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Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier

Nick22 · 5639 · 349073


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'Yea, do you have any ideas Applejack?" Spike asked.  "I tried using my dragonfire, but it didn't work.  My only other idea is to maybe ask that wizard guy."


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Kiara and her brother were eating food as they waited for the chance to have an audience with the ruler. "The food here is fine," she said to Kopa between bites, "I just hope Kovu and Vitani are doing ok. They're both strong, I have faith in them."


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(Spire of Winter)

Applejack pawed the ground. "Well, I ain't too familiar with magic or the technology o' the creatures aboard this ship but maybe they can give y'all some help?"

She glanced back at the cart she was pulling. "Anyways, I gotta haul this here cider to the tavern. See y'all later!"

The Earth Pony leaned forward and the cart was soon moving at a decent pace down the road.



Tyrell entered the cafe with Nick. He took a seat next to him and cracked open the menu. Seeing wonton soup available, he decided to order it. Granted, it was a specialty that seemed most like the Tonfonese food he was used to.


Ms. Swimmer had brought a necklace that was from the Skylands. It was a clear gem set inside a silver pendant that acted like a mirror. The gem produced enough light to act as a flashlight. A cover made of a black gemstone prevented it from shining all the time.

"So what have you purchased?" Ms. Swimmer asked Ember/Cynder? "Just got a fancy new necklace imported from the Skylands."



The capital city's spaceport lay in ruins with most of the infrastructure required to launch spacecraft barely holding up. Most of it had been crudely cobbled together out of wreckage.

"As you can see," one of the Vaalbaran scientists said, extending a tentacle to the half-finished shell of a spacecraft. "We had to improvise greatly. As we ran out of metals to work with, we're using frozen water ice as a structural material. While it will hold up perfectly on Vaalbara's climate, we fear that it will not do as well in space thanks to the direct impingement of light and heat from the stars. In addition, it is much heavier than the composites and metals that we usually use."

It then shook its eyestalks. "But that is a moot point given that we do not have the infrastructure or time to manufacture enough fuel to get off the planet."

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Well, radition and heat from a star only become a real problem if you get in close proximility to it. say within 50 million miles' Clank said ' out this far, its not a oroiblem, as much. 'We're mechanics ' ANgela saod ' so we can help you finish building your ship We lombaxes are good at building things, and doing so quickly, even with limited materials.
( ayuthay)
 Kovu  Vitani, Stitch and angela were all eating steak strips bought from a nearby food cart in thier rooms. " so, sis, whats on your mind?": Kovu asked. 'WHy do you ask/ Vitani said ' well, i've nloticed that you don;t like it when Kopa ahem ' does his royal duty' with the ladies.' I have my reasons for not liking that. ' do those include self confidence? i was once touchy about my scar and my weight, but now look at me, i've accepted both. "Kings are different from queens, brother, you know that>' well,  then why a do you criticize lionesses who dont bring anything back from hunts?" i expect results from those who hunt with me. I set high standards for those i hunt with, and i expect the same for myself. which is why normally i only go with a few lionesses, those who meet my expectations, and have done so regularly.
' Vitani said.." kopa told me you were royally pissed when you saw him kissing Auka and Fulni. You never complain when i do it. " because I'm not the one you are affecting when you snog other girls. Besudes, kiara will let yiou do anything. she'll let you use her as a cave sweep if you asked." vitani sighed and paused. ' well why dont do something to make yourself more attractive/ Clip your bangs, for instance. add a few pounds, you're pretty skinny." Not  every lioness can be a runway model. i know you are proud of  who you are, and you are fortunate to have a mate that worships the ground you walk on. You are lucky in both those things. but dont you think this is getting very personal? not everyone like to ait their laundry in public.' only when that laundry is dirty' Kovu replied. "i want to make sure my big sister is happy. you're going to be a queen, with all the power and authority that comes with it. you should revel in it, instead of guarding it like a miser with his pocketbook, or a dragon with his treasure hoard. you cant keep a king all to yourself."

