The Gang of Five
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Adventures In ToonWorld

Nick22 · 5653 · 318192


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Scooby peered out over the steering wheel as he drove the Mystery Machine down the road. His wife, Dixie sat beside in the passenger seat, looking at a map.. 'Cousin Dee said she was staying at the Toontown apartments on Rabbit Street, which is on the north end of town.. she sounded pretty down when i called her, hopefully our visit will cheer her up' she said. Today Dixie was wearing a lavender dress on her ring paw rode a large ring, the companion of which rode on Scooby's paw. On her left paw she woe a diamond ring which served as her wedding ring. They had been married now for nearly 4 months.. Scooby turned onto Rabbit street.
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  • Littlefoot
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On the same street Zim and GIR were walking along "How could you get us lost, yet again GIR? What happened to your guidence chip?" Zim asked GIR.
"Oh, I got rid of it" replied GIR.
"You....why would you do that!?" Zim asked back, his voice raised slightly.
"To make room for the cupcake!" GIR replied as he took out the stored cupcake and begun to eat at it.
"Wait GIR, I hear someone approaching!" Zim told GIR  as he looked to see the Mystery Machine approaching "GIR, stop them!"
"Okay!" GIR more or less yelled back as he jumped at the Mystery Machine, right onto the windsheild to stop Scooby seeing where he was going.


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Rey!' Scooby cried out, Zirs Body blocked most of the windshield and prevented him from seeing in front of him.. " scooby, stop!' Dizxie cried out. "Pull over to the side of the street. Dixie looked at the side window at the nearest curb. " Ok. a little further, ok. stop.. Scooby Stopped the mystery machine a, unbuckled himself and opened the door.
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  • Littlefoot
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"Yay!" GIR said with a random laugh as well as he remained on the windscreen.
Zim approached Scooby and Dixie at that point "You, dog!" he called out in regards to Scooby "We have had some trouble here, you see GIR there" Zim begun as he pointed to GIR who was in his dog suit "Lost his guidence chip in place of a cupcake, and now, we're lost"

"Yo G!" another voice called out.  It was Jake Long whom landed atop the Mystery Machine in his dragon form "What seems to be the problem here?" he asked as he helped GIR off the windscreen.


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" you didn't have to jump on our windshield, you nearly caused an accident" dixie said sternly. "And My name is Dixie and this is my husband.. you're in Toon Town.. as for ffinding a guidance chip, I don't have a slightest idea where you'd find. Do you want a ride or not?' Dixie was clearly irked..
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  • Littlefoot
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"I say take the ride, otherwise, you'll just be lost still" Jake told Zim.
Zim looked at Jake first, then to Scooby and Dixie "Okay, come along GIR" Zim spoke as he jumped into the Mystery Machine followed by GIR.

"Oh yeah, any of you have the time?" Jake asked the lot of them.


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rone rhirty rhree" Scooby said looking at the clock on the display inside the van. "1:33 in the afternoon' dixie said to Jake. " say, you're a dragon! I know a pair of Dragons. 'please, hop in. and buckle yourself in..
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  • Littlefoot
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Jake jumped off the roof and changed back into his human form "Alright, shotgun" he said jumping into the back.
"This has nothing to do with guns!" Zim called back.
"Yo, dude, chill" Jake told Zim before looking to Scooby and Dixie "So, where are you two headed off to anyway?" he asked them rather curiously.


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we're visiting a cousin in town.." dixie replied as Scooby started the Van again.. " where are you guys headsed" She askd. "What are your names?"
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  • Littlefoot
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"If you must know, I am Zim and this here is GIR" Zim told the two canines.
"I'm a Mongoose Dog" was all that GIR had said.
"Name's Jake, Jake Long, the American Dragon" Jake added in "Perhaps you've heard of me"


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No, I haven't " Dixie replied "i'm Dixie , and this is Scooby... We're originally from coolsville,..."
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"Oh" was all that Jake had said "Well, that's cool, I'm cool with that"
"I'll never get you and your human speeches" Zim told Jake with a slight glare at him.


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" so why are you here?' Dixie asked. " I'm curious nothing more " She added as Scooby  stopped in front of a rather rundown building...
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  • Littlefoot
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"Me? I was on my way to go and get Hailey, as Gramps would not stop talking about it and there was no one else to look after her" Jake told the two of them.
"Oh, you would love to know wouldn't you?" Zim said back rather smuggly.
"World domination!" GIR spoke up "I'm going to sing the Doom song now" and of course, GIR begun to sing, all the song comprised of was the word 'Doom' and nothing more.
Zim just looked at GIR, looking rather annoyed and grumbled.

"So, what about you two?" Jake asked both Scooby and Dixie.

Dash The Longneck

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Meanwhile Alvin, Simon, and Theodore (This is cartoon version so they are like 3 feet tall. Like they are in the cartoon) Simon takes out a map.

"Alvin, we're lost Unless I'm wrong we should have turned right about 500 miles ago.

Lost? We can't be lost. There are no restaurants for miles Theodore said worriedly.

We are lost in the middle of nowhere Alvin.

We are not lost. I know exactly where I am going.

"Now let's see I know Dr. Calico's lair is around here somewhere. It has to be. " Bolt says walking up trying to find his beloved Penny.


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"Oh Jake, you are in so much trouble when I tell mum" a voice not far from the three chipmunks was heard.  It was young Haley Long in her dragon form, flying along and grumbling to herself.  She looked down at the three of them before landing and reverting to her human form "Um, excuse me, have you see a dragon fly by here?  A red one, calls himself the American Dragon"

Dash The Longneck

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Dragon? AUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHH!  Theodore dashed behind Simon and cowered behind him.

"A dragon? No but I did see Big foot walk by here not to long ago" Simon said thinking this girl was off her rocker.

Nope no dragons around here"Alvin said.

Just then a small puppy walked up.

"A dragon huh? Are you a time traveler from the Medieval times?" Cadpig asked Haley.


  • Petrie
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Out of the building burst Darkwing and Launchpad who landed in front of the mystery machine followed by Negaduck who pulled a giant hammer out of nowhere to smash the pair


  • Littlefoot
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"Uh no, honestly, do you guys not know anout Jake long? I mean, he wont shut up about himself half the time" replied Haley with a slight groan as she more or less looked at them.

She let off a sigh "Dragon up!" she called out as she changed into her dragon form "There, now do you believe me?"

Not far from the group were two friends walking down the street, SpongeBob and Patrick "What do you wanna do today?" SpongeBob asked Patrick.
"I dunno, what do you wanna do today?" Patrick asked back.
SpongeBob answered with the exact same thing that Patrick had answered with to which Patrck replied yet again, but with something else "SpongeBob, I know what I want to do today!" he said as he rushed ahead to where the Chipmunks, Cadpig and Haley were, laughing in the process as SpongeBob caught up to him.


Meanwhile, back at the house two old people pulled up in what seemed to be an invisible car before launching themselves at the building "Mermaid Man" "And Barnacle Boy!" they called out respectivley as they crashed into the side of the building.
Mermaid Man looked around "Alright, we're the danger? Bring it on....bring it on!" he more or less yelled, completely ignoring the fact that Negaduck was even there.

Dash The Longneck

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Simon took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes not believing it.

"Are you a friendly dragon"? Theodore whimpered nervously.

"Oh, my god I just don't believe it" Cadpig said as she saw Haley.

"Wow, those are some pretty good powers. You must work for the Green Eyed man. Tell me where Penny is." Bolt said.

Dale scurried over when he saw Spongebob and Patrick.