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Messages - Saft

Pages: 1 ... 4 5 6 7 8 ... 51
The Fridge / Comedy
« on: May 10, 2011, 06:07:32 PM »
Comedy?  What is this comedy you speaketh of Saft?  

I do like comedy as much as the next person.  Sometimes though I do not fully appreciate or 'get' the humour but over all I rather watch it than other 'alternatives'.  

Are there any comedians that you like?
I like:

Oh warning, some language may be is typical english humour...sarcastic and ironic...
Michael McIntyre

Russell Howard

I apologize if the links do not work in your area.  Youtube always has alternatives so just search yourself if you are interested.:p

Please provide that people do know who you are talking about.

Attic Treasures / What are you reading?
« on: May 10, 2011, 05:59:08 PM »
world of warcraft legends: vol 1 manga.....yeah...i'm a nerd..

The Fridge / The value of honesty
« on: May 10, 2011, 05:50:22 PM »
So long have I often feared other people's feelings that I would try to avoid the situation but then my conscience would peak up and bother me.  I have learnt the hard way with both variants.  To be mindful of other people's feelings and still tell the truth is very difficult, when all I want to do is tell it the way it is.  It is an impulse that I used to have to mask.  Now, I no longer do that.  I tell it how it is....instead of sugar coating it, it makes me feel better and whilst it may have hurt the person that is something that I can not help anymore otherwise it'll just be as equally hurtful for me.   Selfish perhaps?  Yeah....but it is always better to tell the truth.  It is not my fault if people can not accept it.

The Fridge / How often do you wash your clothes?
« on: May 10, 2011, 05:44:11 PM »
Once every week.

The Fridge / The value of honesty
« on: May 06, 2011, 07:25:28 PM »
Please excuse me if I come across as cynical in this post.  I'm quite angry over something at the moment.  However, I wanted to ask you guys (since you guys are just awesome with this type of thing) what you guys think about the importance of honesty.  

Do you value honesty as a whole?  Is there such a thing as being too harsh in telling the truth?  Should you sugar-coat the truth so it doesn't come across as harsh?  Is honesty always appreciated?  Or should you just always lie?

 I just don't get it.  I always try to be honest, yet sometimes it isn't welcome.   Does that mean I have to lie because being honest even though it is harsh and blunt isn't welcome?

The Fridge / On the topic of Zoos
« on: May 06, 2011, 04:19:04 PM »
One of the more interesting conversations that I have had in the past was on the topic of zoos.  Not merely the enjoyment of going to a zoo and seeing all the awesome animals of nature but the essential nature of zoos.  Are zoos a benefit for animals and humans alike?  In what way could the zoo environment be improved do you feel?  Do you feel as though zoos should be totally closed down and the animals that are in the zoos should be released into the wild?

 :lol  I apologise for that many questions.  It is just a few points to focus on for the time being.

Personally, I am split in my opinion of the essential aspect of the zoo enviornment.  In some form, zoos are a benefit for both animals and humans.  Humans can have the opportunity to explore and understand the nature of the variety of creatures that we share the Earth with, without all the population having to rely on text books or going into the animal's natural environments.  

Animals too, especially those who are on the endangered species list benefit by having a chance to improve their disminishing numbers and narrowly avoid extinction of their species, through an extended breeding programme then attempts would be made by the zoos to either release the new generation to a controlled environment in the 'wild' or broaden the gene pool of the captivity animals (think the Giant Panda).  

Yet, there are some zoos were their enclosures are appalling in the living conditions.  There is no animal enrichment and the animals are often poorly treated.  This has to change.  I don't feel that zoos should be totally closed down as zoos do play a vital role (again the panda example) but we should not rely on zoos to preserve the animals in their natural habitats.  

We should do as much as possible to preserve conservation and support the wild gene pool whilst at the same time increasing the likely survival of declining species through the conservation work that takes place in the zoos.  

After all, it is our own fault that these animals are declining.

I think the problem with this aspect of question is that it is hard to characterise the adults.  For the most part the adults are only 2D in character compared to the children who have a 3D character because they have more time to evolve their characters.  Therefore it is reasonable to conclude that because the gang have more movie time focus on them, that they would take part in activities that you are voicing the fact that the adults are made to look incompentent.  

I do not think it is about incompentenece, merely it is probably the lack of creativity with the writers.  Whilst Mufasa died in TLK, he was a full fleshed out character.  Characteristics applied during pre-production is important; the stronger  and more thought out the characteristics applied, the better characterized the individual character will be.  Mufasa's character was like that, he died to protect Simba.  That was his character and how the story line would be going.  LBT hasn't really been able to do that...

General Land Before Time / Favorite Sequel
« on: May 05, 2011, 07:28:52 PM »
Two and Five.

Silver Screen / Labyrinth
« on: May 05, 2011, 07:23:54 PM »
During the later 80's film studios began to delve into the realms of live action fantasy.  You would get films like Ladyhawke, Legend and even the Dark Crystal.  One of the films which was the last of Jim henson made was Labyrinth.  

If you haven't seen this haven't lived.  

It may not be the best comparison to some recent films but it was still good fun especially the songs; Magic Dance, As the World falls down, Within You and Underground.  All sang by David Bowie who also played the Goblin King.

I think a lot of girls wished to be Sarah....I mean I myself even tried to wish away random items just to get the Goblin King to appear ...but he didn't.

