The Gang of Five
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Discuss: The Hidden Canyon

Noname · 49 · 18350


  • The Gang of Five
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This was a good episode. For those of you who haven't sen it, hereare the basics

1. When playing a soccer-like game, the characters find a bunch of fruit trees.

2. The trees smell very bad to predators (like Chomper), but very good for herbivores.

3. The characters gorge themselves on the fruit, and as time goes by, the canyon smells less bad for Chomper.

4. One night, Screech and Thud enter the valley, but are driven off.

5. It turns out that the adults already knew of the hidden canyon, and mention that the bad-smelling fruits kept the predators out.

6. In the end, there is a fight involving Redclaw and his raptors against Littlefoot's grandfather and "Topsy", with the fruits being used to drive off the predators (Redclaw even swallow a fruit that is thrown at him, much to his chagrin.)

7. And finally, the canyon has to be sealed off.

Also, the meeting place from the seventh movie is brought back (it's the place where Pterano was given his pronouncement of banishment.)

It was a very good episode.


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Those of us who watched today's US episode, got to see "The Hidden Canyon"; an episode that action9000 had missed recording apparently.

It seems that this Hidden Canyon was the very secret of how Sharpteeth couldn't get in and leafeaters could.  This very canyon holds a lot of treesweet trees.  These perticular ones though grow a special fruit that lets off a scent that can make sharpteeth sick.  Not even the toughest and meanest sharpteeth want to get sick, so they stay away from it.

However, since the gang, as well as Ruby and Chomper, took a completely different route to get in, they hadn't known about this way in until now.  The grownups had apparently known and kept it a secret.

However, when the gang had stumbled upon this hidden canyon and found all these treesweets, the original gang of five just ate them as if they were the sweetest candy in the world.  However, they hold the same concequence of eating too much candy.  Basically, the gang had eaten so much, they didn't have room for the green food that helps them grow strong.

This also led to another concequence.  Because the gang ate so much, Screech and Thud were able to get in.  This even led to Red Claw nearly getting in.  Because of this, they had to block the one secret passage that every grownup seemed to know about.

At least the secret was finally revealed.

Anyways, if action9000 is reading this, expect the newest songs tomorrow. :)


  • Spike
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I agree very well done lots of action. Again they are showing that they are on a track towards the first films style. They really smacked the fast biters around this time to.
Im really glad they are putting a fair bit of action in the series. I was really worried about it when i first heard about the series. All the land before times had a good dose of action that i was worried would not come through in the series but they are doing it well.
Almost half of todays ep was fight scenes with the fast biters and red claw.


  • The Gang of Five
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This one HAVEN'T been aired yet in Canada. so Action9000 wouldn't have this yet. your forgetting one thing that Cartoon Network is airing it every day five times a week while it only once a week in Canada and to the website.

Hidden Canyon is TBA showing that not even been aired yet in Canada. Action9000 missed two repeats that Canada YTV aired and one was that Chopper losing the tooth that was acciently missed cause of the muck up with the system causing the epsiode to go super fast.

But to this story line is sounds great and I wish to see this. I hope they air it in the UK soon on Cartoon Network. hopfully by the time the Movie comes out in 26th of this month. I look forward to seeing HIdden Valley when ACtion9000 can record it from YTV, it might be this Friday's one. who knows. either way I look forward to getting a looking at this one if I can, being in the UK sucks cause of this only being aired in Canada and USA at the moment. I just hope they air it here too... if not I am going to bash some TV advertisers heads in!


  • Spike
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lol threehorn. Has anyy one tried emailing or other wise contacting ytv? (Im almost 100% sure it was ytv he contacted)They gave one guy permision to post real player recordings of beast machines so that those here in the us could get to see season 2. It was never aired here in the us. The guys site went from like 100k hits a month to a few million. All he had to do was leave the comercials inplace.

If they did end up giving some one here permision it could drive the hits up on this site to sky high numbers. Probably to the point of needing to move to a paid host lol. Pow web would be good those insane fellows who offer 300 gig web space with 3 tb bandwidth per month....

Seriously though its worth a shot esp if they decide not to air in the uk. After all ytv and the like are in this buiss to make money and if for what ever reason a show they have rights to is not aired in a country it makes good buiss sense to let some group or site make the episodes available for download legally. Look at it this way for what ever reason a ytv affiliate in the uk doesnt air a given series and then it starts showing up on a web site for download with permision given from their parent company then they will take notice and start to air the show. They will want a peice of that pie they are not gettign to eat :)

It was funny but once beast machines went up for download cartoon net work started airing the episodes as well about 5 eps after it was avail for download.


  • The Gang of Five
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I know. They managed to fit in two fights in a 23-minute episode, and they both fit very well. There was one error at one point though; when Ruby and Chomper leave because of the smell (Chomper couldn't stand it and Ruby was supposed to watch him), and we were left with the original five. During the song (another variation of "good times"), we see that Ruby appears at the very end, but the network quickly cuts the show to black for a commercial break. Just a minor error, easily fixed by some editing.

As for the theme of the episode, we can see that gluttony and keeping secrets are bad things, and in general, stories with fruit in them tend to be moral lessons (Adam and Eve, Gilgamesh, The Golden Apples of Discord from Greek Mythology, etc), and the fruit tends to be bad (a forbidden object and/or and object of material desire.)


