
 flash climbed on to her mothers head to get a better look at the chase between Po and Jing King. " why is he running from her, mom? Is it a game, like i play with Mona or Oliver?" Flash asked ' No, sweetie' Tigeress said, laughing slightly. ' It is.. well she's wanting him to be her mate, like your father is to me." Oh.. ' Flash said ' and he doesn't want to?." Well, from the way things are looking he doesnt have a choice.' Tigeress said. Can we come to the wedding? ' Mona asked from atop Luca. " Well.. we'd have to be invited first.' Luca said. ' Well, If the lady panda has her way, getting guests wont be an issue ' Arlene said laughing as Po continued running ' Oh, I'd love to come' Korin said.' Me, too. wonder if I can bring Donkey?" dragon said. "If not, I'll just come with one of you girls" You can come with me, Samia and Korin " Ember smiled.
 Po finally ran into a wall consisting of Tigeress the wolf and Tigeress ' Ok, thats enough ' Tigeress said. ' We have guard duty to go to Po.. Just give jIng King a hug, then get ready to go on patrol. ' Tigeress! arent you going to help me out of this?" Po, you'tre stuck. When a father says he wants to betroth his daughter to you, you cant say no.' Tigeress said ' Now, go give her a hug, and then follow me."
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"There you are, my darling future husband," Jing smiled romantically as she caught up to Po who was being held in place. She ran up to him and held him tight in her paws. "You feel so soft and warm," she complimented, not letting him out of her grip. Looking him in the eye, she planted a firm smooch directly on his lips, getting her tongue inside his mouth as she did so.

"Awww......" Kiara smiled, watching this happen from the Pride Lands Group table, "So romantic....."

With a swift move of her paws, Jing put a necklace with a shining gem around Po's thick neck. "Here, this symbolizes our betrothal, and I daresay it looks amazing on you, my future husband." She then thoughtfully looked to the side. "I'm already considering so many names for our future cubs! I'll let you have input on which ones you like best...."


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C-C-Cubs?!' Po gaped, a big red lipstick mark on his lips from where Jing King had kissed him " No, No NO!' Po waved his hands about " we just met! Shouldnt we.. um.. take it really really REALLY slow on that kinda stuff.. I mean. I'm living with my dad still... I'm dating Tigeress.. i have an overdue book at the library.. i'm due back at Tai Lungs for wrestling.. i.. I.. ' Am not getting out of this" Tigeress said firmly, giving her fellow warrior a big look ' Besides, I think ping sounds like a good name.. for the next dragon warrior. Don't worry Po, I'll be there for you, as well Viper, Monkey, Mantis and Crane." "Why dont you two just start out with a simple date?' Gabuna suggested. "Po gets to pick, and he gets a couple days to pick the location and time. That sound fair to both of you?" ER.. i guess' Po said.' You can let go of me now..' he said to Jing King.
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Jing gave one more squeeze before she let Po out of grasp. "I eagerly await our date," she smiled, giving him another quick kiss, "And I'll be waiting for you to be guarding my room this evening. Oh Po, our union will be most GLORIOUS!" She moved her hips in a seductive fashion as she stepped back.

"I hope we get invited to the wedding," Oliver said to Arlene, as he ate some fish that was at their table.

"You all are," Jing declared to all the groups, "The wedding of Po and I will be held exactly one year from today!"

