The Gang of Five
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Adventures In ToonWorld

Nick22 · 5653 · 318193


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As the 4th quarter got underway a portal opened and  a purple wolfess fell out of it and landed right on Dixie. To add insult to injury a large heavy stroller landed on her next" Ow!" Dixie groaned as he slumped under the weight." DIxie!" Geez I'm so sorry" the wolfess said" Tigeress? What are you doing here?" Dixie groaned as Tigeress  got off of her and pulled the stroller off of her." I came to introduce you to my baby." Tigeress beamed before noticing all the other girls." Oh, sorry for dropping in unannounced. The portal machine needs work." I'm Tigeress, Dixie's girlfriend. Nice to meet you all. Just out of curiosity, where am I?" You're in the buff villa on Prince Oncas prize estate. We're the prizes." Atrua said" I'm Atrua. What's in the stroller?" My baby girl." Tigeress beamed."  Dixie rushed out of the water and went up to the stroller." Oh my goodness Tigeress. Congratulations!" She said as she peered into the stroller. A tiny wolf pup was sound asleep under blankets and resting on a pillow." She is so adorable!  Dixie awwed as the other girls peeked at the baby" She cant be much older than a week." Arlene said ." My mom would spoil her rotten." Mukua said." Mine too Atrua said." Is she your first baby?" Chie asked. " Yes she is. Tigers happy that she's finally here. Feeding her has been a bit of a struggle especially real late at night. " I need to send you guys some baby stuff. Pup clothes, a pup bed, just send me a list of what you need." Dixie said very lightly stroking Flash's headfur." Oh Tigeress, she is so precious. I'll need to start working on Scooby about pups of our own." Dixie beamed. " Pup play dates? Sign us up." Tigeress said." I do hope I'm not interrupting anything important. Just out of curiosity, why are all of you naked?" It's the buff villa, girl. No clothes needed, required or wanted." Atrua said with a laugh." This place is for relaxation and fun. It's a reward for well behaved prizes. We also have a library villa. Full of all sorts of books. If you enjoy reading for hours on end." Good to see you again Tigeress Arlene said and Tigeress hugged her. Hi Arlene. Good to see you again . Sorry to drop in."
Nice to meet you Tigeress " Mukua said" We were just watching my boyfriends basketball game. Want to watch with us? We'll try to keep as quiet as possible so your little one doesn't wake up." Sure! How much time is left in the game?" 5 minutes , we're up 4. We were down a ton earlier.
Tigeress climbed into the tub, tensing at the warm water over her fur." This waters pretty hot." There's a cooler tub over there." Chie pointed" If you think the waters too hot."
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"You're going to meet the big guy himself, cousin," Belladonna smirked. Annabelle instantly realized what she was implying.

"The devil wants to see me?" she frowned. As a natural hound of heaven, she didn't want to meet the leader of their exact opposite.

The two jumped through the portal to Hell and emerged in the underworld.


Since the Duke had fairly defeated Chanticleer in combat, the rooster and the other farm animals were made his slaves. Edmond was the one who was given the most chores, because the Duke liked picking on him.

The cat took extra precaution when arranging the Duke's sheet music. "Don't want that owl using me as a cushion," he said to himself.


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Dixie snuggled up with Tigeress and Mukua as the game wrapped up. Janus was at the free throw line with 6 seconds left, his team up 1 . Janus rimmed in both free throws but the Sti Lanka squad hit a long 3 to tie the game with 3 seconds left. " Oh you bave to be kidding! He traveled!" Mukua complained " Ref didn't catch it." Tigeress said." Besides, we still have a chance to win." We'd have to go the length of the court, because we're out of timeouts." Mukua said." Let's see how good Janus' arm is. Didn't you say that he plays baseball too?" Well, he's a center fielder.." Mukua said." To play outfield, you need a strong arm." Dixie said. If they score, Mukua, you have to kiss Tigeress on the lips." She smirked." Tigeress giggled." Ha ha . Good one Dixie." I'm not kidding Tigeress." Dixie said." You're on. Mukua said and Tigeress blushed. " Come on boys!" Dixie cheered. Janus ran the baseline then uncorked s rocket that landed in Mukuas brother Hands near the basket. He pump faked the defender and put up a short hook at the buzzer. The ball swished through and the team mobbed him in celebration ." YES!" Mukua shouted as she splashed water into he faces of both Tigeress and Dixie." Shh! Don't wake up Flash please" Tigeress said firmly" She's a pretty light sleeper." Sorry, sorry! I forgot about your baby." Hold on" Mukua checked in on the young wolf pup, who remained fast asleep." She seems to be ok." Just make sure she doesn't wake up. I'm not sure if I would be able to get her back to sleep." Tigeress said."
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"Well, Commissioner," one of of the detectives said. "We investigated Paxton Powers as much as we can. He's not cooperating with us and he's immediately lawyering up."

