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Messages - NeptuneNavigator2001

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Computer and Electronics / MSN and laptop...
« on: February 05, 2009, 09:36:41 AM »
Quote from: Petrie,Feb 5 2009 on  04:13 AM
What did you do differently?
Not a whole lot, surprisingly.. :p I'm wondering if the order of certain programs I installed has anything to do with it, or if it was all on account of that same driver... I'll be sure that incompatible driver gets sent to hell... :p

Computer and Electronics / MSN and laptop...
« on: February 04, 2009, 02:20:42 AM »
To be honest Austin, I did try it once, on a spare hard drive, and found it to be somewhat unstable... For example, I tried to close a window that had frozen, clicked twice and clicked "End Task," and it crashed Explorer as expected, but what I didn't expect is for it to bring down another task, which forced the whole system to shut down, and then later on, I find out that a couple files are damaged? Eh, sorry dude... For what it does, it does okay, and it's there when I need it.... But I'm already tweaking my XP installs all to crap anyway. :p

EDIT: Oh, this is just great.  Now AVG claims that MSN has tracking cookies in it.. I clicked to have one moved to the vault accidentally, but now it seems to be screwed up. I even tried restoring it and it doesn't work... This is just peaches. I hope I can reinstall MSN, even though it'll take me two hours to reinstall all my custom emoticons. I'm one screwup away from walking away from computer techieness... Thanks AVG, you PIECE of GARBAGE! :anger

EDIT 2: Okay, I reinstalled MSN, and disabled tracking cookies in resident shield in AVG.  Fortunately all my emoticons, display pictures, and the one background I was able to reinstall, all were still there... :p

UPDATE: It's working! :D I got it all working last night! :) Honestly, this was something I wasn't sure I would be able to do... :oops But this is a big morale booster for me. :^.^: It's actually done, so now I can take it anywhere I might go. :) The freedom that this gives, it's amazing... :^.^:

Computer and Electronics / MSN and laptop...
« on: February 03, 2009, 08:53:33 PM »
Quote from: landbeforetimelover,Feb 3 2009 on  01:35 PM
If it happens on wired and wireless and you've already formatted the laptop, I'd suspect the router. :p
Nope. :p It works now, and it worked before, a long time ago, before this laptop was mine and back when it still used its original hard drive. I think I've traced the problem to a redundant, needless driver I accidentally installed for the wireless... Leave it to Compaq to list redundant drivers even in specific models of certain computers, and the end-user to figure out which ones will break the machine, which ones won't even work, and which ones you actually need. :p Yeah... Anyway, over the course of the day, I'll be reinstalling everything; right now, I've got only a basic install of XP, many updates (darn you Patch Tuesday!), MSN, and Firefox. Hopefully I don't break the machine. :oops

Computer and Electronics / MSN and laptop...
« on: February 03, 2009, 02:29:24 AM »
Quote from: Kor,Feb 2 2009 on  10:23 PM
Good luck on getting your problems resolved.  I'm sure many of us know how big hassles computers can be at times.
Yeah... :( Thanks everyone. Really. :)

Computer and Electronics / MSN and laptop...
« on: February 03, 2009, 02:08:14 AM »
Quote from: Mumbling,Feb 2 2009 on  10:06 PM
Hmm.. You should calm down at least. Good luck reformatting your laptop and I hope it works afterwards :)
Yeah, I should... But it's frustrating having to do this for the umpteen-bazillionth time... :oops At least I can burn a quick DVD; this time, I'll install MSN first...

Computer and Electronics / MSN and laptop...
« on: February 03, 2009, 12:07:37 AM »
I think it's something misconfigured, somewhere... There's no other explanation as to why it doesn't work right on my laptop versus my desktop. I will stop at nothing to make this work, including a reformat, or exposing any security vulnerability that may be necessary. Call me obsessive, but I want this to work. It USED to work, back before I got the laptop. Used to work just fine. Now it doesn't... Looks like I'll have to play blindman's bluff with all my technological know-how until it either works or I give up.

EDIT: Here, this hint should make things easier for someone to help me out: there is usually a variable delay between sending a message and being signed out, and I get it bounced back at me... I'm ready to format the laptop for the billionth time...

EDIT 2: Matter of fact, that's almost too easy now, so that's what I'm gonna do. To all my MSN contacts, I'm sorry, but you won't hear from me for a while, until this is resolved. I'm burning an emergency backup DVD of what I have on this drive that isn't backed up, and formatting... This is ridiculous, seeing as it's about the fourth or fifth time that I've done it now...

Computer and Electronics / MSN and laptop...
« on: February 02, 2009, 11:22:03 PM »
I can run either wired or wireless. I disabled wireless, no difference. In fact, a couple weeks ago, I had a lot of problems with my wired connection on my desktop disconnecting and reconnecting. I actually had to install a spare WiFi card in my desktop for a more stable connection, and as crazy as that sounds, it worked. I've tried running either my wireless connection on the laptop, or the wired, and even both simultaneously, and it's just not working... Other applications seem to be working fine... This is a new install - I JUST did this!

