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Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier

Nick22 · 5640 · 350518


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 Yes they are ready. I have the arms and weapons ready for the show " chong said ' I also have another group of  targets ready for ' Volunteering", in particular residents of the desert planet Marcadia. Its the home of President Phyronix as well, unfortunately his security is too tight to risk grabbing him. by the by has Ace  recreated a new Exterminator team? Hopefully they are better than the last group he put together.
 KiTty and Tiger went to check out, where they Found Scooby, Agumon and  Kopa in line checking out " i have all of Kovus stuff packed and sent to the Ship " kopa was saying to Scooby'  It;'s best that my dad not find out about the capture until absolutely necessary." He sighed. "   Ratchet's image appeared out of Scooby's ring " hey Guys. I've got a new place for everyone to head to. Merdegraw. its a triopical planet, made up opf mostly ocean. I went there   when I was looking for an obsidian Eye to help locate CLank, and the local folks, named Hoolefoids are nice and enjoy guests. Well,  it will be a downgrade  from the lavish  rooms we've been living in, but You womnt have to worry about late night parties  there. I'll send coordinates to the main ship, And I'll meet you guys thee. I'll have mayor Worley send a ' welcome Holovid. Ratchet out.
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"I'll accept the 50 million," Nick Wilde told Stripetail, Carson, and the rest. "Just tell me what you need from me. This fox can get around anywhere."


"I will," Kiara replied, "I know how much that means to you, Sima." She could already smell the mac and cheese. Her mouth began watering.


"So, where do you wanna get the ice cream?" Oliver asked Flash, "It is your call, after all."


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 kopas image appeared in kiaras ring ' sis we're checking out. our next stop is hoolefar island, its a tropical island which lots of scenery and.. kovus been taken ' Kopa said ' we need to get him back.."
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Captain Carson nodded. "Excellent! The Seer will fill you in with more details."

As she did so, she hoped that she and the rest of the crew didn't just get taken for a ride. Well, it was a risk she took but they were in very desperate straits.


The evacuation was proceeding at an orderly pace with the crewmembers taking their belongings aboard the ship. Mr. Bigmouth returned his room key and headed back to the ship. As he did so, he looked around. The once lively resort was completely deserted. He shook his head as the sunny skies contrasting with the desolate white sand beaches brought back memories of the Battle of Surf Point.

He sighed and continued on his path.



"Excellent!" Vox said. "I think we'll have those for tomorrow's show. Anyways, learn as much as you can about them and I'll have the perfect arena set up."

He then hung up with a click.



Raucous industrial rock boomed out from the speakers as the contestants were herded into the arena. The crowd cheered as they eagerly looked forward to the bloodshed.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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 As the game betwen the ragonesses finished up. Ember  was writing down the scores. she was now ahead of samia by 5 shots but she had made up almost no ground on Korin, and she was resigned to second place. Dragon had started playing better, and in fact had managed to get three straight hole in ones, but all that did was pull her closer to Ember and Samia, She was now 1 shot behind samia and 6 behind Ember. ' well, i'm having fun Dragon said ' you girls want to do another round after this, double or nothing?' Well, i'm wiling to play some more Samia said ' do we start over for game 2?' yeah, because unless Korin has a bunch of reaally bad holes, and one of us has a stretch like Dragon did on 13 14 and 15, we're not catching her ' Ember said. " So the fact I'm up by 20 shots, wont carry over?' Korin said, before smirking. " ok.  Fine." She said as an attendant from the resort approached " Sorry ladies,  but the resort is closing soon,  for uh repairs. Please finish your round and go checkout ." We're on the last hole anyway ' Ember said " Good, hope you ladies have enjoyed your stay. ' the attendant said and headed off.  Ember went first knowing all she needed to finish 2nd was a 5, while  Dragon likely needed a hole in 1 to have any chance of finishing second. . ' ember  missed her  shot badly, it took ember 4 shots to get onto the green, while Samia was there in 2.