" let him have fun with Auka And Fulni, they're good girls. they really like you, and they've told me so when i've hunted with them. they wont do anything willingly that you wont permit. thats loyalty.' KOvu said. Yes, they are very loyal, and i reassured them after catching Kopa banging them that i wasn't angry with them. I know thats part of his job, i just dont want it acted out in front of me.I just don't want an open relationship that leaves me with little time with kopa to myself. Vitani sighed 'VAcation! " angel chimed in. 'Excuse me? vitani looked at the pink tendrilled alien ' youse take hubby on vacation. couple time, just two of you " You're kids, what would you know about such things?" vitani said to them. wesa not kids ' Stiotch chimed in "  we lot older than you think. We get it when you having boy problems, or girls problems. Wesa be aliens, we don't judge. Besides, we been on lots of adventures with team, we hear all about personal stuff from other team members. love is hard after awhile, you have to work at it. listen to brother, he care about you, love you, want you happy.  happy family is good family."
Well Vushu convinced me to let Kopa have a royal chair. It will be me, Auka fulni and Vushu and thats it. ' You cant give an alpha male just 4 lionesses ' Kovu said. Well, 3 and and a panther." Again, brother, our relationship is different from yours with Kiara. You have charisma and charm enough that any lioness that spends an evening with you is likely to have cubs in 6 months. Or let you walk on them from Pride rock to the kingdom border so your paws never actually touch the ground. " you need to relax Vitani. Be proud of who you are. You are the best hunter in the pride, even Nala And Kiara say so. Hey, why not let Sima take you shopping? The girl has an eye  for fashion, and attire that will make guys eyes bulge out. one trip with her, and you'll have kopa picking his jaw off of the floor" Kovu laughed.
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"Are we allowed to have seconds?" Kiara asked Kopa, "Just wondering in case it takes a while before the royalty shows up."

The Pride Lander siblings were waiting patiently for their chance to meet the planet's royalty as part of their mission.


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I got these' Cynder/elora smiled revealed a set of necklaces each inset with a glowing gem in the middle ' These are all magical each gem contains an enmchantment which allows the wearer to ast fireballs, lightning bolts, ice shards, and the like ' this black one here, turns the wearer invisible. you can also extend the necklaces to allow a second person to be cobvered by the enchantment. these red ones are the lovers amulets, you give them to  someone you love, and they protect that person from harm. I got 6 of them, and know that I'm giving one to Spyro,Dixie,Tigress, and Skylands which leaves 2 left. i'll see what other friends i like the most, before i decide who to give the others to."
 a waiter brought forth a basket of greasy fries as an appetixzer and laid it on the table that Nick and Tyrell were sitting at " enjoy" the waiter mumbled as he headed back to the kitchen " great service' Nick muttered as he munched on a fry.
 Gabuna abnd dixie finished their coffee and got Tigress and Dulcy up. after  the 4 girls had a quick bite to eat the girls headed back out into Belinsk, to help get the remaining residents out. Dixie and gabuna took the west half, Tigress and dulcy took the East half. Contsact us if you need help" Dixie said to them " Of Course " dulcy grinned.  You'll see me coming, thats for sure' she smirked. " We Have a full day ahead of us .' Tigress said " come On dulcy.  team that gets the most refugees out, gets to pick out dinner and dessert tonight.' You're on " gabuna said as she turned and headed to the  west.
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Tyrell looked at the fries. They practically shone with grease. He felt his stomach begin to churn as he looked. "Ehh, I'll pass."

A waiter then placed his bowl of wonton soup in front of the Mars Adept. Tyrell looked at the soup and suddenly no longer felt hungry.

"Well here goes," he said as he raised some of the broth to his mouth. Almost immediately, he gagged and ran to the bathroom with his hands clasped over his mouth.

Mr. Bigmouth took a seat next to the Nick. "Enjoying the meal?" he asked.


Ms .Swimmer (Thkata) nodded. "I see. Perhaps we should get some lunch?"

She laid eyes on a pair of teenagers who were walking down the concourse.



The Vaalbaran dipped its tentacles in the equivalent of a shrug. "We have nothing to lose. Do as you wish."

