The Gang of Five
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Changes you would have made to the film

Dalekdino · 59 · 25856


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- Returning all known so far deleted scenes back to film (extended scenes with Sharptooth, oasis scene, scenes where children are in depression, extended scene with Spike, that scene with littlefoot and snake from early sketches, finding the valley by Littlefoot alone, ending, and many etc)
- adding Petrie's birth sequence
- more scenes with Grandma and Grandpa! And their talk.
- adding long-awaited Cera's apologizes :[
- (somehow) adding personality to... Sharptooth and his actions. Describing his true motives...


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I agree with many on this topic of the changes they would have
 made to the film. Here are mine (including what others on this topic would have done):

. I would have made the film a bit longer.
. Have Rooter appear again in the Great Valley at the end.
. Have Cera's mom and sisters be shown in the Valley alive and well.
. Show Petrie's backstory.
. Change the fight between Littlefoot and Cera to this: While they would still argue,
instead of Cera insulting Littlefoot's mom, I would have her say something like "Then
she was wrong too", about which direction to go to the Valley. Also they would continue
to argue instead of escalating into a physical fight, which bothered me when I re-watched
. And like others here, I would have given Littlefoot's grandparents some lines.

Well, that's my changes.


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What about keeping the dejected sences in? Would you have done that?


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@Adfan: What do you mean?

@Dracorider: Insulting and fight scenes are one of the most strong and "wonderful" situation in movie. It's culmination of confrontation between sides of Littlefoot and Cera, started from the beginning. It shouldn't be changed,replaced or removed somehow, in my opinion.


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Quote from: ADFan185,Mar 31 2017 on  06:38 AM
What about keeping the dejected sences in? Would you have done that?
Oh yeah, about those deleted scenes, well, I would definitely keep the scene where
Cera initially doesn't want Spike to come with them, but the gang manages to convince
her, and this would show Cera some more character development.
And yes, I would keep some scenes of Sharptooth, but others I would leave out just
as the original producers did since it would be too frightening for younger viewers.


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Quote from: Snik,Mar 31 2017 on  07:15 AM
@Adfan: What do you mean?

@Dracorider: Insulting and fight scenes are one of the most strong and "wonderful" situation in movie. It's culmination of confrontation between sides of Littlefoot and Cera, started from the beginning. It shouldn't be changed,replaced or removed somehow, in my opinion.
I don't really understand how insulting and fight scenes are "one of the most strong and
wonderful" in a movie. Sure, it was to show the characters's flaws, but I felt it was too
harsh and that's what made Cera the subject of bashing from so many. You can see
comments on that scene online hating on Cera and some even wishing Cera to be eaten
by the Sharptooth just for a childish insult.
Not every confrontation in a film needs to escalate into a fight.


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Quote from: Dracorider19,Mar 31 2017 on  08:10 AM
Quote from: Snik,Mar 31 2017 on  07:15 AM
@Adfan: What do you mean?

@Dracorider: Insulting and fight scenes are one of the most strong and "wonderful" situation in movie. It's culmination of confrontation between sides of Littlefoot and Cera, started from the beginning. It shouldn't be changed,replaced or removed somehow, in my opinion.
I don't really understand how insulting and fight scenes are "one of the most strong and
wonderful" in a movie. Sure, it was to show the characters's flaws, but I felt it was too
harsh and that's what made Cera the subject of bashing from so many. You can see
comments on that scene online hating on Cera and some even wishing Cera to be eaten
by the Sharptooth just for a childish insult.
Not every confrontation in a film needs to escalate into a fight.
Note: While I personally felt the fight was too harsh, I do agree
that the confrontation or argument was a good culmination.


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There's edit button, Dracorider19. ;)

I don't really understand how insulting and fight scenes are "one of the most strong and
wonderful" in a movie. Sure, it was to show the characters's flaws, but I felt it was too
harsh and that's what made Cera the subject of bashing from so many.
Do you know why the most of people love original movie? Because people of all ages can view it. It isn't pure childish movie story for little kids like last sequels and TV series.
It contains some mature themes (like rasicm), heavy scenes (a lot of heavy scenes..), and many other elements. Atmosphere of depression, death and tension are filling air and land, almost every scene contains it. It creates unique realistic atmosphere, and when our protagonists steps into that world, viewers empathize them.

