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Messages - JitteryDragon

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Random Role Play / Adventures In ToonWorld
« on: June 02, 2010, 12:17:52 AM »
'Most folk call our world the Middlezone,' Glacia began. 'Incendia and I live... well, lived, on the Border. It's a little hard to explain without going all technical and geographical. However, the basic understanding amongst most is that the further you go from the equator of our planet, the more dangerous things become. the border is right on the edge of the safe zone, the equator essentially. It's an obvious risk, but much more peaceful and quiet.'

Meanwhile, not far away (perhaps a meter or so), Incendia had wizened up to the idea of using a frying pan as a tennis racquet. 'Wow, that's genius,' the orange dragon said. 'You're a genius! I could kiss you, but I probably shouldn't... last time I did that, there was a lawsuit, whatever that is.'

His eyes fell upon his sister, and whilst she was being technical with Woody, he slipped off to begin his reign of mischief (if looking for a frying pan could be called that).

Random Role Play / Adventures In ToonWorld
« on: June 02, 2010, 12:06:14 AM »
'That would best describe us,' Glacia replied, twirling a tennis raquet in one hand. 'I'm the older of us two.'

'By one year,' Incendia pointed out.

'Yes, but the way you act sometimes, one would think you're much, much younger.'

Incendia shrugged innocently. 'Hey, I strive to be different.'

'Very, very different,' Glacia mumbled to herself. She glanced back over to Winnie and Woody. 'A pleasure to meet you by the way. Glacia at your service, and my little brother is-'

'Incendia the wise and all powerful! God of the upper and lower worlds and also that little town in Utah we once visited.'

'Please be quiet,' Glacia said with a sigh.

Random Role Play / Adventures In ToonWorld
« on: June 01, 2010, 11:41:38 PM »
'Practice, yes,' Glacia said. 'I honestly haven't touched a raquet since Incendia and I got stuck in a sports shop overnight.'

'That was heaps fun!' Incendia said sidling up to his sister, and look just a little too overjoyed. 'Hey, do ya remember that one time when we got shut in that candy store all night?'

'Yes, yes I do. Only because you were the one who wanted to lock yourself in there, and I tried to stop you. By the gods, that ended in disaster.' Glacia kept down vivid memories of her brother devouring candy like a glutton, as if out of a scene in a horror film.

'Look, brother, I need to get my head into gear for this. Concentration is the key to this kind of sport. So I wish to ask a favor of you.'

'Anything for you, sis.'

'Don't do anything stupid for the next hour, whilst I'm playing, please.'

'...except that.'

Glacia placed a finger on her brothers nose, looking deep into his eyes. 'I'm serious, Incendia. As much as I like to tolerate babysitting you, sometimes I have to go my own way briefly... and every time I do that-'

'Something really bad happens?'

'Yes, like right now, and how we ended up here. After this is over, you're banned from using toasters.'

'Can I still use frying pans?'

'Good heavens, no!'

Animation / Dink, Amber & Flap Caption
« on: June 01, 2010, 11:10:19 PM »
The look on Flap's face just says "Goodnight everybody!" ‡ la Animaniacs.

Silver Screen / Most shocking plot twist ever?
« on: May 30, 2010, 08:21:14 AM »

Here's a couple of memorable ones I've seen over the years in movies:

The Sixth Sense - The main character has been dead all along.

Planet of the Apes - It was Earth all along.

The Empire Strikes Back - All ready mentioned, but definitely a great twist.

Citizen Kane - Rosebud was a sled.

Soilent Green - It's made from people.

Random Role Play / Adventures In ToonWorld
« on: May 30, 2010, 07:57:20 AM »
'Excellent,' Glacia said to herself, rubbing her hands together with anticipation. In her mind, this one was already in the bag. The mutt hardly looked like he even knew the right side of a raquet, let alone the responsibility to play fairly. All she needed was a cool head, and that was easily achievable considering she was an ice dragon and all that.

Still, she decided to at least wish her opponent good luck. It was the sporting thing to do.