A small tractor towing what appeared to be the passenger section of the ship passed by them. It looked like a bunch of metal pipes that had been welded together and shoved inside a metal frame.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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The food is as bad as I remember' Nick sighed pushing the fries away.' Chong's cooking  hasn't improved any. We'd be better off getting stuff out of a vending machine." Nick got up out of his seat" i'm going shopping for something to take back." He said to Bigmouth " excuse me guys . I'd avoid the patte, if i were you." he said quietly, before heading out of the restaurant.
 Hmm. I could go for some Lunch ' Spyro/ flora said, coming up to them carrying a number of gems  which seemed to change color from one moment to next. " these have multiple spells pn them,  which changes every few seconds. They were not inexpensive, but i thoiught they wpuld look cool on the mantle piece. "You can pick where we go Thkata" "ember" said with a grin." I'm not picky.
 nick found a dusty side shop which  seemed to sell an assortment of weapons. nick walked along a row of weapons, some of them looked like they were ornate, others looked like there were covered in dust, theres seemed to be no rhyme or reason to placemenr of weapons, swords daggers,  maces, were tossed onto shelves.  on top of the mess, there was little light in the store, which made it hard for Nick to see. so, he began to draw swords from sheathes, hoping the blades were enchanted to give off slight. Fortunately, a few of them were, giving off  an  range of light, mostly blue. nick started rummaging in a  box, a blade clasped in his left hand  and casting a dim blue light down into the box. NIck pulled out weapon after weapon, but these were not enchanted, and truthfully looked like they had seen better day. finally Nick pulled out a dagger with a curved guard from the bottom of the box. As he drew it, it glowed white,  casting a ,light around him, and showed nick's face. ' Nick looked at the sheath which was covered with writing.. runes, really. 'I know you" He said after awhile to the blade." you're Sting, arent you? Well, you're coming with me, i'm sure you';ll serve me well' He said sheathing the dagger again.. NIck took the dagger and sword, along with their sheathes and headed to the checkout counter, which  was staffed by a  bored looking man.' I'd like to buy these' NIck said as he set the blades on the counter " i didnt see a price to attached to them. " you give me 400, and that will do' the  man said,  half drawing the sword and dagger and looking at them." nick dug into his  pockey and brought out some gold  Stripetail had given them. the clerk counted the coins, then put them intoi the cash register' All yours" he said, Giving the blades to Nick after wrapping them in cloth. thank You" nick said taking hios purchases and heading back out into the mall
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Ms. Swimmer (Thkata) looked at a map that was flanked by two benches. "You have got to be kidding me, there's only one place to eat on this ship?"

She sighed. "Well, given that Nick used to run it, let's hope the food is still good."

The Saurolophus headed down towards the cafÈ.


Tyrell emerged from the bathroom looking obviously paler than usual. He roughly grabbed a passing waiter by the arm. "What is in that stuff!?" he demanded. "I've never gotten so sick in my life!"

"Our chef's soup of the day." The waiter gently pushed Tyrell away. "Now will you be paying for both you and your friend's lunches?"

"F--- no!" Tyrell stormed out of the cafÈ.

Mr. Bigmouth looked around the empty cafÈ. There were still some bullet holes visible from where Nick and Dr. Kerzach had reported the gunfight had occurred.

He looked at the leftover basket of fries but mindful of Tyrell's reaction, he pulled the tricorder that Jason had loaned him and touched it to one of the fries.

Luckily, no one noticed him do so. He gasped as he read the output. Yes, the potatoes were high quality Idaho potatoes from the onsite farm but the oil they had been fried in was hydraulic oil from the farm's machinery. Yes, that oil was of vegetable origin and biodegradable but it was not even remotely edible. He wiped off the specimen probe and dipped it into the soup. He repeated the procedure with a wonton.

The results: the soup was dishwater. Literally. The "wontons" had no actual meat in them but were made of an algal polymer.

Mr. Bigmouth shuddered as he wiped his tricorder clean and exited the cafÈ.


A humanoid being covered head to toe in blue robes placed a small dagger on the counter inside the clandestine weapons shop. A faint purple aura of flame surrounded the dagger's tip.

"I acquired this shadowflame knife from Myaardi. I do not need it any longer. How much will you give for it?"