I believe there's no single sane people on planet who liked Cera's act in that scene. Myself hated her for VEEERY LONG TIME before I "forget" that awful act and "forgive" her. Of course people must do what they do about Cera, or they are unfeeling people (yes. I say you are unfeeling people if you WELCOME her act or do NOT think or say single bad word about her). But (not-)surprisingly, this scene makes film living. So I glad that scene happened.

Without such scenes, or with that scenes BUT directed VERY BAD like in some LBT movies (I guess ADFan would be pleased when he reads this! ^^) - fild turns into absolutely childish and empty.

All that heavy scenes in movie (except that deleted that can increase general atmosphere of tension even more!) make film perfect. It's like sugar and tea: if you put too much sugar into tea, you won't able to drink it! (like I did in childhood. 10 spoons of sugar and small cup of tea. Oooooh man... T_T ) But if you mix components in right proportion - you will get perfect piece of art (drink, lol :D). 


Of course, it's all my personal opinion. And I hope somebody reads it.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2020, 03:52:26 PM by Sneak »


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While I see nothing great in violence or fighting per se, the scene did a good job at finally creating the rift within the Gang and later on it did show the error in Cera's ways. It's only natural that people hate her because of that scene but I believe that was the intention. Luckily, Cera has long since repented from that day.

As for overall improvements, most of them are mere ideas on how to make the film longer. The only way I could hope to improve the existing scenes is by replacing some existing voices. I see Jeff Bennett as a far better voice for Petrie than Will Ryan and maybe Cera's voice could be changed to Anndi Mcafee. I also usually prefer Felix Avitia's work as Littlefoot to Gabriel Damon's but the latter managed to do his part well when he had to. No one can improve Littlefoot's voice in the key scenes.

There is nothing to be improved in regards to animation, music or the overall plot. Even then, the film could and should have been longer. First, there could have been an additional lesson with Littlefoot's mother and Grandparents, maybe at an earlier age. Also, as many have pointed out, Petrie's birth should have been shown.

Later on, the scenes of Littlefoot's loneliness and depression could have been even longer. For example, he seemed to have resigned to his fate after his encounter with Cera. It ould have been a bit too depressing but there could have been a scene of Littlefoot his probable fate. As for his encounter with Ducky, the LBT Squad in Youtube had a nice suggestion. Littlefoot should have been ready to leave alone but then rethink that only he knows the way to the Great valley and because of that, he has a responsibility to guide Ducky.

Also, I believe there should been longer intervals between the meetings of new Gang members. There could have been more potential for Littlefoot/Ducky relationship before meeting Petrie. Also, Petrie should have been more like his sequel self. Here his whole personality is that he cannot fly and I like Petrie better in the sequels. My suggestions continue mostly by adding additional character interactions and personal scenes. For example, none of the others except Littlefoot spoke a lot about their families. Some kind of Always There scene could have worked. Also, Cera should have apologized to Littlefoot.

As for Snik's question, yes, I do approve darker scenes in animated films. Imagine Land Before Time with Incredibles-like atmosphere.  :x The whole film is about a dying world and the few remaining lights in the darkness. It's impossible to think about the film without darker elements. Also, the entire anti-racism theme would have been undermined if all of the dinosaurs had co-operated flawlessly. No group of friends is harmonious forever, especially in an situation like the Gang.

No, these scenes don't make the film worse. The way I see it, they enable the appreciation of places like the Great Valley or true friends like the Gang. Of course, this alone doesn't work. For example, the Black Cauldron and the animated Lord of the Rings were quite dark but they were still bad films. Meaningless "darkness" turns easily into useless edginess and serves no purpose. Bluth usually knew the balance and that's why I adore his work.  When done properly, darkness brings beauty and eventual joy into a film but it only underscores the director's lack of ideas if done badly. These days the animation directors don't even try dark scenes and that's one reason why they fail to get to me.


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As for his encounter with Ducky, the LBT Squad in Youtube had a nice suggestion. Littlefoot should have been ready to leave alone but then rethink that only he knows the way to the Great valley and because of that, he has a responsibility to guide Ducky.
I never though about that!!!
It makes some sense...

