The Gang of Five
The forum will have some maintenance done in the next couple of months. We have also made a decision concerning AI art in the art section.

Please see this post for more details.

Recent Posts

Starday Wishes / Re: Happy Starday, Hammy!
« Last post by rhombus on July 26, 2024, 06:30:48 PM »
Happy birthday!  :birthday :celebrate
Visual Art / Re: Lizzy's Art Dump + more
« Last post by ImpracticalDino on July 26, 2024, 06:10:34 PM »
Koen!!! Mo-o-o-o quite loves that name for your new OC! And love the new character drawing too. :ChomperPOG :CeraHAPPY

It is a Dutch name that means "brave" and "bold" according to my research, so nice job on purposely choosing that name. :bestsharptooth

And nice doodles, always good to see more of Ruse. :P ;)
The Welcome Center / Re: Happy To Be Here~!
« Last post by TenderlyLiz on July 26, 2024, 06:09:08 PM »
^^Seconded. :^^spike :rainbowwave

Well, consider this as a welcome/welcome back to the Gang of Five! I'm really glad that your alright, Lizzy! :littlefoot:)
Thank you !! I'm feeling welcomed already!!
Starday Wishes / Re: Happy Starday, Hammy!
« Last post by ImpracticalDino on July 26, 2024, 05:53:28 PM »
Happy Starday, Hammy! :celebrate :birthday
The Welcome Center / Re: Happy To Be Here~!
« Last post by ImpracticalDino on July 26, 2024, 05:50:45 PM »
^^Seconded. :^^spike :rainbowwave

Well, consider this as a welcome/welcome back to the Gang of Five! I'm really glad that your alright, Lizzy! :littlefoot:)
Visual Art / Re: Lizzy's Art Dump + more
« Last post by TenderlyLiz on July 26, 2024, 04:20:43 PM »
Lovely!!!  :^^spike

And new character looks great.

Thank you! Koen is super fun to draw!
The Welcome Center / Re: Happy To Be Here~!
« Last post by Sporeguy97 on July 26, 2024, 04:08:58 PM »
happy to have you here! :rainbowwave
Sound Off! / Re: What are you listening to?
« Last post by Sporeguy97 on July 26, 2024, 01:44:31 PM »
Underverse - Overwrite [X-Event!Chara Theme]
Strict-LBT-Only / Re: Fishing for Friendship
« Last post by TenderlyLiz on July 26, 2024, 04:10:56 AM »
The sun was heavy on his belly and back, sizzling beneath it like a hotdog turning on a metal tray. Happily, there on his salty rock, he sunbathed, unaware of the creatures in the nearby surrounding waters and land. That is, until a noise from the land drew his attention. Was that- a familiar looking Sauropod? Chirping, he trilled and turned about to face her, doing a wee dance on his rock to show favor for his lost friend.

"Nobody~!" He cried overhead of the crashing, thrush of waves, lapping over the sandy beach at her front. She'd best be careful not to slip into the water- who knows what lurks beneath the waves... "Ruse bring you fish!!" He cried this as he dove right back into the water to fish out another fresh fishy for his pal! Once he resurfaced, he took off up above the water, flittering over to her with what appeared to be a- well, a rather large, plump little turtle who certainly didn't appreciate Ruse carrying him off from his watery home. "Put me down!" He snapped at him, kicking him in the face as the bird tried to land. Ruse didn't have a lot of willpower, allowing the turtle to scratch and claw it's way out of his beak's grasp. "Hey!" He whimpered, scuttling behind one of Nobody's legs on the sandy beach.

"Did you see that, Nobody? It practically poked Ruse's eye out!"