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Messages - Chomper98

Pages: 1 ... 5 6 7 8 9 ... 24
The Fridge / Most powerful large dinosaur carnivore
« on: July 30, 2013, 11:46:28 PM »
What in your opinion was the most powerful of these alpha predators?

I believe it was T-rex, not by size, but by its strength and weaknesses. Tyrannosaurus had superb senses, meaning if it was blind it could still smell out prey, it had the most powerful bite force of any known land animal, it could crush bone, it was reasonably fast, 15-25 miles per hour, and was tough enough to battle most herbivores of its time.

These are my reasons, what are yours?

History Section / What would a modern battle look like?
« on: July 29, 2013, 04:09:48 PM »
Quote from: Malte279,Jul 28 2013 on  03:07 AM
And future wars in general are more likely to be asymetric same as we see in Afghanistan and Iraq. You may find some of these cracked articles interesting and / or entertaining.
So it would just be small squads of men moving around in some forest, city or plain and blasting away at eachother? No big armies attacking eachother, huh, no wonder we don't get mentions of battles in actual warfare.

The Fridge / T-rex: Predator or Scavenger
« on: July 29, 2013, 03:56:50 PM »
Quote from: StarfallRaptor,Jul 29 2013 on  11:34 AM
Well, maybe the tall grass was taller back then!  Maybe it would have worked if they hid!
There was no grass in the dinosaur age, though trees like redwoods dominated the planet, perhaps they could conceal a 20 foot tall, 40 feet long Tyrannosaur.

The Fridge / T-rex: Predator or Scavenger
« on: July 29, 2013, 02:37:40 AM »
In your opinion, do you think T-rex was the predator we all imagine, or just a big vulture? When I say predator, I mean that if he is hungry, he will go out and kill, though if he does come across a carcass he will eat it.

History Section / What would a modern battle look like?
« on: July 27, 2013, 09:19:27 PM »
What would a modern land, sea, or air battle look like?

History Section / Fun quiz: Are you a Yankee or a Rebel?
« on: March 20, 2013, 12:29:36 AM »
I got 20% dixie, duke of yankeedom. On a side note, I am related to Ethan Allen, from the revolutionary era.

History Section / What was worse? Somme or Verdun
« on: March 16, 2013, 07:26:27 PM »
What was worse?

History Section / What if USA joined the league of nations
« on: March 09, 2013, 11:34:03 PM »
I personally wonder what might have happened based on the previous history thread.

History Section / What if this happened?
« on: March 08, 2013, 08:39:44 PM »
As we all know, the Battleship Bismarck of the german navy was the most promising part of the german navy. Or was it? Germany had been building an air craft carrier in 1938, and she could have been ready by 1941. What if she, the Graf Zeppelin, was completed and was sent along with the Bismarck and Prinz Eugen on operation rhine. The Bismarck could crush any escorts, including a battleship to a convoy, and the Zeppelin could provide air cover and again crush a battleship, and the Prinz Eugen could attack the merchant ships with impunity.

If the Hood and Prince of Wales found them, then it is more then likely they would receive little, if any damage, as the aircraft from Zeppelin could destroy them before they even got in range. They could then wipe out as many convoys as they chose, and eventually head either to occupied france or norway to get repairs. They could then go out and join Scharnhorst and Gneisenau and then when Tirpitz is ready, they could all join in one great fleet. Such a fleet, with the Bismarck, Tirpitz, Scharnhorst, Gneisenau, Graf Zeppelin, and Prinz Eugen could simply attack any convoy they chose, and the British might need all of its carriers and Battleships to attack them, and if they survived into december, with the pacific war beginning, then the British would have to divide their navy for the pacific and atlantic wars.

I personally think that the US would have come in, then we are looking at a battle on the scale of Jutland or Leyte, as Iowa was sent to counter Tirpitz in 1943, then they would probably have to send another 2 battleships and a carrier to counter that force. If they met, then it would be one hell of a battle.

The Fridge / Giant hornets vs Killer Bees
« on: March 03, 2013, 02:35:04 AM »
Who would win?