I just thought that despite Littlefoot's depression and lose, death of his mother didn't break him (or at least, treestar and mother's voice scene revived him from completely broken state), and he remained himself. He didn't see anything bad in being with other kind of dinosaurs he friend. He tried to invite Cera to journey to Great Valley, but thanks to her behavior (Cera.. grrrr.. Cera...  :anger ), he temporarly blocked himself from other kinds of dinosaurs. But Ducky's behavior, smile and tears immediately dissolved that block, and he happily invited her. BUT I never thought that Littlefoot got huge feeling of responsibility right in scene with Ducky! I thought it happened later, when full gang formed. Or when they found Longneck Rock as a prove that they are on the right way as mother told.

The whole film is about a dying world and the few remaining lights in the darkness.
Nice words... :)

When we are out there in the dark
 We'll dream about the sun
 In the dark we'll feel the light
 Warm our hearts, everyone

Also, Petrie should have been more like his sequel self. Here his whole personality is that he cannot fly and I like Petrie better in the sequels.
Hmm, I would like to see a little little bit more personality to Petrie in original movie. Long ago I noticed Petrie in original movie and in sequels are quite different person! AND! I liked original Petrie more (and I don't talk about his normal speech in LBT1 :P). Because Petrie in sequels is... some kind of stereotipical person who always is scared and funny, and it makes him less... natural? . Petrie's panic moments in original movie looks more strong, and more natural. It's not just empty fear of something. I can feel emotions. I can feel despair and... some kind of strong force. something like good anger (or is it just for me?)
« Last Edit: December 29, 2020, 06:10:14 AM by Sneak »

Gentle Sharptooth

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Sharptooth ‘s demise. I would have preferred the climax take place at the volcano and lava flows. It would have capitilized on Cera leading them “the wrong way,” that they are trapped on rocks above lava, but to escape the melting stones would be to face Sharptooth who is snarling and even tries to eat th as their rocky sqaure floats down the lava riveria. Then when they are forced to face Sharptooth, Littlefoot arrives saying “I’m coming!” and he instead of Cera is final member Gang needed to caste Sharptooth into the Lava, who even as he sinks into fiery obilivion, chomps and tries to eat them; his forked two fingers being the last thing to be submerged in lava grave. 

This ending gives Littlefoot more of tangible vengeance against Sharptooth for killing his mother. This climax would give Littlefoot closure and explain his willingness to help raise Chomper in LBTII without reservations. 
« Last Edit: March 09, 2020, 03:55:27 PM by Gentle Sharptooth »

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Though I think the movie is fine as it is - in fact, I personally wouldn't touch very much at all after Sharptooth's introduction - I do think that the first act could have been lifted even further if it took some more time to explore the world that it sets up; a potential scene that comes to mind is of Littlefoot and his family trying to find water after Littlefoot's first encounter with Cera.

Aside from that, that's about it; maybe a scene of Petrie hatching during the opening narration (perhaps as a counter to Cera seeming to be born without fear - maybe the thunder and lightning could send him practically flying out of his egg and he would have to be comforted by his mother, but that might be too comical), a very short scene where Cera first encounters the crownheads in the Mountains that Burn (I like the idea of her saying something that spurs them into attacking her) or giving Littlefoot's grandparents a couple of lines are the only other things I can think of.


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^I like all of those ideas. :)

As much as I love the movie myself, I came up with a whole bunch of little tweaks and additions I would've done for this fanfic novelization I was tentatively planning. I would like to share those ideas sometime soon, so I'll probably come back to this thread.


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This happens to be my 3,000th post on the forum!!!!
:duckyhappy :duckyhappy :duckyhappy :duckyhappy

In honour of this, I would like to share a little something I'd been meaning to share for quite a long time, although it mostly rested on the back burner until now. Over the summer of 2019, a few months after I joined the forum, I got the idea to do my own fanfic novelizations of every Land Before Time film. It was a short-lived ambition, since I realized that with all of my other writing projects, I probably wouldn't have the time or commitment for all these novelizations. But I kept the notes on my computer, and I thought it might still be interesting to share what my ideas were, especially once I discovered this thread here.