Tai Lung and the rest of the Furious Five went over to Po and Tigress. "Looks like you're set for life, buddy," Mantis chortled.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2018, 10:23:22 PM by brekclub85 »


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We'll throw a bachelor party for you ' Agumon said. " several, if you want". I'll get back to you guys on that ' Po said " come on Tigeress I er need to go.. find some action figures for the ride back home.. Come on Tigeress. MOnkey, Tai Lung.. lets um go hit the shops ' Po said making his way as quickly as possible to the exit. " FIne, Po, Fine. We'll see if theres a Zorthan the Irritable for your collection."Tigeress said as she and the rest of the Six left.
 Sasha and angela shook their heads as Po made his escape. " No need to be too grabby sister ' Angela said to Jing King. 'Guys dont like being smothered, you know." Dating is a step by step thing ' Sasha said ' you dont want to rush it, find out you have nothing at all in common, and have to break up later. TRust me, i know all about having a controlling dad. my father  was a president for several years. living in a fishbowl isnt easy.
 Kovu was showing the rest of his family some pictures he had taken of the arenas he had visited.  The Battleplex is huge guys, it has a lot of plkaes for people to spend money on the fights."
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"Oh don't worry, I'm very attracted to him, father only made this official after I mentioned it to him," Jing assured Angela, "Would you like to be a bridesmaid?" the lady panda offered sincerely. "I'd love to give everyone who wants to participate a chance to be involved."

"So, I was thinking," Kitty said to Dixie between bites, "How about the 4 of us-me and Tiger, you and Scooby, do a double date sometime soon? I know there are topics both our guys want to discuss with us, and having it be just us 4 would make it more personal."


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Definitely ' Dixie said. ' How about a series of double dates, where each of the 4 gets to pick where the date happened, and what sort of food we eat? For example, lets say Scooby wants a buffet style meal, or Tiger wants spicy stuff? Then we'd go to where they wanted to go. ' Well, why dont we let Kitty go first ' Scooby suggested "We're chivalrous guys arent we Tiger?' He smirked. ' OF course, Scooby my chum. Lets have my darling Kitty get the first date?' Tiger said. ' Well, Kitty you get to go first You lucky gal. So, where do you want to go?
 Hmm. a place that serves all you can eat mice?' Kitty said licking her lips.
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Seeing as Pokitaru was a resort spot of the rich and famous, armed guards were not an uncommon sight. Of course, Captain Carson did have to abide by the stipulation that the guards could not openly carry their weapons. Of course, to let the Pelvanida Group carry weapons she assigned them as guards for Stripetail and herself.

She soon arrived back at the meeting room where a succulent feast greeted her and everyone else. "Thanks for the meal," she said to Stripetail as she helped herself to some filets of braised fish.

Ms. Swimmer had a garden salad. Mr. Bigmouth preferred a few potato pancakes with a spicy tomato sauce. Emperor Unan decided to have a succulent vegetable stir-fry along with a hearty stew. The vegetable stir-fry wasn't traditional Tonfonese fare but it matched a dish known as "Adept's Delight" which was a dish of the freshest vegetables quickly stir-fried with only a bit of salt and some garlic.  

"How are we going to find Chong?" Zachary asked.

"Look for the Phoenix," Dr. Zanasiu replied as he sipped at some water. "Hopefully Chong hasn't removed the ship's transponder."



Rainbow simply glared at Chong but said nothing. Her internal telemetry continued transmitting.

The mechanics simply sat on nearby crates and did whatever.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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THe transponder cant be removed ' Nick said. In my case, for security reasons I interwined the  transponder with the main engine. if he try and shut it off- the engine is turned off too.' He said with a smile " we just ned to get it in range and track it that way. But knowing Chong. He's ;ikely on the other edge of the Galaxy..' NIck said ' or he may have already left this galaxy, for all we know?"  CHong needs supplies, money and hired hands. ' Stripetail said " Remember we decimated his forces  in that little rescue of yours." He said " Where we ran smack into Mertavius." Nick sighed.
 One by One the groups headed out of the conference room  to head to thier rooms to rest and prepare for the night watch.
 I want a report on how many captured Terrairians we have" CHing said turning to the mechanic. ' We need some cannon fidder before going after the seer's ' pets'. ' HE said " And Contact Vox. When does he want our first hour to Air?"
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(Spire of Winter)

"Okay, see you tomorrow morning," Mr. Bigmouth said as he went off to his room to sleep.

