The Gang of Five
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Adventures In ToonWorld

Nick22 · 5653 · 318201


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Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy pulled up in their Invisible Boatmobile before getting out and joined the others inside the resaraunt.


"Dragon! We have returned!" Zim called out to Jake.
"Ah, these must be the others you were telling me about" Lao Shi spoke to Jake before walking over to Scooby and the others "Welcome"
"So, where's this dame you were telling me about?" Fu Dog asked him.
"Right there G" Jake told Fu Dog as he pointed to Dee.
"A giga giga goo, now that is a dame" was all Fu Dog had said back as he walked over to Dee "So, you're looking for a movie agent? I can help you out with that"
SpongeBob and Patrick on the other hand, just stood there, not saying a word at all.


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I'm Scooby Dee' Dee said kindly.. I've been in the canine film business for several years, almost thirty, so my name is well known.. I've suffered a great deal of setbacks lately though" She said, sitting doen at a table Grandpa had set out for them.. " My last film bombed, the reviews were merciless, and my performance was not up to my usual standards, many of reviews called my performance 'that of an actress who has  lost her talents'
 - dixie winced "Now thats just mean! she exclaimed
Cousin you've been a showboat performer, its not quite the samehere in Toon Town and Hollywood. I've been at the other end too, where I got rave reviews for performances that weren't worth the buzz." Dee lookred at her paws "How much do you want up front Mr Fu?"
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SpongeBob gave off a laugh "Maybe we should ask the Magic Conch Shell" he spoke up as he bought out the plastic toy.
"Yeah, I don't think that will help out in this manner" Jake told SpongeBob.
"Oh, don't jump to conclusions kid, that conch shell is a powerful item, but you are right, in this situation, it wouldn't be of any use" Fu Dog told Jake and SpongeBob before looking back to Scooby Dee "We'll talk about payment later on"


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I insist. I need to know so I can work it into my calculations. I also need your advice on these roles I've been offered' Dee said pulling out a ilist with a few roles on it
  The Last Man standing- she would play the hero's mother
 the dog who left me " she would play the heroine's younger suster
 and there were a couple other minor roles including  the pet of a caninibal in "Hunger"
 Which one should I pick..?"
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Droopy went to the entrance and tipped his hat to Winnie, "Thank you.  Nice place you have here." He said in his usual relaxed voice.


Ian nodded, "This is a good place.  One that I often go to." He said.  Thinking that sometimes some unusual things happened but with toons that was not unusual and flesh humans like him had to be a bit more alert then usual.


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You're welcome Droopy" Winnie said "Please take a seat and I'll go get you some water to drink..
 sandstar made his way to an open booth "Is smoking allowed in here? he asked
_ No' Winnie said flatly " too many health concerns.. besides the state is cracking down on it around here..
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Fu Dog looked at the list of movies "I would go with the one with the cannibal, all these young folks loving horror movies and what have you"


Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy sat down at a table "So, is there any meatloaf here?" Barnacle Boy asked Winnie.


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the truth is, I hate horror movies " dee  admitted " All it involves is gratitous nudity, screaming, wooden scripts and most characters dying in disgusting ways..  I don't want the reputation of " she'll do anything for a buck'... ok I'm short on money but I still want my self respect when I'm done with making the film..
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"Well, in that case, I would say The Last Man Standing, a mother is always a good role in movies" Fu Dog told her.
"Yeah, I'm sure you'll do a real good job at that kind of movie" Haley added in.


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I was hoping for the role of the older mercedes iin the Count of Monte Cristo " dEe admitted " Dixie, I could get you to play the younger Mercedes if you help me.. I hear the versions a musical " Dixie's eyes lit up.. You're joking. " Advance me the million and the role is as good as yours" Dee said.. I know the director I helped him get his start in directing and I do hope theres a couple more favors I canwring out of that.. for now now I'll play the mother roleIn Last Man Standing, probably won't earn me even a half million.." Dee said. "Money is essential right now,  i have none, once i get to a little beter financial shape i'll care a little less.. Cousins I'm going to put in charge of my finances.. you'll be able to ipen and close accounts in my name and all that other stuff..' Dee said. "Now How much do you want a year MR Fu. My last agent earned millions, but that was at the height of my career.
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"We'll sort something out, however, we'll at least see where this one goes" replied Fu Dog.
"Jake said that you were after a detective as well, something about a missing agent?" SpongeBob asked Dee.
"She said it was something to do with a Droopy" Zim told SpongeBob.
"Wait, you mean Droopy the Detective? I've got his phone number right here" Fu Dog spoke again, handing Dee the phone number.


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thank you I'll give him a call. " see I don't think my last agent was .. honest.. his disappearance was.. well a little fishy.." Dee admitted " Sad thing is  I.. well thats for later.. when I talk with him..
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"Glad I could be of help Mam." Droopy said to Winnie.


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Help yourself  to some of these fries Winnie said puling them off the open stove, her resteraunt was set up so that meals where prepared right in front off the customer, as she set the large basket of fries down Droppy's call phone rang.. " You have a call I think" She said with a smile..
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Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy both grabbed a few of the fries and started to eat them.


"Hmm, yeah, it does seem fishy that someone's agent just leaves like that" Jake thought out loud.
"Perhaps he was just after money and that was it, once he got what he wanted, he just left" added in Haley.
"Yeah, but the question is, where did he go to?" SpongeBob also added in as well.


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Well if he wanted money, he got everything I had.. or well nearly everything' Dee admitted.. "And I;'m sure I'm not his only client, he probably ripped off others.."
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"Thank you mam." Droopy said and helped himself to some fries, before his cellphone went off.  He pulled his cellphone out from somewhere and answered it, "Hello, Droopy here.  How may I help you?" He asked, speaking a bit below his normal volume to not disturb anyone.  The volume was set so only he could hear his cell phone and not other folks.

Ian walked around to the front of Winnie's and went in the front door.


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mr Droopy? This is Scooby Dee, the actress. I have a case for you concerning my last agent, he's gone missing, and it seems, with almost all of my lifetime earnings.. i would like for you to investigate him and try and find out where he hid all that cash.. where I can I meet you?"
 Winnie waved Ian in, and bid him sit at a table..
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"He sounds like a very bad man." Droopy said. "You can meet me either here at Winnie's restaurant where I am or I can go to my office if you would rather meet met here or I can go to where you are now if you would rather." Droopy said.


Ian went and sat down at a table that looked like a good one.


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"greedy certainly, but he did get me some good roles" dee admitted "I'll head over to Winnie's in a few minutes, it one of few resteraunts still in business around here.."
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