The Gang of Five
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Adventures In ToonWorld

Nick22 · 5653 · 318202


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So you're a dragon, fascinating " Dee said her voice showing her raining as an actres. hers was voice that stayed witnh you..
' Thank you, all of you for paying me a visit. " I'm sorry if my accomodations are spartan. I don't have much left..
_ But you've made millions over your career.' Dixie protested.
_ all gone, along with my agent, " Dee said sadly. " cousin Dixie.. I'm broke.. all I have left is in this room.. the earning of a twenty year career, gone.. the studios want younger prettier dogs for their movies, and I'm to much of a veteran to be much in demand.."
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  • Littlefoot
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"Yeah, the American Dragon" Jake told her as he changed into his dragon form, mostly just to show off "So, who is this agent of yours anyway?" Jake decided to then ask her.
"Hmm, perhaps it is possible to get another one of these agent people for you, but we will need a government man and then, all shall be complete" Zim told Dee, getting an government agent and a movie star's agent mixed up.


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I can't afford to pay an agent's fees right now" Dee said despondently. 'Rou rould rome Rive rith us. Ret rout rof rhis rell-role' scooby said kindly..
_ I couldn't abudse your hospitality like that' Dee protested.
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Jake thought for a second "I know of someone who could act as your agent, hold up" Jake said as he pulled out his cellphone and dialed a number "Yo Fu Dog, I need you help, we've got another dog here that needs an movie agent"

On the other end, Fu Dog was speaking to Jake of course "Hmm, well, if you can bring this other dog here, I might just be able to help out"

"Alright" Jake looked to Dee "So, what do you say? Fu Dog can help you out if need be" Jake said with a shrug as well.


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Droopy was driving home from the office, going down his usual route, seeing no reason to hurry.  

Ian was also driving along, on his motorcycle.


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woody noticed droopy driving  along in his car " hey Droopy.! Could you give us a hand here?"
Fu dog? does he have any experience " dee asked.  "has he been an agent to anyone O know?"
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"Well, sort of, he's been my agent before, then again, it was for wrestling...." Jake paused for a second "Well, he could sort something out anyway, I'm sure of it"


"Oh yeah, I've seen that fellow around before" Mermaid Man spoke up in regards to Droopy.
"You have? You can't even remember what you had for breakfast this morning" Barnacle Boy more or less complained back.


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Well, thats a start" dee shrugged " How much does he charge? obviously i'm going to have to pay him.. Unfortunately given my current financial situation It won't be that much.."
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"Hold on" Jake then spoke into his phone again "How much are you charging, cause she doesn't really have much"

"Well, I'm sure we can sort out something with her" Fu Dog told Jake "Meet me at Gramps'"

"Okay, he doesn't really have a plan at the moment, he just told us to meet him at Gramps' is all" Jake told Dee.


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Ok where is that?' dee asked " Cabnn he come to Toon town? I'd like to meet him face to face..
_ Do you have any food Dee?' Dixie asked lookinbgg in the small fridge in what served as Dees's kitchen. there wre a few cans of dog food and a package of bologna, but that was it..
_ no.. and Dixie.. i might need to ask a big favor of you and Scooby..namely money..
Row ruch ro rou reed" Scooby asked. Dee never asked for moneym, she must really be desperate
a million?" Dee asked. "A MILLION, Cousin Dee, we didn't exactly bring a million dollars with us..'
I'll pay you back, with interest, once I get my next part." Dee begged' Cousin, i don't think playing a heroine in the "Blob returns"  will net you much income. Shaggy has the money, not Scooby or I. " dixie frowned. 'Look, you can come and live with Scooby and Me until you're back on your feet. we'll cover Fu's fees for you, you can pay us back later..
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"Well, it's not far from here from what I know....hold up, I'll be back, I just need a birds eye view of the area" Jake told them as he flew off outside and into the air.

GIR, for no reason at all, started to run around screaming randomly, with Zim grumbling some more "GIR! We are in the presence of humans!" however, GIR just seemed to ignore Zim for the time being and ran right into a wall and laughs for no reason at all.


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Woody meanwhile had climbed down to where Mermaid man's lasers had partially cut through the pole, and started pecking away. "woody! a female voice ried out and Wody saw his girlfriend Winnie flying towards them. "You do know we had a date scheduled for tonight..
_ Sorry Winnie, I've had an increase in my quota of telephone poles  to knock down.. this is the last one' Woody said tiredly.. Winnie owned her own resteraunt.. it was long hours but the pay was decent. Winnie had been his girlfriend for years but it had not gotten serious between them until the past year..which was exactly the time the local economy went to pieces.. Jellystone Park had been closed forcing its residents into toontown to find jobs.. which were in very short supply..
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  • Littlefoot
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"Yeah, and we can't even get a Krabby Patty at the Krusty Krab anymore, Mr. Krabs has been closed down because of the economy thing as well" Barnacle Boy spoke up as well.


Jake soon had returned "Yeah, it's not far from here, we could easily walk there from here" he told everyone else.


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Fine... Once we meet him, I'm going to Dectictive Droppy to have him investigate the disappearance of my former agent' Dee said " Lead the way er.. what is your name again?
Why don't we gey something to eat" Dixie suggested " My treat.. I'm sure you're tired of baloney..She said to Dee.
- rhere rhe roonrown rivrin' scooby suggested..  rany rof rou ruys rungry?' he asked the others.
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Droopy came to a stop beside where Woody was.  "is there some sort of aid that I can render?" He asked in his usual relaxed voice.


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"Jake, Jake Long" Jake told Dee once again as he headed off outside.
"Er....what?" Zim asked Scooby, having no idea on what he had just said.
GIR on the other hand, laughed yet again as he fell onto his back off the wall "I need tacos! I need tacos or I will explode! That happens to me sometimes...."


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Yes Droopy, Can you  climb up and push on the top part of this pole/ its cut about halfway through a couple good pushes should knock it over. Help me and I'll buy you dinner at Winnies tonight as  a thank you" Woody offer " She makes a great chicken pot pie.. "
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Another motorcyclist stopped beside Ian at a red light ' here for the Competition too? Names Sandstar" he said friendly " West Circuit Champ last year, hope to repeat this year" He grinned. " Who are you?"
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  • Littlefoot
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Quote from: Dash The Longneck,Jan 11 2010 on  10:11 AM
Simon took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes not believing it.

"Are you a friendly dragon"? Theodore whimpered nervously.

"Oh, my god I just don't believe it" Cadpig said as she saw Haley.

"Wow, those are some pretty good powers. You must work for the Green Eyed man. Tell me where Penny is." Bolt said.

Dale scurried over when he saw Spongebob and Patrick.
"So, I take it none of you have any idea on where we are?" Haley asked them as she landed on the ground, still remaining in her dragon form.

"Well, I know that the Krusty Krab is down there somewhere" SpongeBob spoke up.
"Yeah, we take this street all the time" added in Patrick.
"The Krusty Krab?" Haley asked the two of them with an arched eyebrow.
"Yeah, we, could get a Krabby Patty there as well, that is, if anyone's hungry" SpongeBob spoke up.
"Yeah, but I don't really have any money" replied Haley.
SpongeBob let off his trademark laugh "Oh, don't you worry about that, I've got money left over for a Krabby Patty each"


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jake, my apologies I'm usually good with names lead on.. and and Toon Town Drivein sounds great. its right by the motorcycle track, by Superhero plaza" Dee explained.
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