My novelizations would've been fairly faithful overall, but would still have had some noteworthy changes. For the first film especially I came up with a lot of ideas, haha. (See here for my notes on the sequels)

In general:
  • Most of the deleted/extended scenes from the movie's script and the official children's tie-in books would be put back into my novelization. However, my novelization would tend to favour dialogue from the finished film, as I feel it's more polished. The script and tie-in books would largely only be used to help fill the missing gaps not in the film proper. (See here for my original script review)
  • "The Illustrated Story" tie-in goes into Sharptooth's thoughts and establishes him as much more overtly evil. I considered adding this aspect to the novelization, but later felt it probably would've been better if left out. While it would have given Sharptooth more characterization, overall I prefer the film's portrayal of him as a predator simply acting on instinct, with it being ambiguous as to how malevolent he truly is. That, and there's a part of me that feels he's a bit scarier when we don't know exactly what he's thinking.
  • Some of the action scenes would be beefed up a little in the novelization, particularly to feature the full versions of the Sharptooth encounters, but also beefed up in cases even when it's not explicitly noted in the movie's script or other deleted material.
The beginning:
  • For the scene of Littlefoot and the snake (only known via storyboards), he'd be aged up so he's no longer a baby, instead being closer to his age throughout the rest of the film. This scene would be included partly so we can spend more time with Mama Longneck.
  • At least one of the scenes with Mama Longneck would be expanded to give Grandpa and Grandma a bit of dialogue, to give them more presence as characters.
  • While they would remain minor characters overall, Cera's mother and siblings would be shown in more detail. Established that Cera not only has several siblings, but that she comes from the second of two clutches (to show she has older siblings too, one of whom will become Dinah and Dana's parent in The Secret of Saurus Rock).
  • After the Sharptooth battle, when Littlefoot is out wandering on his own and the treestar floats down to him, the scene would be described in such a way to give it a touch of ambiguity whether he truly is hearing his mother's voice, or if it's just in his head.
  • ^Shortly after this when he encounters Cera, there's an interesting moment in the script that would be re-included; after he says to her, "At least we wouldn't be alone," she briefly ponders it because she is lonely deep down.
The middle:
  • In the original script, the scene order goes like this:
    • The kids gathering food from the tree and falling asleep that night.
    • The Sharptooth chase where Littlefoot loses his treestar.
    • The travel montage (which is partly in the actual film, albeit shortened, leading right up to Littlefoot & Cera's fight).
    • The oasis scene.
  • ^These would be changed around in the novelization, putting the more emotional moments to later points in the story:
    • The first half of the 'foraging for food' part (before they're shown going to sleep) would be split off and expanded into its own scene, as it still seems like a natural thing to happen after Spike hatches.
    • The oasis scene, where we'll start to see the transition in Cera's character.
    • The travel montage, based on the portions in the script that don't appear in the film proper.
    • A shorter reprise of the 'foraging for food' scene, this time including the dinos all snuggling together at night.
    • The Sharptooth chase when they wake up the next morning.
    • Another travel montage, this one based on what we do see in the film, leading up to Littlefoot and Cera's fight.
  • Other changes:
    • Since Littlefoot has his treestar for longer in the novelization, it'll be mentioned a few more times throughout the journey. A moment or two where he stares at it and again hopes to hear his mother's voice, but doesn't. Also a moment where Cera curiously observes Littlefoot with the treestar, as she can tell it's significant to him but she doesn't know why.
    • In this version, since there's a longer gap between Cera's encounter with Sharptooth underground and when he chases the group later, there'll be a new scene with Sharptooth added between the two encounters. Possibly just a brief scene showing that he's actively hunting for the kids.
The Gang splits up:
  • Just before Littlefoot and Cera's fight, as outlined in the script, "Storyboard note: show old dried footprints of other dinosaurs going the easy way. This is an element of CERA's argument." Along with Cera's line where she points out the foot trails moving away from the bright circle.