Computer and Electronics / MSN and laptop...
« on: February 02, 2009, 10:52:30 PM »
Okay, I have just about HAD it with this stupid laptop...! It's been an uphill battle to get this piece of junk running, and keep it running! Sure, it's my best machine now, but dang, how much crap do I have to go through to get it to work properly??! :mad :anger Now, I can't maintain a stable connection to MSN, AT ALL... I'm doing my best to diagnose the problem, but it's just NOT working, and, I'm ready to throw up my hands! I'm pissed off, and not gonna take this crap anymore! :anger I'm sorry to those of you who talk with me via MSN, but it's rather rocky right now. This transition over to this machine has been one long uphill battle after another, and I for one am so sick and tired of it, that I'm actually contemplating just saying screw it with computers, unless some miracle happens and I'm able to maintain a stable connection. Doesn't seem to happen on my desktop, so why here? Geez.... And yeah, I was serious about the "giving up" part - if I can't fix it, then I'll just say screw it...

Gamers Zone / Video game videos
« on: January 29, 2009, 12:41:18 AM »
Quote from: Flathead770,Jan 27 2009 on  10:49 PM
might as well post my last 3 vids i have uploaded while we wait for NeptuneNavigator2001 here to upload his.
It's coming soon, but I'm not exactly sure which one I want to do yet... :p So many games... :D I think I've got a pretty good idea, though.... :P: And yeah, I didn't mention, that I used to use the Game Genie, and then later on, only the 30 lives code. (10 lives for Super C, and a different code.) :P: Finally, over 10 years later, I realized I might actually be able to do it... :) Lo and behold. ;) Contra I actually beat almost 3 years ago, by now... :p Super C was a solid month of training, remembering, and frustration. But it's done... :)

Gamers Zone / What Are You Playing Right Now?
« on: January 27, 2009, 04:47:04 PM »
Painkiller...  Fairly recent game, good ol' classic FPS gameplay, with none of the questing stuff of modern FPSes. :p Time to sharpen my skills. :p

LBT Fanart / Fanart for Sharptooth Valley
« on: January 27, 2009, 01:41:22 AM »
Wow, Kacie... :o Those all look good! :D You never fail to amaze me with your talents. :)

Land Before Time TV Series (2007) / Season 2
« on: January 26, 2009, 06:40:14 AM »
Quote from: Mumbling,Jan 25 2009 on  10:02 PM
No one. I'd rather have them remove Ruby & Chomper again. It doesn't feel thesame.
Meh..  I always felt they were welcome additions to the series...  To be honest, I felt I could really relate with Ruby in some aspects...  I dunno how I'd feel either way, but if too many characters get added, it does have a shallower feel to it, I'll agree there...  But hey, LBT is LBT to me.  I know that most of ya can't roll with that, but I'm a weirdo... :D

Gamers Zone / 2009 Wishlist
« on: January 26, 2009, 06:35:51 AM »
There's only one game I'm looking forward to this year: Street Fighter IV! :D


EDIT: Oh yes, and Chrono Trigger DS, but I won't be able to play that right away - at least, not yet. :p

Heh, as for next year, though I wish it was coming out this year, but it will give me enough time to save up enough money to build a new PC after it comes out - Doom IV... xD

Gamers Zone / Video game videos
« on: January 26, 2009, 06:32:42 AM »
Thanks for the comments on the videos, guys. ;) Another playthrough coming soon... :D

LBT Fanart / Fanart by Lillefot
« on: January 26, 2009, 05:05:08 AM »
Gustav, these last two pieces of artwork - incredible! :D  I like this new style a lot, but your old style is fine too. :) Just do what you think is best. ;)

Gamers Zone / Video game videos
« on: January 17, 2009, 06:03:56 AM »
Okay, I made these about 3 months ago, but didn't upload them until now... :p Two games from my childhood, from the NES, played through from beginning to end, no lives lost. :p

WARNING: Minor violent content. :p Just posting for the sake of courtesy; really, it's nothing too bad. :p

Part 1
Part 2

Super C: (a month (or more) of trial and error went into this one! xD)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

Computer and Electronics / Windows 7
« on: January 17, 2009, 05:55:52 AM »
Quote from: Mumbling,Jan 17 2009 on  01:06 AM
Nope. Parents definitly dont want that. They'll probably wait like 5 years just like they did with XP when it came out :p
Hey, nothing wrong with waiting 5 years... xD I waited 6! xD :lol And, no, don't think I'll upgrade, probably dual-boot, on account of DirectX 11, but backwards compatibility is still enough to shy me away from making it my primary OS. :p Heck, the way things are looking, I'll probably be triple-booting or quadruple booting by the time that I get my new PC built, sometime next year! xD

The Welcome Center / Hello!
« on: January 17, 2009, 05:48:30 AM »
Hey there, Sableye.  It's been a long time since I greeted folks, so, here's an official welcome from me. :) Welcome to the GOF! :D Lots of nice friendly folks around here indeed. :)

LBT Projects / Field of Innocense
« on: January 13, 2009, 05:44:54 PM »
.... :confused *sniff* .....Uh....  ....Wow....  .......I'm, kinda speechless right now... :confused *sniff* :cry :cry2 OMG....  Kacie, that was....  .........One of the most moving, powerful mvs I have ever seen... :confused I got the shivers too, and by the second chorus, I found myself crying.... *sniff* .....Amazing work, Kacie... :^.^:

Computer and Electronics / Testing Windows 7 Beta
« on: January 10, 2009, 04:24:22 PM »
I'm testing it right now, despite the VRAM in my laptop only being 128 MB. :p Seems to be installing okay so far. :P: :) There's several things I'll be testing, for a couple people, and giving them my feedback. :p

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