The Gang of Five
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Ask a Stupid LBT Question,Get a Stupid LBT answer

kaytea · 1266 · 149153


  • Ducky
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Because he is a black belt and found it pointless to hit something as weak as her.  :lol

Where did the rainbow beaks come from?

Littlefoot Fan

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Uranus, where else? :lol:

Why are the dinosaurs in LBT so colorful?


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Colour film was invented before the end of the cretaceous period. B)

How many exits are there from the Great Valley to the mysterious Beyond?  Every film seems to lead the Gang somewhere else!

Littlefoot Fan

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None. They secretly use a teleporter when the camera isn't looking.

Why don't the sharpteeth try to raid the Great Valley all together?


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Any more than 3 sharpteeth in one area simply refuse to get along for any length of time!

Why does the whole planet turn red when the Gang is in danger in the newer sequels?

Littlefoot Fan

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Because if it turned blue, the company would be fired.

Why are the longnecks' necks so long?


  • Hatchling
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Stretched too hard in the morning.

Why was Bron called "Littlefoot"?


  • Ducky
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They called Bron, Littlefoot because he wasn't man enough to be known as Bron yet.

Why is Ducky so kind all the time?

Littlefoot Fan

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Because she knows if she turns mean, her nose will get fat.

Why do all the dinosaurs in the Great Valley eat leaves?


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Why, do you have a better idea? :p

Can baby threehorns count to 3?

Littlefoot Fan

  • Ducky
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Yes, but counting to 2 for them is impossible.

What is beyond the Mysterious Beyond?


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The Super Secret Telephone booth!

The LBT characters didn't have cameras to capture their favorite moments.  How did they share these moments with future generations?

Littlefoot Fan

  • Ducky
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They didn't have cameras, but they had camcorders :p

Why is Littlefoot blue at night?


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Because he doesn't have a girlfriend :lol

How many threehorns does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

Littlefoot Fan

  • Ducky
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None, they have automatic screw-in lightbulbs.

Why do the T-rexes drool but the 5 main characters don't?


  • Ducky
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Because they have leaky faucet in their mouths that were never turned off. Call a plumber!  :lol

Why is Littlefoot the leader of the Gang of Five? (Not the website of couse XD)


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Just like in real life, the one in charge has to be the one with the smallest brain. :lol

How was the gang able to run around all day and not get tired?

Littlefoot Fan

  • Ducky
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You know, visit the local gym regularly, eat your green vegetables...wait, they only HAVE green vegetables! :lol:

Why does Cera always complain about bending her horn?


  • Ducky
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If she does bend her horn she is officially dubbed the ugliest "threehorn on earth."

Where did Doc really get that scar from?


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  • Cera
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A game of "Rock, Paper, Scissors" gone horribly wrong.  Can you say "treestar cut"? :p

Why hasn't the gang started a band yet?  They can clearly outsing the rest of the Great valley!