Dragon putted next and her putt rocketed over a hill and landed on the edge of a funnel which funneled the ball towards the hole, and it began speeding up, first hitting the edge of of the hole and spinning up, before going up a slope. as Dragon began walking towards the ball, it  began rolling back down before finally dropping in the hole, which was a pipe which carried balls towards the front shop. " 4 holes in one!" the large dragoness grinned. "Lucky! Samia stuck her tongue out. "now I  cant finish ahead of you, but i still have a shot at third. ,I have to make this" Samia said. she struck the  ball , which caught the edge of the funnel and curved the ball straight into the hole. "Ok, a 3, so i still have a chance to avoid last place" Samia said.

Ember missed her next shot, and the one after that. " Drat! this is my 7th shot ' ember sighed. ' if I make it, I'll finish in a tie with Dragon. ' she looked at her ball which was slightly farther way from the hole than Korin, who had made it there in 2 shots.' ember putted and saw the ball curve away from the hole before stopping on the edge of the hole. 'blah' Ember moaned finally tapping in . an 8!' well we tied for 3rd ' samia said. korin  rolled in her putt easily, and  turned to  the others ' game 1 to me,by 20 shots or so. round 2 will be on the next planet.' Korin said. who finished last?' it was a tie for third ' Ember siughed.  and Dragon actually got second. I mucked up that hole." Nice going " Korin said to dragon." i got lucky ' dragon demurred. ' well, lets go check out" samia said as Dulcy flew up to them ' come on ladies ' we're leavong ' next place is.. well not quite this fabncy. but it does have scuba diving ' dulcy said.
 flurrie wendy and thier group checked out, as did gabumon, alamaron and sunscar. gradually the entire omniderate group, and their friends checked, out, arlene and Luca wee the last. arlene carried oliver on her shoulders, while luca carried Moona on her back. the kids had found that the ice cream place was out of every kind of ice cream, except vanilla. ' dont worry kids. i'm sure theres an ice cream place at the next stop " luca said to the kids.
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Kiara growled at the news of what happened to Kovu. "We must get him back," she declared sternly. The royal lioness's claws were sharpening. Her blood felt like it was boiling. Kiara's fangs were baring.


"Thanks for the ride mom," Oliver said as he rid on her shoulders. The kitten was glad to know ice cream was hopefully still on the way. He looked at all the shops around them.


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Calm down" Kopa said through Kiaras ring"  Just get to the ship. Kopa out>' Kopa broke off contact. "  Sima tossed the food aside and got out of the csauna. " come on " She said formly to KIara, who relucytantly Folloqwed " I shouldnt have let him go out by himself " kiara murmured to herself as the dup headed out of the resort. By the time the reached the docxk where the Spire of winter was, Kiaras eyes were bloodshot from crying.
_ Skylar and pLux had reached Winterville and were  dcurrently walking past some of refugee camps in the Town.
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Captain Carson then radioed everyone once she was back aboard the Spire. "Is everyone aboard?" she said into the radio.



The battle was in full swing with the hardened criminals battling it out. Since they were promised a full pardon of their crimes if they were the sole survivor, the battle was incredibly ferocious. Even a direct hit from a rocket launcher that splashed against the arena shields didn't dampen the crowd's enthusiasm.

"And we have one down! Folks! I think this is the first time we at the Dreadzone have seen a kill scored with a toilet brush!"

The big screen showed a replay of one of the cons sneaking up on another one who was perched up in the catwalks. The action was slowed down as the first criminal pounced upon the unsuspecting second one and proceeded to ram the broken toilet brush handle into his opponent's neck. The target fell over and clutched his throat. The second convict stomped on the broken handle, driving it further into his victim's neck.

The crowd roared its approval. Robots moved to take away the corpse and some of the spectators were already trying to buy the broken toilet brush handle but were informed that auctions would be held at the end of the match.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Nick Wilde was on his way towards the inn of Winterville, sipping a latte. He had heard the announcement, and knew to hurry up. "Things are going to get interesting," the fox thought to himself as he headed to what would be his next job. He called Judy to inform her where he was going.


Oliver and Ollie stayed very close to Arlene on the way to Winterville. They knew there was an emergency situation, and were taking this seriously. None of the kittens wandered away from the adult cat.