(OOC -

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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myaardi? interesting" the clerk said pulling out a list of prices and rates " hmm " 2 gold,  that would translate to 2000 of our coins' he said  turning to his guest. ' so i'll give you 2000 for it. it has a nice blade, enchanted, I';m sure I can pass this off without much problem. had a customer in here earlier, bought a couple  MidEarth blades, glad to get rid of that junk. here' the clerk counted out the coins and slid them in a bag to his customer.
 Nick strapped Sting to his belt, and strapped his other sword to his back. I look like a grand warrior of old now" He said To himself " I'm sure Stripetail will chuckle at my appearance" he finished as he walked down the  mall hallway " Het guys?' he spoke into his ring ' found a couple good blades at this curio shop, remembered one of them from stories i've read, didnt know it was a treal blade." We have our own blades
 cynder replied' best to keep thyem hidden, we dont want to attract too much attention remember. Also is the food in the cafe any good.? its the only eating placde on the ship." i'd stay away" nick replied " the food h there is not only disgusting, its inedible. literally. the soda is made from enbalming fluid." nick heard disgusted hasps from the other end. 'we'll look foir a vending machine " Spyro chimed in
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The customer handed over the blade and took the coins.

"Excellent," he muttered. "I wonder what else Myaardi has to offer."

He then turned right and headed into the main shopping area of the mall.


Mr. Bigmouth (Tsallus) exited the cafÈ. He rounded a corner and ran into Nick.

"So any place to eat?" he asked. "Anyways, I scanned the 'meal' that you had been served. Calling it 'food' is an overstatement. I can send you the results of the analysis if you wish."

He noticed the sword and dagger that Nick carried. "I see you got some new weapons. Where's the shop?"


Ms. Swimmer (Thkata) sighed. "Well, let's hope the vending machines have something that's vaguely edible."

It was then she spied a "farmstand" selling goods from the onsite vegetable garden. She turned to Cynder. "If you're interested in eating a salad or some fruits, there's a farmstand nearby."

She pointed out the aforementioned vendor.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Fruit will suffice"  " flora said' Lead the way " Some fruit salads would be fine" Ember said as she followed towards the farmstand.

 Follow me ' nick said to mr Bigmouth " Its easy to miss" he said turning back and hesading to the shop. he walked down the hallway and turned to the right finally stopping at the shop.
 Ratchet and angela started on the job of completring the spaceship, with Clank overseeing the plans  with a couple vaalbarans who  looked up periodically to make sure the ship matched the designs
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Oliver walked over to Flash and Luca. "I can play with you guys again," he mewed happily, climbing into the tub. He swam around a bit, when he noticed something at the table where Luca's group had placed all there brought belongings down at. "That's a plush doll of Ozai from Mawashi, right?" he asked to Flash.

"It's impressive," Other Oliver said to Luca, "My former master Sneed subjected Oliver to a level 7 punishment, and it only slightly stunned him afterwards."


Kitty had changed into a swimsuit that was Egyptian-themed in design. It wasn't just a fashion statement, it was part of a roleplay she was having with Tiger. Like a servant of Ancient Egypt, she held a tray of many foods over her head as she walked towards him.

"The feast is ready, your excellency," she acted.


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(Spire of Winter)

"Thanks Applejack.  If you need any help feel free to ask one of us." Spike said to her.  Then he turned to Twilight Sparkle.  "Well, do what should we do now Twilight? "


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Mr. Bigmouth nodded as he followed Nick. It was then he noticed that the hallways were getting more and more bland as he followed the Human.

"This looks like the engineering section of the ship. Why are you--"

Mr. Bigmouth's words died in his mouth as he laid eyes on a shabby looking tent set up in what was quite obviously an empty closet.

"You didn't tell me you sold weapons," he whispered to Nick.


Ms. Swimmer stopped in front of the "farmstand". She recognized several fruits from the Great Valley but there were also a variety of fruits she had never seen before.

"Excuse me," she said to the insectoid shopkeeper. "But we are looking for a prepared meal like a salad or something."

The shopkeeper looked her over with its compound eyes. "I'm sorry," it said in a distinctly female voice. "But the terms of use I signed to run this stand forbid me from selling prepared foods."

Ms. Swimmer sighed and turned to her two companions. "Eat them raw or cook them?"


Spire of Winter

Twilight blew some air out her nostrils. "I'm kind of hungry right now. Maybe we can go get lunch?"

