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Messages - FreckledOne

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LBT Fanart / LBT Fanart by Ren
« on: February 17, 2013, 04:54:32 PM »
Again thanks for the comments (So many for just the one picture; I really need to do more!) :o

I wonder, would you consider doing art for my fanfic, Venatione Venatus?
It might take a while, just to warn you, but I guess I could try.

The coloring is really nice; brings to mind the lighting of the original LBT.
Yay, that's what I was going for!  :lol:

I would try to differentiate the toes a bit more. Though you're right about making the toenails rounded off, I think they might be a bit too round, especially the middle one on her right foot. I also think her belly should be a bit rounder, and the upper part of her forearm more slender. Maybe a bit more practice on the hands, too (although I do like that you tried to draw them clasped together). And maybe it's just me, but it looks like her right wrist is being held at a rather sharp angle to her forearm.
Yeah, but I like the rounded toe profile *pouts* ;) Ah oh well.
About the hands and wrist; when I draw something, I concentrate the most on the pose and making sure it reads well (or well enough), then I go in and refine, so my poses may be a little "extreme", for lack of a better word. But again, when I watch the original movie there are all sorts of crazy poses, and I love them.  :)

General Land Before Time / Cotopaxi
« on: February 17, 2013, 04:00:52 PM »
That painting is gorgeous! It wouldn't surprise me if it was used as an inspiration for the backgrounds of LBT; they have characteristics in common.

The Welcome Center / It's like they're in-vit-ing me IN
« on: February 09, 2013, 10:05:30 PM »
Welcome to the GOF! I'm always late with the welcomes.  :oops  :wave

General Land Before Time / Land Before Time book images
« on: February 09, 2013, 09:54:31 PM »
I have been meaning to do this for a while but just now got around to it. . .(Hope these are okay to post)

As most members already know, there is an almost complete lack of LBT behind-the-scenes material. This movie and its distributor just don't have the documentation that Disney has about pre-production art. However, one book that I have in my collection has a few pictures that I hadn't seen before, and I thought it would be nice to post them here for fans to see.

If anyone else has pictures from books, magazines, or other printed publications they are welcome to add them.

Here are some color keys from the book The Art of Storyboard, written by Don Bluth himself (the art here was done by Don Moore):

They are a little small, but this is the biggest I could scan them.

1988 Theatrical Release / So what attracted you to this movie originally?
« on: February 09, 2013, 09:13:18 PM »
I am fairly certain that I saw the original movie first when I was very young, and then the sequels as they were released.
The thing that attracted me the most was the high quality of animation. Yes, even when I was a toddler I was a little animation critic.  :rolleyes While there are a few parts that could have been done better, the overall quality was even better than Disney's to me. I also loved the backgrounds and the settings. I've read on other sites that the movie used too much of the color brown, but when I watch it I see greens, yellows, purples, etc. and it just looks beautiful.  :)

Another thing that drew me in was that there was a quest. I've noticed that I tend to like works that have big epic quests, and a bunch of baby dinosaurs having to find a faraway valley sounded kinda epic to me! I mean, they weren't even sure it existed and they went on anyway!

Believe it or not I really liked the first three sequels as a kid, but mostly when the gang left the Great Valley, again because of the questing aspect.  ;)

General Land Before Time / is the land before time babyish
« on: January 25, 2013, 09:07:30 PM »
To give my own two cents on the subject; I do think that the franchise got rather "babyish" as it went along, because Universal retooled it to fit within the preschool demographic. Compare and contrast the original movie with the TV series and the later sequels.
That does not mean that you can't still enjoy it though. You can watch whatever you want to without having to pay attention to your sisters' or anyone else's criticism (including mine  :p ) and like it's been said elsewhere on the forums, there are much worse things someone could be interested in than TLBT.

1988 Theatrical Release / Who animated who?
« on: January 25, 2013, 08:49:24 PM »
Pomeroy doesn't do all of the closeups, but he seems to be very good at drawing them well. He also does some longer scenes of various kinds. I know he animated most of Milo from Atlantis: The Lost Empire (specifically the dialogue scenes), and some scenes of Banjo and his father in Banjo the Woodpile Cat (when Banjo gets scolded, when Banjo takes refuge from the rain after he runs away and starts crying).
Also you said that upon closer inspection you can find out the animator. Where can you find that information, if I may ask?
What I meant to say was that after I noticed some animated scenes that looked similar in feel to one another I checked the credits at the end of both works, and it turned out that the same animator or studio animated on them both. I could have worded that better :DD
For instance, going back and elaborating on my previous example: When I watched the Disney DTV sequel to Lady and the Tramp (Scamp's Adventure) there was one little scene during Scamp's first song that seemed familiar to me. Sometime later it dawned on me; I had seen the same animation style in an episode of The Legend of Tarzan! The way both Scamp and Tarzan tilted their heads while talking, and that particular expression they both had, even though those two characters look nothing alike, they had to have the same animator. However, since both Scamp's Adventure and Legend of Tarzan were animated overseas I didn't know the specific person's name, but I had checked the credits and they were animated by one of the overseas studios that Disney uses.  I can actually think of another scene in yet another DTV sequel that was animated by the same studio, believe it or not!  :wow

By the way, do you know some scenes animated by Dan Kuenster?.
Unfortunately I don't. Sorry.  :neutral

I know in some animation the main company only does say every 2nd, 3rd, or 4th frame and they send it out to often overseas to do the inbetween frames, or some may use cheaper us companies.
Yeah that's the standard way of doing TV animation, and why it looks so choppy, IMHO.  <_<

1988 Theatrical Release / Remaking the deleted scenes as sketch?
« on: January 25, 2013, 07:55:13 PM »
I believe Mr. Bluth is busy working on things not related to animation right now, but this might be better as a fan project. Fans could interpret the scenes their own ways in their own drawings and compile them together.