Kiara was still growling as she and Sima neared the inn. "Whoever took Kovu is gonna pay......DEARLY," she said darkly. Her voice contained a coldness no one who knew Kiara thought she was capable of. There was a fire blazing in her eyes.


"Have any of you seen Carmelita?" Sly asked Bentley, Dimitri, the Panda King, and Jing. "I haven't had contact with her for a few hours."

"She's probably already at the meeting place," Jing suggested.


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Qwark's image flashed in front of Stripetail and the president/hero's face was visibly covered in sweat' MR wizard, i've just received the ahem final bill for your stay at the Jowai resort . The. ahem Damages were 123, 676, 900 bolts. rooms, came to 13.650, 000 bolts and uh.. you guys drank 65 Double Qwarktastic bottles, which came to..  650000 bolts.  and then theres a 100 million bolts for loss of income. ad finally 24 million for cost of Galactic rangers providing security then theres the taxes involves which come to um. 38 million or so. all told thats a flat 300 MILLION bolts. You guys must have had 1 nonstop party. " 300 million? is that all Captain? I'm actually relieved, I thought it would be at least 1 billion bolts. "Stripetail said and Qwark's face turned even more pale. 'Mr Wizard, I dont think you understand. I .. Don't HAVE 300 million bolts on me at the moment. I literally cant pay this. I've got.. um.. 12 million bolts on my bank of Marcadia credit card and 50 million in credit from the first Meridian City  bank. This is probably 4 or 5 films worth of bolts." You said Qwark that everything was free to us" Stripetail said " the whole two weeks.  " Yes, but i didnt think you would get a bunch of people captured, a number of rooms trashed and drive away all the other guests in just a couple weeks.' qwark sputtered " My enemies never rest Qwark." stripetail said.  ' Well, It seems they dont. ' come now Qwark, Dont you make a large multibillion bolt salary? and commands billions more in bolts ? 'I cant actually um tou8ch my salary" Qwark admitted "  " then arent there's ways big businessmen like yourself handle expenses like this?" Well I could funnel it under  Q Force R And D. "  qwark said "   Weapons testing, Pixelator 2.0, Groovition 8.0, and leech life 3.0/ They are.. ahe, behind schedule ' Qwark said. "
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Due to the risk of capture, Captain Carson had the crew count up everyone aboard the ship. They found that Carmelita was missing. The Human swore under her breath and dispatched three of her troops to go find her.


Mr. Bigmouth and Ms. Swimmer were at one of the meeting areas inside the Spire. They were seating with Zachary and Dr. Zanasiu and some additional Spirarian crew.

"Think we'll be lifting off soon?" Dr. Zanasiu asked.

Mr. Bigmouth looked at the watch he had stored inside his magically spacious messenger bag. "As soon as Stripetail boards. I suspect he's still trying to deal with the damages we owe for the hotel."

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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  S  We're heading to hoolefar island ' stripetail said ' Less property to ahem, damage there " Well, I certainly hope so. I dont think i could swing another 300 million bolts damage bill, after all I cant claim " R and D", for everything that goes wrong " Qwark said ' Didnt you once accept 5 billion in bolts for the Qwark Charity for Buxom Bimbos? Stripetail said " Qwark's face turned green. " Geez, MR wizard, isnt there anything about me you don't know? ' Why did your parents name you Copernicus?' Stripetail smirked. ' They uhh. thought the name fit!" qwark said hastily ' Anyway, mr wizard the Kerchu ambassador is meeting me for tea in 10 minutes, so I'll let you and your group enjoy  your second stab at vacation.. Qwark out" The hologram vanished and stripetail headed out towards the spirre of Winter ' Stripetail turned on his walkie talkie ' captain I'm boarding the spire. ONce i'm aboard you are free to take off. Set course for Planet MerdeGraw" Stripetail said as  he climbed up the docking ramp, into section 15.
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Meanwhile, within space, the Masked Dimensioner of all things, was floating in space with a bubble helmet to keep oxygen in. He is no normal person. He's lost. Having been through decades of going through dimensions to obtain what could become his fuel back home, he has grown a bit anti-social.