Captain Carson nodded. "I'll have my crew keep keep an eye out for transponder signals from your ship and Rainbow," she said to Nick as she headed out of the room to her quarters. Despite it being nighttime, there were a few nocturnal Beastmen and anthros up and about. For obvious reasons, most of them opted to take the night shift.

Sounds of gongs and dark, warbling flutes indicated that the Shadow Sect of Mawashiians were about to start their services.  



The mechanic nodded and saluted Chong as he went to continue trying to figure out how he could fit the explosive charge onto Rainbow. Vox stipulated that explosive collars be used but the living plane didn't really have a neck to speak of.


Chong's order was swiftly obeyed as it was relayed through the ship.


Terrarians were uncommon off their home planet due to their inability to travel the stars. However, there were a few who had such immense magical powers they could travel short distances through space at will. Those tended to be explorers or adventurers and they had ended up in the Polaris Galaxy...and into Chong's hands.

Currently, they had captured six. For obvious reasons, all of them had their equipment confiscated except for their flight abilities. Which some analysis showed to be the product of their wings, which weren't parts of their bodies but magical constructs.

Amaria - a mage dressed in simple fisherman's clothing and who wore a set of feathered blue and red wings that were enchanted to allow her to fly.  
Rufus - a rogue with a set of wings made from, oddly enough, leaves and wood.
Alexander - a mage with the ability to magically summon structures in moments. Like the others, he had a set of ghostly white wings.
Gracie - a gunslinger equipped with a jetpack
Stacy - a summoner mage who had on a set of shimmering blue wings
Aaron - an archer who had a futuristic jetpack


Vox's face appeared on the screen inside the communication room of the ship. He flashed his trademark smile. "Ah, has Chong gotten enough 'contestants' for our show?"

The communications officer shook her head. "All we have is a fighter plane and a dinosaur."

Vox shook his head. "No, no, no!" he exclaimed. "No one's going to want to see a one-second battle! I want something that can provide a good fight!"

The officer was unfazed by his outburst. "We have also captured six Terrarians. These are magical humanoids with significant power...and all of them are capable of flight. They're from the planet Terraria."

"That's more like it. I'll research what the planet looks like and I'll have trinkets and the arena set up. By the way, I'd like to have this battle as the main event for tomorrow. How about a prime-time slot?"

"I'll patch you through to him." The communications officer fiddled with some buttons on the console.


Chong's radio buzzed. "Chong, Vox here, I wanted to let you know that we're going to be airing your first show for prime time tomorrow."

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Prime time would work very well for me ' Chong said ' We have 6 terriarians for now, but we are in the process of acquiring more  combantants' Chong said " my goal; is 10 more.. i'll need to keep a fresh supply.. We'll have the contestabnts ready for the fight tomorrow. Looking forward to the show. lets the merchandise sales commence!" chong grinned.
 Alright Everyone, head to your rooms, and try and get some sleep' Stripetail said. ' named groups go to your shared rooms. and make sure you lock the doors and windows.
 Flurrie and webndy led the wendy group
 Agumon, Gabumon and thier girlfriends lead the digimon group, and Arlene folow Dixie and tigeress out of the Dixie group.  KOvu handed a large bottle of cologne to Kopa ' heres your cologne. " i made some on my way back from Battleplex. also made one for my dad, called usurper. Now these orders are meant for use as weapons, but the pay is the same.' Hmm. well good work, at least we're making money, and by we I meaan you primarily.' Kopa said.
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Kiara smiled at Kovu's progress. "I knew this would be a huge hit," she smiled to her mate, "Even if the use wasn't what you originally intended, it's gonna be big!" She patted him on the stomach. "Want me to get you desert? My treat." She gently rubbed his cheek with her paw.


Oliver carefully followed behind his mom and Dixie obeying the rules in this risky time. "The hotel rooms are pretty secure," the orange kitten told his friends.

"Good for us," Ollie nodded in agreement. Even the younger ones knew they couldn't just wander off now.