  • After the fight, a new scene of Littlefoot by himself. Partly based off the cels of him in the waterfall, and also partly based off the section in the script where he is on his own after splitting up from his friends. In the novel, he would come to a waterfall (not the Great Valley waterfall) and start drinking from it, and then frolicking around and having fun in it. Although it's a brief joyful moment as the scene quickly turns somber again, as despair and hopelessness overtakes him. He thinks of his friends. Although the thought of Cera fills him with rage, and how the others all left him and went with her as well, at the same time he wonders where they are now and what happened to them, and he is worried for their safety. He thinks of his mother and what she said to him before: "Some things you see with your eyes, others you see with your heart." It ties into how he was so convinced that this was the way to the Great Valley, how he knew it in his heart. But now he is not so sure. End scene.
    • The waterfall scene was to be its own chapter, even if it were a shorter one. Then the next chapter would be the volcano trek.
    • Although this is partially based off the original version where Littlefoot found the Great Valley before the others and then went back for them, he doesn't actually find it yet in my novelization, ultimately making it closer to the ending in the finished film. Simply because I feel the finished film ending works a little better. As heroic as it is for Littlefoot to go back for his friends after discovering the Great Valley, I think it makes him even more heroic if he doesn't find the valley and yet he still goes back for his friends in spite of that, and in spite of the fact that they all abandoned him. That, and Littletfoot seeing his mother in the clouds one last time after Sharptooth is no more, and only then finding the Great Valley with his friends, feels more emotionally and narratively satisfying to me.
The volcano trek:
  • The scene would be written from Ducky's POV when she and Spike are surrounded by lava. Thus making it a more dramatic and emotional moment when she's trapped and certain they're about to die, but then she's overjoyed when Littlefoot makes his triumphant return.
  • The struggle in the tar pit would be extended a little.
  • Switch to Cera's POV. The foot trails she was insistent on following end up leading her to the pack of domeheads that attack her.
  • After the "tar monster" saves her. While she is still happy and relieved for a brief moment, initially she thinks it's just Ducky, Petrie, and Spike. She's surprised when she notices Littlefoot too. Ducky cheerfully announces something like, "Spike and I were trapped by lava, we were. But Littlefoot came and saved us. And then we saved Petrie from the tar, but now we are all covered in it." She giggles. This is so it's made more explicitly clear that Cera realizes she went the wrong way, and also that it was Littlefoot who came to the rescue.
  • Her POV again as she's storming off, so we can see why she feels so ashamed. Not only that she endangered everyone, but she's also embarrassed that they saw her so afraid. She feels the tears coming on but fights them back initially. "Cera?" Ducky calls out, but Cera keeps going. Then when Littlefoot calls out, "Cera, come back!", that's when she can't hold it in any longer.
  • Based off this translation from a German book: "Only in a safe distance Cera slowed down and sadly she let herself drop onto a stone. She heard Littlefoot's calls and broke into tears. Never, she thought, would she be able to admit that she had gone the wrong way. She had insulted Littlefoot's mother and scorned his friendship. How could she ever stand before his eyes again?" End chapter.
Climax & ending:
  • The beginning of the chapter after the volcano trek would be extended a little, to better emphasize that it's just the four of them now that Cera is no longer with them. This chapter would continue up until the end of the Sharptooth battle.
  • If I had gone into Sharptooth's thoughts, based on "The Illustrated Story" (noted above), it would have been shown that Sharptooth knew he was almost at the Great Valley and was about to go on a killing spree, before getting distracted by the kids. Even if I hadn't gone into Sharptooth's thoughts, I might have still somehow incorporated the detail that Sharptooth was on the verge of finding the Great Valley.
  • Just before the battle, it's made more evident that Littlefoot wants revenge for his mother.
  • After the battle, there'd be one or maybe two more chapters, which would go from Littlefoot seeing his mother in the clouds to the ending.
  • A bit of dialogue from Grandpa and Grandma when they reunite with Littlefoot.
  • Along with Mr. Threehorn, Cera's mother and siblings would be shown alive and well (as they would go on to appear again in my sequel novelizations).
  • Just before the group hug at the very end, a part from the script would be re-included of Cera telling her father about Littlefoot, who is shocked to discover that Cera is now friends with a longneck; the very same longneck from before that she wasn't supposed to play with, in fact!
  • Possible closing line for the novel: Now they would always be together.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2021, 10:07:39 PM by StardustSoldier »


