The Gang of Five
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The Land Before Time CI: Crush In The Great Valley


  • Petrie
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Chapter 1:

*Scene entered with galaxy coming upon Earth towards the Great Valley.*

Narrator: In the Great Valley, the dinosaurs welcomed a herd of migrating threehorns for a temporary stay. Littlefoot and his friend's introduced themselves to the dinosaurs their age.

*There were only two dinosaurs that weren't fully grown in the herd, one was an older "teenage" daughter of the herd's leader Amber; her name was Carly. Carly had a "girly" personality and was brunette. The other young dinosaur was Carly's brother Carl. Carl was a young "teenager", he was very popular in their original resting area, all the young threehorns had crushes on him and he took advantage of their infatuation. Carl was also blonde, all of his old threehorn friend's were blonde as well.*

*Littlefoot and his friends walked up to Carly and Carl.*

Littlefoot: Hi! I'm Littlefoot, welcome to the Great Valley! These are my friends, Cera, Ducky, Spike and Petrie.

*Cera stared at Carl, but Carl noticed and Cera looked away.*

Cera: Hello! *hesitantly.*

Ducky: Hiya!

*Spike made a noise.*

Petrie: Hi, new friends!

Carly: Hi! This place is so nice! I'm Carly by the way.

*A silence from Carl made Carly look at him with a look that urged him to introduce himself.*

Carl: Yes, hello; I'm Carl.

*Carl didn't look amused.*

Ducky: Hi Carl! Their is no reason to be sad, no no no.

Carl: Please don't talk to me.

*Ducky looked down sad.*

Carly: I'm sorry for my brother Carl, what is this valley called?

Petrie: This is the Great Valley!

Carly: Oh! That makes sense, this place looks great!

*Cera hesitantly looked around.*

Cera: Hey, we should all hang out later by the Thundering Falls!

*Carl rolled his blue eyes.*

Littlefoot: Yeah! That'd be great!

Carly: That sounds fun, when?

Cera: When the big blue becomes pink.

Carly: We'll be there!

Carl: Can we go now? I need time to myself.

*Carly looked irritated.*

Carly: Only because I need to inform Mother, see you guys tonight!

Littlefoot: Bye!

Cera: Bye!

Petrie: Bye!

Ducky: Bye!

*Spike made a noise.*

*Carly and Carl walked towards their herd.*

*The Gang walked the opposite direction from the threehorn herd.*

Cera: They seem really cool!

Littlefoot: Yeah, but I don't know what Carl's issue is..

Cera: Oh, I'm sure he is really nice when you get to know him! Maybe he is just home sick.

Littlefoot: Your right, I guess we will really get to know him later today.

Cera: Yeah..

*Ducky looked at Cera trying to discover what Cera was so nervous about.*

Petrie: Me thinks they are cool too Cera!

*Spike made a noise.*

*Cera was zoned out as they walked mindlessly, daydreaming.*

Petrie: Um, Cera...

*Littlefoot looked at Cera confused.*

Cera: Hmm? Yeah, I heard you.

Littlefoot: Cera, you okay?

Cera: Yeah, I was just thinking about something; I'll see you guys later!

*Cera ran off.*

Ducky: Is it just me or is Cera acting funny, yes yes yes.

Littlefoot: Oh, no; I think we all noticed.

Petrie: Maybe she ate a bad treestar?

*Spike nodded.*

*Littlefoot, Ducky, Petrie and Spike all went to their resting places.*

*Cera ran off to her crystal cave, and started talking to herself.*

Cera: What do these feelings mean? What is so important about Carl?

*Instead of going to her crystal cave, Cera went to the one right next to her's which belonged to her mother and her friend Terri who was Petrie's mom.*

*Cera went inside and sat by her mom's side of the cave and thought of her mom.*

*Cera remembered when she was very little before the earthshake, her mom surprised Topsy with a gift, it was a treestar with a fruit's juice in the middle in the shape of a heart. It resembled how much Sally liked Topsy.*

*Cera went outside the cave.*

Cera: Perfect!

*Cera spotted a treestar tree and a fruit tree close by.*

*Cera took a treestar and a fruit and took them inside her cave.*

*Cera pushed down on the fruit to release juice onto the treestar, she then shaped the juice into a heart and put it temporarily on a ledge in her cave that displayed her crystals so the juice could dry.*

*When Cera shifted her head, she saw the crystal Littlefoot had given her.*

Cera: What? I thought I liked Littlefoot.. now I like Carl, I'm confused.

~ To be continued in Chapter 2.


"The Land Before Time CI: Crush In The Great Valley" is a sequel to my first fanfiction "The Land Before Time C: The Last Adventure", some concepts didn't occur in the actual LBT movies and were created in "The Land Before Time C: The Last Adventure".

"The Land Before Time C: The Last Adventure" can be read here.
8 years with TGOF :yum


  • Petrie
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    • Posts: 596
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(This fanfiction is on hiatus until late fall)
8 years with TGOF :yum


  • Ducky
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Yeah it's a good story so far looking forward to the rest of it.


  • Petrie
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    • Posts: 596
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((Does everyone like this enough for me to continue?
8 years with TGOF :yum


  • Petrie
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    • Posts: 596
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I will probably pick this up very soon, and change the formatting a bit.
8 years with TGOF :yum