They then continued. "We need to see if we can get a warrant to search his penthouse apartment. We know he has an extensive private collection of art and artifacts. Albeit with the proper permits and paperwork, but it might be a lead we can use."


The base of operations for the Royal Flush Gang was an appropriately opulent luxury apartment at the edge of Neo Gotham. Various expensive tapestries, sculptures and other artworks contrasted with the stark, almost ascetic walls and floor.

King then pulled out a simple metal rod from the bag. He scowled as he looked at it. Aside from its unusual weight and a seeming internal fire that radiated from it, it was utterly unremarkable. Unbeknowst to him, it was a wand made from synthetic diamond, clad in pure Weyardian stardust, forged in the fusion furnace aboard the Spire of Winter. He shook his head. "The plebs consider this artwork?" he said, scowling. "It's just scrap metal. Very valuable scrap metal nonetheless since it appears to be pure iridium."


A group of Gabriel's Weasels had been tasked with breaking Blammo out of jail. Their idea was a classic: a pie filled with various breaching tools, weapons...and of course, the pie itself was explosive.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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We'll need to get a search warrant to search his apartment, as well as a subpoena to compel his cooperation. We need to get those items back. Stripetail was very clear in a phone conversation to me this morning how powerful and dangerous those items can be in the wrong hands. In addition, it's a matter of reputation. He chose us as a location for his games, and has already paid out millions to the schools businesses and the city as part of it. He's pumped in so much money, we're going to have a fiscal surplus at the end of the year, when we were expecting to be in the red by billions. And after all that, we let some thugs dressed like playing cards rob the museum blind. Doesn't make us look good or reliable partners. We have to fix this gentleman. and I don't care if it takes upsetting the scion of the second richest person on the planet. We have a job to do." Gordon said.Get to it.0
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The detectives nodded. "We'll try our best, Commissioner, but he has a disturbing number of judges in his pocket. Metaphorically, speaking that is. He hasn't directly paid off any of the judges — or else we could just have him arrested for bribery — but he is very liberal with his campaign donations."


Meanwhile, the pie that was being given to Blammo was being checked over to ensure that it didn't contain contraband. One of the Weasels handed the pie over to the group of stone-faced guards at the prisoner mailroom. The pie was then placed inside what looked like an X-ray machine, but it was an advanced mass spectrometer combined with electromagnetic scanner.

"Okay you two! Hands up!" The guards drew their guns and pointed it at the two Weasels, who obligingly raised their hands. They were then roughly handcuffed and hauled off to the holding cell.

"Seriously?" one of the guards said, looking at the results. "You baked a set of hand grenades, a set of self-lighting exothermic cutting sticks, a shotgun, forty 12-gauge shells, a drill, a hacksaw, blasting caps and wire inside a pie made of plastic explosive and expected we wouldn't notice the oddly heavy pie, let alone not pick it up on our scanners? Did you think we live in a cartoon?"

