The Gang of Five
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Adventures In ToonWorld

Nick22 · 5653 · 318187


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not around here" Garfield said as they continued walking along. hre stopped in a fidsh place, the smell of breaded fish wafting in the air.
 I'll pick as winner after i examine all the poses "Stura said ' I'll contact you when i've picked a winner. which will be in an hour or so. so, for now, I suggest you take in the amusement park." she smiled ' my favorite is the water  ride. perfect on a warm day like today." she held up a pose with Dixie Atrua and Mukua  together posting on the seat of a sprinkling fountain. " group ones get cash payouts. some walking around money, really ' She said.
what are we waiting for girls ' Atrua said as she picked her garments from their hook. " Lets go have some fun. Last one there, gets smacked at the bumper cars ' she grinned. 
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", that smells good," Oliver nodded. By chance, he happened to share a lot of Garfield's taste in main courses, and fish was among both their favorites. They both walked into the fish place guided by their noses.


"The royal family has their own amusement park too? They really are loaded," Kitty said, legitimately impressed. It seemed every room in the palace had a new example of just how rich Onca's family were.


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Batman was fluing around from building to building, following stripetail who was dealing with jokerz who had the misfortune of trying to fight him. ' just out of curiosity Stripetail' Terry asked. " but how do you intend to hold these games? Gotham isnt exactly a safe place for tourists, if you hadnt already noticed. " we'll use the local stadiums" stripoetail said. " College, or high school, what ever is available. I'll pay whatever amount the schools want, after all there is insurance, safety and hold harmless costs involved in this sort of thing." Thats gonna cost loads of creds" Terry said. ' I can afford it, after all, who do you think has paid for the games to date? " Stripetail chuckled." sure we've gotten lots of charitable donations -including one from the Wayne Foundation here in Gotham_ but the lions share of the cost has been borne by me." Over the locations, i'd wager the costs have been at least 5 billion, and Gotham will be one of, if not the most expensive, locales we have games at.  Nothing in Gotham is cheap"
 the Gotham PD soon responded to the 911 reports of Dip destroying buildings and burning victims, and fires broke out as the dip ignited flammable liquids, police were cordoning off the area and the Gotham fore department was trying to water down the dip with water from hoses, with limited success.
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Mukua and atrua leads the girls to the amusement park, which was enormous, and reserved only for prizes.  water slides mingled with roller coasters, and a enormous lazy river. ' i'm in mind for a ride on the lazy river ' Cey said " anyone feel like being lazy with me?"
 I want to ride a roller coaster ' Chie said.
word had reached Africa that the wizard had narrowed the finalists to 3: the Pridelands, Celesteville and Madagascar.
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Stripetail's radio crackled. "Stripetail, this is Captain Fairchild. There is a toxic cloud spreading out from Gotham Fine Chemicals. The fire department is trying to disperse the cloud using fire hoses but it's not working."

He felt something ping off his upper right engine but ignored it. The living A-10 figured that someone had taken a shot at him but with his heavy armor, small arms were not a problem for him.

The living plane circled around and used his infrared camera to see through the white haze. He swore as he realized that there were several hot spots  -- likely fires. He made sure to stay above the cloud, lest the fumes destroy his engines.


"You know, my services are  high demand among the...shall we say, ambitious companies," The bluish woman said as she casually sat on the couch inside a very nice office. "And my services don't come cheap."

"Yes, yes, I know," Gabriel said with a  wave of her hand. "Inque. The infamous shapeshifter. How much do you want for your services?"

"Well, what do you want? Sabotage or an assassination?"

"Sabotage but if you can kill Stripetail, I'll throw in a hefty bonus." Gabriel motioned for her Weasels to step up. Two of them wheeled in briefcases and opened them up. Inside were gold ingots. "This is all yours for ruining the games that Gotham's hosting. If you kill Stripetail, I'll throw in double."

Inque smiled as she looked over the briefcases of gold ingots. "Deal."