Animation / Angry Nala
« on: March 02, 2013, 03:47:13 PM »
Nala: What do you mean I can't eat the warthog?

Gamers Zone / Can someone help me with this game?
« on: February 25, 2013, 10:14:43 PM »

Gamers Zone / Can someone help me with this game?
« on: February 25, 2013, 08:58:29 PM »
Basically when I place it in, it goes to the autorun icon, but when I press play, it stops, it doesn't even load, also when I go into the cd-rom to try and get it to play, it uninstalls the original and then it gets about halfway into installing the expansion when it says "error". I then have to reinstall the whole game over, also, what are specs, I am not that good at computers? I have a toshiba laptop.

Gamers Zone / Can someone help me with this game?
« on: February 25, 2013, 12:45:58 AM »
I have just bought Roller Coaster Tycoon 3: Platinum on my computer, and every time I've tried installing it, no matter what I do, it just won't work. Can someone help me?

History Section / Iowa VS Tirpitz
« on: February 24, 2013, 05:08:32 PM »
In 1943 the Iowa was sent to counter the Tirpitz, sister ship to the Bismarck. If the two met, with only a few escorts, say the Scharnhorst and Prinz Eugen for Tirpitz against the Iowa with a couple of Destroyers. Who do you think would win.

It would probably depend in my opinion on who got the first good hit. Say, Tirpitz and her fleet have the advantage of being able to fire their full broadside at Iowa, probably they could have damaged the Iowa and sunk a few of the destroyers, though Iowa could dish out its own firepower that was stronger then Tirpitz(Iowa had 16 inch guns against Tirpitz' 15 inch).

If that did happen, then I think that a battle would be with both ships badly damaged, Scharnhorst either surrendering or getting sunk, Eugen a burning hulk, most of the destroyers sunk or crippled, and the Iowa and Tirpitz getting towed by their surviving allies.

This is my hypothesis if they did encounter eachother.

History Section / My 2nd US Civil War Scenario
« on: February 23, 2013, 03:26:34 PM »
I have looked at your questions, and I would like to say this, the reason such a war did break out was because the states were actually fighting over the territory, not trying to secede as in the first, its mainly because something happened like in the USSR, and now several states are trying to reunite it, except with the southern states wanting to stay to ressurect the CSA, and California and New York trying to reunify them with a liberal attitude while Texas is trying to reunify the states with a conservative attitude. The war however isn't quick as the sides know eachother, and the military has adhered mostly to the their home states, so it becomes a very bloody stalemate. This is also simply something I came up with that was just for fun. I know this idea is impossible, but I just did it to show a very, very scary idea of another civil war in America.

Role Play Discussion / Lion King RP
« on: February 22, 2013, 01:38:25 AM »
Could I join, I would like to take Simba, Kovu, and Nuka.

History Section / My 2nd US Civil War Scenario
« on: February 22, 2013, 01:36:36 AM »
This is something I created based on what is going on now. I also stated the reason is an economic disaster causes widespread unemployment, and the Union collapses into many small, disorganized states. California, Texas, New York, who have a significant population and the ability to fight a war of attrition, alongside Illinois, because of Chicago and Springfield, Colorado, due to Denver, Florida, Miami and Tallahasse, Washington state, due to Seattle, and Virginia become the "great powers" of this country, and begin unifying it. Also, this is just for fun, so I know there probably are alot of errors.
This begins in 2014

The union collapses and states marshal volunteer armies, while regulars join with their respective states. California, Texas and New York immediatley begin taking over states, with little resistance, followed by Colorado, Illinois, Florida and Virginia. Unfortunatley, Colorado and Texas troops clash in New Mexico and the two begin a war.

In the north west, California attacks Washington occupied northern Oregon, while Virgina is attacked by Florida. New York declares war on Illinois, and many, no related wars occur.

2014 and 2015 see a series of bloody wars that lost for two years before the great war begins. By 2016, Colorado's and Washington's war efforts are near collapse and Washington surrenders to California. Colorado, hoping to save itself after Denver falls, asks California for a union.