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Dixie and Atrua climbed into a hot tub together as Atrua turned the channel." Trying to find the Jungle Dance channel. One of my dates is dancing the Dark Fur Shimmy, his name Is Grint. Big muscles , soft eyes , huge... wallet " Atrua grinned broadly." So you are his er sugar plum so to speak." Dixie said." I spend his money for sure." Atrua said" Last thing was.. let's see.. new wheels on my car. I ran over some branches and popped one last week. It was the back left. I was driving and then I heard a big popping sound." Sounds like you were going too fast." Dixie said" No, I wasn't! Well, I wasn't going faster than I normally do, at any rate. Just got unlucky to run over something sharp enough to shred the tire. " Atrua said." Pity you weren't around then, or I could have asked you." Atrua grinned." Are you trying to mooch Atrua?" Dixie asked" No, mooching is where you don't pay them back in any way, and keep asking for more on top." Atrua said." I pay back when I owe folks, granted, I may need reminding every now and then." Texts or phone calls for that, Scooby sometimes needs reminding too." Dixie said" in that case, it's about getting more milk at the store, he drinks a lot of it. I've opened the fridge a few times only to find a empty carton when I wanted to put some milk in my hot cocoa." Who puts a empty milk jug back in the fridge?" Atrua shook her head as she kept flipping through the channels " Is the show on now?" Dixie asked." I think so, just need to find the right channel."   Across the room Arlene Tigeress and Mukua were checking in on Flash to make sure she didn't wake up.
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Getting a judge to sign off on a warrant to search Paxton Powers's apartment, let alone the subpoena was not an easy task. Most of them refused, saying that they needed evidence beyond a reasonable doubt that he was trading in illegally acquired antiquities. But in the end, they got their warrant and subpoena from a judge who had promised to clean up corporate malfeasance.

Once that was done, the detectives returned to Commissioner Gordon with the paperwork in hand as well as in the system. The papers were then laid out on her desk.

"Well, Commissioner," the first detective said. "We actually got the paperwork completed. However, knowing Paxton's influence, we can probably only do this once since the moment the news gets a hold of this, we're going to have corporate interests lobbying for more favorable judges."


Gabriel paced inside her RV/headquarters. Her fists clenched and unclenched as she heard about the fiasco that the attempt to give Blammo a variety of breaching tools and weapons hidden inside a pie.

The gathered Weasels in front of her were looking rather shamed as she glared at them. "Did you even think to consider the different variety of Toonforce that this setting operates under?"

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Tiger called Kitty on her phone to check up on her and to update her on what he was doing.” This place is nice.” Tiger said.” Lots of shops and stalls and the local panthers are friendly.The team had a team lunch at this place called Panthera  Psncakes, which serves them all day. I shared a few of mine with Oliver, that little fellow loves to eat. They had a kids menu for him too, which was cute.”  Kitty chuckled.” He idolizes you and Scooby, you boys are both big eaters. I’ve been exploring the prize villas there’s at least 15 of them. I’m currently hanging out in the pool villa with some of the other girls, there’s a local basketball game on right now and we’re watching it.”  Staying safe, that’s the important thing,” Tiger said.” I  have been looking for something for you, but I’m stuck.”  Well, I could use  some claw sharpener, if you can find something. I’ll get something for you too,  just  going to checkout the prize shop. Just have to find something in your size, my big sheriff.” Kitty chuckled.

Atrua kept flipping through the channels trying to find her shoe.” I hope I haven’t missed it.” She groaned and she finally found the dancing channel. “ Finally!  Hmm this is a rerun from last week. Let’s see, new episodes are at 7., and it’s.. 530. Ok, so we have a hour and a half to kill. “ Atrua said “  You want to watch the fashion channel. It’s Tail accessory week. A popular accessory is a tail cover. I’m looking for a dark red one that covers most of my tail. Something to stand out and draw attention, you know.” You’re not the sort to think any attention is good attention, right?” Dixie asked.” Oh, my folks will call me out on misbehaving, I’ve had more than my fair share of lectures on proper pantheress behavior. Usually involving the car or boys, my mom is especially hard on me to be honest.”  They’re your parents, that’s their job and responsibility.  They don’t want you getting in trouble, well, too much trouble.” Dixie said. Atrua sighed.” But she’s on me all the time though.” Again, that’s because she is your mother.. you being a bit.. er.. wild isn’t helping your case.” Dixie said.”  I like being free though. It’s why I love the buff villa, the normal rules are relaxed. I can walk around and let the air run over me.” Atrua said.  We’ll, it took a bit getting used to seeing all the girls au natural, but you get used to it. “ Dixie said.

-Devils Palace
Demons led Bellafonna and Annabelle to the main throne room, the halls were lit from fires which were burning  the damned for eternity. The smell of burning flesh mixed with sulphur to produce a overwhelming smell.
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"Aww, I love the smell of home," Belladonna said wickedly, taking in the scent of burning sinners. "I think my boss is looking forward to meeting you, cousin. I've told him about your performances so far as one of the Rottens."

"I'm looking forward to it," Annabelle sighed, annoyed.


"He's also a fan of big jungle cats, he's already gotten Shere Khan and Bagheera's autographs," Tiger added, "He also wants to get some of the Pride Land royalty if we ever make it there."

"I'll be sure to let him know," Kitty nodded, "I could put in a request to Onca to let you into the palace for the shop."


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Paxton Powers was currently inside his apartment. He pondered what other antiquities his dealers could get. His contacts had informed him that the group who had arrived for the games in Neo Gotham had some one-of-a-kind and valuable artworks and artifacts. He smiled; perhaps some money could induce them to part with their goods. After all, everyone has their price.

He was interrupted by a knock on his door and a shout of "Police! Open this door!". The man looked at the camera feed. He saw that the group of people at his door were indeed officers from the Gotham City Police Department.

He swore under his breath as he approached his apartment's front door. He then opened the door. "Officers, as I said before. Come back with a—"

"Warrant?" One of the officers held up the piece of paper.  "We have authorization to search your apartment. We also need to take your antiquities as well as all records of your acquisitions to determine if they were legally acquired. Now if you'll step outside."

"You'll be hearing from my lawyers about this," Paxton replied as he was led out of the apartment.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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One of the officers approached Paxton and held out  a wand glowing bright purple.” This is one of the items stolen from the museum. Cuff him and take him down to headquarters. The commissioner will want a word with you Mr Powers.” The other guards began searching the apartment from top to bottom and removing anything that looked exotic or looked to have magical properties.

Belladonna was directed to the main throne room, where the Devil himself was holding court over some recently damned souls.” Murder never goes unpunished.” He chuckled.” Take them to the lake of memory, where he can endure being killed for eternity. He looked up and saw Belladonna and Annabelle. “ Well well, not often an angel comes all the way down here. Hello Annabelle. Yes I know who you are , I know all the angels archangels, powers and dominions, I was once  one of you after all. Please, have a seat.”
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Tigeress and Mukua were keeping an eye on Flash as she slept , while Arlene continued watching Zoliver as he got out of the lazy river. Nd made his  way to the  Onca Loge ride that ran around the amusement park.” An attendant helped Oliver get into a boat and sent him on his way, the young kitten gleefully laughing as he got splashed by warm water.” He’s having fun.” Chie said as she watched the screen with Arlene.” Just making sure he’s safe.” Arlene said.  As Oliver moved around the park. Chie and Arlene  resumed kissing on the lips.
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"I hope you have enough money to cover everything after my lawyers get through with you," Paxton replied as he was handcuffed and marched out of the apartment.

With Paxton out of the way, the officers began searching the apartment. Unsurprisingly, the search warrant also included all of the other artifacts and artwork he liked to collect as well as paperwork. Soon, boxes of various evidence began piling up as the officers stood guard. Of course, with the presence of officers, there were soon spectators watching as the police began removing evidence.

One of the officers wondered how soon it would take for the press to show up, get in the way and have Paxton's face and this bust plastered all over the media.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Gordon was reading a file on an ongoing investigation when her robotic assistant chimed in  Commissioner, you have an incoming call from Mr Powers of Wayne-Powers.” Patch him through.” The commmisioner said.” Good afternoon Commissioner. Do forgive me for contacting you from your public line, but I understand that your officers arrested my son this morning. On what grounds, precisely, do you order his arrest?” Stolen property Mr Powers. We have recovered 73 items from his residence that were reported stolen from the museum last night. Those items belong to the wizard Stripetail who loaned them to the museum as an act of philanthropy. He is keen on their return.” “ My son is not a thief Commissioner.” Then why were those items in his house Mr Powers? In my experience in Gotham, Mr Powers, there is no such thing as  happenstance or coincidence. “ I will fight against the charges Commissioner. And  fighting my lawyers will be.. expensive.” You won’t be fighting a small business or the police department, but the wizard . He’s richer than you are, Mr Powers. 50 million, 100 million, whatever the cost, it won’t  phase him.”
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Derek Powers scowled. He clenched his fists as he felt his temperature rising. Even with the enhanced synthetic skin and clothing he wore, the radiation could still burn them away and it simply wouldn't do to reveal himself as Blight. He took a breath to calm down.

