The Gang of Five
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Sleep and Remember

Ratiasu · 411 · 41975


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The setting, as you know from reading the topic description, is going to be in the first movie, thus most of the continent is undergoing a famine. There isn't much to say, really.

- Our characters won't be in the same place at the same time, but then no one would have anything to reply to, would they? Be sure to remember where your character is, or at least vaguely, in the vast wastelandish place that is the Mysterious Beyond.
- Be sure to have some character development in this!
- Be active. Often the person you're role-playing with doesn't like to wait six months for a reply.
- Do not be afraid to throw yourself into drastic, dangerous, or else bizarre situations.
- Don't post a single line. Make an effort to describe the surrounding, among other things, so the character your character is hanging around with doesn't, say, fall into a pool of lava in what was supposed to be a dense forest. We all need to know where we are, setting-wise, which relates to my first note.

I guess I'll start the introductory post with my Pachycephalosaurus character, Odottaen. Except in this role-play, this being the past, he will be a young adult. When you write your entry post, it is a good idea to let people know where you're coming from and what situation your character is in. On another note, the Great Earthshake hasn't happened yet, but it will very soon!


The scaled gray beast felt satisfaction in the surge of his muscles as he slowly made his way across the sparsely-populated plain. Each of his thudding, tired footsteps hit the hard ground like a soft drumbeat, echoing the near-constant thunder in the low clouds above. The need for food tinged every thought. He was hungry, had been for a long time. The air was still and the heat was harsh, yet Odottaen knew he had to maintain the grueling pace if he were to survive. Or, at least, survive a little long during the famine that had struck the land.

Deep within the bone-headed dinosaur's subconscious was the image of someplace far away, a place that smoked and burned and glowed like the embers of a dying fire, and though he had never seen it before, his family had told him about such a place in the only way Pachycephalosaurus knew how - through gestures and grunts, tail thrashings and eye darts. With such limited language and society, the Pachys message had come across broken. Odo only knew that the burning place meant salvation. It was almost a shame he had been cast out from his family, as all other male Pachys were, before he could ask exactly where the smoking place was.

The day was becoming cooler. The late afternoon was transitioning into dusk - a welcomed change. Soon the hard, compact earth would be cold. The bone-head felt the strength in his exhausted legs fail him, and he collasped onto the ground, breathing steadily, his mind a storm of anger and rage. While falling he had caught a glimpse of something, or someone, in the distance. Seeing something meant to charge. To a bone-head, seeing something meant to attack, to ravage. A Pachy's territory was carried with him; everything his eye could see, he owned. It was the law. The hidden law. But Odottaen was too tired to get up and do what his mind demanded. His brilliant, unusual orange eyes were clouded over as if he were blind. He was, in a way.


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A loud roar echoed down a valley not far away. It was accompanied by yelling and shouting.
The yelling belonged to a barricade of Threehorns and Ankylosaurs. Their words were directed towards the creature that was trying to pass their barricade.
He was tall, a good ten feet. His scaly skin was a lush green color with alarming red spots going down his back. His skin was faded, however, by the dust that had collected on him while crossing the plain. His normally thin body looked even more emaciated due to the fact that he had not eaten anything in eight days. But perhaps his most noticeable feature was his right eye, or rather, the scarred, empty socket that used to be his right eye. His other dramatic feature was the large, tattered frill which he now used in an attempt to get past the barricade.
"I mean you no harm, friends!" he bellowed, trying to be heard over their yelling. "I simply wish to pass through!
"And maybe eat a few of your dead, as well," he muttered to himself.

F-14 Ace

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OCC: Is this before or after the earthquake?  I just need to know incase I need to change one of my character's back story.


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Quote from: F-14 Ace,Apr 29 2007 on  12:26 PM
OCC: Is this before or after the earthquake?  I just need to know incase I need to change one of my character's back story.
[This is before the earthquake. I think I noted that in my topic text. Now, in responce to Grievous55's post...]

Odottaen could hear noises, which struck him as odd. Loud, angry noises. But he couldn't understand what was said. The Pachy shut his eyes for a moment. There were many voices, somewhat far away. Far away, near where that shape had been. Could that long, tall, earthy, distorted have been a hill of some kind? A place where food and green and flowers existed? The gray dinosaur opened his eyes and pushed himself up on shaking, strained arms. He decided to find out.