This results in the two uniting and pushing the Texans back, while in the Mid-west, Illinois is defeated by New York when Chicago falls and lake michigan is taken. The Californians capture the Pacific fleet and use it to attack Texas, via the Panama canal, and it is renamed the Californian Navy.

New York attacks Virginia, who has conquered the upper south, and a string of fierce battles erupt, leaving Virginia, Ohio, and Maryland devastated. The Californian Navy attacks southern Texas ports and a blockade begins.

New York strikes a deal with California and Colorado and the three unite under the United American Republic, and Florida forms a de-facto alliance with the Republic and keeps Virginia's troops occupied.

By this time the union of California, Colorado, New York, fight against the alliance between Virginia and Texas, and by 2017, Virginia is overrun, however Texas responds by drafting over a million men to clash with the Republic's 1.5 million man army.

Allied forces take most of northern Texas, before a Texan counter offensive ends it. From 2018-2020, over 700,000 American men are killed and draft laws are introduced in the Republic, leading the alliance to nearly break up.

By 2019, nearly 3,000,000 men now serve in the two armies, and slaughter is common. Both sides fight as the war rages on. Texas, Nebraska, Oklahoma, and Colorado are torn by war and the great armies that clash against eachother often fight in bloody stalemate.

In Europe, Britain and France decide the war has gone on long enough, and send troops to break the deadlock on the side of the Republic. The Texas respond by commandeering firing a nuclear missile at London, which shatters the peace. The world decides that Texas has to be defeated and England responds with a nuclear assault, leaving the country in ruins.

This is december 2020, christmas is not celebrated in war torn North America, which has mired in blood shed for more then 6 years, and the Texans, losing resolve, revolt against their state government, and a 2nd civil war breaks out in texas.

Texan loyalists, who support the government, against the pacifists, who want peace, fight. 10 million troops from Britain, France, Poland, Russia, and China land in Texas and secure the country.

By march, 2021, the war ends, just 3 weeks after the 7th anniversary of the war. 6 Million American military men are dead and 30 million civilian casualties are found, with 36 total deaths, the bloodiest war since World War II. Alternatively called World War III, because all the great powers have been involved. 26 million men have been mobilized, of which 10 million have been killed and 18 million have been injured.

The slaughter of The Second American Civil War, or World War III, has left the new United Republic of America broken, scarred, and depressed. America falls from its place as a superpower, and begins a long and unsure path to recovery, never again will there be the United States of America, in its place, a financially strangled, with an army of just 200,000 kept in place. The world sends food, resources, and supplies to the crippled America, and China gets rich off American need for resources, a new age has begun, the end of an era.

History Section / If Lee won Gettysburg or Antietam
« on: February 09, 2013, 02:53:34 AM »
What do you think would happen? I personally think that in the Antietam scenario Lee's lost battle plan would get found by a Confederate instead of a Union soldier and then McClellan would get ambushed and cut to pieces.

A victory on Northern soil before the emancipation proclamation might have been it. Britain was already close to recognizing the CSA, and if Antietam was one Lee could have advanced to any nearby city and captured it, showing the world that the south could win the war.

Of course, they would likely get pushed back and Lee's invasion would fail in the long run. Same with Gettysburg, say if Picket's charge succeeded, then Lee could have marched on D.C.

I still think if Britain did recognize the CSA, then they would still get crushed on land, the Union had 700,000 men in 1862, outnumbering the Confederate's 300,000 by more then two to one, Britain had a regular army of just 200,000 I think, so even if Britain invaded the Union would still outnumber them by 200,000, the Union would have also cut the Canadian militia into confetti.

If France got involved, it might have been different, but American soldiers were experienced, and it was even said that if the Atlantic ocean didn't seperate them, the U.S army would have threatened the army of Prussia, France, and Austria.

Gamers Zone / Violence in Video Games
« on: January 26, 2013, 03:06:18 PM »
I don't believe violent games cause violent behaviours. The reason is because I play violent video games, though nothing M though. I have killed video game characters all the time, yet I am a big pacifist in real life.

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