Jing went up to her father. "Oh thank you so much for arranging the marriage father," she smiled to the Panda King, "I know Po will make a most excellent and honorable husband." She pulled out a paper and began drawing ideas for her outfits.


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You're welcome my darling. now.. go have some fun. I have business in Meridian City for the next few days." Panda King said. ' Go have a swim in the pools and have fun."
 Wendy and flurrie , along with the their friends went into their room and got into bed before turning on the TV and tuning it to the MarioKart channel. I'm signing up for the next season' Wendy deckared ' they are going  back to 2 racer karts too, and I'm thinking about about having a racing partner.  Normally I'd go with Peach, Birdo  or toadette, but Peach likely will be racing  with Daisy, Birdo will be with Yoshi and Toadette  will be with Toad. So I need someone else.  Flurrie, what do you say. Wanna race?" You intrigue me Wendy Darling' Flurrie said coming close to her. " i've never raced before, i must admit ' well tere are kart tracks here. we'll have a couple races here to see how well you do, at driving and throwing stuff' Wendy said. You're on ' Gombella said. ' i'd like to race too. goombella said and Goombette  chimed in ' I want to race too. " She said. ' Perfect! Thats 2 on 2 ' Wendy said.  theres going to be 16 karts per race or 32 in all. ' She said " we just need to qualify by winning some qualifying cups. theres knockout tournaments this time too, based on how well you did. So lets say you finished 6 in points you;d race the 3rd place finisher in round 1. and so on and so on. " you guys arfe toast tomorrow ' Goombella said confidently. " i'll have something to say about that.' Toadette smiled.I just need to get toad to race with me." She admitted. OR Birdo, or someone. "
We'll find a place that serves that ' DIxie promised to Kitty ' Thanks Dixie. I have a taste for mice. You know how it is.'  Kitty, you know I'd do anything for you.' Dixie promised. 'WHat sort of a girlfriend would I be, if I do not help my gal pals? " Very true." Kitty nodded ' I know you love me Dixie . and I love you too . I know that any kittens I have  would be completely safe visiting you and Scooby and that you will spoil them, as you have done for OlIver, and Flash. . Tiger wants them, because I think hes reached that point in a cats life where he wants to settle down and have a family. " Scooby's the same way, I think. They're ready to be dads, and want to be dads."Dixie said as they settled into bed with their mates "  There is one tricky issue though. Money. its costs a lot of money to raise a kid, or kids ' Kitty said. " and While Tiger makes pretty good money as Sheriff, we'll need a lot to pay for the kittens to come. Because I'm not just having one you know ' Kitty beamed. Tiger blushed and ran his paw over his headfur as "Money' was brought up" We don;t want to impose guys, I know both of you are loaded.' Tiger said " and that the Seer pays you very handsomely. ' We can ask him to help you' Scooby said. ' I dont think He'll mind, as long as you two dont ask for 100 million dollars or something like that" Scooby chuckled. " Hes covering all of us who are couples on our team, with the exception of Stitch and Angel , Ratchet and Angela and the lions. Well then how about a million bucks?' Tiger suggested 'per kid?  We don;t want to abuse his hospitality." Just Ask, The worst that can happen is he says no, But i don;t think he will." Dixie said, as Tiger, Tigeress and Luca entered the room. "  Moe over guys We're all sharing " tiger the wolf said. Tigeress squeezed in between Dixie and Kitty. Tiger went next to Scooby and Luca next to Tigeress and Tiger the Cat. " night guys.' LUca Yawns. " So whos do watch the first shift?"
 Kovu climbed into bed, Kiara on one side, Sima on the other ' Night my lovelies ' Kovu purred to both of them. "I'm a very lucky lion to have both of you with me. " NIght Kovu' Sima said , stroking his mane. "
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Vox had gotten to work setting up the arena for the Terrarians. Some research had been done on the planet and he decided that making it imitate the planet's biomes would make for a perfect challenge. Of course, due to the nature of those biomes, the Hallow, Crimson and Corruption could not be replicated. But everything else was. From the ocean to the jungle and even a dungeon.

Trees were planted and the land seeded with weapons that he had either replicated or outright imported from Terraria through various legal and illegal channels.

He overlooked the gorgeous setting. There was even an underground and underworld section with lava to really liven things up. Vox smiled. This was definitely going to be a crowd  pleaser.

Already, he had plans to sell off the tattered remnants of the wings and jetpacks that the "contestants" wore as collector's items to the highest bidders. More affordable merchandise like replicas of the Terrarian weapons and t-shirts were already being produced.  



The hallways of the resort were quiet except for the nocturnal Beastmen walking the halls to relax. In addition, they were joined by the night guards of the Spirarian crew. Even at this time, the bar on the beach was open serving up cocktails and late night snacks for those who weren'r sleeping.

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Gabuna had elected to watch over the room where Arlene, Oliver, agumon, Agumina, Biyomon, and Gabumon were staying. she was watching a holoreport on the planet crisis and the reporter wondered who could be responsible ' as Artemis Zigg is spending a lifetime sentence of house imprisonment- with his mother" " Spending a lifetime with Mom?' Gabuna laughed." thats gotta stink."
 Nick was among those on the night shift. He had drrawn Saba and was holding him aloft, so he could see in the dimly lit hallways "Where are we going this time?' Saba asked. ' Going to get a drink Saba. Its going to be a long night on patrol.
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As the night wore on, Chong's capture team continued "recruiting" contestants. Unfortunately, one of them was Drobot. He had gotten separated from from them while exploring the Polaris Galaxy. Luckily, his armor had gotten a significant upgrade from his time with the Spirarians. Combining Spirarian space-age tech with the mysterious magic-based tech of the Arkeyans provided the dragon with a much sleeker suit of armor that completely covered his body and allowed him to fly in deep space with powerful ion drives. He kept his lasers (improved in terms of power and rate of fire with a Spirarian made cooling system and lasing matrix) and the bladed gears. His upgraded armor contained additional hardpoints on his wings that allowed him to carry additional weapons just like the living planes did.

Of course, this did make capturing him a bit more difficult. Currently, one of Chong's shuttles was being scrapped for parts after Drobot tore it apart with a volley of bladegears. Another shuttle was being repaired after his laser burst set its engines on fire.

That being said, Drobot - sans armor - was thrown in a holding cell. Around him, he could see some other "contestants". One of them was a golden humanoid.

"Sprocket?" Drobot asked. "It is unfortunate that we meet under these conditions. But I am curious as to why you have decided to journey to Polaris."

"Drobot?" Sprocket replied as she got up from her cell. "Fancy seeing you here."

"Hey, you two! Shut up!" one of Chong's guards shouted

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Jing went over to Tigress, since based on the chart their hotel rooms were not far off from each other. "Can you help me?" the lady panda asked the wolf, "I'm thinking of writing love letters and poems for my beloved Po, and I'd like some assistance coming up with the most elegant words to describe my burning passion for my beloved future husband." She already had a pen and notepad ready.

"Maybe I could be a ring bearer," Oliver suggested to Arlene, "Some of my friends back home have been that at weddings."

"Good to have you back," Kiara told Kovu as she felt his paw around her shoulders, "Don't worry, I'm not mad you weren't able to be at my birthday party. I got your gift, and it was wonderful." She licked his face as a sign of appreciation.


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Tiigeress stirred as Jing entered the room, and rose from her place between Dixie and Luca.' So you want to write some love poems? Romantic.' She grinned toothily' I wish Tiger would write me some love poems now and then, but thats not his style. ' the purple wolfess shrugged. ' ah, well hes a wonderful husband, provider and father. Can a girl really ask for more? So what do you have in mind? i would not go overboard on gushy mushy stuff. Guys. dont like that." Tigeress said.
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