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Messages - Jrd89

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Land Before Time Captions / Cute Petrie-3
« on: December 24, 2013, 04:10:04 AM »
*I've known about this picture for a few months, but I don't know why I didn't comment on it before now.*

:D :D Absolutely cute/adorable shot of Petrie sleeping. I can't resist it. I love it! :D :D  

If I were a pteranodon, i'd gently.. verrrry slowly and ever so gently brush Petrie's back with one of my fingers/claws for a couple of minutes while he's asleep.

*Shhhhhh...  please, very carefully and quietly tiptoe past Petrie and let the nice, cute little brown pteranodon sleep,  okay? ;)  Don't wake him up. ^_^*

General Land Before Time / Jared the Rhamphorhynchus :)
« on: December 22, 2013, 12:09:42 AM »
Guys, i'm in a mood, as if i've been struck by a "rhamphorhynchus/love" arrow.

I wanted to know your opinions on what you think of me as an lbt rhamphorhynchus:

*I'm the tan one in the middle with the blue eyes in this picture (drawn by flipperboidskua) about 3 years ago. Luke (bushwacked) is the green one on the left, I'm the tan one in the middle, and Rinkus is on the right.   I mean.. i'm *really* in a rhamphorhynchus mood now. :yes :DD

What do you think of me as a rhamphorhynchus? Do I look lovable/huggable/cuddly? how would you describe me?

General Land Before Time / Rinkus & I
« on: December 21, 2013, 10:19:03 PM »
Do I look good as a rhamphorhynchus (in the middle, the tan one with the blue eyes) here, guys? :) :) what's your opinion, what do you think of me as a rhamphorhynchus? how do I look?:

General Land Before Time / Curing Sierra (from his behavior)
« on: November 23, 2013, 03:40:42 AM »
What I think I could do, is just accept Sierra's personality/character.

I should work on accepting his "rough/tough" personality. It's the way his character was written to be in the movie after all.  Petrie and Pterano will always be my 2 favorite flyers, though. That's not going to change. ;)

General Land Before Time / Sierra's mood
« on: November 23, 2013, 03:34:04 AM »
I should just learn to accept Sierra and his "fussy, angry, rude, mean, impatient" personality. I mean, it's the way he was written/designed to be for the movie after all. *shrugs* <_< I need to accept that.

General Land Before Time / November 18, 1988; 25th Anniversary!
« on: November 18, 2013, 01:29:23 AM »
:celebrate :celebrate :D :D I want to wish a VERY happy 25th birthday to The Land Before Time! :D :D :celebrate :celebrate

LBT Projects / What happened to the LBT?!
« on: November 12, 2013, 02:11:09 AM »
bestarianagirl1: I'm sad that LBT is "dead", too. :( You're not alone. I know it's been 6 years since the last movie. Nick is right about the quality of the movies going down in the last few movies.

In my opinion, I love 1-7, I thought 8 was "acceptable", but I don't like 9-13.  *9 had Petrie's embarassing "Imaginary Friend" song. *Ugh! Don't remind me.* And I can barely take the words "tinysauruses" and "yellowbellies" seriously.

Nick22's right about the last few sequels being terrible. To me, things started going downhill after "The Big Freeze". Especially plot quality, plus I didn't like there being more and more CGI/computerized animation effects, and less "traditional" movement in the late sequels (9-13)   *Do you notice how one of Petrie's dancing patterns before "Imaginary Friend" begins,  is the same computerish-repeated shuffling movement, before he starts singing the song? He doesn't even look "alive" when he does that shuffling before they get into the "follow the leader" position before the song starts. It looks like "computerized/robotic" movement to me.

As for my opinion on a remake of the original LBT?  :blink: No. It should be left alone. It is a beautiful, touching, classic, emotional masterpiece as it is.

I have movies 1-4 and 6-8, if I find 5, sure, i'll fill in the gap, but i'm not going to get movies 9-13. I don't like them compared to the early-middle sequels, and in my opinion, everything after "The Big Freeze", the writing quality, and animation quality of them is trash compared to the early/hand-drawn/traditionally animated sequels (1-6) which had a much higher writing quality. ;)

Movies like "The Great Valley Adventure", and "Journey Through the Mists" are examples of real Land Before Time adventures, not "tinysauruses"  and "yellowbellies".

Still, bestariana1girl, I do miss LBT. As a flyer lover, I miss Petrie. :cry and I miss Pterano, :cry and i'm really sad that they'll never be reunited again. I'm sad that LBT is dead, but you also have to think about what Nick22 said. Movies 10-13 took a big drop in quality, each movie seemed worse than the one before it, and the sequels got crappier as time went on.

The late sequels can't match up to the early-middle sequels in writing/plot quality, and i'm sure that we GOF members could've thought up better ideas than "the tinysauruses" or "the yellowbellies".

General Land Before Time / Michael York's health
« on: November 09, 2013, 09:53:58 PM »
I have some new footage. :)

This is a 35 minute Q&A that Michael did on October 29th. This is the best i've heard him since his disease was discovered. He doesn't sound as weak. Also, notice that he isn't bald anymore and has hair again. :yes

They discuss swordfighting in "The Three Musketeers" at the 33:00 mark.  

I'm happy that Michael sounds better, and i'm especially happy that he was able to do this 35 minute Q&A/interview. :yes

General Land Before Time / November 18, 1988; 25th Anniversary!
« on: November 07, 2013, 02:49:23 AM »
I've been looking forward to the 25th anniversary of LBT, too. :D

In order for me to watch one of my LBT dvd's, I need to be home alone by myself for at least 2 hours,  so I'll watch the original on my next LBT dvd viewing opportunity. (even though it may not actually be on the 18th.)*

Mumbling: That's right. No LBT movies have been released on Blu-Ray yet. *It's ok, I don't even have a blu-ray player.*

(Movies 1-6) were first available on vhs only. Then, in the 2000's, they were released on dvd.

(Movies 7-11) were first available on both vhs and dvd.  (That's right! :D Pterano appears in the first LBT movie released on dvd.)

(Movies 12 and 13) were released on dvd only, but there are no LBT Blu-Ray titles right now. You're right, Mumbling, it doesn't look like LBT will find it's way onto Blu-Ray. :(

Ludichris: Hey, your plan sounds like a great LBT anniversary/movie marathon party! :)  (Personally, i've got 7 out of 13 movies on dvd.   1-4 and 6-8. ;))

If you get a chance to watch the original on the 18th, then by all means, go for it, and have fun! :yes

The Fridge / Happy 2013.. :)
« on: November 06, 2013, 01:43:11 AM »
*Update* We're closing in on the 25th anniversary of the original LBT's theatrical release (November 18th.)  Almost there! :D

Announcements / Gang of Five Downtime
« on: October 13, 2013, 09:58:58 PM »
I'm very happy that the GOF is back working once again. I "was" worried that I had an internet connection problem with my laptop, but I learned from my gof skype contacts, that it wasn't only me.  

Nevertheless, :D I'm VERY happy that the GOF is back up!

General Land Before Time / (me, too) Lbt/maturity problem. :(
« on: October 06, 2013, 02:02:40 AM »
*24 now.* Well today I finally was able to watch my "Journey through the mists" dvd.  *I was home alone for several hours today*

I was alone, so I didn't personally feel like a baby or embarrassed at all. It had been so many years since the last time I saw the movie. I forgot that Ichy had offered Petrie as a snack to Dil! :blink:  

And I like the "early sequel" Petrie better than the "later sequel" Petrie. His voice is lower and he's not as cowardly/afraid of his own shadow like he is in the late sequels.

:D I had a big laugh when he did the "Petrie verrrry scary!" *neckring puffs out*:

 And after Ducky dropped into the water *Before Spike called to her* If you look at Petrie's neckring, you'll see that it's "hairy".   ;) See? I was right. The neck ring is made of soft hair and if you touched it with your finger, it would feel really soft. :D. It isn't skin, it's hair. :yes

I didn't *feel* like a little baby watching it. Still though, I don't watch when my parents/sister are home. And I still haven't been caught watching when i'm home by myself. I'm a good planner when picking the right time to watch my LBT dvds. Today was my first opportunity in 1 1/2 years, and I took the opportunity. I *LOVE* Journey through the mists, and i'm very happy that the movie is fresh in my head once again. *It had been about 14 years since the last time I saw it.. I think on Cartoon Network. I *know* I rented it from a video rental store back in '97 for a Friday/Saturday movie.

Like I said.. it's as if there are 2 different Petries in the movie series. There's the "early sequel" Petrie, with a lower voice, who's doesn't behave as cowardly as "later" Petrie does, which I like.   And there's the "later sequel" Petrie who has a higher pitched voice, and acts much more cowardly/afraid of things.  

I love the earlier, less-scared Petrie, because to me, he's cool, lovable and funny and while he may be the smallest and lightest member of the gang, he isn't all freaked out/scared "all" the time,  while "late Petrie" acts a lot more scared of things, and he worries a lot more. What i'm saying is, the "earlier sequel" Petrie acts less of a scaredy-cat than the "late sequel" Petrie does, which is why I love the "earlier" Petrie better. :yes

I'm not so "embarrased". At least not on here. And I watch my lbt dvds when i'm completely alone anyways. So there's really harm done there. I'm all right. And in preference, the earlier-sequel Petrie is the Petrie that I love. :yes

The Fridge / My wisdom teeth
« on: October 01, 2013, 12:20:01 AM »
FreckledOne: the dentist said he can't fill the cavity, it's too far back in my mouth to reach.

Sounds like you have a different dentist.  My dentist said that the wisdom teeth should/need to come out. My 2 wisdom teeth don't feel weird, I don't feel anything strange or painful going on IN the wisdom teeth

The Fridge / My wisdom teeth
« on: September 20, 2013, 11:29:53 PM »
shoot.   :slap  :oops   Sorry that I didn't get that joke earlier at first. ;)  

*No virtual issues?  No way!  It hurts! :blink:

If getting wisdom teeth pulled didn't hurt, then I wouldn't have written this thread in the first place. :DD Lol!*

The Fridge / My wisdom teeth
« on: September 20, 2013, 11:15:01 PM »
Sheesh, my experience makes these other stories sound like a root canal experience or something.

Cancerian: :yes I already knew that there were going to be members with their own unique stories on how they got their wisdom teeth out, and that noone was going to have the exact same story as another member. We're all different in our own ways, and I understand that.

The Fridge / My wisdom teeth
« on: September 20, 2013, 10:37:48 PM »
I had my Wisdom Teeth taken out in March this year,honestly yes it does hurt for a while. Then it nums up and slowly fades. Just don't eat any hot food or drink hot drink for at least 24 hours after you get it done or it is just gonna burn. They gave me anesthesia when I got it done so I didn't feel the pain of them actually doing it.

I'm sure that they will either numb my mouth up or put me to sleep during the pulling,  Nahla. ;)  I'd rather be put to sleep during the procedure.  

That's enough dental drama for right now. :unsure: That's all I have for news about my wisdom teeth.  I'll keep you updated if I learn anything new. There's a small little cavity in the top right one, the dentist said it needs to come out. I agree. I can't sit around with a cavity in the back of my mouth.  I'd like to get it over with and get both of my wisdom teeth out in the same appointment when the day comes.

The Fridge / My wisdom teeth
« on: September 20, 2013, 06:56:05 PM »
Also, if your dentist/doctor/parents didn't mention it, you can't eat anything past midnight, if I remember right, the day before you go to get the wisdom teeth removed, or you'll vomit because of whatever they use to knock you out for the surgery.

No, Adder. They did not tell me that. Thanks for the info for the future. ;) and that's a very good idea.  No food past midnight of the night before the pulling appointment, and MAKE SURE that the mouth is clean before going in for the pulling, too.

:) Thanks.  That makes very good sense.

The Fridge / My wisdom teeth
« on: September 20, 2013, 06:23:58 PM »
well, after today I feel a little better. : (  It should be thought of this way..

"Jared. : (   You have a cavity in there.  You can't walk around with a cavity in your wisdom tooth. Over time, the cavity could get larger *even though it's a smalll one now*

"Jared, when you get them pulled, think about this.. you'll be getting rid of 2 bad things in your mouth, not just 1. The 2 wisdom teeth and the cavity too."  : (  Do not tremble/panic.  You'll be doing a very good thing for your mouth. You can't walk around with a cavity in your mouth. That's obvious, point-blank. The Dr. can't fill the cavity, it's in your top right wisdom tooth. The only way to get rid of the cavity, is to have the tooth pulled out." : (

**I've tried to forget thinking about it today and think of some fun/other stuff to take my mind off of it.**  I don't know "when" the date of the pulling will be. But I will say, this evening, i'm not quite as scared, sad, and down as I was yesterday and earlier today.** It's just working out the emotions and the worries.

"Jared.. if the wisdom teeth stay, the cavity stays, too.   If the wisdom tooth (or I can choose to have both wisdoms pulled at once, too.)  Then the cavity is gone AND so are both of your wisdom teeth, and as soon as your gumline is completely healed, and you can eat hard, solid foods once again.. you are going to feel wonderful.

If you take proper care of your teeth for the rest of your life, then you won't have to get any more teeth pulled out of your mouth for the rest of your life, too.  Think about that."

That's what i've been thinking in my head, today, guys. the day started off "scared/worried/sweating/shaking."  But now it's more..calmed. :(  I realize I have all of your comfort and support, too.

The Fridge / My wisdom teeth
« on: September 20, 2013, 01:27:18 AM »
I'm gonna need plenty of comfort from you guys leading up to the day of the pulling *which like I said.. is still unknown*. :unsure:   I'm glad you're all here for me, and I appreciate your consideration and your comforting. The more the comfort, the less worried i'll be about getting the wisdom teeth pulled and the pain. :(

The Fridge / My wisdom teeth
« on: September 20, 2013, 01:16:18 AM »
**This is a post to kick off my own wisdom tooth thread, because I believe that Chapter 1 of this experience may have happened today.

Now guys.. right now, an appointment for the removal of them has not been scheduled yet, but i'll keep you updated. :( as you can see, I am very afraid/scared about it and all of the pain that are known to last for several days on end after the removal! :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :cry :cry :cry **

Today I had a dentist's appointment (just for a normal cleaning and x-ray.)

:unsure: In the cavity inspection, I had 1 small cavity starting.   I have 30 teeth, and to give you a hint.. it wasn't on one of my main 28.    It was on my top left wisdom tooth (I have 2 top ones, none on the bottom have grown in yet. i'm 24.. so it looks like I got "half" lucky and got 2 instead of 4. I'm lucky about that.

I am very scared/worried though.  I've read reviews people have written on their own Wis. tooth removal experiences.  Even some have said it takes 4 weeks for the teeth and gums to fully completely heal.  *THAT scares me*

But my mom said "it'd only take a week for me to heal." I think that's how long it took for her to heal.

**There's NO set appointment date to have the teeth pulled right now. I'm just shaky/kinda sweaty as if the appointment is tomorrow. The only thing that my mind seemed to be stuck on this afternoon was the wisdom teeth. the pain. the dentists extraction tools! !  O_O   The BLEEDING!! o_o   o_o   The "dry holes/in case blood clots DON'T form" that people wrote in their own experiences.

BTW, Neither of my 2 wisdom teeth are impacted either. they're in straight.

I'm very afraid/scared of the pain/swelling/bleeding/aches.

:(  If the dentist would've said.  "no cavities" then I'd be happy doing my normal stuff right now and wouldn't have to go back until my next cleaning appointment in March.

I mean.. when that small cavity was pointed out on my top right wisdom tooth.  I was thinking in my head "oh s**t.  oh s**t.. Oh. no..  oh no.  that's it Jared. That's it.  Dead end. Game Over, Check-mate.  You "have" to get them pulled out. You can't just let a tooth with a little cavity just sit in your mouth with all of your other nice straight teeth and ruin your mouth. :(

I think Ptyra got hers removed in about.. '10, and Flipperboidskua said that she got hers pulled in like.. '12.   And today, after the cavity discovery, I think I just stepped on deck to having mine pulled. : (   it "is" the right thing to do though.  (I'm just very very scared of the pain.

I HOPE none of my gums or nerves gets DAMAGED in the removal!! O_O that's ANOTHER thing i'm REALLY really scared of. My feet are shaking, i'm trembling a little, and my heart rate goes up a little when I think about the wisdom teeth getting pulled out. and i'm a 24 year old guy (but I sure don't have any tough/brave guts on me right now.) : (  

The best part is at the very end when the gums have fully healed and when you can return to eating normal solid foods once again. ; )

I figured i'd start my own personal "wisdom teeth" thread of my own. A cavity was seen on my top right, and that has just started my own personal experience. :(  

I'm very afraid of the pain, the bleeding, and the swelling and aches. : ( I need comforting.  

*but getting them pulled is only the right thing to do. I'm just afraid of the pain in the experience itself. :(*

I haven't had any teeth pulled out of my mouth in 10 years (2003, when I had my last 8 baby teeth pulled out when I was 14.) And i'm VERY scared about the wisdom teeth, because they are big, rooted teeth in the back of the mouth and are much more painful to get out.

:( I don't know how long/wish I "knew" how long it'll take for them to heal after they're pulled. : ( Gosh, I hope my mom's right about the one week. (that's how it was for her when she had hers pulled. and remember, it's 2 teeth, not 4, and they're NOT impacted either. They are in straight.)

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