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Toxic cloud?" what are the odds that Gabriel and her dip are involved? Rhetorical question , Captain, of COURSE she;s involved. Lend a hand as much as you can.' stripetail said as a large black plane came into view and hovered in front of him. 'This is my ride " batman said with a smirk. " i  would offer you a lift, but i dont think my .. overseer would like it if I dragged you all over town. " stripetail chuckled. ' you have your own job to take care of, Batman. i'll leave you to it." batman jumped into the plane and took off.
_ so you've met Stripetail. First impression?" Waynes face appeared on a monitor. " he pegged my exact age, just from the sound of my voice.' terry said. "even gave me a million creds for helping clean up the mess the Jokerz made at the stadium. He might even be richer than you, if he can throw around a million creds like that. " i mean , your impression of him. " hes every bit as powerful as the news reports said ' guys been around for ages Bruce, literally. what do you even say to a guy like that?" always be respectful. The average person never meets a being like him in their entire lives , McGinnis. " you speak as if you've met someone like him before." I have, a man named jason blood who   has seen at least 16 centuries by now. long story, I'll tell you some other time. In the meabntime, go check out Gotham Fire Chemicals. try and see whats causing the fires and out a stop to it."
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"Speaking of roller coasters, I can only imagine this place has all different kinds of them," Kitty said. "Is there any specific attire required for prizes going on rides?" She saw a few of the others already on bumper cars, and slingshot rides, and even a waterslide.


"Good news, we're among the finalists," Kovu told Kopa, "We just need a little extra push for things to go in our favor." He knew the whole pride would be happy to hear this.


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not really. you can wear whatever you like" atrua said. as cey pointed out her favorite ride a long water slide that ran the length of the park. " Race you to the roller coaster" Mukua smirked to Dixie and Chie. Last one in, buys lunch!' she laughed.
 Excellent. Who is our competition for the spot?' Kopa asked with a smile.
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Inque melted into a puddle and slipped through the fences at the airfield where the living planes and the other vehicles for the athletes were located.

An armed guard passed by her but she simply flowed underneath a pallet holding several drums of aviation fuel.

"Let's see," she muttered as she took her humanoid form. "The two living planes should be here...Fucking hell, what does that even mean!?" The sound of an engine starting up got her attention. She looked at the plane and noticed that it had eyes where the cockpit usually was.

She quickly melted into a puddle and slithered onto the tarmac. Lt. Martin was already airborne but she could attack the next plane. All she had to do was wait. And in this form, she looked exactly like one of the many oil stains on the runway.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Max was   finishing her homework when a promo for the games appeared on TV! Coming soon! The Laffalympics, see 4 of the best toon teams in the world compete for fame and furtune, riogh here in  Gotham! if you want to be a opart of all the action sign up at the number appearing on your screen now. pay is 1000 creds an hour" 1000 creds an hour" max gaped, "who did they get to bank roll those games? Bruce Wayne? " she quiclkly wrote down the number. figuring she could use the creds. ' she quickly dialed Dana Tan, who was finishing up getting ready for her   date with terry, who wasnt always reliable when it came to showing up for dates. ' Hey Girl, I just saw a promo for those games that are coming to Gotham and you will not beliueve how much they are paying people to hand out flyers ! 1000 creds an hour!'
 1000 creds for an hours work! well sign me and Terry up! we could definitely use the extra creds.' Dana said . ' i'll put all of us in" max said quickly filling out the forms..
 Batman soon landed on the top of gotham Fire. Smoke billowed frpm the destruction caused by the dip. the building shudered as the dip corroded through its supporet beams. ' Wayne! this place feel like its ready to fall any moment." Get to a safe area, and try and douse that substance, however you can." Wayne responded.
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Lt. Martin perked up immediately as she was called. She gently rose on her landing gear as one of Gotham PD's officers approached. "Yes?"

"Some clowns are making a mess out of one our stadium's construction sites! Scare 'em and we'll be there to arrest them."

"Literal clowns?"

"Yes, Jokerz and some clown wearing a bomb as a hat!"

Lt. Martin sighed. "On it." She carefully rolled onto the runway, passing over Inque in the process. The ground crew gestured for her launch. She lit her twin engines and began speeding down the runway.

And that was when Inque struck. She practically exploded from the runway and let herself get sucked into Lt. Martin's engines.

Flames and metal debris spewed from the engines as the shapeshifter's dense liquid form shattered the high-speed turbine blades. The living plane deployed her airbrakes but Inque slithered out of the engines and into the crevices on the wings where she quickly expanded, shearing them off. Then she moved onto the landing gear and snapped them before she resumed her disguise as an oil slick on the tarmac.

Lt. Martin was immediately doused in fire-retardant foam while an aircraft tug was hooked up to her.

The crew chief scowled. He turned to the guards. "We have a saboteur on the grounds. I want everyone of you to find them and catch them!"

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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i'll try the lazy river with Cey ' Dixie said to Mukua. ' Oh taking it easy huh? alright but after that you and I are going on the water slides. ' Mukua smirked. ' Come on atrua. lets go try the  vine Drop!' she said. Mukua and Atrua ran off cla w in cklaw, while Cey guided Dixie to the start of the lazy river. The tigeress had a large floating bouy that she laid in the water and climbed on, inviting Dixie climb on with her. " this is one of the best rides in the park" cey said,' because its one you can take at your own pace. you can make it last all day, if you want' she chuckled, as the water, warmed by the tropical sun, sloshed over them as little waves pushed the tube, and its occupants along.
' How long have you been a prize Cey?'Dixie asked  hmm it has to have been 7 or 8 years now, like I said I;'m one of the head prizes, not  just because of my talents as a manager, but because i have tenure over the other girls. the prince only started the prize program a few years ago, once he reached maturity. he;s younger than he looks.' Cey said. ' and it only seems like the prizes have been here forever. theres a group of prizes for every ruler, and theres a period of, say 10-15 years where the prizes are formed. once the prince gets to around his mid-30s, the program stops adding new girls, for the most part. in this kingdom, the prizes are about visual beauty, and showing off our princes attractiveness. notice, i didnt say virility, theres other kingdoms and princedoms where that goes on, but not here. " Cey chuckled.' ' how manby prizes wuld you say there are.' well with mukua, you, chie and kitty , joining, we now have 350." Cey said." you are #346 after all. the prince will likely have around 1000 before hes done, his father and grandfather had similar numbers." Remember that vixen that lost to you so often in strip poker that  she owed you a ton of clothes." Drussa, yeah?" did she ever pay you back?" well not entirely. she's worked some off some of that debt about 40 sets .Remember she owed me 124 sets of clothes' Cey said ' she and i have been roommates for a long time. " so you got used to seeing her in the buff. ' of course. after being around the other prizes as long as I have, i'm used to seeing butts and breasts. the prince, let it put it this way, doesnt have unattractive prizes ' Cey said. ' To be a prize, you have to be beautiful. I am, of course, as are you>" she chuckled. ' just a hint of advice ' dont let the prince sing a song to you. you'll be putty in his claws afterwards. " has he ever sung to you?Dixie asked ' hes tried and i've walked out midsong with earplugs in my ears. Not thats hes bad, by any stretch. Hes actually very good. But i'mve seen other prizes throw themselves on him after a song.' Cey said. " I dont want to do that, hence the ear plugs. " she chuckled as they made a turn in the lazy river. dixie and cey were resting on the ring, which was big enough for both of them. " so am I doing Ok so far as a prize?' dixie asked. " well you havent been here long, and wont be here long judging from your previous comments.' Cey said. ' but so far , you're doing alright for a beginner.just always do what the prince will find pleasing. the easiest way to do that? just look gorgeous." the togeress chuckled.
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cey and dixie relaxed on the float as the current sped up ' So Cey, what request did you make of the prince that got you to be a prize?'  " well I wanted a job. I had been working for a circus in Nepal for a bit, as an understudy to the ringleader. unfortunately, we found out he was a crook after he vanished after a show , one night. Every  penny  we had saved as a circus  for the past year, gone with him. we had to close up shop. i was, maybe 15 at the time. " cey said. " i wandered after that point, doing odd jobs here and there to eke out a living' Cey said. " i wandered into Pantera with, like 15 rupees in my pocket. enough to grab a bite to eat, maybe. well after wandering the town, i ended up at the palace, and was pointed to a board that saud ' Auditions for new project" the prince had just reached the age where he could start to have females around him regularly. it ended up being the start of the prizes for this generation. at the time, he didnt require a kiss from the girl, that was added after the first batch joined.

" Do you have family Cey ?'Dixie asked. "   yes, but i havent seen them in a long parents lived near the Chinese border with Siberia, so my job literally took me thousands of miles away. because we were always traveling, i didnt get much time to stay in contact. " cey said. ' my life is much better now after several years of being a prize, but i would like to see my parents again. " my home, has lots of space. i've already invited mukua and her folks over, same for chie and atrua. so i'll extend the offer to you. you can stay at my place, with your folks, as long as you like. " dixie said. ' thats very generous of you, but we couldmt afford to stay in a place like yours. I saw what you place looked like when you weere showing Mukua. You have to be , like a billionaire to afford a place like that. " you're staying as my guests, no charge.' Dixie said. ' As I told mukua, we have far too much free space in that house. we find ways to fill some of it, but therees still lots of room for guests and friends."

 cey smiled as they turned into the ' rapids ' section of the lazy river. ' you're very generous Dixie. thank parents are Mongo and Siba, they are hunters , by trade."
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Inque watched her handiwork for a moment before she slipped down a drain and out of the airfield.

Several minutes later, she emerged out of a storm drain and changed her form to a man wearing a dark cloak.


Stripetail's radio buzzed. "Stripetail! Lt. Martin was just struck by a saboteur. Her engines and control surfaces have been completely destroyed! We're looking for the perpetrator right now!"

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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great, just great. did you catch an image of the the intruder?" stripetail asked from his walkie talkie. " Get lt martin to a repair shop immediately! she'll be out of action for awhile, weeks at the minimum.  i'll wager a million creds Gabriel was behind this is some fashion. ' the wizard sighed as he walked to and fro. ' then again, she knows the stakes here. if she cripples the games here, the games are finished. " Stripetail said.

_ batmanbs attempts to douse the fires wee only partly successful, loud creaking and cracking told him it was time to leave. and only just in time. the building began to collapse seconds after he exited the building. " so much for Hgotham Fire Chemicals.' He sighed. ' wayne, there was nothing i could dgo. " Get back here then. your mother called, to remind you that you have  a study session at your friend Max's house at  8. i told her to tell the girls you'll be running a little late but you'll get there. " thanks mister Wayne. i have a test in Biomeds tomorrow and I really need to do well on it, my grades this quarter stink. ' Tery sighed as he climbed into the batmobile and flew off.
Max and  Dana were studying on the couch , a pair of books in their laps- history books to be precise. " golly, any more reading about voo doo economics and i would have fallen asleep.' Dana said. ' i dont know how you can do so wellk on tests on this stuff Maxine" She said ' i just have a knack for it I suppose ' max chuckled as terry   entered the room. stifling a yawn. sorry i'm late, Mister wayne.." had you working late again . Dana said. ' old guy has you on a choke collar or something. then again,  the guys probably the richest guy on the entire planet, so I figure you're making very good money. ' 6000 creds a week ' Terry chuckled. ' niot bad mcginnis, and now you can add another 1000 to that. I've signed us up to help with those toon games that are coming to town ' max said. ' 1000 creds an hour, to hand out fliers. the guy whos running the games  will be stopping at the school tomorrow to interview us. Lord.. Stripetail.. that was the guys name. ' An actual lord.. from England right? Dana said. ' I domnt think hes from england. Definitely foreign though, no one in America uses Lord, or any title like that. Forbidden by the Constitution and all. ' Max said. " well if we can get out of the Biomeds test, that would be great ' Terry cracked.
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"Madagascar and Zuba's kingdom," Kovu explained, "But we should be easily able to outperform them," he said to Kopa with confidence.


