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Messages - RainbowFaceProtege

Pages: 1 2 3 ... 78
The Party Room / Re: Land Before Time: One word story
« on: May 02, 2024, 03:11:35 PM »

The Party Room / Re: Tell us something about yourself!
« on: May 02, 2024, 03:07:02 PM »
And this isn't calling you out Mu-u-ud Brother, but Mo-o-o will say that those that think that there is no such thing as aliens or other intelligent life out there is quite naive.
Oh, I didn’t mean to imply that I don’t believe alien life exists—I just don’t think it’s visiting Earth. I do believe there are people out there who really have seen strange things, but saying alien visitors and their spaceships are the reason for such phenomena seems like a stretch. That explanation falls more into the category of mythology/folklore than logic/facts, though I do think it’s a lot of fun to imagine (you know me)…

As for the scientific effort to detect alien life—well, that’s a whole other category. To me, the scientific Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) is not only worthwhile but necessary to our understanding of science as a whole. I mean, I couldn’t agree with your thoughts more. The way I’ve always seen it, there isn’t even a question of whether life on other planets exists. The more we explore space, the more we find that the circumstances which led to life evolving on Earth aren’t particularly rare elsewhere, as shown by the examples you mentioned. Going further, I don’t find it hard to believe that life with a level of intelligence similar to ours could exist out there. In fact, it seems quite egotistical to me how some people think humans are the only intelligent forms of life in existence. We live in a universe that’s incomprehensibly vast and filled with far more unknowns than knowns—what makes us so sure we’re alone? “What limited thinking,” indeed!
I'm curious why nobody mentions trying to find life in general...doesn't have to be "big brain" like the humans that we are right now that have evolved from monkeys.
On the topic of less advanced extraterrestrial life, I will say that there was quite a stir in the 90s over a meteorite from Mars, ALH 84001, that supposedly showed fossil evidence of microscopic life. This was later concluded to be inaccurate, but the claim caused a lot of excitement in the scientific community at the time.

All this being said, the question is when and where will we confirm the existence of alien life, and will our own species even survive long enough to do so? I suppose, as Neil deGrasse Tyson put it, “There are times, at least for now, when we must be content to love the questions themselves.”

It's Party Time! / Re: LBT Hangman
« on: May 01, 2024, 01:55:43 PM »

The Party Room / Re: Tell us something about yourself!
« on: May 01, 2024, 01:43:32 PM »
I’ve always been curious about the possibility of life beyond Earth, so SETI research fascinates me. When it comes to UFO/alien sightings, though, I’m definitely a skeptic—but I enjoy reading about supposed encounters anyway, haha! Just NOT online where everything goes downhill into weird conspiracy nonsense really fast. I like the simple/classic UFO rumors from decades ago!

Seriously, though, can people just face the fact that Roswell, everyone’s favorite, got a good, hard debunking back in the 90s? :lol

But as for the scientific efforts to find alien life beyond Earth? Now, that’s something I can believe in. :)

Sound Off! / Re: What are you listening to?
« on: April 30, 2024, 03:54:32 PM »
On an LBT video, I saw a comment about Charles Kimbrough’s background in musical theater, and I was curious about what he did there, being someone who only knew him from cartoons.

 :rainbowwave :rainbowThinking

He starred as the male rainbowface in The Stone of Cold Fire, wow! :rainbowwave :littlefoot
Sad to hear he died in January of last year, may he rest in peace! :(

Quite classy song, by the way. :rainbowThinking :wise


I was just getting started on my most recent Rainbow Face project when I inadvertently found out he had passed... :duckysad Very sad news for me. But at least he made it to almost 90 and died of natural causes. Rest in peace, Mr. Kimbrough.