He was asleep as of now, having been needing a rest since he got out of a past time from Dimension CG-PD.

How sentimental. You know, I haven't been this choked up since I got a hunk of moussaka caught in my throat!


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The moment Stripetail boarded, the ship's alarm bell went off, indicating that everyone was to head to the designated lift off zones and secure themselves.

Captain Carson was quick to input the coordinates to the planet and prepare the ship for takeoff. As the repulsorlifts had been on standby the entire time, it only took a few minutes for them to warm up.

Even so, it would be at least ten minutes until they left the planet's atmosphere.

Her PDA pinged with a message. She forwarded it to Stripetail's tablet. Apparently, the search team had not found any trace of Carmelita.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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its likely Carmelita is already a prisoner of Vox and chong" stripetail saids into his walkie talkie ' on second thought, strike the "Likely. " at this point its safer to assume that they are prisoners. ave patrols set up aboard the ship, and have them go around winterville as well as the the other parts of the Ship. "

 Dixie entere the hotel room, she shared With scooby, Spryo-W Cynder-W, Tiger , tigeress , luca, Flash mona, as well as the 4 Digimon partners. gabuna was currently curked on her bed, snorring lightly Gabumon and Agumon were unpacking thier stuff in a corner, while Young and Ols Spyro were swapping stories about the stuff they had done at the resort, Young spyro smirking above the divebombing he had done to swipe some native fish for a snack. Old spyro had raced other vacationers in jets and had won a big bag of gold to take home to Warfang."
   Vitani and Liela entered the Pridelanders room, which w housed both the Prideoaners and chima royalty. With Kovu now missing, there was more room for everyone else to sretch out on the bed. 
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Kiara looked down at the ground and sighed. "We'll get you back Kovu, I swear of it," she promised, hoping that just her words could leave some kind of impact. Her anger wasn't going away anytime soon.


"Thanks for the ice cream, mom," Oliver said as he and Ollie were sitting by her, eating the cones they had been provided. The treats helped the young cats calm down after the commotion of the earlier part of the day.


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The great starship had left Pokitaru's atmosphere and was leisurely cruising about the local solar system. As it was too close to the planet's gravity well to warp, they'd have to find a jump gate. Luckily, there were several nearby owing to Pokitaru's location as a resort planet.

The ship's sensors picked up an anomaly as they passed the planet's moon. Captain Carson scowled. The anomaly was an intense source of magic radiation. She dispatched some of her crew to take one of the shielded shuttles and check it out.

She then radioed Stripetail. "Stripetail, this is Captain Carson, the sensors are detecting some sort of magical anomaly. I am sending some men to check it out. Carson out."

A message from her company showed up on her tablet. She frowned. Apparently, they wanted to know what the hell she was doing with their starship. She rubbed her forehead. Damn it, she forgot about that. Sighing, she typed up a reply that honestly explained everything. Hopefully, they'd believe her or at least attempt to coraborrate the story with Stripetail. 

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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An image of Carson’s superior at the mining corporation appeared”Captain, you had better have a damn good explanation for your tardiness for reporting in, as well as for your operation  in a system that we have no approval for operating our ships.We just got a notice from Gadgetron about use of mining equipment in the sector.Does the wizard who hired you know about this? He hired you to deal with a recovery mission, not to get our company involved in a multi billion dollar lawsuit. Yes, captain, Gadgetron is deadly serious about this matter and if this matter is not rectified pronto, there will be several heads that will roll, including yours. I expect a response from you within an half hour,otherwise I will contact the wizard
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Thiago was humming to himself, the puma wondering how the matches above the cell were going. He looked up in anticipation when he saw the light shine in, and noticed a injured but still standing Kovu returning.

"You survived," Thiago said warmly, "I knew you could do it."


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Kovu limped into the cell, parts of his armor gone. "Survived? You could say that.  the crowd threw stuff at me, and placed orders for lion burgers' Kovu said, taking a seat in the corner.
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