'I look forward to an exciting match,' she said, approaching Muttley. 'Good luck, but I hope getting beaten by a girl doesn't hurt your ego too much,' she added with a giggle.

Random Role Play / Adventures In ToonWorld
« on: May 29, 2010, 12:44:07 AM »
(OOC: just to verify, Incedia and Glacia are on the Droopy Dawgs, since they don't have as many players)

Glacia pondered with her brother. 'Doubles, hm? I guess that means the two of us-'

'What's a tennis, Glacia,' Incedia asked. 'Does this have to do with that raquet thingy?'

Glacia simply groaned. 'Better you were my burden then someone elses. Mind you, I have a pretty nasty swing. An interesting conundrum, since I would do quite well in singles. But there's you I need to worry about.'

'Me? Since when?'

'Since... hm, I've lost count of the years.'

'Six and a half,' Incedia replied, hand raised.

'You continue to amaze me, brother.' She turned to Droopy. 'Right, I'm more than happy to go doubles with my brother... best to keep him in eyesight at all times.'

Random Role Play / Adventures In ToonWorld
« on: May 29, 2010, 12:25:01 AM »
'Cheating?' Glacia said. 'You mean, they flat-out cheat, and everyone knows about it? Wow. This could be interesting indeed.'

'Ooh ooh, can we cheat, too?' Incedia said, jumping up and down.

Glacia shook her head. 'Remember what I told you about cheating, brother.'

'Only in Connect Four?'

'Close enough. Right, let's go meet our team captain, and devise our strategy.'


'I'm joking, Incedia. Let's just go say hi.'

Random Role Play / Adventures In ToonWorld
« on: May 29, 2010, 12:06:32 AM »
Glacia was more than happy to exchance aquantences with her fellow players. 'A pleasure to meet you, Scooby,' she said, taking his hand.

'He speaks like you did when you were younger,' she whispered to her brother.

Incedia was insulted. 'I never!'

Glacia then took Dixie's hand. 'A pleasure,' she said, before bowing to Yogi. 'A fair game is a fun game.'

Incedia looked confused. 'It is?'

'Well, in this case, yes. Do you think you can manage that, brother?'

'Being fair?'



'Right. We're off to a great start.'

Random Role Play / Adventures In ToonWorld
« on: May 28, 2010, 11:54:14 PM »
Glacia laughed. 'I like that attitude you have. Assuming victory against a foe you have only known for a few minutes. Racing, tennis... heck, you'd be surprised how dangerous I can be with a raquet-'

'What's a raquet?' Incedia asked.

'Shh, I'm talking to the ugly moustache face.'

'The dog?'

'Groan,' Glacia said to herself. She composed herself, and faced the Baron. 'We shall see who'm truimphs on the battlefield, no less... my good man.' She added that last bit more as an insult than compliment.

'Can I taunt people too?' Incedia asked his sister.

'Good heavens, no.'

'Aww, fiddlesticks.'

Random Role Play / Adventures In ToonWorld
« on: May 28, 2010, 11:40:51 PM »
It was a glorious sight to watch. Glacia watched on with keen interest, whilst her brother fiddled with his uniform.

'Cotton? My arch-nemesis!' He cried out.

'Oh shush, Incedia. The one time we get the chance to make something of ourselves, and all you can do is whine.'


'Shhh, he's still talking.' At the mention of prize money, you could almost see the duo's eyes light up.

'Ten... million... dollars?' Glacia mouthed to herself in shock.

'I bet it's in Canadian dollars,' Incedia sighed.

'Don't you see, brother? Money! We'd never have to go hungry again!'

'We've gone hungry?'

'No, but you see my point, don't you?'

Incedia paused, deep in thought. 'Wait... so we... eat the money, right?'

'This is why I never let you near our bank account.'

'We have a bank account?'

'Exactly.' Glacia looked up into the sky as the fireworks spelled out LAFFALYMPICS. She thought, as she usually did, of the bright side of things. There was always a bright side... more or less true when your homeworld was more a wasteland than paradise. it made her glad to be here more than ever, just for a change of pace. Not to mention, the chance to win some money, that was always a bit of silver lining on the cloud.

