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Flathead770's Fanart

Flathead770 · 348 · 103957


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Thanks you guys.

Yeah Ducky's lower body was an afterthought so I wasn't too worried. I knew that it looked quite large but I never actually noticed the feet, though I imagine they would look closer to the proper size if the body wasn't so large :p


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These sketches almost make me jealous you know? Because I tried the ArcherDuck one too (different angle and perspective as not to copy/trace you) and it didn't go anywhere :P
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These sketches almost make me jealous you know? Because I tried the ArcherDuck one too (different angle and perspective as not to copy/trace you) and it didn't go anywhere :P
Like I mentioned on Discord, I had the benefit of picking the easiest perspective so that really helped. I failed at doing a sorta front angle shot.

Ok I have to post this now or else I'll just keep trying to touch it up. :p Here is my submission for the March/April fanart prompt: How do you imagine the Great Valley celebrating the end of the cold time? I managed to get this one done with some time to spare.

What a surprise, it's another Ducky drawing!

For the last two prompts I've tried to fit several characters in. This time I've dialled it back and only wanted to focus on one and I figured that with the melting ice Ducky would love to get back into the water. The water presented a pretty interesting challenge as I had to learn how to draw splashing water as well as colouring the ripples and tinting the submerged part of Ducky's body. And since I colour really lightly I decided on rolling with that with having a progressively lighter background. I think it works well enough and kinda gives it a storybook sorta look to it.

Let me know what you guys think :DD

Next prompt is drawing an OC. Anyone got a character they're willing to let me butcher? :lol


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What can I say...

Ducky is... Well, in past Ducky's pictures from different authors, she looks or a little wrong, or in lesser quality from other parts of pictures. It's so, it's so, it's so... :(

But maybe it's just for me. I say: if Ducky was better - I would call it masterpiece artwork! But still, now - I just love this! :D Awesome job!
« Last Edit: April 17, 2018, 04:55:12 AM by Sneak »


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Wow! I'm so amazed that I can't find any words!
That water! The trees! It's just wonderful!
Ducky is really cute. ^^
(Do I see it right that her lower body is a little shifted because of the water? I mean like refraction of light)
In my opinion this picture is top! Honestly! I don't have much artistic experience, but I'm sure this is a masterpiece! :)
« Last Edit: April 17, 2018, 01:56:37 PM by LeventeII »


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I can only second what the others have said! The background (except perhaps that straight line of trees in the distance which could have been a bit more detailed) is really wonderful as are the colors which look even better than in any of your old drawings! While your backgrounds have usually been decent, this time I can safely say it is really impressive! :yes The layout is quite detailed and there doesn't seem to be "empty" space to be seen. Ducky herself is done really nicely even if I get the feeling she could look a bit too tall here but I'm not really sure. Also, her tail is a bit too short . Yet, all of that is mere nitpicking as this is your greatest drawing thus far! ^^spike


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Thank you so much you guys. I was feeling pretty good about this one so I'm glad to see you guys enjoy it as well. :DD

But maybe it's just for me. I say: if Ducky was better - I would call it masterpiece artwork! But still, now - I just love this! :D Awesome job!
I find Ducky to be fairly difficult to get right. There's always something off whether it's the face, arms, or something else. This challenge makes her pretty fun to draw though, unlike the nightmare that Cera's frills bring with different perspectives.

(Do I see it right that her lower body is a little shifted because of the water? I mean like refraction of light)
You bet! That is indeed light refraction. I kept it more subtle as I wasn't sure how believable it would look. It's exciting that someone noticed a small detail like that. (If you're curious on how I did it I just simply drew her normally then drew a copy of the refracted parts slightly to the left. Once finished I just erased the original lines.)

I like throwing in small details like this when I can. The last prompt with Chomper's dad I included scars on his nose from the battle in LBT 5 but no one mentioned anything so I'm not sure if anyone noticed. (his head was also pretty tiny so it could've been hard to spot)

(except perhaps that straight line of trees in the distance which could have been a bit more detailed)
Is that what those are? :p I honestly wasn't sure what to do with the more distant backgrounds. I had a row of tall grass closer up front so I just said screw it and did another row of that :lol

One of the things I wanted to avoid was going crazy with the distant background details as I didn't want to have another last minute submission. I'll keep this in mind for next time though and try and meet more in the middle.

Ducky herself is done really nicely even if I get the feeling she could look a bit too tall here but I'm not really sure. Also, her tail is a bit too short .
Now that you bring up her tail I've done some looking into it and I think that the problem stems from the fact that it is pointing way more out to the side then it should and should be facing more facing "into" the page. Here is a rough mock up of what I'm talking about: (get ready for some math talk!)

I superimposed the Cartesian coordinates at around the center of Ducky's belly along the water's surface (z = 0) and aligned the x-y plane so her belly is pointed at around the positive x-direction. The faint portion of the line denotes the negative x-direction, which would be right around the direction her tail should be pointed in. In terms of azimuthal angle (sweeping from x-axis counter clockwise) that would put it at 180 degrees. Right now it looks like it's somewhere at around 135 degrees. It's all approximate but I think it helps showcase the potential  underlying problem.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2018, 01:16:19 AM by Flathead770 »


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Ah, I love this! The water is handled very well, and while Ducky is not 100% on model, I don't think that's bad! Her pose and expression are very nice :smile
Once again a great entry!
« Last Edit: April 24, 2018, 12:41:55 AM by DarkWolf91 »


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Oh, I totally forgot to leave a comment :sducky

I feel her head isn't 100% perfect but the rest of the drawing looks really amazing and, overall, this is quite impressive and should be hard for me to beat... :oops  :lol
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Thanks Ducky and DarkWolf!

I've pretty much accepted that I'm probably not going to get Ducky to look completely right :lol There's always something out of proportion or looking funny even with using a reference.


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I'm a little late but here is my entry for the prompt: Draw an OC

It's everyone's new favorite swimmer, Sucky! :p

I had actually started this well over 2 months ago and it started as a joke on Discord with an acronym, S.T.O.P. (something to do with Sucky trips over Petrie) and I decided to try and draw it (I feel like I was also slightly called out by Ducky as well :lol ). I figured that instead I'd keep it more in line with the story and do it as my prompt. I lost a good chunk of motivation throughout, probably because I was the only one known to be working on the prompt at the time. All of a sudden everyone joined in and kicked me back into gear :p

Anyways, let me know what you guys think!


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<--- is even later :lol

Well, this drawing certainly isn't sucky at all, oh no no no :DD

I think my favourite part of this drawing is that little swimmer kid in the bg snickering big time. That expression is just perfect (note to self, steal it  :bolt)

Sucky's colour was probably just as hard to get right as the colour of my character who I can hopefully finish colouring tonight. I think you've succeeded colouring Sucky there, yep yep yep :P

The background is undoubtedly simple yet good-looking I'd say. The shading on trees and grass is nicely executed for sure, gives me something to learn from you yet again, huh?  :lol

Anyway, that's a splendid drawing mate and also thanks for sticking with me all this time helping me figure out my own drawing  :cheers
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How sentimental. You know, I haven't been this choked up since I got a hunk of moussaka caught in my throat!


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Hahaha oh man, Sucky's expression is just perfect. It's that hurt but still optimistic look that perfectly represents her tragic comedy. Great job :smile


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And this a good drawing too! :Mo Sucky's expression really suits the character greatly and the scene seems familiar from Ducky's fics. However, the swimmers in the background are just as nicely done as their differing expressions (especially the middle one's) are rather priceless. :lol However, I think the perspective isn't perfect as Sucky seems too large in comparison to the three others. The background works quite well here and the coloring is smooth enough to do its job properly. That being said, I like this drawing and I'm happy you finished it despite the momentary lack of motivation. :smile


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Thank you everyone!

I think my favourite part of this drawing is that little swimmer kid in the bg snickering big time. That expression is just perfect (note to self, steal it  :bolt)

The background is undoubtedly simple yet good-looking I'd say. The shading on trees and grass is nicely executed for sure, gives me something to learn from you yet again, huh?  :lol
I'm glad you liked the snickering expression. I was quite happy that it turned out and is also my favorite of the 3.

I agree with the background being more simple this time around, mostly because I wasn't sure what to add in (my lack of motivation didn't help too much either)

As for stealing, I'm actually honored that someone finds my art good enough to learn from and am more then happy if they use it to improve :DD

Anyway, that's a splendid drawing mate and also thanks for sticking with me all this time helping me figure out my own drawing  :cheers
Anytime. It's been a fun couple weeks. :smile

Thank you very much for the praise, though I don't quite think I'm on that level yet as drawing Sucky is really just drawing Ducky.

Hahaha oh man, Sucky's expression is just perfect. It's that hurt but still optimistic look that perfectly represents her tragic comedy. Great job :smile
I was quite happy with the look as well, thanks.

However, the swimmers in the background are just as nicely done as their differing expressions (especially the middle one's) are rather priceless. :lol However, I think the perspective isn't perfect as Sucky seems too large in comparison to the three others.
It's good to see people enjoy the teasing triplets as I like to call them. Also interesting you pointed out the middle one as that one took the longest to figure out. I wanted them all at first to be sorta laughing at the situation but then decided on going for 3 distinct looks. The right one is calling out the trip in a mean way, the one on the left is laughing and the one in the middle seems to be tired of seeing the same old story and just wants to get back to swimming.

For the perspective I agree completely. I originally wanted the angle to be lower to the ground, which would make objects shrink faster as they approach the horizon line. The end result wasn't quite what I wanted but I'm satisfied regardless.

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Flathead, you are on that level in my opinion. I know good talent when I see it.
How sentimental. You know, I haven't been this choked up since I got a hunk of moussaka caught in my throat!


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Flathead, you are on that level in my opinion. I know good talent when I see it.
Well, thank you :smile

Ok, I know I'm late once again in my submission. I hope this doesn't become routine. :p

Here's my submission for Daily life/survival

Since I started on this one later then most I decided on just sticking with greyscale this time around. It was a nice change so I might stick with it for the next little bit.

Anyways, the drawing depicts a sort of first meeting with Shorty and the hatchlings, and more closely matches the setting of the first movie. Funny enough, I was planning and working on the outline for this when Ducky released ch 1 of SDP, which has a very similar setting to the one I was imagining.

Like all ways, let me know what you guys think.


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Ooh, very nice! I especially like the shading on the tree and the background! I can’t really say much about the anatomy since I’m still learning myself  :p but it looks correct for the most part. It’s great to see some more art from you!!  :DD
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Damn! :wow :wow Now that is some great stuff! This is easily your best work yet as the picture feels more complete than ever with with the hills and rocks in the background. Shorty and the others have really well-drawn expressions and the oldest longneck's concern for his companions is very clear. However, I also really adore the smooth shading and the extremely smooth look of the picture. From Shorty himself to the small but clear hints of the land on the background (and the flying treestars), this drawing is a truly impressive one. If I really have to nitpick, the perspective with the fallen log and the stones isn't perfect. :p Anyway, phenomenal job here. I can safely say this is probably the best drawing (apart from DarkWolf's work) I've seen on GoF! :yes