The Gang of Five
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If Guido came to your house...


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  • Petrie
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I'd make him my pet and keep him inside a bird cage. :DD And I'd feed him crackers all day. :lol


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  • Littlefoot
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I would warmly welcome him in and would want him to be my best friend. ^^

That is if Gypsy doesn't try to eat him...O.O

Cancerian Tiger

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  • Littlefoot
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All I can say about this:

Two Aspies= double the quirkiness, double the trouble, and double the fun :DD!


  • Petrie
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First reaction: HOLY !@#$ A KILLER BIRD THING, SHOO! SHOO! *Attacks with broomstick*

Second reaction:
Me: Hi Guido! Remember me?
Gui: ... Jitters the friendly dragon! Heh, how could forget? Heh heh ... ... You're still friendly, right?
Me: Nope! *Nom nom nom*

Third reaction:
Me: Come, Guido... let us fight crime together!
Gui: Uhhh...
Me: To the Dinomobile!
Gui: ... You mean the Chevy?
Me: ... ... Yes.
*Dramatic transition*
Me: Na na na na na na na na na, uh...
Gui: Microraptor.
Me: Oh right... Na na na na na na na na na, Microraptor!
Gui: Right... So uh... where's the crime?
Me: I don't think there is any.
*Moment of silence*
Gui: Oh...
*More silence*
Me: Wanna go get a beer?
Gui: Yeah, sure.



  • Chomper
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me :  :blink:  :blink:  OMG :wow  ..... your even cuter than I thought !!! :wub  ALL MY DREAMS HAVE COME TRUE !!!

Guido :  oh err... thanks .. :lol

me :  pleased to meet you , I LOVE YOU  !!! please be my boyfriend PLEASE !!!

Guido : :o  urrrr ...

me :   :celebrate  :celebrate  :celebrate  :celebrate  :celebrate  :celebrate  :wub  

guido :  :oops

me : shall I order a pizza? :D

guido : ok :)

me : yay :D


  • Petrie
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I would feed him rations and treat him like my brother.  I would then take him everywhere I go to calm his nervousness on everything.

Bruton the Iguanodon

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I woud do basically what Guidolover does: love him to death!!!! :exactly

Dr. Curzon

  • Spike
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I would do what Ducky did to Petrie in the near end of the original. If it was Ducky/Petrie, however... I would do it 10x harder! Ahhh... Poor Guido will be a lot bluer than he is now. Oxygen deprivation!  ;)


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  • Cera
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I'd keep him as far from the cats as possible and make sure he doesn't get curious about them.