You know…every time I hear Doja Cat’s “Say So,” I end up thinking of a certain other song by the same name…

The Party Room / Re: Tell us something about yourself!
« on: April 30, 2024, 03:19:01 PM »
I set pretty high standards and expectations for myself, usually trying to set the bar high for my goals. I'm luckily not as obsessed with it as I used to, up to the point where I'd rather just retreat in my shell and start collapsing when the going gets very rough and I don't meet the expectation that I set. These days, striving for high achievement (and perfect, if possible, school GPA) is what I still do, but I definitely will not overdo myself and take care of my mental health. It should be a priority taken seriously for everyone. Number one priority, even!

I’ve always been exactly the same way and have only recently started realizing how perfectionism has harmed me. It’s good that you’re finding a better balance for yourself at a younger age!

Yeah... Mo-o-o had experienced the lowest point of that strain for perfectionism, and that was in the beginning of 10th grade where my academic grades had pretty much crashed for that year. Just wasn't trying, and was absent a lot. Mo-o-o was definitely biting a lot mo-o-ore than he could chew, but yet was too stubborn at first to lay back and take things easier. Big mistake. But luckily, it was also the same year that Mo-o-o had joined the Gang of Five and had already made quite amazing, loving Mu-u-ud Bro-o-others that helped support me during those times. <3 <3

I've vowed since then to try and prioritize my mental health first, even when Mo-o-o wants to strive for the highest far reaches of the stars. Well, to be fair, Mo-o-o still tends to do-o-o that, but at least the fishy is mo-o-ore self aware of his limits and when to take it easy.

I hope yo-o-ou can also find it in yourself to sometimes take a step back and take it easy mo-o-ore as well, Mu-u-u-ud Bro-o-other!!! :smile

It's such a big relief when you let go such feelings of perfectionism, realizing that it is okay to make mistakes, and it is in those mistakes that you can learn and grow as an individual from them. Plus, it's nice to share those mistakes to hopefully let others learn from them and not have to learn the hard way themselves!

I’m glad you got through those stressful times and found a better perspective. We all make mistakes, but learning from them is what counts! :MomCompassion

@GreyLizard226 Based on the posts of his I’ve seen, I think The Friendly Sharptooth had a tendency to dramatize things, or at least to express them in a very lengthy way. Other members even made jokes about it at one point as part of a game that involved coming up with statements that specific GOF members would never say. These are some of the things members thought The Friendly Sharptooth would never say:
You're right. No further comments.
I'm just gonna shut up. No more insanely long speeches.
You know what, I can't say anything for this topic. So I'll just leave now.
You all just wait and see! Someday I WILL write a simple, one sentence response to someone when that's really all that's necessary.
And the last example was actually him making a joke about himself, so he was well aware of his own reputation.

(The game: )

I’m not mad—and I’m sorry if it seemed that way—but I wanted to let you know that the member you appear to be repeatedly asking for explanations is no longer here. Maybe I misinterpreted things, but from my viewpoint, you seemed to be getting mad at him.

It's Party Time! / Re: Hangman
« on: April 29, 2024, 03:51:15 PM »
@ImpracticalDino With less than half the letters filled out, you got it! :Mo My favorite of the popular nicknames for comet 12P/Pons-Brooks...which I recently tried and failed to find through binoculars at its peak viewing time. :bang

Your turn! :chompysmile

Yip-p-p-pee! Nice nickname for comets, Rainbow. :petrieooohh :rainbowThinking
Pretty cool to know that "Mother of Dragons" relates to astronomy, now Mo-o-o knows. :Dducky

Sucks to hear that you couldn't find them during peak viewing time. I hope the time to see those comets again come around soon for you. :DD

It was this comet in particular, which won’t be visible again until 2095, but I’m hopeful I will have chances to see others! :) Just a question, though, how’d you get the answer without already knowing what it meant?


Sound Off! / Re: What are you listening to?
« on: April 29, 2024, 03:36:26 PM »
On an LBT video, I saw a comment about Charles Kimbrough’s background in musical theater, and I was curious about what he did there, being someone who only knew him from cartoons.

