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Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier

Nick22 · 5640 · 350139


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Utsa drank the glass of sparkling water in a single gulp, then turned to Carson " This Chong is the enemy  then? Hmm  I am not familiar with him ' Utsa scratched her chin. "We've been chasing him all over the place Gabuna said and Utsa nodded at her ' So an old enemy then? Should have locked him away when you had the chance " We did lock him away" stripetail said ' Twice, in fact. Hes escaped both times. , the last from a major magical prison." so hes a crafty one then.' utsa said " Yes, unfortunately Stripetail said as Agumina spoke up " You'll need to teach us how to act like Dragons from your world " Agumina said " are there any customs we need to know. ' Well,there are quite a few, but thats more for when we locate DreadZone. fortunately broadcasts do reach Dramos, and there one being brosadcast right now ' Utsa pulled out a device out of midair showcaseing a niumber of agoraians clubbing each other were weapons scatterd around the arena floor. ' We can run a trace on the arena , which will take awhile " Utsa said to Carson, oNce we have it thogh we can plot it on the galatic map. "
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"My role in this is to transport the Seer and his crew in pursuit of Chong across the cosmos," Captain Carson said. She then turned to Lady Utsa. "That can be easily accomplished. Bigmouth and my engineering and science crew are monitoring transmissions as we speak.

It was then the Human's tablet signaled that she had a message. She looked at it and smiled. "What luck," she said. "Looks like they've found the location of the Dreadzone. It's at the very edge of the Polaris Galaxy bordering the Solana Galaxy."

Pokitaru was in a different galaxy but the three galaxies were linked by hyperspace lanes and portals, allowing relatively short travel times.


News about the kidnappings has spread quickly. That and the presence of the armed guards made a poor impression. Several angry guests were at the front desk demanding refunds and/or complaining about the conditions.

One of them got into their personal space craft and lifted off without paying for their room...or even taking their belongings as they felt that a kidnapping would happen soon.

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RIght in the middle so neither galaxy has much legal influence' Utsa said " Perfect place for criminals to hang out. good way to make money too, if you're into bad things."  ' so I'm guessing some of us will be holding cameras right?' Agumina figured.  " Mesa hold camera!" Stitch volunteered. ' You'll need passes  from Dramos TV, that shouldnt be a problem. Wear them at all times. Interview anyone and everyone so you establish your bona fides as legitimate. We'll need oh 4 or 5 " reporters", some recorders and a couple folks to hold the camera . And a couple people to transmit back to Dramos- as well as to Stripetail and Carson. " Who does what exactly, you'll have to figure that out. "

 We'll need money to make everything look professional ' Tigeress said.  " At least 10 million bucks I figure" 10 million?' Utsa burst out laughing. "  Tigeress, even kids broadcasts on Dramos cost 100M, Professional broadcasts cost at least 10  billion . The costs are due to multiple broadcasts a day, in time with the sunrises and sunsets, as well as the distasnces from Dramos that the broadcast is. Since Dreadzone is many galaxies away, broadcasts from there will be very expensive. " So like pay per view?' Gabuna said. " Exactly, theres really  no such thing as free TV on Dramos, nearly everyone pays for their TV. Sports, infotainment, Holofilms, Dragon Operas, all depends on what you want to watch.
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"I'll have Zanasiu and Johnson serve as camera operators," Captain Carson said. She then radioed the two men to come over to the meeting room. She then turned to Agumina and Stitch. "I might be able to provide you with some additional spying gear as well. Remember, each and every tidbit of data is important. Try to get as much as you can without blowing your cover."

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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So um, who will be covering our expenses, if this thing costs so much?" Tigeress asked " most likely, Stripetail will be covering them, or at least most of them. ' Utsa said "  Dramos Station 10 will cover some of the reports, they are our undercover liaison, of course, if your cover is blown, they will deny all involvement and my  government will deny everything. Standard procedure. In other words you will be utterly on your own. So, dont blow your cover. " utsa said ' otherwise you will aklmost certainly become contestants on Dreadzone yourselves."
 NIck entered the room, and took a seat ' So I'm guessing we;'re doing another rescue mission. Disguises. fake bears, and cockney accents? That sort of stuff?" Not quite? see this time Nick you wont be going as a human " Stripetail said " You will be going.. as a dragon." STripetail's face wore a wry smile a Nick's mouth fell open in surprise.
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Dr. Zanasiu and Zachary entered as well. "What is it you require?"

Captain Carson nodded. "I'll need you two as camera operators. I'll let Lady Utsa fill you both in on the details." She then checked her tablet. "Furthermore, I shall also be providing camera drones with some additional spying gear in it."

Dr. Zanasiu rubbed his neck. "Um, does this involve transformation or no?"