'L... A... F... D... no, wait,' Incedia said to himself, attemption to spell out the words above them. 'What could it mean?'

'You amaze me sometimes, brother.'

Random Role Play / Adventures In ToonWorld
« on: May 28, 2010, 11:16:07 PM »
'A pleasure to meet you, Lord Stripetail,' Glacia replied, taking his hand and shaking it. 'Laffalympics, you say? Swell, couldn't be worse than what's been happening to us so far.'

'Interdimentional travel and toasters!' Incedia said.

'They know that,' Glacia groaned.

'Oh right...'

Glacia and Lord Stripetail held a bried conversation over the teams. There was much anticipation and all that tension stuff at this point, but to save you the trouble of biting your nails off... we'll cut right to the chase.

'I vote for the Droopy Dawgs,' Incedia said, hand raised.

'Did you put any thought into that decision, or did you just pick one at random?'


Glacia sighed once more. 'Droopy Dawgs it is...'

Incedia jumped into the air with excitement. 'Woohoo! Let's show them what us dragons can do!'

Random Role Play / Adventures In ToonWorld
« on: May 28, 2010, 11:06:31 PM »
Incedia looked around the stadium, eyes fixed upon the quieted crowd. 'Is this... hell?'

'I think we're in some sort of Olympic Stadium,' Glacia replied.

'It is hell!'

Glacia faced Stripetail, knocking her brother over with a hand in the process. 'Hello there, sorry to pop in like this. Toasters and interdimentional travel and all that... go figure. Uh, could you tell us where we are, please?'

Incedia rose to his feet. 'Dragons! Where!'

'They meant us, Incedia,' Glacia said with a lowly sigh.

'We're dragons?'

'Yes, Incedia.'

He paused for a moment, deep in thought. 'Cooooool,' he finally said.

Random Role Play / Adventures In ToonWorld
« on: May 28, 2010, 10:54:58 PM »
Meanwhile... in a galaxy far, far, far... far, far, far, far... faaaaaaaar, far away...

It had been one of those days. You know the one... everything just kept going wrong. Firstly, her brother had gone missing... again. This was a bad sign, Glacia knew. She had the eyes of a raven, and thus when Incendia managed to elude her (usually through spotting a butterfly or something) it was the first sign that things were going downhill.

Secondly, it was raining meteors again. When your house was built precariously upon a tall spire just outside the Middlezone border... that tended to happen. Of course, having the weather-man tell you that there was to be "sunshine and a slight chance of meteorites" wasn't the most reasuring thing after breakfast.

Especially after she went to collect the mail, realised her brother was missing... and then a giant rock fell on the house, crushing it under sheer... rockiness.

it was going to be one of THOSE days...

So, Glacia decided to find her brother, before he did something stupid... like steal a truck in order to "re-act that one scene from Mad Max 2", or attempt to invent a time traveling toaster that gave you the toast before you even put the bread in.

It was a hot day on the border, the sun staring through the blue sky, just to make everything that much better. Glacia placed a hand over her head, and scanned the horizon with wide eyes.

Nothing but a few cactii, rocks, and Incedia standing next to a giant portal...


Wait a second.

'Incedia!' She cried out from where she stood.

He turned, and looked up to her with a playful wave. 'Oh hi, sis. Look what I found!' he pointed his other hand at the swirling blue portal.

That could not be good, and thus she sped down the dusty hill, towards her brother. 'Step away from the portal, Incedia!'

'The swirly blue thing?'

'Yes! Oh great... was this the Toaster?'

'Um... no?'

'IT WAS!' She pressed a finger upon her brothers nose, fuming. 'I told you to throw that damn thing away. Hit it with a hammer, blow it up. Anything but actually use it!'

'I did,' he replied innocently.

'Did what?'

'Break it, with a hammer.' He now held a hammer in his right hand.