 :rainbowwave :rainbowThinking

Role Play Discussion / Re: Ruse's Introduction Idea
« on: April 29, 2024, 03:15:13 PM »
Thanks for clarifying, I was starting to wonder about the post order as well.  Stay safe, Liz!

Why is almost no one posting here

Because I think aabicus already summarized how most other members feel about this topic. Read his post for the answer to your question.

You know, The Friendly Sharptooth (yes, it’s obvious who the member you were referring to is) never claimed the scenario he described in his post was factual. It was just an imaginary, speculative scene he made up based on the fact that, in his opinion, LBT 11 and Pocahontas had similar storylines.

@GreyLizard226 You know, The Friendly Sharptooth hasn’t been around here in ages and is unlikely to come back just to reply to the complaints you keep making about posts of his from more than 10 years ago.

It's Party Time! / Re: Hangman
« on: April 26, 2024, 11:02:12 PM »
@ImpracticalDino With less than half the letters filled out, you got it! :Mo My favorite of the popular nicknames for comet 12P/Pons-Brooks...which I recently tried and failed to find through binoculars at its peak viewing time. :bang

Your turn! :chompysmile

It's Party Time! / Re: Word Connection
« on: April 26, 2024, 10:56:56 PM »
What possibly made you choose that word? :OhYou


It's Party Time! / Re: Hangman
« on: April 26, 2024, 08:46:22 PM »
Thanks for letting me know of the rule change @The Chronicler , I'll edit the remaining guess number accordingly!

_ O T _ _ _ / O _ / D _ A _ O _ _

Correct: A, D, O, T
Incorrect: B, I

Guesses left: 4

Attic Treasures / Re: What are you reading?
« on: April 26, 2024, 03:31:15 PM »
Mo-o-o-o isn't really reading at the moment. However, the fishy does want to ask if anyone else can relate to the situation that I have regarding books. So like, I have plenty of books in my bookshelves as of now, many that I have bought recently or in the past because those books have piqued my interest in some form or capacity. And yet, lots of them have just ended up collecting dust, staying unread, some for a few years at this point! It's not that I do not want to read them...but maybe, mayhaps...I'm just too distracted/focusing on one thing, or just prefer to do other things, whether focusing on my future career aspects, play video games, watch YouTube/listen to music, other obligations, etc! Like, when will I ever be in the correct mo-o-o-od to pick up a book for once? :neutral

This sounds exactly like the reading slump I fell into for a few years due to internet overuse and school taking up most of my time. Embarrassingly, I’ve only just started reading again in the past year or two! And let me tell you, I spent a lot of time waiting around to be in the right mood for a read…which, as it turns out, doesn’t actually work. The internet in particular damaged my attention span to the point where I never found myself turning to books in my spare time anymore. It became my instinct to get on the computer instead. I realized I’d have to set aside time specifically for reading if I ever wanted to go back to it, so that’s what I’ve done—and I’m quite glad I did! I didn’t realize how much I’d missed it!

As for the question posed by this thread, I just got a copy of An Immense World from the library, having been in the mood for some nature nonfiction. Prior to that, I read UFO, an interesting (and unusually objective) history of UFO sightings—which was actually part of the reason I ended up revisiting a certain pair of LBT characters. :)

The Party Room / Re: Land Before Time: One word story
« on: April 26, 2024, 01:23:16 PM »

It's Party Time! / Re: Hangman
« on: April 26, 2024, 01:22:44 PM »
_ _ T _ _ _ / _ _ / _ _ A _ _ _ _

Correct: A, T
Incorrect: B, I

Guesses left: 8

It's Party Time! / Re: Hangman
« on: April 24, 2024, 08:54:10 PM »
True to form, indeed… :rainbowwave What can I say? Astronomy takes up a disproportionate amount of my brain, and I’m aware that The Chronicler happens to be one of the only others here with an interest in it. ;)

_ _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ _ _

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