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Yes it does, as was the case last time' Stripetail said, gesturing and a beautiful jeweled box appeared on the table, Stripetail opened to to reveal a row of very brightly shining gems.  ' these gems are immensely powerful, creating a disguise not even Mertavius can break. Even one of them, can transform up to 100 people in an instant. the only way to break the spell is to speak a word of command in a language that is known these days  only by myself. These gems rank among the strongest magics i possess. As You can see, I'e not going to risk Mertavius appearing again and wrecking my plans. " Stripetail said. " Thee disguises will last for as long as the mission  tajes, it could be days, weeks, even months ' Stripetail said.
 Gentlemen, you will be posing as part of holovision crew from the planet of Dramos " Utsa said. ' as this is a dragon world, you will  have to take on the appearance of dragons, in order to not arouse suspicion. we regularly get dreadzone holocasts, and some of our less noble dragons have invested with Vox to the tune of several billion bolts. They are some of his biggest backers."
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The Agorian Death Battle was finished and the sole surviving Agorian was to be executed in a rather...interesting manner. Namely, Chong's men armed with sniper rifles and rocket launchers flitted through the arena on hover platforms as they tried to find and kill the Agorian.

As was usual with the Dreadzone, bets were placed on how long the unlucky "contestant" would survive.

And of course, the battered weapons and armor of the Agorians was being auctioned off to the highest bidder.


"Chong! We have acquired something to spice up the battles," one of his officers said. She held a well-sealed metallic container plastered with warning labels. "Night Howler. Bought it from a certain 'Bellwether'. Apparently, it makes anyone who ingests it go completely berserk." 

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Carmelita managed to fire a few more shots by the time the net landed on her. "Stupid thing," she growled, trying to pull it off with one paw while maintaining a grip on her shock pistol with the other, but she was clearly losing this battle. Her eyes were still recovering from the flash.


"Ahh, a new arrival," a voice said to Kovu in an unusually friendly tone. It belonged to a cellmate of the captive lion, a cougar named Thiago.  "You're the next one they captured for this place, huh?" he said. "I'm Thiago, and I've been in these battles for a while. It's gonna be a rough ride ahead for you, but I'll help you out."


Bentley looked at his watch. "Ok Dimitri, it's time to get back to my lab," he told the lounge lizard, "I need to test out my new vertical climbing wheelchair, and I need someone to ride in the sidecar."

"Why me..." Dimitri groaned.


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Night Howler? excellent! Buy as much of it from her as possible. ' CHong said. " spare no expense! We will make the money back 10 fold with the battles to come. Also, she she has any other potions to sell, but them so. ' nothing like a little toxin gas in the face to blind the contestants.  Speaking of contestants whats the latest bids on the agorian armors? We do want to make a profit, after all.' chong said.
 Kovu stirred, and looked around ' i cant see a thing in this helmet' Kovu muttered. my mane  is shoved in my face, and something REALLY smells. WHere Am I exactly?' there was a rattling in a corner ' quiet in there prisoners! you are only allowed out to fight!" " Cant I at least get a drink of water/ or at least get this helmet off?" Kovu asked " Your water bucket is in the right corner. as for your  helmet, the ' UNcover; button , is located near the left side of your neck. Just Press it' the guard said stiffly.'  Kovu felt around, finding an indentation, and pressing down on it. the helmet slid back and disappeared into the suit, revealing Kovu's face. Kovu was tired, worn, and exhausted after being captured. " Thats.. a little better' I'm Kovu' the brown maned lion said, looking at Thiago. ' just out of curiousity, how long have you been here, and well, when is my first fight, or do you not know that? the cell was small, dark and cramped, with two small beds bolted to the floor. For someone used to luxury like Kovu,  this was about the dumpiest place he had ever been in.
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"Your first fight will be in 2 hours," Thiago said, responding to one of Kovu's questions. "I know that because it says "Scarred One" fights in 2 hours, and they give everyone here a stage name. Get used to being called that. As for me, I've been here for over half a year now. The fights......aren't exactly fun, but I'm staying alive. Plus, if you win a lot and the crowd takes a liking to you, you just might moved to more tolerable living conditions."

The cougar went over to the lion. "Just, be strong, that's all I can tell you for now. Want a slice of my dinner? I have some spares....."


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(Spire of Winter)

Dr. Kerzach entered the Winterville Tavern. "Nick Wilde!" he called.

The Tavern itself was populated with many members of the Spirarian crew. Most of them ignored the Cassowary and resumed their activities there, whether it was eating, drinking or just having a chat with friends.



One of Chong's soldiers stood on a hovering platform that flitted over the arena. Several other of his allies were also hovering about the arena. They were all looking for the last remaining Agorian. Smoking craters, destroyed scenery and blood indicated that brutal aftermath of the battle. 

Something rustled in the bushes below him. On instinct, he spun around and fired his rocket at the bush. The crowd roared its approval as the bush was reduced to a smoking crater. He peered down and saw the remains of the Agorian strewn about.

He landed his platform, picked up the one piece of Agorian armor that wasn't destroyed and held it aloft as a trophy. The crowd went wild, cheering for the victor. The other hunters landed and congratulated him on a good game.