"Around 1000?" Kitty said, impressed as she got a two-person tube for one of the water slides. "I don't think I'd be abl to even keep track of that many partners." She was eager for a fun ride.


It turned out Oliver and Garfield were liking many of the same foods. "So, I hear you really like lasagna?" he asked the bigger fat cat.


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love it kid,' garfield said. ' eat it every day, or as much as possible ' he chuckled then became serious .' look kid, I'm  your friend, but no more than that. i cant afford to be a dad, and frankly i dont want to be one . Arlene may be my girlfriend, but thats all she is, no more than that. I'm not marrying her, period. So if you are looking for a dad, you'll need to look elsewhere, understand?' Garfield said firmly.  " not trying to be mean here, oliver, OK?i just want you to understand."

Nor would I' mukua said, joining Kitty on the tube. ' mind if I join you , kitty? i'm in a mood for a good through soaking. Atrua got the most of it on, the rides we went on. I want to get wet' mukua laughed. ' so, Kitty, what do you want to tslk about? anything goes, from hometown, to boy toy, to fave foods."
Cey and dixie continued the lazy river ride, as cey pointed out various landmarks in the park, which included the prince downpour which periodically dumps a flood of warm water on whatever prizes were underneath .' to  prevent water waste, there has to be at least 5 prizes in the area for it to trigger' Cey said, " theres also the movie theater, which is to the west of here. the elevation in this part of the ride gives us a good view of the screen.. ah, this time they are showing ' Tigers on patrol", which came out a couple years ago. ' its an action flick, that tigers really like. Theres movies geared towards all the species in the kingdom.' Does the prince have a lot of movies about himself?' Dixie asked. " no, he doesnt. Other princes might be glory hounds, but he isnt.' Cey said. " i wouldnt have stuck around as long as I have if he were like that. " Cey said. "I have little use for people too in love with themselves." " too much ego.' Dixie nodded. cey pushd the float to the edge so the pair could secretly watch the movie.
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"Ah, ok," Oliver nodded to Garfield. "We can still hang out sometimes, right?" he asked hopefully.


"I wanna talk about boys," Kitty grinned to Mukua, "Being gone from my Tiger for a while has made me miss him a lot, he's fun, round, and flabby, but that's what I like about him." She pictured herself resting her head against Tiger's rotund belly.


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Sawyer noticed a fruity drink Berry was preparing for herself, Sawyer, and Louie. She recognized the scent and instantly figured out what it was supposed to be.

"Banana smoothies, huh?" the cat asked the ape girl.


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of course ' berry aud as she brought out a couple script ideas "Hail to the monkey king, Romancing the ape, Kiss cat fever,Dances with Monkeys, Whole Lotta Monkey Love, and Bananas for Two" All of these films have me spending half the film getting tongued kissed by Louie " Sawyer said after flipping through them and seeing ' kissing scene 1, 2, 12 18, 36." . ' He likes you" berry chuckled. ' These would be classed as ' adult cat films;' where i'm from.' Sawyer sighed. " They're his films, and you're the star. ' Berry said. "a starv has to perform after all. ' 10 kisses, per film max. otherwise my studio would never show them in  America..' Sawyer said ' this was a lie ' her studio was so hard up for r cash, they would show anything, even 'Hyena Does africa', and that was about a dancing hyena troupe."
yes i've seen pictures of him. sounds like a big softy ' mukua said. ' What sort of romantic stuff do you guys like to do? Janus and i play snake, winner gets a kiss from the loser.. and he.. normally.. ok almost always.. wins." Mukua said.
 when we have time' Garfield said ;' yOu have your skits and i have miine.. Speaking off. i have my next one beiong shot in a few minutes.
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