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action9000 is indeed reading this.  I'll get the lyrics sorted out shortly, I'm just deciding how to organize all the lyrics on the new website design I'm working on in between the demands of life. :P:

Anywho, I have a link for you for this episode:


  • Spike
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I quite liked this episode, but wished that they had shown more of the Mr. Threehorn vs. Red Claw stand-off. Watching this episode, and remembering the movies, I realized how much Mr. Threehorn has softened up on his racism against longnecks.

Oh! Near the end where Grandpa Longneck says that Mr. Threehorn faced off with Red Claw...did I see a Pachycephalosaurus on the right of the screen?


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Indeed you did. It's not the first time Pachycephalosaurus appears n lbt, even after lbt 4 and the original's misbehaved ones.

As for the episode. It wasn't doll at all. A couple of fights, although the whole "sharpteeth don't like the smell of tree sweets" was a bit farfetched, granted that some flowers do draw predators away, the way the gang got rid of redclaw was way too easy.

We also find out that they call raptors, fast bitters.
I'm hip, I'm cool. I'm a happening fool


  • Spike
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Quote from: action9000,Mar 24 2007 on  11:22 PM
action9000 is indeed reading this.  I'll get the lyrics sorted out shortly, I'm just deciding how to organize all the lyrics on the new website design I'm working on in between the demands of life. :P:

Anywho, I have a link for you for this episode:
OT but action you got your lyric links set to point to a local file vs one hosted on web. file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Administrator/My%20Documents/My%20Webs/mysite/Sorts/movietitle.htm

I only mentioned here because you mentioned a redsign so figured best place for a quick heads up reply. No need for a reply.

Back on topic i really consider this one of the best eps to date really. I suppose its a tad far fetched with the tree sweats turning preditory dinos away but there are some smell that wolves dogs etc will turn away from while other non preditors will be atracted to them. So its a bit out there but not by a whole lot.


  • Big flyer
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Darnit! Does anyone know when/if it'll get repeated? I had no idea the series had started yet. What's the usual US airtime and day anyway? I know it's on Cartoon Network but that's about it.


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I'm not sure about the cartoon Network's schedule but I recorded the Hidden Canyon episode which just aired last friday in Canada.  It can be downloaded here:

Over and Under

  • Spike
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yes the series had started  on Cartoon Network  :^.^:  


  • The Circle
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I liked the episode, though one thing I noticed, though I'm sure many will disagree.  At least half the fault of what happened was due to the adults not telling the kids to eat the tree sweets in the hidden valley.  Expecting kids who are known to explore and adventure to not eventually find it is not to smart.  Though there would be no episode if it happened.  I thing it would have been better if the adults had not known of that location, though how Mr. Thicknose would not have heard of it over his lifetime at least once would be hard to explain.

There are other entrances to the great valley, maybe off topic, but I assumed the adults had some who stood guard and chased off sharpteeth who got to close.  Flyers may have taken turns doing regular patrols at times.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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That'd probably be part of the reason why Red Claw, Screech, and Thud took advantage of this new entrance as soon as it was available, becaus the other passages were constantly on guard. This one didn't need to be since it had the fruit as a smokescreen.

This was the first episode I'd ever seen, since it was available as an extra on the LBT13 DVD. Glad my TV series experience gets to start on such a high note!


  • The Circle
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What did you think of ruby, the pink dino?  

The episode was over all good.  Though one thing most folks miss is that it was not fully the kids' fault, but the grown ups for not telling the kids to not eat those tree sweets in that area. So I'd say the kids only have about half the blame.  Though that is a thing I've seen often in fiction focused on kids is they often overlook when half or part of the blame is on the adults too.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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I liked Ruby as a character, but I didn't see why they added her in. She didn't seem to bring anything new to the stage.

I'm not sure why it's the kids' fault at all! They found some fruit, they ate the fruit, and the grown-ups get mad at them. Seems to me like the adults are to blame for not teaching the kids about the entrance. The kids didn't even know it led to the Mysterious Beyond the first time they found it. In my opinion, the only thing the kids are guilty of is being greedy and wanting to keep the fruit to themselves.


  • The Circle
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That is how I see it.  It's the adults who are at the core fault, though the scriptwriters didn't see that.  I've seen it in fiction focused at kids.  Part of why I usually don't read or watch it.  That and the adults are also shown as being incompetent so the kids are the only ones able to do anything.

Ruby is an interesting char, and I like Chomper being present, but seems odd.  You now have a 22 min format and you add in 2 extra characters into the gang.


  • Chomper
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I love that scene where Old REDclaw and Mister threehorn fight. Mister threehorn actually smile evil at Redclaw. I wonder why?The challenge I suppose... It was really the young dinos especially chomper ,who has very good aim for a baby, that defeat redclaw and his friends. I thought the fight was unreal and if old redclaw really want just to get chomper like a lot of episode seems to suggest, he should have just focus on him. :blink: I actually felt sorry when that fruit went into his mouth.It must have been disgusting for him that he had to shred some tears.


  • The Circle
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Likely it did taste awful.  Just look at the few times Chomper tried to eat some green food and his reaction.  I think he did so in the 2nd and 5th movies.    Which I guess would mean if any sharptooth needed to eat some medicine to get over an illness, like some nightflowers, it would be a horrid tasting medicine.