Anyway has anyone else seen this?:)

The Fridge / Member Appreciation Thread
« on: May 05, 2011, 07:05:25 PM »
Right....well I feel the need to bump this.  After all people should be appreciated.:D

Pangaea: Thank you so much for my Starday gift.  I truly did not expect it.  It was such a thoughtful gift. Thank you very much. Perhaps I'll come back to asking you questions (when I can think of them).  :)

Malte:  Thank you for our conversations, they have been such a wide range of variety in topic.  Although my endless questioning of a variety of things must be annoying and you'll probably pray to the night trolls every night that I don't ask any more, I am really grateful that you put up with me through those times when I talk about problems.   Thank you also for yesterday; for advising me to accept Stephen's invitation.  If I hadn't listened to you, then i wouldn't have gone.  

Attic Treasures / Do you re-read books?
« on: May 05, 2011, 06:51:34 PM »
Simple question...but do you re-read books? How often?  And any particular books that you tend to re-read more than once?

I definetly re-read books.  As often as I possibly can, I do a sort of loop with the books. I re-read LOTR annually, it is a sort of tradition.  There are other books too but they aren't a traditional thing.

Attic Treasures / Raymond E.Feist
« on: May 05, 2011, 06:43:54 PM »
Recently begun to re-read (since I do re-read books) Magician of Feist's Riftwar saga.  I actually prefer the first book compared to the other two.  Haven't read any of his other books.

Has anyone else read any of his books?  Would you want to?  They are fantasy.... :smile

Attic Treasures / What are you reading?
« on: May 05, 2011, 06:38:16 PM »
Not right now...god..i've been doing it most of the day: exam revision notes.
In the evening for my relaxation period before bed; magician Raymond e.feist.

History Section / What is your favourite Mythology?
« on: May 05, 2011, 05:38:54 PM »
You are missing out on something LBTlover but we can't force you to read if you are unwilling.  Perhaps one day you will but it is your choice..


Anyway back to the discussion.  Also thank you for responding.:)

What are some of the stories that you like from the variety of mythology that people have mentioned?  Do you have a specfic character that you identify with?

History Section / What is your favourite Mythology?
« on: May 04, 2011, 03:39:04 PM »
Some mythology stories also have morals and values to them that can be  relatable even in this day and age.
Some myths inspire people to expand their imagination, their behaviour etc.

History Section / What is your favourite Mythology?
« on: May 04, 2011, 11:29:43 AM »
Yeah...I know, this topic has no substance.  It is just a simple matter of curiosity.

What is your favourite mythology?

My own answer is rather complex as I enjoy most mythologies.  My primary 'areas of expertise' (if you will) are Egyptian, Greek and Roman mythology.  


Sound Off! / What are you listening to?
« on: April 19, 2011, 07:18:17 PM »
I See the Light.

The Fridge / How would you define Art theft?
« on: April 18, 2011, 04:24:19 PM »
Simple question:
How would you define Art theft?
Where would you draw the 'line'?  (as in what do you think is art theft and what is not)

Inspired to some degree to some lack-luster drama going on over on TLKFAA.  There is always something.  And whilst it is slighly amusing to some degree to see some idiot causing a problem with what they feel is right when they are so utterly wrong...(yeah, I doesn't sound nice the way i have put it...sorry) but it is deeply unfair to the person that the attack is being centred around at.

Personally, I define art theft as a person 'stealing' a work of art and claiming it as their own.

Tracing is borderline but not too severe.  And as for free hand...seriously, it's not that much of a big deal.

Attic Treasures / What are you reading?
« on: April 18, 2011, 03:46:14 PM »
I know it is techically a children's book (age 12 and up) but I don't believe that book ages should be limited.  Anyway finished from the Bartimaeus trilogy/series The Ring of Solomon.  As per usual, I love Bartimaeus and his humour.  

And I am currently reading Robin Hobb's Assassin's Apprentice.

Ask Me / Ask me?
« on: April 18, 2011, 03:33:11 PM »
Pangaea: And I have, see my response on the thread.  But thank you, very much I really do appreciate it and no worries about the lateness it is the thought that counts, plus also the effort that was involved.:)

My ears?  I don't know...they are quite attached....

Well the origin of Mozart's name isn't something entirely special.  You see, Amy at that time was learning to play the piano and had music pieces from W.Amadeus.Mozart.  When we got Mozart, his name for the first three days was actually Sternern meaning ''star'' or something similar.  That was mum's idea.  However, we felt that it didn't suit him.  So we had a vote.  During that time, the little kitten's favourite refuge was under and on the piano itself.  When we had the vote at the dining table, he had decided to walk across the piano to rip up the music pieces from Mozart.  It was Mum's idea again to call him that.  So we agreed.  It's supposed to be cute......

Again, nothing entirely special.

Yeah.  I have.   I haven't really had time nor the inclination to draw.  

Probably either the ancient egyptians (after all, women at least had some rights) within the 17th or 18th dynasty; technically the golden age of Egypt.  Or with the Romans but probably during the Imperial period, not the Republic.   I think why is quite self-explanatory.

Actually not entirely.  There are a few people that I know.  One from my hall who was in the E(arly) I(nduction) P(rogram) and then there are three others from the group.  They are pretty nice really.  But I am not yet fully friends with them.  Hopefully that will happen.

Yeah, I did.  For Christmas I got the Lego Harry Potter game.  Nearly got enough golden bricks to unlock Voldemort.

Er, it kinda has.

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