The Gang of Five
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Nick22 · 698 · 92351


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that image is that of an eclipse' Kora said. see the moon passing in front of the sun?  This depicts a full eclipse' Kora said moving over  to a nearby relief " the pureans believed that the moon would periodically take a bite out  of the sun, sometimes swallowing it  whole before spitting it back out. "
Marie focussed and sent a vine tendril up to  Sharaltar, in the proces creating a vine ' rope' lader.  ' how far does it go, Sharal ' tar?' marie asked as she began climbing. ' in any event, with the sanbdstorm out there, we're not leaving this place for awhile anyway."
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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(two weeks later)

"Should we really be wandering around in public...?" Sharal'tar asked, glancing left and right at the empty park.

"We're not 'in public,' it's a statue garden after hours," Flora countered. She, Sharal'tar and Emma were taking advantage of their only night in Nebri, a sleepy Egyptian desert town and the last tourist trap on their current route. "We're surrounded on all sides by giant obelisks. You'd need to be using night-vision goggles from a stealth jet to even see us."

"I know, but it's a pretty pointless risk to take...especially just to stare at some chiseled stones." The desert lizard thumbed her nose at a prehistoric rendition of the Prusean lunar goddess. The other members of their crew were holed out in a hostel, while the three of them had gone out to purchase supplies. But Flora insisted on taking the scenic route home.

"People travel for miles to see this garden!" Flora twirled in a show of awe. "And we'll be seeing nothing but desert for another week after we leave, so I'd rather spend tonight admiring some green. What do you think, Emma? Aren't these beautiful statues worth the detour?" She couldn't fully repress a grin at Sharal'tar's disapproval; she was partially putting on a show just to annoy her.


Roughly 500 feet above them, a flying man in a Sartonic jumpsuit scanned the rock garden with night-vision goggles. "Yurei, come in," he whispered into his earpiece. "I may have spotted something."

He fiddled with a knob to activate an infrared setting. "There are three trespassers straight below my position, moving northwest. Can you get close and let me know if they're among our targets? I have a stun bomb standing by for dropping."


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On the ground below, not too far from Flora, Sharal'tar, and Emma, Yurei phased silently out of the ground, his old, confortable clothes replaced by a black Sartoric jumpsuit.  Quickly glancing around to ensure he wouldn't be seen, he phased quickly into one of the statues, then quickly slipped to another to get closer to his marks.  Once within eye shot, he looked at Flora for a few moments, a small grin crossing his face before quickly phasing back into the ground and withdrawing out of their earshot.
"This is Yurei.  Those three readings...are not our targets.  Nothing more than some kids out for some private fun."
He whispered into his earpiece, glancing back towards where Flora was for a moment...
« Last Edit: October 25, 2020, 07:42:54 PM by StarfallRaptor »

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"Understood," the man sighed, closing the flap on the bomb pouch. "This is the only city for miles...they've got to be here somewhere. I'll check the slums again." Hitting a thermal, the flying man silently angled towards a different part of the city.

Below him, Sharal'tar sighed with relief as a familiar stony wall appeared in front of them. "There, we're done with the stupid garden. Now get up there." Splaying her fingers, she shot several vines up and over the top, connecting to the nearest rooftop. Flora took the ropes first, peeking to ensure nobody was wandering the street as she shimmied her way to the rooftop. From Yurei's position in the rock garden, he'd easily be able to see her reach the balcony to their hostel room and shimmy through the window.

"Whoa!" Kojurro jumped as someone abruptly appeared behind him. "I'm never going to get used to that. How was the supply run?"

"Went great!" Flora took off her backpack and dumped several pounds of nonperishable goods on the table. "Hope y'all like seal jerky. And they only had a single signet ring, how's this design?"

Kojurro examined it in the flickering candelight. "Hmm. I'm not sure Presley would believe I'd use a beetle for my symbol, but if it's the only option..."

"Wait, what are you doing with Presley?" Sharal'tar asked, following Flora through the window. Presley August was the rival treasure hunter racing them to secure the fortune at the end of Kojurro's map.

"I'm sending him an offer for parlay. Several thousand miles from here." Kojurro shrugged. "The offer is false, but if he accepts it might slow him down."

"Sounds worth a shot," Flora shrugged. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I want to freshen up before we hit the desert again tomorrow."

Heading to the bathroom and locking the door, she quickly shed her clothes and started a shower. The water likely wouldn't remain hot for very long, if previous desert towns had been any indication, but a rinse of any length would be relaxing after so many days of travel.