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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I dont" Nick whispered back " this is clearly Chong's doing. he's likely tapped into smugglers and bandits, who go around the cosmios picking up any stuff they find and passing it along. we do need some weapons and we do need some info on where this stuff came from. so, for now at least, we play dumb and ignorant."
 Raw would be fine" ember said " we can cook the stuff back on our ship' Flora said. ' for now, raw will have to be enough. that watermelon looks good' She said pointing out a ripe watermelon.
TIger was dressed in his "Egyptian God' get up " i am master of munchies. king of craving, bastion of bloat. i am he with large guts. the taste master, and he who crowns the sundae. Come Maid" he motioned to Kitty. " and bring me your finest dessert dish. Your pharaoh has a sweet tooth tonight.
YEs i got it in a store, while mom was helping Aunt Dixie Sumo. Its one of my favorite toys ' Flash said " good thing there wasnt an Ozai sumo ring set' Mona said teasingly. " coming from the girl who prefers books to toys, thats pretty rich.' Flash smirked.' Hey, i'm  easy to get stuff for. Mona said splashing Flash with a laugh, and also getting Oliver wet. " and you are too. Anything Ozai, and you go ga-ga' She laughed : i cant help it if hes awesome." flash said turning on the bubble effect in the tub. : If hes so Awesome, why dont you go live on Mawashii/ Mona said " because mom and dad wont let me. Dad in particular " flash said. " besides if i moved, i couldn't hang with you anymore. Dont want that."really/ Mona said.  so.. i mean that much to you?" Yeah, you're my best friend: Flash Smirked ' aww thats sweet.' mona said,  before turning to OLiver , who was clearly nodding off ' wonder what hes thinking? she asked. " Knowing him, Likely dreaming about riding with Catman' Flash said.
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However, in actuality Oliver was imagining himself going into a ring. The small cat pictured himself getting into a tremendously large circle.

"You!" he declared about his opponent, a vision of the massive Sumo King Ozai appearing on the other side. "It'll be an honor to battle you, sir," he bowed.


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"Lunch, what a great idea." Spike said licking his lips and rubbing his stomach.  "Where  would you like to eat though?" He asked Twilight.


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(Spire of Winter)

Twilight entered the Winterville Tavern. She took a seat next to Rarity who was enjoying some vegetarian rice porridge with mushrooms and kelp along with some Tonfonese oil sticks. A Tonfonese opera performer in his traditional opera costume was sitting next to her.

"Good afternoon, Spike and Twilight," Rarity said as she sipped delicately at her tea.

A waiter passed the Drake and Unicorn menus.



"Fruit salad then?" Ms. Swimmer then approached the vendor.

"What would you like?" the vendor asked as she bagged an orange spiked fruit for another customer.

Ms. Swimmer placed the watermelon on the counter and continued browsing the available fruits. She examined each fruit carefully, sniffing and feeling it to determine its ripeness.


Mr. Bigmouth nodded. He approached the vendor who looked back at him with a sour expression. "What do you want?"

"Well, I was wondering what you got for sale," Mr. Bigmouth said.

"Depends on what you want."

"Well, I'm looking for an armored space suit. General biped configuration."

The vendor nodded as he rummaged inside the closet as he came up with the goods. "Got this a few weeks ago from a scavenger. Said he got it off some shifty looking Macaque or something on a planet called Clockwerk."

Mr. Bigmouth's eyes practically fell out of his head as the suit was wheeled out on a handtruck. The suit had a large scorch mark on the upper part of the torso along with a bit of dried blood but it was in pretty good shape. What was worse was that he clearly recognized the same logo on Captain Carson's hat on the breast and shoulder patches of the space suit.

"How much?" he asked.

"90,000 gold pieces."    

"That's a bit high."

"Sorry, prices as given. Besides, this is military issue."

Mr. Bigmouth shook his head. "Can't afford it."

"Very well. Just keep me in mind whenever you need weapons or armor."

Mr. Bigmouth went back to where Nick was located, out of earshot and eyesight of the suspicious vendor. "He's selling stuff that's clearly been stolen from the Spire of Winter. I just found an armored space suit worn by the ship's troops for sale!"


(Kaocho, Weyard)

King Wo scowled as he laid eyes on Kopa, Tiger, Agumina and Kiara.

The two spear wielding guards flanking him didn't seem any more pleased to see the four.

"Speak, Beastmen. Why have you demanded an audience with King Wo?" one of the guards ordered.