"Commissioner," he said calmly. "Are you forgetting that Wayne-Powers Enterprises has more in assets and turns a greater yearly profit than some countries? Good day." He then hung up the phone.


Of course, with how big the news of Paxton's arrest was, his face was soon plastered all over the airwaves.

And unsurprisingly, the Village where Stripetail and the athletes were staying had televisions.


Gabriel had sent another two Weasel team to break Blammo out of jail. This time, she told them to be more discreet.

And discreet they were. They were dressed as repair personnel and escorted by two police officers as they walked down the hallways of the cellblock. Already, they were formulating the plan to incapacitate the two officers with them.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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powers hung up before Gordon could reply, Which was just as well, because her response would have certainly pushed him over the edge. Derek powers had become the second richest man on the planet- second only to Bruce Wayne himself - by throwing the weight power and prestige of Wayne-Powers around like a giant bully club. everyone had buckled under in the past- until the Batmans return.  now this wizard had come into town showing absolutely no fear of Powers at all, and the media had stated to notice.  Hamilton Hill high had been using the money Stripetail  had paid them to use their facilities to make some long overdue upgrades to lighting, sports facilities and the bathrooms. students were spending their creds on cars or paying down debt, Maxine Gibsons family had even moved into a much bigger and better apartment. Gotham was raking it in, and there hadnt even been a single game played yet
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Annabelle said nothing as she reluctantly took her seat. She had always been working against the Devil in heaven, so she could only imagine he was planning to treat her harshly.

"Just say what you want to say," she said flatly to the lord of the underworld.


"Father, I want to update you on your statue's progress," Kovu said proudly.

Scar smiled on the other end of the phone, Kovu had been working on this project for a while now.


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The two Weasel team was nothing if not efficient. One of them pretended to look at the steel door to one of the cells, while another one of them opened the tool box and pulled out something that the officers had likely never seen before as they were from a "harder" toon setting.

A portable hole.

To them, it looked just like some wallpaper or other such material. One of the Weasels nodded and "accidentally" dropped the item, letting it flutter beneath the feet of the two officers. Before they could react, the two officers immediately fell down the hole and into the floor below them. A cloud of dust and an almighty crash marked the officers' painful landing.

The first Weasel picked up the portable hole and rolled it back up. Unfortunately, they had neglected to account for the cameras. Having removed the officers, the second Weasel picked up a can of "instant door". The can was a simple paint can with a paintbrush inside. He picked up the brush and slathered the shimmering striped liquid onto one of the steel doors, producing a simple unlocked door not unlike the one found in a house.

He entered and then there was the sounds of a fight along with some dust spilling out from the open door before the Weasel was ejected from the door and the the door simply collapsed into a puddle of paint.

"Wrong one," he said, pushing down the sizable lump on his head back down.

The second Weasel sighed. "We'll split up." He took another can of the "instant door".


One of the staff from Neo-Gotham's City Hall knocked on Stripetail's door. In the man's hand was a message saying that he needed to testify against Paxton Powers.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Arlene and Chie finished their kissing and Arlene moved into the tub with Dixie and Atrua.” Forgive me cutting in, girls, but I need to borrow Dixie for a moment. I need to get something for Oliver while we’re here, and I’m not sure what to get him. That, and I don’t have much money right now..” Arlene sighed.” You need to participate in the events here to make money. That and make up for all the time we lost.” Dixie said.” We have missed several locations. Fortunately Stripetail Scooby Tiger and Garfield have been understanding . The boys have been helping watch Oliver too.” Dixie added. “ oh yeah, he loves eating out with the guys, they usually get him pizza or subs or something.” Arlene said.  Big ones too, the kind that would feed me for over a week from just a small one.” Dixie laughed.” I know that feeling. Scooby doesn’t believe in small portions when it comes to food. We have the full pantries and fridges to prove it. “
One of my favorite foods in the  town is the met cheese roll flag. It’s seven atlternating meat and cheese rolls with seven different dipping sauces. The honey one is So good.” Atrua said.” Drat , now I’m hungry.” Arlene said.” Can we order some?” Dixie asked,” I’d like to try it. And I’ll be glad to pay for it.”  There’s a food phone in the main hall, for when prizes get the munchies.” Atrua said.” Come on girls, let’s go get some. Enough for everyone here too.”
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