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Kora was hunched over a map of the area whicdh she had marked the locxations of ruins on them, both known as suspected. ' the trip had included broefs stops so she could sketch ruins and take notes, she was a professor after all. " After we leave Nebri, its pretty much desert the whole way west. ' she said. Marie ws using her vine powers to try and grab a drink across a table without spillingg it, it was a work in progress. '' my vines get weak about halfway to me ' She sighed. ' you'll get it down Marie, dont worry, Kora said.
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"You're doing good, trust me," Sharal'tar urged Marie, walking over. "This early in my development, I could barely even grow them, much less grab things."

She sent her own vines trailing over to gently grasp the drink. "You have to remember that vines have mass, and tensile torsion. They're not energy like most psionic powers; they take up real physical space. You have to put extra force and energy into them to compensate for that." She gently put the glass back down on the table and withdrew her vines. "Just keep practicing, it's the only way to get better. Don't be like Flora, who never practises and is just as bad at shapeshifting as when she first showed up."


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As soon as his "partner" was en route to the slums, Yurei silently phased into the ground, silently tailing Flora and Sharal'tar, watching as they climbed through the window to their hostel room.  Hesitating for a moment, he looked up after them, then back at his own hands, now wrapped in the black Sartoric attire he wore.
"What am I thinking...?   I... can't face them like this...Not as Sartoric's...pawn..."
He thought bitterly, before clenching a gloved hand resolutely.
"No.  They need to know what they're dealing with.
 They need to be able to prepare themselves.  And... if nothing else...I need to be able to say goodbye.  After all...not like they'd want me after everything..."

With that thought echoing in his mind, Yurei phased into the wall, making his way up after his former friends, and incidentally making his way right into the bathroom where Flora was...

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Sure enough, the shower turned tepid far quicker than Flora would like, but the hot water had done its job relaxing her before their long trek tomorrow. Quickly rinsing the soap out of her fur before the water temperature graduated to cold, Flora stepped out of the shower...and abruptly squealed with a startled “Eep!” and almost took the curtain down with her. “Yurei? Is that really you?” she gasped, quickly scrambling to her feet. “What—how did...what are you doing here??” Stumbling to her feet, she quickly darted forward and buried him in a sopping wet hug. “I was so worried!” she exclaimed, pecking his lips repeatedly in between her excited babbling, “I hadn’t heard anything since fleeing Sartonic! And with the storm hitting, and all the damage to the base, I had no idea if you were still alive—!”

Flora?” Sharal’tar knocked on the bathroom door. “Who the hell are you taking to?

“I...nobody! I was...just reading the ingredients on the shampoo bottle!” Flora stammered. Dropping her voice several octaves, she cut to the heart of the matter with a single-sentence whisper: “Yurei, how did you get here?”
« Last Edit: November 10, 2020, 12:46:40 PM by aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) »


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Yurei smiled gently, hugging Flora and lightly stroking her back.
"Heh, it's good to see you again Flora."
He whispered softly, kissing her back with each peck on his lips, blushing a bit at her unexpected enthusiasm.  Momentarily freezing at Sharal'tar's voice, he turned back to Flora as she whispered her question, expression quickly turning serious.
"I got here with Sartoric.  Long story short... they're after you.  And getting closer, too..."
He whispered in reply, glancing aside...

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"What?" Flora gasped, eyes dilating. "Sartonic's coming after us?" She glanced in a panic out the bathroom window, though of course all she saw was the darkened city. "Who are they sending? How many? How close—?" Questions filled her mind, so many that she realized she was hugging Yurei even tighter than before, from equal parts excitement and newfound trepidation. "Are you staying with us?" she whispered. "Please don't leave! The others need to know, and...I don't want to lose you again..."


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Yurei nodded, holding Flora close and reassuringly stroking her head.
"Unfortunately, yeah.  They're after you guys...  I don't know all the details, but...  if you get the others together, i'll fill you in on what I do know."
He whispered gently, giving Flora a gentle squeeze to reassure her.
"And... if everyone's okay with it, I promise I won't leave"

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"I'll vouch for you," Flora promised, giving him one last passionate kiss. "Sharal'tar and Emma will as well," she added after finally breaking away with a smile. "Let me introduce you, there's one newcomer you haven't met before."

After quickly drying herself off and wrapping the towel around her waist, she led the way back out of the bathroom. "Everyone, don't panic, but we've got another friend who just showed up," she started.

But Sharal'tar cut her off. "For god's sake, Flora, put your damn clothes on first," she snapped, before the second figure suddenly exited the bathroom and her words caught in her throat. ""

"It's Yurei!" Flora dragged him into the light. "Most of you have seen him around Sartonic. Yurei, this is Kora, she's an archaeology professor from America." She pointed out the blue-eyed lioness reading maps at the table.

"--Hold on," Sharal'tar interrupted. "Not that I'm not pleased to see you, Yurei, but...what are you doing all the way out here in Nebri?"


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Yurei glanced around the room at the group, nodding his head at them and shooting a small, shy smile at Sharal'tar.
"It's... good to see you guys again.  As to why I'm here... well, it's not good news, i'm afraid."
He reached into one pocket on his suit, pulling out an identification badge emblazoned with Sartoric's insignia.
"I'm here as an official agent of Sartoric.  They're after you guys, and they're getting close.  I've managed to throw one off the trail for now, but..."
He shook his head. 
"I'm hoping you guys have a plan"


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Hello Yurei' Kora said. ' now. Sartoric is after them.. why precisely? Did they take something out of the lab that they shouldnt have? Or do they consider Flora their property?"
 hi yurei ' Emma smiled ' Nice to meet you" the vixen said with a smile. " you'll need to keepo them off our backs while we treasure search " Marita said from a chair in the corner. ' because I really dontv want to know how much of a cut they would take out of the treasure of they found out about it. " Half.. is probably being very generous. More like ALL of it. " Fill us in Yurei " Rose said, " tell us everything.. well everything you know.'
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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" least on the topic of why Sartonic wants me, I think I can answer that better than Yurei." Flora took a deep breath. "So, that storm that did so much damage and destabilized the entire facility? That was...kinda my fault. A few months ago, Van Der Merwe assigned me to work closely with a test subject #L1F3, code-named 'Life.' She had resurrection powers, and she wasn't cooperating with the research staff trying to study the nature of her abilities. My job was to get her to open up more." Flora bit her lip. "Things got...complicated...and I ended up busting her out of the facility. And then later she came back with a massive storm to take her revenge on Sartonic."

"Jesus Christ, Flora," Sharal'tar smacked her palm against her forehead. "And you weren't going to even mention this?"

"I thought they'd have more important things to worry about, like rebuilding!" Flora protested.

"Well, this changes things," Kojuuro nodded. "And thought it was going to be hard keeping ahead of Presley August's treasure hunters. Now we also have psionic hitmen on our trail."

"Can we afford to wait till morning, or should we set out now?" Flora asked.

"Wait, hold on," Sharal'tar interrupted, standing up and pointing directly at Yurei. "How do we know you're really Yurei? You could be a shapeshifting test subject trying to infiltrate the group." Her eyes flashed. "I need you to tell us something only the real Yurei would know."
« Last Edit: November 12, 2020, 07:40:08 PM by aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) »


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Yurei chuckled, raising his hands a bit. 
"Heh. Good thinking, Sharal'tar.  While I could embarrass everyone here with more intimate details, i'll say this much.  During the storm that took down the facility, I helped a few experiments escape.  Marly and Tagaso say hello.  And by the way, Flora, he still has that wrapper you gave him the first time you met.  And Sharal'tar, my parents say hello, and are hoping you're still as responsible as ever"
He said, smiling a bit at the two as he did so...

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Sharal'tar flushed red at the mention, and Flora snapped her fingers triumphantly. "See? It's him!" she crowed. "We promised we'd never tell anyone or talk about that god-awful visit ever again!"

"Wait, you've met Yurei's parents?" Kojuuro asked.

"--ever again," Flora reaffirmed, and for once Sharal'tar seemed in agreement.

Kojuuro shrugged and took the hint. "So what do you think?" he asked Kora. "If Yurei came this far, there are almost certainly others who have already reached Nebri. Should we brave the desert at night, or take turns keeping watch until leaving first thing in the morning?"


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Yurei shook his head.
"Heading out now would be too risky, Kojuuro.  At least half the hunter teams either have night-vision gear or can track people in the dark.  Our best bet is to lay low here until morning, then make our move.  I'll plant some false leads in the group, try and draw them off our trail as best as I can."
He said pensively, tapping his chin a little.
"In fact, I think i've got just the way to put them off our trail a fair ways"


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we leave in  the morning ' Kora said. ' traveling the desert is dangerous at night anyway. any sort of creatures prowl at night, who wouldnt mind at all makiing a meal out of us. and if that was not enough its still 90-100 degrees out even at night. Thats how hot the desert is around here. So morning, when its cooler- relatiovely, is the best time.
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"Yurei, wait, are you heading back out?" Sharal'tar piped up. "If you have something to go do, that's fine, but I'd like at least a moment alone with you. I'm your girlfriend too, you know."

"Okay but I'm calling dibs tonight, he's cuddling with me!" Flora interjected hotly.

"Says who?" Sharal'tar growled. "You've already had your private time with him...naked in the bathroom, I might add."

"We didn't do anything except reconnect!" Flora defended.

"That's more than I've gotten to do!"

"Ladies, you're already sharing a bed," Kojurro reminded, motioning matter-of-factly towards the limited sleeping arrangements in the hotel room. "He was going to wind up with both of you no matter what."

Sharal'tar rolled her eyes and folded her arms. "I knew that. I just want a moment alone. Is that so much to ask?"