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Good theme for your 3000th post, Stardust. :D

Once I also had idea about novelizations of (near-)every LBT movies and some TV episodes, with adding changes...

Nice changes you have!
Only one major thing doesn't fit my preferences, actually.
I still like original (not film) version of finding Great Valley by Littlefoot, before Volcano scene.

Happy to hear you left the idea about portraiting Sharptooth as he was in Illustrated story. I am against portrating Sharptooth as bloodthirsty villain who wants some killing spree, like he was portraited in Illustration story. I would love if he keeps his pure predatory nature only, pure instincts, not-villanious nature... excluding one exception: revenge motive after Littlefoot for his injured eye, and revenge against all gang after he finds out they are trying to get rid of him in second part of last fight scene.

Mr. Clubtail

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Since this film is basically a Looney Tunes style of cartoony, here's the my list:

1. Changing the Apatosaurus's head design so that it does not look like this  :longneckBRUH when in front view.

2. Lengthening and making the creatures' tails skinnier. That has seriously been bugging me as they look foolish with those tails and recently, I thought that if dinosaurs had obese tails in real life, they would automatically have a tripod stance due to their tails' weight.

3. Changing the creatures' facial features so that they don't have tubular nostrils and heads shaped like a block from Minecraft.

4. Removing most of the creatures' skin sleeves. For crying out loud, not almost every creature needs skin sleeves!

4. Removing all the fat from the Saurolophus' nose and making Mama Swimmer a lot more feminine than looking like her husband.

5. Making the designs less cartoony and more like that of The Secret of NIMH except for the Dimorphodons and bugs.

6. Removing the scene where Petrie's eyeballs bulge out. For goodness sake, this makes this film a lot more comedic than dramatic.

7. Making Sharptooth more intimidating and making him look like the one from the poster.

8. Improving the sound quality. The sound quality is so bad in the first film that sometimes, I could hardly hear the characters talking or making other noises.

9. Making the children a lot more similar to their parents. They are so different, with the exception of Petrie, that I decided that they are a different variation from their parents.

10. Giving the words "Sun" and "Earthquake" their proper names.

11. Giving Topps, Mama Flyer, Mama Swimmer, and Littlefoot's grandparents far more dialogue.

12. Removing any bit of racism from the film. I'm not sure how a film with so much racism can get fantastic reviews and a G rating.

13. Making this film far more of a drama like Secret of NIMH than make this film more for little kids and toddlers than adults.

14. Making the kids more comparable in size to their parents. I never really get why Ducky looks like an an compared to her mother.

15. Making the flyers eat bugs rather than leaves.

16. Making Sharptooth's roar a lot more audible. Either his roar is far too quiet or I'm just a pathetic loser who somehow can't hear Sharptooth's roar and need to get my ears checked.

17. Giving the juvenile Triceratops brow horns.

18. Do something so that the characters' mouthes don't open at ridiculous gapes.

19. Making the characters less childish and more mature.

20. Improve the characters' facial expressions. The fact that sometimes, characters look like their smiling, even when they're not supposed to be, enrages me.

21. Stiffening Ducky and Petrie's crests and not have them flop around like spaghetti.

22. Adding a scene where Petrie is born.

23. Removing any part where Cera's voice breaks and therefore sounds like a man.

24. Making the quadrupedal dinosaurs limbs erect rather than sprawling as that concept is far too outdated and was thought to be innaccurate even before 1988.

25. Removing the dinosaurs' mammal-like ears.

26. Give the characters when their in the Great Valley their true colors.

27. Doing something so that Cera always has girly eyelashes and not just sometimes.

28. Removing the fleshy ridges on the dinosaurs' backs except for Saurolophus and T. Rex.

29. Giving the Ornithomimus a more ostrich like face than an eagle like face.

That's all I can think of for now.

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I honestly would've introduced Chomper and his parents here. For a film that's all about befriending people from all walks of life and working together with them, it seems to make a point of excluding Sharpteeth from that equation. Not only would it have driven the point home that not all Sharpteeth are like the one that killed Littlefoot's mother, but it would've been a more natural way for Littlefoot to realize that point as well, move on from his mother's death, and realize that family is important, no matter what the species.

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That Littlefoot’s Treestar that he was given by his mom wasn’t trampled.

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That Littlefoot’s Treestar that he was given by his mom wasn’t trampled.
Yeah, that part was pretty sad.

Then again, it was likely going to shrivel up and disintegrate in the end because no one would eat it. How would you have made Littlefoot let it go?

Gentle Sharptooth

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That Littlefoot’s Treestar that he was given by his mom wasn’t trampled.
Yeah, that part was pretty sad.

Then again, it was likely going to shrivel up and disintegrate in the end because no one would eat it. How would you have made Littlefoot let it go?

It would have been nice if he laid it in river in the Great Valley and watch it float away, and the rest of the Gang comes to Littlefoot and asks to play and he transitions to his new life in the Valley. 

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith