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LBT Themed Yu-Gi-Oh Cards


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Some things you see with your eyes. Others, you see with the heart of the cards.

Back in junior high, my friend and I would draw Yu-Gi-Oh cards and play. We decided on using Yu-Gi-Oh instead of other card games for a few reasons. First, you don't have to worry about any types of resource cards (energy in pokemon, land in magic) to limit the deck to a color or type. If anyone is unfamiliar, Yu-Gi-Oh's resources are based generally on tributing (sacrificing) monsters or spending your life points. Second, different summoning types like fusing monsters and ritual summons are a pretty cool idea and allow a lot of creativity. Lastly, we really just wanted to say that you fell for my trap card :lol. About a month or so ago, my friend and I decided to get back into drawing cards and since I had made a few LBT related cards as kid, I decided to try and make a fully themed LBT deck. I've drawn about 50 of them so far and was planning on more but my friend still hasn't made his minimum of 40 yet.

A quick disclaimer if you've ever played Yu-Gi-Oh and are wondering why abilities and such are lackluster, we tried to scale things back and come up with some limitations so things don't get too out of hand and completely broken. Levels of monsters were given base stats of ATK and DEF that could be re-arranged, with abilities costing a set amount of stats.

Since I've made so many cards already, I'm going to be scanning and showing up to 9 on one scanned image, though small groups of cards that work together I'll probably showcase on their own. Then I'll mention any design philosophies or any other thoughts when I was drawing the card. So here we go with the first set:

A few pointers:
-To the right of the name is the monsters elemental affinity. Since I didn't really want to be boring with having the majority of monster cards have and earth affinity I chose the affinity based on the character's nature: Light is good, Fire is aggressive, Earth is neutral, Dark is "evil". I prioritized actual affinities however (Ducky is water).
-Underneath the nameplate are a number of circles denoting a monster level which determine how powerful it is and the number of tributes required to summon (7+ requires 2 tributes, 5-6 require 1, 4 and under don't need any). Pretty much all of the children characters fall in the 1-4 range with the parents filling the higher tiers.

Onto the cards themselves. With the exception of Guido, these were the first cards that I drew. A lot of them were based off of google image searches so I'm not sure what scene they're from. Running out of drawing space is also a problem I had with several cards, so I would either re-draw it or just leave it cropped (as with the case with Petrie). The drawing space is about 4.5cm x 4.5cm.

Specific cards:
-Littlefoot: Revealing a face down card seemed like a good fit both canon and gameplay wise based on his judgement and being a leader (choosing not to jump over the fire pit in "The Great Longneck Test" as an example).
-Cera: No abilites, just a high ATK stat given she's a threehorn.
-Ducky: Low ATK and DEF since she's small. Originally her ability was to special summon herself if Spike was in play, though this is very situational so I changed it so the condition is the opponent has to control more monsters than you. (Normally summoning monsters can only be done once per turn, including monsters that require tributes. Special summoning doesn't count towards this, allowing to potentially set Ducky down then tributing her to normal summon something more powerful).
-Petrie: Since Petrie's always afraid, his ability to return to your hand came out of the idea that he would run away instead of getting destroyed (though you still lose life points).
-Spike: Big and slow. Makes for a good tanky low level monster with high DEF.
-Chomper: Since he's a sharptooth a had the idea that he could eat to get stronger. This translated into discarding a card to increase his ATK if I need to take out a threatening monster right away.
-Ruby: Couldn't really come up with an idea for her so I just made her have balanced stats.
-Mo: Not sure where the idea for drawing a card came from. Maybe because he dives? Though having some way of drawing more cards is good to have.
-Guido: A flip effect triggers when it's flipped from face down to face up. This case it's designed when a monster attacks it while it's face down. I had a similar mentality to Petrie with him being scared though he can only do it once with the benefit of staying on the field.

On a final note, feel free to share any criticism on the cards, whether it's the cards effects or the drawing itself. Also feel free to share any ideas for other cards that you might think of or show off any cards you draw yourself!
« Last Edit: April 29, 2018, 05:29:28 PM by Flathead770 »


  • Ducky
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The cards you drew look awesome and you did a great job drawing the cards


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These are really good! You can clearly draw well and most of the cards look great. The characters' details are done nicely and their expressions look very natural. I think Spike and Ruby look the best even if the other ones are also done well. The only exception is Littlefoot whose anatomy looks weird. Still, you did a really good job! I'm looking forward to seeing more of your drawings!  :yes

I don't think there's anything with the resolutions but  the pictures could be a bit bigger.


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  • *feels like Pterano*
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I have no experience with Yu-Gi-Oh Cards and how to play them but I can still comment on the artistic part :lol:

I think these are pretty solid drawings, can't spot any rough slip-ups (and I'm too unskilled as an artist myself to write a critique on details :DD)

Anyway, would be awesome if these were coloured too but it's a really good start and idea! Keep it up, man :yes
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Along with Ducky123 here! I never played Yu-Gi-Oh cards or have any experience with them, but these are great drawings! They are very well made, and they have amazing details on them! I like them!


  • Ducky
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Same here I don't like Yu-Gi-Oh much and I only played once. To me yugioh Is not my thing to play or watch. But it's awesome and very cool that you're a fan of yugioh and you drew these cards.


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Thanks everyone for the feedback.

would be awesome if these were coloured too but it's a really good start and idea! Keep it up, man
It's crossed my mind. I've never really colored too many pictures before so it didn't really bother me. I also don't have any coloring pencils at the moment. I should probably get into it at some point if I keep drawing.

I think Spike and Ruby look the best even if the other ones are also done well. The only exception is Littlefoot whose anatomy looks weird.
I agree. I was happy with how Ruby turned out and didn't think Spike would turn out as good as he did. I feel like Littlefoot and Cera are the weakest personally out of the 9 and I believe Littlefoot's head is maybe a tad small?

  Same here I don't like Yu-Gi-Oh much and I only played once. To me yugioh Is not my thing to play or watch. But it's awesome and very cool that you're a fan of yugioh and you drew these cards. 
To be honest, I've never actually played a real game of Yu-Gi-Oh before and I agree that magic is a much better game (in regards to your original post). . I had to look a lot of the rules up to learn. I enjoy the original anime though on the sole fact that it's completely ridiculous and pun-filled. I feel like Yu-Gi-Oh gives the most freedom on creating your own cards so that's why it was chosen.

I have no experience with Yu-Gi-Oh Cards and how to play them but I can still comment on the artistic part
I actually thought about the fact that people won't know how to play after I started typing out my post so I figured I should make a comment on any game specific rulings that might effect the card if someone was interested. I don't even think the Yu-Gi-Oh anime knows the rules to be honest :lol.

yes, I meant image's size :)
For the image sizes these are actually drawn to be the same size as a Yu-Gi-Oh card (the black border are card sleeves). I just scanned a bunch of them at the same time. For comparison:


  • The Circle
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Neat idea you had to make those.  And great drawing also on the cards.


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  • Cera
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Alright time for some more cards. Some people wanted the pictures to be bigger so I only scanned 4 this time so there should be a larger resolution per card after photobucket shrinks the image down so it should be better.

Ozzie & Strut: I wanted to draw a lower level card with a dark affinity so this worked out nicely. Since they're thieves I felt it would make sense that they could attack life points directly (even if the opponent has a monster in play) though the ATK is low. The picture comes from some point during the "Eggs" song.

Hyp: Needed another lower level monster for the deck and happened across the image I drew on google and though it was hilarious. The way I drew him makes him look a little psycho but I'm alright with that.  The scene is when he's dancing around during "When Your Big". Since he's a bully I figured lowering a monsters stats made sense (essentially bullying them).

Elsie: Wanted to have more water affinity monsters. Only drew her face as it is really hard to get full body drawings of larger dinosaurs in that small space. I've tried on other ones I will show down the road with varied success. I couldn't really think of an ability to give her so I didn't bother. Could probably include some flavor text instead like one of her quotes.

Mr. Thicknose: Got the picture off google, probably from the 8th movie. Same thing with Elsie, I couldn't really come up with an ability. I was trying to think of something intelligence based (maybe re-organize the top few cards of my deck?). Might change it down the line.
« Last Edit: April 29, 2018, 05:29:49 PM by Flathead770 »


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Wow! Those cards look great! The details you put on the characters are amazing too! I like it!


  • The Circle
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Great drawings, and fun to see.  

As for power ideas, not sure.  I do agree Thicknose should be intelligent based.  Maybe what you suggested, or you get to choose a card for the danger situation, or extra time to think of a solution.

As for Elsie, maybe she can transport a character out of a dangerous situation or area & takes the character, to a safe place.  Like how she saved Littlefoot & Chomper in the 5th movie.  I think that was her that did that.

Never played any card games and have not seen the anime so no idea if any of my ideas fit the game even.


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  • Ducky
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I agree that the details in your drawing are quite spot-on! Hyp looks a bit manic but aside from him, I really like the expressions in your drawings! Especially Elsie looks very good here.


  • Ducky
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  • *feels like Pterano*
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The expression on Thicknose is pretty cool. He's like... grr :lol

Great job on these again, keep it up :)
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