'Where did you-'

'Dont ask.'

'Wait, so you broke the toaster, and as a result... a giant portal formed?'

He shrugged his shoulders. 'Happens to the best of us.'

'Well... get rid of it. It's dangerous, someone could walk right into it.'

Incedia grumbled. 'Okay fine.' Thus, he whirled around, pulled his hand back, and tossed the hammer into the portal.

Glacia's mouth hit the desert floor. 'Why did you do that!?'

'Hammer fixes everything?'

'No it doesn't, and... OH GREAT NOW IT'S BIGGER!'

Indeed, the giant portal of portaliness was getting bigger. It grew wider and wider, sounding much like an angry vacuum, sucking in dust and plants.

And then it seemed to reach out for the two of them.

Glacia grabbed her brothers hand, and pulled him away. 'Oh fiddlesticks! Now look what you've done!'

'Opened a gate to hell again?'

'Possibly, and now it's going to eat us! Run faster!'

Too late, the whirling blue washed over them like a tidal wave, and pulled them into the deep blackness within.

A flash of light, and then they were spat out like spent gum. The two smashed into the ground, Glacia first... then her broth right on top, making her yelp.

'Ouch. Thanks for the landing sis,' Incedia said with a sigh of relief.

'Oh shut up,' she grumbled, throwing her brother off of her. 'okay, where are we?'

They looked out around them. This certainly wasn't home... not anymore.

Role Play Discussion / ToonWorld Roleplay
« on: May 28, 2010, 10:05:59 PM »
(Hm, image turned out a bit bigger than I thought... oh well :p)

Incendia is the orange fellow, and Glacia the blue. they hail from a world called the Middlezone, which is mostly Earth like in nature... with the distinction that the equator is safe, but the further you go out, the more dangerous it becomes.

I plan on bringing over from their world to the Toons world through a portal (or somesuch nifty plot device). Nothing special really, but I liked the suggestion and thus am going to just go with it.

We'll see how things pan out for 'em.

Animation / Toothless the Dragon caption
« on: May 26, 2010, 10:27:25 AM »
Quote from: Nick22,May 25 2010 on  10:54 PM
watching tv with rapt interest...
Now that I think about it, this is the kind of face I adopt when exposed to TV for more than a minute.

Role Play Discussion / ToonWorld Roleplay
« on: May 25, 2010, 11:46:32 PM »
Hey guys. Any chance of a recap of what's been going on so far. I know that the opening ceremony just started, but is there any significant plot points I should know about without having to scan through 60 pages of text?

Oh, and here's my characters, I was thinking a fire and ice duo.

Incendia - The brother of the twins. Fiery and protective, he's a real toughie on the outside, and has the short temper of a stick of dynamite.

Glacia - The sister of the twins. Calm and collected, and more than usually has to look out for her brother, since he's the trouble maker of the two. She can get up to mischief when she wants to, however, but is more brains than brawn.

I'll put up a picture of the two when i get the chance to draw them tonight, hopefully.

Cheers Nick for the invite.

Animation / Toothless the Dragon caption
« on: May 25, 2010, 11:27:12 PM »
Human tastes like chicken, apparently.

The Fridge / The Akinator!
« on: May 21, 2010, 09:01:08 AM »
Managed to correctly guess quite a few famous dragons, which is pretty cool. It got Smaug, Puff, Elliot, Spyro (No surprise there), Falcor and a few others... though some took quite a lot of questions to guess.

Then, I tried to stump it with a toughie. AuRon from the Age of Fire... and the damn thing got it right! Holy cow!

I will stump you one of these days! *Shakes fist*

The Party Room / Wizard's Workshop
« on: May 21, 2010, 03:31:49 AM »
Until he loses the key to the cabinet, and then he's screwed... oh wait, he'd just use magic. Man... what a cheat.


Robe - The casual garb for your average wizard. Comes in many colors and patterns, typically denoting his profession... and stages of wear and tear, typically showing his experience, allegiance, and overall willingness to just go out and buy a new one.

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