The Pachycephalosaurus slugged towards the noises. He could smell them now. Herbivores, dangerous ones. A carnivore, which meant he had to stay away. But he couldn't. The cold sand and fading heat was giving him energy. Or hope - he couldn't figure out which, but thinking had never been a Pachy's strong point.

F-14 Ace

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You can view my characters' profiles here.
He trudged along behind the rest of the herd, tired and covered with the dreadful, reddish dust that coated the dull, lifeless landscape as far as the eye could see.  His brown eyes shifted across the flat landscape, paying attention for the slightest sigh of a predator.  This was his duty; to follow behind the rest of the herd and look our for predators that may be stalking them.  Snork sighed in a depressed manner and quickened his pace to catch up with the herd.  To the teenage parasaurolophus, there seemed to be no point to life.  All the herd did was wander about looking for their next meal.  Snork had considered running away a few times after hearing rumors of a wonderful place called "The Great Valley" however, he didn't for fear that the place was fictional.  He could be lost forever amidst the dead landscape; alone for any predator to snatch.  This rootless lifestyle was a miserable, pathetic excuse of a living.  And Snork's father was not making things any better.  No, his father was actually contributing to the problems.  His father *was* the problem.  Snork's father, the herd's leader, had never liked Snork.  He wanted a daughter and and was quite upset when the only egg to hatch brought a sun instead.  After the tragic loss of Snork's mother, his father had been negligent and at times, downright abusive towards his son.  
The bellowing of his father brought Snork's thoughts back to the present.  Here came another wave of insults about what a pathetic lifeform he was.  Instead...
The herd'sleader barked barked, "We're stopping here.  Make sure *they* don't get any of our food!  Think you can manage that?"
He pointed to a small herd of iguanodons that were resting near by.  Snork snorted angrily once his father was out of earshot.  Surely the spikethumbs would not come anywhere near this herd.  They generally kept to themselves.  Snork's father was a staunch racist.  He absolutely loathed anyone who was a different species and loathed members of his own species who fraternized with them even more.  Snork couldn't understand it.  He couldn't understand why his father hated the rest of the world.  The young swimmer sat down on the hard, dry ground and watched the other herd.  A young iguanodon, maybe a little younger than himself, was resting in the company of her parents.  She semed to have a kind family who actually cared about her.  How Snork wished he could just run away with them.  Of course thy would probably never allow it.  

Strafe was lying on the rocks with her mother on one side and her father on the other.  It had been a long, hard day of travel and everyone was looking forward to a decent night's sleep.
The young iguanodon asked her mother, "Mom, are you sure about this Great Valley place?  We've been looking for it since I was born and we still haven't found it yet.  When will we ever get there?"
The mother sighed and replied, "Have patience, Strafe.  We will get there... eventually.  I promis that some day, you will have a nice, safe home with plenty of green food."
She nuzzled her daughter and rested her head on her folded paws.  Strafe glanced over to her father who was already asleep and decided that now was the time for rest.  They could continue this conversation in the morning.  It had just been such a long journey.  Strafe was hungry, thirsty, and aching from head to tail.  or years, her herd had been searching for the place known as the Great Valley.  The young iguanodon was now having doubts that the place even existed.  She folded her front feet and rested her head on them, allowing sleep to overtake her.

General Grievous

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Kaga wandered through a rocky ravine, keeping his eyes peeled for water.  It had been three days since his last drink and the green iguanodon was beginning to feel the effects of dehydration.  Kaga had come into this ravine in hopes of finding water that may have collected during the rain.  The sharp rocks left painful, sore, lacerations on his feet.  Suddenly, Kaga smelled the scent of water near by.  He looked around and saw it trickling out of a hole in the rocks.  The water collected in a small pool at the base of the cliff.  Kaga gave a sigh of relief and began lapping at the cool water.  Finally, after a couple minutes of drinking, the partched dinosaur could drink no more.  He soaked his sore feet in the cool water, relieving the pain.  He wallowed in the water to cool off and remove the dust.  The pool was just deep enough for the iguanodon to lie down in.  After about an hour, darknes filled the canyon and the temperature began to drop.  Kaga left the pool of water and began searching for a safe place to spend the night.


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Sy finally gave up, running disgustedly back in the direction he had come. He passed a Pachy on his way, and called to him.
"You'll find safety where you're going, friend. None of this horrid plain."
He ran on.

As Snork sat on the ground, there was a chuckle behind him.
"Heh, suddenly my life doesn't seem so bad."
Sy was lying on his stomach, chin resting on his forearms. A small rise with some bushes on it concealed him from the herd's view.
"You didn't happen to leave a couple of your dead at some point back there, did you? I could use something to eat."


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Something ran by, spoke to him. Odottaen did not understand what had been said to him. The creature had not said anything. Growls. Grunts. Were they noises, and only that? Were Dilophosaurus intelligent? The creature spoke without moving anything but his jaw. Odo's eyes narrowed. That meant thing. He was trapped in the world of the dumb, the stupid. Unintelligent though it may be, there were even greater unintelligent beasts, those that ate plants.

As Sy ran off, Odo, too frantic and hungry and cold and delirious, began to twitch his arms and whip his head about in signs that he did not understand, but nothing could be done. The crested killer was already gone, and would have not understood his message anyway, for Pachy's speak half with their body, half through words. After a few moments, Odo continued on his way, in the direction he had been going before the noises had distracted him. He was thankful for the dusk. It dimmed the sun.

[First off, I'm surprised at how many people have joined. Thank you!]

F-14 Ace

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"You didn't happen to leave a couple of your dead at some point back there, did you? I could use something to eat."
Snork's first instinct was to alert the herd to the presence of a predator.  But then, he sighed with relief when it turned out to be a scavenger.
The swimmer replied, "Sorry.  We haven't lost anyone in this herd in years.  I think we passed a less fortunate threehorn a ways back though.  It was back in that direction."
He pointed back towards the horrizon.  Snork became slightly nauseous at the thought of something that ate the flesh of others.  He bacema even more nauseous athte thought of a creature that ate meat that was probably rotten and had been baking in the sun for a few days.  He rolled over, curled up, and rested his head on his arms, trying to go to sleep.  His herd would be uo early the next morning to continue their endless, rootless wandering.  It made the young swimmer sick.  He wanted adventure and to actually have a real purpose in life.  This wasn't a life.  Snork wanted his life to actually have some meaning.


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"Thanks, mate."
He glanced over at Snork's father.
"I've heard of him. Doesn't like other types of Dinosaurs, right? He should meet some Rainbowfaces, that'd teach him a thing or two. Or maybe I should introduce myself?"

F-14 Ace

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Snork quickly glanced around to see if anyone was watching and replied , "Uh, my dad would be real upset if he caught me talking to you now.  Maybe you should move on."
Snork  could barely see the last rays of daylight and then said, "Be careful out there.  Sharpteeth love to pick off lone travelers."


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He spat at a rock nearby. It began dissolving when the venom made contact. Soon it was no more than a glob of sizzling liquid.
"I don't think sharpteeth will be a problem," Sy said, grinning, his own teeth glinting in the dying rays of the sun.
He quickly got up and left.

F-14 Ace

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Strafe awoke in the middle of the night.   the young iguanodon groaned as her tired, sore muscles stretched.  She stretched her legs and walked a short distance from the herd, looking for something to eat.  She had been hungry for a long time and would gladly eat any green scrap of food she could find.  She made sure to stay within sight of the herd but did not go too far out.  Then, the iguanodon's nose detected something.  Some green.  Strafe followed the scent to the base of a large stone where a green sage bush grew.  Strafe smiled with glee at her discovery and went to work feasting on her first green meal in days.  Things like this were always rare treats.  For all her life, Strafe and her herd had been wandering this desolate land searching for the Great Valley.  Strafe had been having doubts about its existance over the last year and losing hope that she would ever have a good, safe home.