(Ayuthay, Weyard)

"King Paithos, these Beastmen are here to speak to you." A guard ushered them into the throne room.

There, a man in an elaborate golden crown was seated upon his throne. "Beastmen, I must thank you for your help in saving the people of Ayuthay." he said. "Normally, I'd have my son, Amiti with me to receive guests but he has been absent."

He then sighed. "Unfortunately, I have no idea how to evacuate the Alchemy Well that is the center of the city. The best I can do is have my soldiers entomb it in hopes that it'll survive the catastrophe.


(Passaj, Weyard)

Elder Bogho looked at the Alchemy Forge. Most of the refugees had evacuated but there lay one important artifact: the Alchemy Forge.

It was too firmly fixed in place to remove and since it was exposed to the air, that meant it was vulnerable to damage from the catastrophe the Beastmen warned about.

He placed a hand on his chin as he pondered what to do. Several workers and miners had stayed behind to try and fortify the Alchemy Forge

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So they steal stuff from all over the place' Nick said " i figured as much. dont seem to keep things very orderly either, things are just thrown on shelves and in boxes without rhyme or reason. We need a few pieces of evidence to show the others, stuff from the spire but also from planets we've visited. Chong is likely getting a cut from this stuff.
 Couldnt you remove it? vitani asked Paithos " its a well, wells can be moved if need be>"
 I dont think its that kind of well " Kovu said looking at it. " mesa can carry it" Stitch said  " mesa can carry 3000 times my own weight.' no" a guard said firmly " its magic is too powerful. It cannot be moved. Believe me, we've tried. All we can do is cover it., and hope its not destroyed in the impact.

 We could put a shieeld around the forge ' Gabumon suggested " Agumon and I can comvbine our powers to make a shield. We've done it before " it would need to be a big one' Scooby said walking around the Forge " this thing is huge."  Will the Shield idea work for you Elder Bogho?" agumon asked " Anything we can do to help protect this artifact, we will"
 Kopa did not like being talked to like this, but kept his face neutral. " we are here, your majesty, because Weynard is about to be destroyed. Another planet, much larger than this one, is hurtling through space and will be visible in the night sky within another day or so. each day that passes it will get bigger and closer, until it fills the entire sky. It will warp the magics  and atmosphere of Weynard, making it unlivable, even before impact.  If you do not evacuate Kaocho immediately, your entire kingdom, and everything in it, including all your subjects, will be destroyed. " Kopa said firmly. " We are here to help' agumina said, unnerved by all the unsmiling faces around here"  We have been helping the other kingdoms evacuate as well, our job is to get as many Weynardians off of the planet, before impact, as possible. We only have a few days to get everyone living in Kaocho out, and we need you, your majesty to order an evacuation." Time is of the essence" Tiger said "We dont really have time to waste on debating this. It is ultimately up to you, you are the king."

Luca helped pull the sleeping Oliver out of the sauna and Laid him on a cot>' I think its nap time for you as well girls" She saiod to Flash and Mona Climb up on this cot here and get to sleep. i'll wake the three of you in an hour.
 Yes Mom" Mona Said climbing on the cot , followed by Flash "SeE you i a bit mom" Mona said as she snuggled  next to Flash and the Wolf pups fell asleep

(Dream world)
 Mona led Flash down a walkjway towards a beautiful looking House. Flash quickly recognized it as being the dollhouse set mona had. the door was opened for them, and lifesize versions of the dolls and trolls welcomed them inside. "The sumo is waiting for you' said one of them which Flash recognized as Frizzy. Trollfingers was making tea, while  Trollman and Trollstein were making dinner." dinner is at 7 ladies" Trollman said "Steak with mashed potaties, finely whipped. The large ozai figure as dressed in royal attire and watching somethinhg on Tv " ah< the lastest match for Sumo Ozai" He smiled ' has a rather smallk opponent, but they seem evenly matched' he said motioning to the scren as the pups sat down on the sodfa across from him. On the Screen Oliver was climbing all over ozai  and blocking his moves.

 Dulcy and Tigress slowly walked to the enter of the city where they had agreed to meet Sveta" We got just about everyone wev could ' Dulcy said slumping against the fountain." surely theres not too many more to get out?
Winner of these:

Runner up for these: