The Gang of Five
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Young Superheroes Academy


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Colorado-Undisclosed Location

Makoto Kagegami flipped aside, effortlessly dodging the first thug's burst of fire, swinging his large rifle up to block a knife swing from a second thug as he landed.  Without hesitation, he swung through, landing a swift kick to the thug with the knife, then taking aim with his rifle, firing a swift shot to disarm the thug with the gun.  Sprinting forward, he leapt into the air, spinning over the now-unarmed thug and landing a flipping kick, rolling away as he landed.  Standing up, he placed his rifle on the ground and ran a hand through his hair with a grin.
"Well, that was easy."  
He chuckled, as the cityscape faded away around him.  As the last bits of the pixellated sky faded away above him, revealing a blank grey room, he smirked and rolled his neck, walking to the door and opening it.

 20xx.  The next stage of humankind has at long last surfaced.  Large numbers of humans have begun to manifest a wide array of advanced powers, from simple things like telekinesis, to incredibly dangerous powers such as generation of elemental forces.  In response to these appearing powers, several institutes dedicated to teaching those who show such gifts how to control and harness their powers, in order to reduce the risk they pose to others and themselves.  
The Colorado Mountain Academy is one such academy, and these are the stories of the academy residents...


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Daniel was still surprised they had a place like this and had found out about him.  He thought he'd have to teach himself how to use his abilities.  His reading comic books had given him ideas.  He had not been there very long at alll.  He was still getting use to things and the place.  


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As he left the training hall, Makoto sighed and shook his head a little.  He was stuck here, unlike a lot of the kids that he knew, and, unlike most who thought their powers were "cool" or "awesome", all he saw his as was a curse.  If he had never developed powers, if he had never become superhuman...then his family would still be alive.  Looking through the crowd, he finally smiled a little, almost to his dorm room...


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"Finally here." James Sullivan mused as he stepped out of the van and unloaded his things. So this was the academy. It was larger than expected. James admired the mountainside scenery. He had grown up in Florida for most of his life so Colorado was a new experience for him.

The double doors opened automatically as James entered, dressed in a denim jacket with a green t shirt underneath, blue jeans and a grey union cap. The air conditioning felt good, a relief from the hot sun outside.




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Makoto sighed, tossing his rifle at the foot of the bed and swinging himself onto it, staring at the ceiling.
"So...guess today's move-in day for newcomers.  Heh.  Hope they don't stick me with someone..."
He chuckled softly...


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"Anyone here?" James asked aloud. He checked in at a PC and was issued his room number. Minutes later, he found the room and opened the door. Walking in James saw a pale-skinned male lying on the bunk bed, a rifle in his hand.

"Um...that isn't loaded, is it?" James asked the boy, setting his bags on the ground and slowly reaching for his longsword, should he need to defend himself.



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Makoto looked up, grinning a little and sighing.
" 'Course it is.  It's my way of scaring off the roomies the school keeps wanting to stick me with."
He chuckled lightly...


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James dropped the sword.

"Well, I guess today isn't my day, since you're stuck with me. However..."

In a flash, Sullivan quickly retrieved an crossbow bolt and threw it, it hit its mark and knocked the rifle out of Makoto's hands.

"You are not the only one who can scare off roomies." James quipped and stood up.

"But enough about that, its clear that none of us are going anywhere. So we may as well get to know each other better." He explained.



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Makoto grinned as the rifle was knocked away.
"Well, well.  I'm impressed.  Looks like I'll have to get used to sharing a room after all.  A pity, too.  I was just getting used to bein' able to walk around in my birthday suit, too."
He chuckled, then sat up and offered his left hand, his right hand still firmly in his pocket.
"Makoto Kagegami.  Just call me Makoto."
He offered...


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James took the offered and gave it a firm shake.

"James Sullivan." He replied

"And I'm perfectly fine with you walking around in your 'birthday suite'. Besides, I have two."

With that, James began to morph into what turned out to be an anthropomorphic red fox. Bushy, white-tipped tail and all.

"You like?"



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Makoto chuckled a little, raising an eyebrow as he looked James's new form over.
"Well, well.  I could get used to this, I think."
He said softly, a faint blush coloring his pale cheeks...


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"I caught a blush." James teased in a sing-song voice before morphing back into his normal human form, he removed his union cap and tossed it with his luggage.

"You look rather handsome by the way." the boy replied, briefly nudging Makoto.




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Makoto immediately looked away, pulling the hood of his duster up.
"I uh...I wasn't blushing..."
He stammered lamely...


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"Sure you weren't." James replied sarcastically, leaning against the wall.

"So I guess I should start telling you about myself, no?" He continued with a grin.



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Makoto nodded, shrugging his left arm noncommittally.
"Yeah, guess that would be a good place to start. Getting to know each other and all that."
He murmured softly, still looking at the wall away from James...


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"I can tell, you've had a rough past. Parents murdered and such." James mused, lying back on the bed. "Your powers seem more of a curse than a blessing."



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Makoto glanced over, then sighed and shook his head.  
"Heh...not quite..."
He said softly.
"And I'd rather not talk about my powers."
He added, looking away again...


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"Well, then I shan't pry." James responded and began to unpack. Taking out his sword and crossbow first as well as assembling a rack to keep them on.



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Makoto glanced over, smirking some.
"Well, nice to see another weapons user around here."
He chuckled softly...


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"State of the art." James chimed with a smile as he unpacked the crossbow bolts. "Call them old fashion if you want. But I'll take a sword over a rifle anyday."