LBT Fanart / LBT Fanart by Ren
« on: January 25, 2013, 07:38:53 PM »
Thanks everybody! I'm a little rusty at digital inking and coloring, so every time I look at this I see new flaws,  <_< but it's good to know it doesn't look too bad.

Her expression would be even better if she had a longer and deeper lower jaw (the vertical part of the jaw connecting it to the skull should be longer by at least 50%, and the lower tip of the mouth should be at same height as it is now, but at least an eye pupil's length more to the right), and a more muscular, more visible cheek, and it should end in a wrinkly corner of the lips.
See, I knew there was something kinda off about her face, but I was so concerned about capturing her profile that I completely missed that.  :oops

I think that her legs could be a little thicker,especially the parts under her knee,and the nails in her leg could be slightly more pointed
One thing that I keep noticing about Ducky is that her character design almost completely changed by the time the last sequel came out. Specifically her legs and her posture. She started out having relatively skinny legs and carrying her body so it was horizontal to the ground in the original movie, then gradually morphing into looking like a tripod made out of tree stumps by the last movie.  :o but perhaps in trying to adhere to the original design I went too far.  :p As for the nails, I just liked the way they looked rounded off.  :)

What did you used to draw this?Do you have a tablet,or you used a mouse?
This started out as an itsy-bitsy doodle on paper that is about as big as the first joint in my thumb.  After I decided to color it I scanned it into Photoshop and tweaked it using a drawing tablet. I selected the colors from a picture of a cel from the first movie.

Thanks again for the comments guys  :) Right now I'm in the process of redoing my avatar so hopefully I'll have that to post shortly.

The Welcome Center / I'm Back For Good This Time
« on: January 04, 2013, 06:29:41 PM »
Welcome back!  :) Sorry that you didn't have any luck joining other forums.

The Welcome Center / I'M BACK!!!
« on: January 04, 2013, 06:22:58 PM »
Welcome back! I remember how bad my middle school was, so I'm glad you got through it.  :yes

The Welcome Center / hey hi
« on: January 04, 2013, 06:11:57 PM »
Hi and welcome!  :wave The fourth movie is one of my favorite of the sequels as well.

LBT Fanart / LBT Fanart by Ren
« on: January 04, 2013, 06:06:50 PM »
Haha thanks!  :DD I tried to make it look more like Ducky from the first movie than from the sequels because I just like her design better in the first.

The Welcome Center / Hi!
« on: January 04, 2013, 05:51:33 PM »
I am also a shy person, but the people here are nice. Welcome to the GOF!  :)

The Welcome Center / Greetings
« on: January 04, 2013, 05:42:22 PM »
Hello and welcome!  :wave

LBT Fanart / LBT Fanart by Ren
« on: January 04, 2013, 05:27:17 PM »
Hopefully I'll have more pictures to upload but I only have one that is complete, so it will have to do for now.

So, without further to do . . . here's Ducky looking off in awe at something

This started out as a teeny tiny doodle that I decided to color. For some reason I selected the hardest-to-draw character as my first picture.  :rolleyes: Oh well.
If anyone has any crits or questions I will answer them as best as I can.  :)

Announcements / Change in Staff
« on: January 04, 2013, 04:37:38 PM »
If he was already Kor the White, what does he become now?  :angel
I had almost thought that Kor was already a staff member because of how long he's been a member here, but congratulations!  :celebrate

The Fridge / What You Got For Holiday 2012
« on: January 04, 2013, 04:25:44 PM »
The flu.  :wacko
And an Avatar: The Last Airbender artbook!

1988 Theatrical Release / Who animated who?
« on: November 25, 2012, 02:43:13 PM »
I think that it is very possible to identify the animator of a scene by looking for the animator's personal style. :yes  Since I have been watching animated movies for so long, I've come to notice some scenes in movies that have certain features in common, and upon further inspection it turns out that those scenes have the same animator.  This is what I have found for myself, so I may have made some mistakes, but here is what I know about some different animator's styles:  

Don Bluth - everything he animates tends to move in arcs, especially the mouths of characters. His characters eyes tend to be smaller and further apart.

John Pomeroy - his animation is really smooth and he usually handles close-up shots of characters, but not always.

Nik Raniri - he animates moving holds very well; where the character doesn't move very much from place to place, but they make these subtle gestures and expressions. However he also animates over-the-top characters.

Glen Keane - his scenes are powerful, like he sculpts his drawings with the pencil; his forte seems to be capturing the feeling of the character. He draws eyes as being very set in the face with strong eyebrows.

You can also tell if a certain animation studio animated something. For example, I have noticed that a couple of scenes in a Disney direct-to-video sequel matched the animation in a completely unrelated Disney TV show. And the work of Kennedy Studios, for better or worse is immediately recognizable.

The Welcome Center / Hello!!!
« on: November 17, 2012, 03:31:29 PM »
I'm a week late, but welcome!  :wave

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