"At once!" she said as she passed the container to another soldier to be taken to the storage room. She then pulled out a tablet from her uniform's pocket and looked up the auctions. "Looks like the Agorian Blademaster blades are very popular. One just sold for 400,000 bolts."

An alert popped up on her screen indicating that the newest items were available: the spent rocket tube from one of Chong's soldiers who fired the fatal shot; and the mangled and scorched Agorian Crusher's helm -- all that remained of the Agorian after a direct hit from the high explosive rocket. She watched as the numbers climbed up past the tens of thousands and soon into the hundreds of thousands. "Looks that last Agorian made us quite a chunk of change."

It was then the phone on Chong's ornate desk (stolen from the Belinsk Museum) rang. Vox's voice came over the phone. "Chong! The crowd absolutely ate up the last execution of the Agorian death row inmates! In fact, the soldier who blew up the Agorian is autographing a bunch of pictures of the Agorian's last moments!"     

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Excellent! Chong said ' So far the most anyone has paid for an item is 850000 bolts! we'll soon be in the millions  Vox!' Chong said in to the phone, glee in his voice" more guests are being sent to the arena a I speak. " He grinned.
NO, I'll manage Kovu said, gazing at the new armor he was wearing. his  ring was covered with an armored glove, which was bright green, matching the rest of his armor. the cell was small, with two small bed, two plates on stools and small buckets  full of water for drinking.
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"Very well," Vox said as he checked the schedule for the next slot.  "What exactly are the 'guests'? I want to make sure the arena looks nice for the crowd."

He waved off a lackey of his who was holding up a tray of steaming hot tea. The servant placed the silver tray on the table and left Vox to his own devices.


The soldier was busy signing memorabilia at the Dreadzone. Indeed, one of the items they had for sale was a replica rocket launcher. The soldier eagerly autographed that as well. He wondered what was his next opponent.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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The fox bartender turned to see Dr. Kerzach approaching him. "What can I get for you?" Nick Wilde asked, handing Kerzach a menu with every drink they ever sold listed on it. Nick's employees were busy preparing beverages ans serving the other customers.


"Just be ready," Thiago told to Kovu, "Your battles aren't going to be easy." The cougar climbed onto one of the beds in the cell.


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The ' guests" are former inmates of Zordoom prison who had lost their final appeals. They have been told that if they fight and win , they will be freed' Chong said' Give them a grand ' Dreadzone welcome, wont you?"
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(Spire of Winter)

Dr. Kerzach sidled up to the bar and looked around. "Well, I've had word that you have some experience with cons and other trickery." He made sure no one was listening in, seeing that this might be something the Fox didn't want broadcast. "Turns out the Seer and the Captain are planning an operation and they might need your assistance."



"With pleasure!" Vox's voice came over the phone. "By the way, we've received some of those, 'Night Screamers', you call them? I think this one will really get the crowd revved up for today's prime time special! Anyways, I have to get going. We can discuss business later after this match." The phone then clicked as Vox hung up.



The Dreadzone was given a brutal makeover evocative of a a decaying industrial ruin. Rusted metal catwalks replaced the lush trees of the previous arena and active machinery. There were also "weapons" scattered about (mostly tools and other objects that would be found in a decaying factory). And of course, the prisoners were also given weapons as well. They ranged from legitimate weapons like pistols to improvised weapons like lengths of pipe to outright jokes like toilet brushes.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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A slightly smug grin appeared on the fox's face. "Oh really?" he smirked, "They need my skills huh, interesting. Will there be a profit in it?" Nick asked Kerzach, quiet enough that the other patrons couldn't make out his words he said.


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A dragon? you mean like  cynder or spyro?' Nick said.  " Bipedal, actually " stripetail said. " you'll get used to it. You'll be given a Name by Utsa, just dont forget to use the name while you there. That goes  for all you " We got this ' Skylands grinned. ' Ditto' Warfamg said as both Spyros entered the room. ' Sorry to interrupt guys but a lot of folks are checking out the resort" Old spyro said. " Figures. word is spreading about the attacks, and folks are panicking and getting out as a safety measure ' Stripetail said. ' More room for us' Young Spyro grinned ' By the way, everyone theres a promo for a show about a guy that looks a lot like old Spyro.  purple Dragon, Purple eyes, didnt catch the name, but he was fighting called a Gnorc. Had some cool moves. " mUst be another spyro" Stripetail said ' wait theres ANOTHER spyro? Skylands asked " are you surprised Cynder? The universe is vast, It would not surprise me in the slightest to find you have many counterparts out there. after all, you already know of 1" stripetail motioned to Warfang. ' Is it THAt much of stretch that there might be others as well?
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Dr. Kerzach nodded. "I'm not sure but knowing them, they'll probably pay handsomely."

A waiter passed him a glass of water which he swirled around before taking a drink. "They're probably at the hotel's meeting room. Anyways, I'll probably be doing something else. After all, someone's gotta keep the tavern running. And that falls upon myself and the other Nick."

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.