General Grievous

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Kaga creped quietly from the canyon, having decided that it was too cold.  He figured he'd rather take his chances out on the open flats rather than in the cold, dark canyon.  The moon shined down upon the green iguanodon and flooded the landscape with white light.  Kaga trudged onto the plains looking for a place to spend the remainder of the night.  
The young iguanodon noticed a hallow ahead and said to himself, "Bingo."
He checked  the hallow out and found it to be saticfactory.  He hunkered down next to a rock and closed his eyes and was soon asleep.

F-14 Ace

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Strafe turned to return to the safety of her herd when she spotted a dark figure in the distance.  She tried to make out what it was although it was difficult in the darkness.  Whatever it was, it walked upright and it was getting closer.  The adolescent iguanodon still couldn't tell what the stranger was but she didn't like it.  Strafe turned to head back to the safety of her herd which was not but about 300 yards away.  THe last thing she needed was to get caugh by a predator out here by herself.

General Grievous

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The sparptooth spotted his prey ahead.  Tonights meal appeared to be an iguanodon that had strayed from its herd.  It shouldn't have been too hard to bring down.  Shriek was about to charge when the prey spotted him.  Blast!  The prey wasn't supposed to spot him!  Having gone two weeks without a decent meal, he was not about to allow this opportunity to slip away.  With a deafening roar, Shriek leaped forward and charged full speed ahead at the iguanodon.
(Is anyone else going to join this rp?  It isn't much fun with only two people.)


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Quote from: General Grievous,May 11 2007 on  11:46 PM
(Is anyone else going to join this rp?  It isn't much fun with only two people.)
[I would, but I'm busy at the moment. I'll probably post in-character sometime in the next few days, but man, homework is killing me.]

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A shiver of fear ran through Strafe's body as the sharptooth charged toward her.  The helpless iguanodon turned and made a break for her herd, taking advantage of her speed.  Strafe had always been a fast runner.  She was nearing the hill where her herd slept just on the other side.  The sharptooth was getting closer now.  Strafe leaped over a rock and gave it everything she had to put as much distance between the predator and herself as possible.  Strafe really, *really* didn't want to have to fight this thing.


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A large shape leaped in front of the charging sharptooth. It hissed and extended its frill. Lifting is head to the sky, the creature let out a terrifying scream.
Sy charged at the sharptooth, venom drooling from his mouth.


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Odottaen had gotten lucky over the past week of his blind travelings. A day ago, near some old canyon, he had stumbled over a small water hole. The only residents instantly snapped up their elegant necks to look at him as he had approached. They had snapped their toothless jaws and glared angrily at him with pink eyes. They were slightly bigger than him, but very fragile. Everything about them had been long. Odo felt a primal rage overtake him, and soon he was lost in action, bellowing, stamping, tossing his head from side to side, whipping his tail about, running at them. Once he had swung his head horizontally and it had hit one of them in the side. There had been a noise, a horrible noise, a slight shriek, and the dinosaur had only mangaged to limp a few steps before collasping into the pool, its body half in, half out, of the water.

All of them quickly left, leaving Odottaen alone. The gray Pachycephalosaurus, still caught up in his instinctive mindless fury, had uprooted the hard ground with his back feet until his toes had bled and the nails were bent. He marked one of nearby canyon walls with the tusks on his nose, then finally, when this was completed, he felt himself take control again. Due to his omnivorous nature, he had a good meal, the first filling one in weeks, though the meat of the Gallimimus had been stringy and tough, and the skin was thick and the liver small and bland. The pool quenched his thirst, and the young Pachy had continued forward after three days.

Odottaen was now wandering in a canyon. It was day, and the bright, unforgiving sun was taking its toll. His eyes struggled to find shade, but to no avail. The ground was flat and barren except for a couple small rocks and a single thorny plant-like growth that scaled a fourth of the canyonside. Suddenly the Pachy stopped. He sniffed. There were alarm bells going off in his head. Something was telling him that he had to leave this place. He relaxed. There was no wind. He was only able to smell the scent of rocks and himself. There was no dust here. No footprints. Odottaen pushed onward, walking carefully. The warning in his head grew stronger. His legs felt weaker. He looked around him - behind, ahead, above, to the left and right, but he saw nothing. He heard nothing. He smelled nothing. He decided his brain was incorrect. It was he who was wrong.